My Concubines


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Meanwhile she took care of the other details necessary to transferring her everyday life from one outside my household to one completely within the bounds of it. She gave notice at her job and ended her lease on her apartment. She explained to her friends and family that she had taken a position as a live-in personal assistant for an international businessman and they were all quite impressed with her good fortune, and the exciting life of travel that they anticipated she would experience. Little did they know of half the excitement that she would enjoy. Lynn simply smiled at those times and kept those parts to herself.

The day Lynn's STD tests all came back negative; she called me, very excited. She knew the results would be negative, but having the piece of paper that proved it meant that we could move ahead with no roadblocks. She was up to about 8 minutes on the bra and panties at this point, so it wouldn't be much longer.

Min Li had been like a honeybee, flitting all over the house, excitedly getting things ready for Lynn's arrival. Although an intelligent conversationalist and vivacious girl, she normally is not overly chatty, but for the last few weeks before Lynn's arrival, she was uncharacteristically talkative about everything having to do with Lynn's arrival. She was wearing her excitement visibly.

Finally, the day came and Lynn arrived. She drove up, her car full of the belongings I had allowed her to bring, and she stepped out gracefully. Min Li, unexpectedly, skipped down the stairs and threw herself into her arms in a big hug.

"Welcome my sister!" Min Li exclaimed. "I am so happy this day has finally arrived!"

With that, Min Li began to help Lynn gather her bags from the car as I more leisurely made my way down from the front door. As I approached, Lynn stopped what she was doing and turned to face me, dropping the bags in her hands.

"Sir, I am here." She stated quietly.

"Yes you are my beauty." I replied. I trust all has been accomplished and you are ready to stay."

"I am Sir," was her simple reply.

I grabbed her hair and kissed her long and deep, feeling her knees weaken slightly and her body lean into mine, until she was breathless. There in the driveway, I took possession of her.

I let go of her then and turned abruptly to get the rest of the bags. After a brief hesitation, I heard her draw in a deep breath and then follow me, picking up those bags she had dropped and proceeding up the stairs into the house with Min Li prancing along beside.

I sent both girls to their quarters and let them unpack with instructions to be back in an hour dressed in their chore outfits. I could hear them, opening and closing drawers and closets, and now and then, it would get very silent, and I would smile to myself. As the hour drew near, there were more soft giggles and precisely on the hour both of them came out in their lovely bra and panty outfits which I required them to wear for periods of time while doing chores.

'You both look lovely, "I told them." Lynn, I trust you are up to the full 10 minutes I asked you t be at before moving in?"

"Yes Sir," She said, smiling. "I have actually gone 11 or 12 some days. I wanted to make you proud of me."

"I am proud of you, sweet Lynn," I replied. "You have done much already, just to be standing where you are tonight. But there are many more lessons for you to learn, and before you are done, you will make me proud many times over."

"As far as chores, Min Li will be in charge of allocating tasks between you; floor cleaning, laundry, maintenance, ironing fresh shirts for me, and all the other indoor cleaning and cooking chores."

"Outside of course there is weeding in the garden, this is a time-consuming task because I do not use Roundup or chemical weed killers in my organic garden, and you will learn about planting vegetables  and shrubs. Mowing the lawn will be done with a push lawnmower so you get good and sweaty for my olfactory tasting pleasure. Like most dark-haired women, you have a stronger, more exciting body fragrance. I can hardly wait for your bush to fully grow, there is a delightful stubble now I see since you stopped shaving, but it will be so lovely when it has grown in fully. I can see it is going to be very lush."

I knew that we had passed the 10-minute mark during this discussion and Lynn was holding out like a trooper in her outfit, but I had other plans for her tonight.

"Run back to your room please and remove your outfits," I directed.

Both girls turned in unison and gracefully glided back to their rooms, only to appear a few seconds later, naked, beautiful, and holding hands.

I knew that Lynn was already instantly wet and aroused by the weeklong unwashed scent of Min-Li's pussy, so she needed no conversion in this area. However, Min Li, perhaps because of her more recent discovery of the joys of being with a woman, was not yet sufficiently aroused by the unwashed scent of Lynn's pussy for my liking.

I did not consider this a problem. In fact, it was a good thing, because I could train Min Li to crave Lynn's pussy through orgasm denial, at the same time as I began to train Lynn to crave and orgasm at the fragrance of my unwashed anus, in the same manner. Training them together would be a challenge and perhaps the mild competition would prove interesting. When not in actual training, I would require them to wear chastity belts, and during chore time, instead of wearing their 'panties' in the usual fashion, they would be required to wear them in reverse so that the labia lips will be pulled tightly together at all times.

"Lynn, come. No point in waiting, your training will begin now.

I tied her face up on the coffee table, and then climbed up over her, squatting so that my ripe anus is an inch or so away from her nose. I stayed like that for 10 minutes, forbidding her to lick it, or to close her eyes. Min Li kept watch on her, so that she could not simply close her eyes and ignore her position.

After 10 minutes, I got up and pulled her to her feet. We put Min Li on the table in her place and it was Lynn's turn to queen Min Li, without letting her pussy touch Min Li's lips. Min Li was also forbidden to lick or to use her tongue, only to sniff and look as Lynn had been instructed to do with my anus.

Min Li's torture was a bit longer and 20 minutes later, I relieved her and pull her to her feet. I put both girls in chastity belts for the evening. I could see the frustration in their eyes. I could see that both were expecting to have a long, delightful playtime this first night as a 'family'.

I smiled at them both and tweaked their nipples.

"To bed my lovelies...we have plenty of time. This phase of training has just begun and you have many chores in the morning.

Chapter Twenty-Three

As I awoke the next morning, I could hear the girls already hard at work in the house. Chores had begun. I peeked out my bedroom door and saw them both busily dusting and fluffing the pillows, having already quietly cleaned up the rest of the living area. Both girls were still in their chastity belts from the night before and they moved with grace around the room. Min Li quick and agile, Lynn with her more languid, but equally efficient dancer's grace.

"Girls," I called.

Instantly putting down what they were doing, they both hurried to my side. I pointed to the floor at my feet and they knelt. I released my penis and indicated that Min Li should go first. She looked up at me, smiled, and opened her lovely lips to encase me in them. I let go and she began to drink, her eyes taking on that faraway look that told me of her enjoyment. Although in chastity, there is no way that I can keep her from having a hard orgasm as her earlier training with me has insured that she will. That combined with her sexual starvation, made it impossible for her to stop it. I can feel her tense against my leg, her lips tightening on my member, her eyes, never leaving mine as she clings to me for support.

I stopped near the end of the stream and motioned her up to me. She licked her lips and stood quickly, so that I could kiss her and taste my saltiness on her tongue. Satisfied, I turned slightly to allow Lynn access.

"Now my girl, it is your turn," I said firmly. "I did not leave you much, so you should have no trouble taking this. However, I do expect you to take everything I give you and not spill a drop, nor will you gag, or flinch."

Having never tasted my morning urine, except for what lingered on Min Li's kiss, I knew that Lynn was likely to be a bit taken back by this. I also knew in time that she, like Min Li, would come to crave my morning pee and the girls would eagerly clamor to be the one to receive it. With training, especially training involving orgasm denial, I have found that one can teach a willing submissive to crave most anything.

Lynn obediently leaned in and took my penis in her mouth, a bit more tentatively than I would have liked.

"Look at me!" I commanded sternly.

Her eyes snapped up to mine, wide and a bit startled, and with that I let the rest of my morning stream go...not holding it back. Her eyes widened further, and I saw just a hint of alarm as she swallowed convulsively several times. I grabbed her head firmly, and held her there, just in case she tried to withdraw. I could tell that the taste and the warmth did startle her, but she did her best to follow every instruction. While her gag reflex was obviously very close to being activated, she overcame it and got down every drop without trying to pull away. I held her on me for almost a full minute after I was done and let her play with me with her tongue, washing me clean. When I let her go, her breathing was a touch ragged, but she smiled shyly at me, seeking approval. She knew that although she had not spilled a drop, it had not been perfect.

"Next time Sir, I will be better," She stated quietly.

"Yes, of course you will, my girl. I would expect no less."

Min Li reached over, stroked her hair, then leaned in and kissed her, sharing that last lingering taste for a moment. I then pulled Lynn to her feet and kissed her long and deep also, tasting the slight tang that still remained. Delicious. Both girls were so healthy and had such good oral hygiene, untouched by artificial mouthwashes and pastes, that their lovely morning breath combined with the tanginess of the morning urine was an exhilarating flavor that could be found nowhere else.

"Enough for now, back to work, there is much for you to do today." I reminded them both.

They both rose gracefully and went back about their chores, while I showered and after leaving them with instructions for the day, I headed into my office to take care of my business.

Arriving home later that day, I found the girls outside, working in the garden. They were weeding and Min Li was pointing out all the different exotic plants and detailing the care of each one as they went along. They were dressed just enough for the sake of modesty, but their lovely feet were bare and soiled from the rich earth of the garden.

I sat on the steps and had them come to me so I could stroke their feet, warmed by the sun, redolent of the earth and sweat. It was a heady scent, and a taste like no other. I drew them closer to me and tasted their skin, sweaty from the sun. The small droplets clinging to them like dew on a leaf, waiting for me to partake. I ran my tongue between Min Li's perky breasts and then up Lynn's arm and swirled it through her armpit. She shivered and he knees got weak and my body reacted instantly. I began to imagine taking them both there on the warm grass, both of them delightfully sweaty from working in the garden, naked, our limbs all tangled together, with the sun beating down on us, the bouquet of aroma's almost overwhelming...

I shook my head to get the images out of it. Chuckling to myself, I reminded myself that there were other delights planned during this time of training and a romp in the grass would be counterproductive during the 'orgasm denial phase'. So I shooed the girls off to finish what they were doing and then to prepare dinner.

A simple, fresh and satisfying dinner finished, and the kitchen cleaned (during the clean up the girls wore their 'backward panties' which kept their labia tightly closed together), the girls joined me once more in the living room for training.

I again tied Lynn to the coffee table and squatted over her so she could sniff my ripe anus, an inch away from her nose, forbidding her to lick it, hold her breath or close her eyes. She was left in this position for over 10 minutes. When released, there was less relief in her eyes than the night before and the beginnings of signs of disappointment, almost as if she didn't quite want to be released yet.

Again, when we were done, we put Min Li on the table in her place and it was Lynn's lovely, heavily scented pussy, which hovered just above Min Li's lips. After about 20 minutes, I could see Min Li twitching a bit.

"Min Li, you are NOT to lick, nor touch in any way," I reminded her.

"Yes Sir," Was the almost inaudible reply.

As before, after finally releasing Min Li, both girls were put back into their chastity belts, with strict instructions that there was to be no intimacy between them during the night, and sent off to bed after long hugs from me. I could see the mounting frustration in their eyes, but it was not even close to the level I wished it to reach before I would relieve it.

Humming to myself, I turned off the light and headed to bed myself.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The next several days were very similar as Lynn became acclimated to the household. I did not see any reason to ease her in and not start training right away, which is why we had begun immediately on her first night.

She and Min Li had started dividing the household responsibilities as they learned where each other's best skills lay. I was finding that things were even more efficient almost immediately, something that actually surprised me as Min Li had done such a superb job, I really did not think it could get much better. Once the household was completely worked through, we would begin seeing to Lynn's continuing education and her involvement in my business world.

Lynn was also proving herself to be an avid gardener, finding great joy in learning about the plants and caring for them. She could be heard singing as she went about the garden, barefoot (ahhhh!), tending them.

She and Min Li had no restrictions concerning talking together as they worked and they shared deeply about everything. Lynn was fascinated by Min Li's heritage and stories of her youth and training in China. She could listen for hours to Min Li's descriptions of the historical places and people and traditions. Min Li on the other hand was also intrigued by hearing of what it was like to grow up as a girl in America, so Lynn had her share of stories and tales to tell also. They also shared about deeper things. They were becoming family very quickly. The link I had glimpsed between them originally was as strong as I had hoped.

Lynn's delightful dark bush was filling in well and between her new training in learning that the natural unwashed healthy scent of the human body is extremely sensual, and being in an environment that encouraged those scents to be generated, she was becoming more and more desirable each day.

Min Li's relatively new interest in women was focused on Lynn and it could be seen as you watched her watching Lynn as she moved about the house. Her desire for Lynn was completely obvious, and the chastity that both girls were being kept under was definitely a challenge for them both.

The training that had begun the first night Lynn arrived continued. Each night Lynn was tied face up on the coffee table to sniff my ripe anus, without touching. Each night when she was released, it was clear that her desire to do so was growing.

On the fourth day, we proceeded as usual. This time instead of talking to her and telling her she could not and teasing her during the 'ordeal', I simply stated the rules in the beginning, got into position, picked up a book and began to read. I could feel her warm breath on my anus, and at almost the 10 minute mark, the very faintest, almost whisper soft touch of her tongue, just on the edge of my sensitive hole. As she did, I felt her body tense and begin to ripple. She was trying to hide the orgasm that was overtaking her, but a muted whimper also passed her now clenched lips and there was no disguising it. From my vantage point, facing her feet, I could see the sticky cum shooting from her pussy, straight at Min Li who was playing with her toes. Min Li eagerly leaned forward and slurped up the delicious wetness without even thinking.

"Min Li!" I called out harshly. "What do you think you are doing?"

She stopped short, in the midst of licking the wetness from Lynn's thigh. Realization that she had lost control, that she had taken something that was the property of her Master's without asking first began to dawn on her and she began to tremble.

"In the corner," I commanded. "I will deal with you shortly," and I sent her to kneel there, facing the wall. This was a punishment that had been used only rarely in our house.

First, I was going to deal with Lynn. I picked up the switch that I had nearby for the infraction Lynn had committed and began to whip her stomach, her lower tummy while still squatting over her. She gasped but did not cry out at first. The wheals began to rise on her and I stood and added her breasts to the assault. I could see her tears beginning to flow, silently down her face. Her eyes were still open and fixed on mine. The desire in them was raw.

"Please Sir," she begged.

"Please what?" I asked.

"Please Sir," she choked out between quiet sobs, "please allow me."

"Allow you what?" I coaxed, continuing the blows, although a bit softer and slower now.

"Please Sir, allow me to taste you, I wish to, please Sir, " she managed to get out.

I put down the switch and bent over her, stroking the tears from her eyes.

"But you disobeyed me, why should I allow you that?" I asked.

"Because, I wish to do anything for you, Sir. I did not think I could ever do that, and yet now I want to, I thought about it all day. I didn't know how I would be able to resist because I wanted to taste you so badly, and I couldn't resist. I know I disobeyed you, but it was because I wanted you so badly Sir! Please forgive me and please let me taste you again. "And the tears began flowing once more.

"Ah, my girl, you have done well, "I told her gently." You will get your chance, but not tonight. Tonight I want you to simply remember and desire."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir," she whispered, glowing through her tears.

I finished the job Min Li started, licking Lynn's pussy clean, slowly so as not to take her over the edge again. I untied her then and wrapped her in a blanket to wait until I had finished with Min Li. The evening was not done.

"Min Li, come, "I called, and motioned for her to lean over the arm of the couch." Taking one of my canes in hand, I asked her, "Do you understand why you are being punished?"

"Yes Sir. All of our bodily fluids belong to you. When Lynn came, I forgot myself and didn't even think that you might want her cum; I just greedily took it for myself. I should have asked or waited for permission."

"Correct. I know you enjoy a good caning, but this one is not meant for enjoyment...this one you will remember as unpleasant and you will remember why." With that, I laid 10 quite harsh, fast stokes across her exposed bottom, raising dark red welts almost immediately. Min Li did not cry out, nor did she try to get away, but I could see by the way her muscles and hand clenched that she was indeed not enjoying this caning. When I was done, I pulled her up to me and held her, and she clung to me for a moment. Then she shook herself, stood straight, and looked me unflinching in the eye.
