My First Wife The Doctor


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Sam the detective called me in to the Starbucks for a conference. He had sound and video on...count them, twelve women. My wife and one other were regulars, once or twice a week, and the others sprinkled in. We had to agree, Hale was extraordinary! I told Sam keep it up! If nothing else they were nice porn!

On Friday night I got a panic call from Karen. It seems she couldn't pay her bills. She didn't understand them. So Kerri and I went over. Karen and I sat at the kitchen table, and Kerri played with the neighbor's kids.

"Chris! All these bills! I don't begin to have enough money to pay them! "

"No shit, Sherlock! It's called being bankrupt! You don't make enough money. Not counting the work I use to do around here... that you'll now have to hire out, you're about $100,000 a year short. Best thing you can do is talk to a lawyer and file for bankruptcy."

"Don't make it out worse than it is. I'm a Doctor! I can't be bankrupt!"

"Ok so pay your bills! Maybe Dr Syphilis will pay you for services rendered. He probably gets better servicing from you than I ever.... I'm sorry! Really! I generally can suppress my feelings. That is exactly what I should not say! Besides if he's stuck around you this long, you're doing good, in bed and out.

About money. Change jobs! Get a second job! You're a doctor. Somebody will hire you."

"Fuck you! At a minimum I need another $3000/month revenue stream, and a second job's out of the question."

"Actually you need closer to $4,500 just to keep the grass mowed with no cushion. And that's with about nothing for spending money. You forgot taxes. So ask your partners for a raise."

"Look. I need you to cough up some money!"

"Did you read the pre nuptials' you and your dad made me sign? I don't owe you anything. Stop paying the mortgage, that's a start."

"Now you look! If I loose my house, I'll rip you apart in the divorce! You won't have a dime to your name, you bastard!"

"Karen this is unhelpful all this squabbling about money. You really have no choice but to see a lawyer, declare bankruptcy and dump the house. It's worth about $450,000 now, and you have a $600,000 first mortgage on it, and nearly another $100,000 second mortgage. If the bank dropped the mortgage by $300,000, or if they foreclosed on the property, that $300,000 would be forgiveness of debt, and taxable to you.

That's my best advice, but you need to see a lawyer. I won't give you money. I dutifully pay all the bills that I am obligated to pay but nothing more.

When our marriage had a chance of a future, I made sure you had enough money to live as you, not me, wanted to. You dumped me. I give money to charity, and that you're not! Oh, when you howl at how cruel bankruptcy laws are, remember that the money you and your dad gave to your congressman has come back to screw you.

They have no mercy for those hopelessly in debt, or the poor. And a last bit of advice. Never declare war. Why warn the enemy? Re- think that bit about going after me. Thanks to your dad you can't get me. Don't go there! I think we're done here. Let me call Karri."

She was livid. Kerri probably risked a burn when she kissed her mom goodbye, and the two of us went home.

I got a call from her a couple of weeks later. She wanted to parley. Could I leave Kerri home and come over for dinner? I told her I would be there at 7: PM, after supper. I really didn't want to eat at her table. In refusing her so easily, I realized I had only mild affection left for her, and I was getting good at seeing through her manipulations. The anger I felt for what she did to me remained, and probably would for years, but the beast was under control.

"Chris, thanks for coming over. As you know, I'm in the shitter financially. The house is going, but I don't know when. I haven't made any payments on it since you left. Whenever the bank shows up, I'm going to be living in a one room apartment; I've broken off with him."

"Ahh the sweet smelling Syphilis. I take it you've figured out you're just a collection of willing orifices to the good Doctor Hale?"

"Isn't that the truth! If you knew, god, everybody must have know his name! Oh shit, everybody must! He's been seeing another woman! I loved him, and was sure he loved me! Boy did I fall on my face."

"At least you're lying good side up. What do you want from me?"

"I want my family back."

"Ehhh! We've had this conversation before. You said you thought he was your real love, which also meant that I was not your real love. When you expected me to wear the cuckold's horns, you proved you didn't really know me. And for that matter, I realized that I didn't know you. I've thought about it a lot. If you can believe it, I realized I disliked you more than I loved you. The two of us together are our past and not our future.

That Hale is not your future either doesn't change anything between us. So forget about it."

"Chris, the other thing I want is revenge on him I really do. He led me on with a string of lies, and I want him to pay!"

"Forget about revenge as well! Do nothing! You'll look like an idiot however it comes out. Doctors are suppose to be wise, discerning, stable professionals, not love struck fools that jump on a cock after a good line. And don't look for me to get him in a dark operating room and break his fingers. Karen, remember the bible, revenge is mine, sayeth the lord. BY the way, I forgot some books here. Mind if I look for them?"

"Go ahead. They're wherever you left them. I haven't read a thing in months."

That's another thing wrong with my life. It's mostly work. I love to read, and I haven't had time for a long time. I got a bag from the kitchen, and collected a couple of novels, but it was the Hospital anniversary book I was really after. I needed to so some research and I remembered that they had group photos and names in it.

I had a different idea to fry Hale, but no point in telling Karen she would get some of the blow back. When I got home, going through the hospital book I was able to identify nine women; two doctors, five nurses, and two in administration. That left three unknowns. I called Sam Patel, and then the lawyer I used for the business. I had figured out that I didn't like being a big contractor talking to suits all day. I really liked to be close to the work, particularly historic restoration projects. I my lawyer to ask around for a contactor who wanted to buy a business with a very good three year contract virtually guaranteed to make money. I offered him 10% of the purchase price.

As to Sam the snoop, it cost another $3,000, but he got the goods on the unknowns.

We met in a local coffee shop instead of Starbucks."

"New office. Sam? The coffee's better."

"Belongs to a client. A friend of mine knows one of the office persons, and got the name of two of them right off the bat. Turns out they were patients of his. Plus two of the ones we had names for were also patients of his as well. We made up a fake newspaper story about the third one, doctored her picture so she had clothing on. My contact brought it in to the office, and got the last name. The last one was both a patient and a nurse in his downtown office. I also looked up address and family info."

I bought a cheap laptop on Craig's list for cash, and one of my guys got me a stolen credit card in case I needed it.

One of the local hotels has unsecured wifi so I parked on the curb across the street so I could go on line. I didn't have to pay anything, but more important, didn't have to give any identification. I logged into a blog site and set up an account in Hale's name. I then up loaded Hale's Pusey Posse, Part I. The Nice Nurse's Nipples that relieve my stress! I had each one topless in a portrait, with names linked to a 30 second video clip of fucking or sucking where both the woman and Hale were clearly identifiable.

I then set up an e mail account. I used some software that allowed me to send individual e mails to a whole group of people individually. That way, no one would know who else got the e mails. So it looked like Hale sent 'Hale's Pussy Posse' to them alone. No way they would not spread this bit of juicy gossip to people I didn't know. I used several email lists, so both private and hospital addresses were covered. I hit send! Round one a direct hit on Hale.

Karen called about half an hour later.

"My god Chris, do you know what that asshole Hale did? He sent me an e mail showing him screwing five of the nurses! Hale's Pusey Posse he calls them. The nurses! I know all o f them, three of 'em very well!"

"Jeasus H.! Karen, what guy could have an orgy with five women? What the hell could you do with that many! It would be a huge waste of pussy! Gotta be a fake picture."

"No, no, no! One at a time, but all in the same room. At different times. My god! He's sick! He filmed it all! How could he do that?"

"Great stamina, to do five women in a day! No wonder you liked him! Kudos to him. Probably had installed one or more video cameras and taped the sex. May have broadcast the whole thing to a receiver in his car. Of course he also would have broadcast it to anyone else within a few hundred yards around. Anyone could have recorded it. Do you recognize the room?"

"Oh my god! Oh my god! It was the motel room we used! Oh my god."

"Right! He no doubt has pictures of you too. Maybe he has Hale's Pussy Posse, the Doctors? Your fifteen minutes of fame might be starting soon?"

"That shit head! Somebody will kill him! He better not! ...Oh jeasus. What did I do to myself?"

"Send me the link. I'd like to see it! Besides I need to meet some willing women. Look, I gotta go."

"You're a pig, Chris! You're a fucking pig!"

The next night the blog was gone. Ah censorship on the web! I set up another Blog, and the next day sent out new links to 'Hale Dorks Doctor DoxiesI' Same deal, went to everybody individually. The rumor mill would be cranking! It would be unstoppable.

Like clockwork, half an hour after I hit send, Karen called in tears."

"That mother fucker posted my picture and a video of me riding him! Jeasus! The phone had been ringing every five minutes! I'm going to kill the bastard!"

"OK, give me the link! Look, don't say that! Somebody else will very likely l kill him saving you the trouble. People will recall your words. Remember, you dumped him well before his present troubles."

"I just e-mailed the link to you. Oh my god! What a looser!"

I clicked on the link. If she had deliberately sent a bad link, and if I let on I knew what was there before I saw the link, the jig would be up. She's not that devious, but you can't be too careful. Yup! There she was!

"Well, you certainly look good. Very perky tits! Looks like he was fingering your ass as you fucked! That's something we never did. Maybe Playboy will put you in the magazine!"

"Oh Thanks! Our hospital and two others have temporarily pulled his privileges, so he's out of work for a while until they decide what to do. So far the nurses are being looked at as victims. Now they can add some doctors to the list! Just what I needed."

"At least the stereotype of a female works in your favor this time. Poor deluded young Doctor throws away her marriage and her reputation all for... for a cad! All that education! Such a waste!"

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! What am I going to do?"

"No pun intended, just ride it out. Keep out of the lime light. Don't give interviews or any public statement. Most of your patients will know nothing; few to none will see the pictures. Your tits are nice, but half the people in the world have a pair of tits on their chest, and most of the ones that don't have ready access to someone else's. Few people outside of the hospital will see them; nearly all will look casually and not much notice or remember the face. More important, you need to think about what to tell your daughter if she finds out."

She started sobbing with that one.

"I don't know how you handle that. Hale is another matter. This stuff will blow Hale out of town before it blows over, so you can enjoy the revenge you wanted at no cost or risk!"

When I sent out 'Hale's Pud in Prurient Patients' it was public proof he was fucking some of his patients, it was all over for him. He lost his license to practice medicine, was buried under a hail of lawsuits, and his wife divorced him. He fled town and reportedly works for an insurance company in Texas, probably figuring out how to deny coverage to the sick and dying. I wonder if having little status and less money changed his smell and taste of his cum?

I wrestled to give myself permission to spend some of the pot of money I was making. My antique car friend assured me it was a good investment, so using him as a straw man, I bought the Indian Chief motorcycle, plus another one Hale had picked up for parts. I've always regarded them as organ donor specials, and never ridden one, but it looked like fun. I had the brains to take lessons. I no longer coveted my brother's toy, I had the real thing.

I called the Red Cross, and asked if they had any more give blood t shirts. They had none. I explained that I wanted one size small, new or used and would give the Red Cross a check for $100, and a 20 dollar bill for who ever dug one up. The woman I was talking to said that could be arranged, and we agreed to meet Friday night and make the buy. She seemed like a nice woman, and I told her what I planned to do with the t shirt. We had a good laugh and exchanged e mail addresses.

I took Kerri out and among other cloths she needed, bought her a pair of red sneakers, gave her the tee shirt, A couple of days later we rode on my bike over to Karen's house on the eve of the foreclosure. Kerri ran inside wearing the t shirt and the red sneakers and hollered:

"Mommy, look at Pop's motorcycle! We rode over here on it. Have you ever ridden on one as nice as this?"

Her eyes widened and she mouthed "O!"

"I did once. Looking much like you, in fact. It was a fun ride while it lasted, but it was a big mistake because it ended in a crash. Chris, you better be careful on that."

Karen actually sued me. Unfortunately for her, the prenuptial agreement held, and she got nothing from me, lost the house and declared bankruptcy. However, not all debts are forgiven in bankruptcy, so I estimated it will be years of living cheap before she is free and clear. Nice guy that I am sent her father a $1000 check, thanking him for his idea of prenuptial agreement, and how they saved me a fortune. He sent the check back with no comment. I sent it to a liberal advocacy group in his name, and used his name as the donor.

As part of the bankruptcy, the wife had to submit prior year's tax returns, so for the first time she really looked at the documents, and saw what my income was the year we were divorced. She was aghast to see it was a lot higher than hers, to say nothing of the huge lump of cash I made from selling my business. She demanded to know why I hadn't told her.

I pointed out I did show her. I pointed to her signature on every tax return. The amount of income was right there. It's just that she was so convinced she was the "Doctor" and I was a glorified handyman, she assumed our income was mostly from her practice. How often we look without seeing.

"It's just as well. You and your dad were really worried I was marrying you for your money. I think you liked the idea of bringing in the big bucks. It gave you power. Look at the bright side: you're young, good looking, and as I and much of the world has seen, much better in bed now than you ever were when you were with me, I'm sure you'll have your pick of prospective mates."

A year later I got rid of the motorcycle. It was fun but I wasn't riding it enough to become a skilled rider, and basically didn't enjoy it all that much. My friend was right, though. It was a good investment. I sold the parts bike for what I paid for the two, and the good bike for double what I had paid for the lot.

Life goes on.

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AnotherChapterAnotherChapter3 months ago

Delusional. For starters, $67,000,000. To build a middle school in 2008? Average cost per square foot for a school back then? $125. So a school of over 530,000 square feet. Average school figures 180 sq. Ft per student. That school would house over 3,000 students. Not likely. I was a contractor for 40 years, this is ridiculous. His wife being as stupid as a pet rock? Not too many doctors are that stunned. I’ve known a few who weren’t the greatest financial genius types, but this was too contrived.

chasbo38chasbo383 months ago

Enjoyed it although the Doctor of the title seemed much too delusional to be able to get a medical degree and pass the tests needed to be a registered physician. While many doctors seemed detached from their patients emotionally they are never completely detached from reality.

60022Mallard60022Mallard4 months ago

To assume often makes an ass of you and me?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I can not imagine any decent reason(s) for dressing my young daughter and imitating a motorcycle ride as her adulteress mother was dressed - while that mother was riding for and with her predator paramour.


ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon11 months ago

Eh, poor grammar and spelling, and entirely too much dialogue that made no sense.

RzcanuckRzcanuckabout 1 year ago

Enjoyable! 5 stars.

darthdaxdarthdaxover 1 year ago

GREAT JOB MAN!!!! This is one of my favorites! This is about the 5th time I've read it.

darthdaxdarthdaxover 1 year ago

GREAT JOB MAN!!!! This is one of my favorites! This is about the 5th time I've read it.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

OMG so wish there was a part 2. this was excellent, funny and great 1 liner's

about Doctor's Posse, nurses, doctors and patients. Indian motorcycle and same clothes for your daughter was super.

inka2222inka2222over 2 years ago

5 stars for BTB part (would have given 6), 3 stars for protagonist not getting a happy end. Unless there's a sequel?

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