My GF Becomes our Roommate

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Didn’t know GF was a nudist till after she moved in with us.
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After three weeks Heather finally seemed to be settling in. She recently moved into the house I rent with my buddies Ryan, Mike and Tommy. She was nervous about moving in with a bunch of guys, but was finally starting relax and feel at home.

"Morning Alex," Heather leaned over in bed to give me a kiss.

"Do you think I could just wear what I slept in around the boys?" Heather was wearing a small white T-shirt and light blue panties. You could notice her nipples barely poking under her shirt. "I'm used to wearing a lot less at home, but have been covering up more since living here. I mean it covers up more than a swimming suit would cover."

"I guess that would be ok," I replied. I would just need to make sure the guys behave themselves.

As we came downstairs the guys were already up chilling in the living room. "Morning boys!"

The guys all looked and quickly did a double take. Before pretending everything was normal.

"Oh hey morning Heather."

Heather sat down on the couch between Mike and Tommy. They continued playing video games. "Hey Tommy," Emma said watching him play. "Is there something wrong with your controller? You don't seem to be doing too well."

"No he just sucks," Ryan teased.

"Hey fuck you Ryan!" The guys all laughed and so did Heather, it was nice seeing her as just part of the group. Pretty soon she was playing as well and not doing the greatest. "What's wrong Heather, broken controller?" Tommy said sarcastically.

Heather playfully slapped Tommy, "oh hush I'm not doing that bad. Besides, its easy for Ryan to do well when he's got such a great seat!" Ryan was sitting on one of those oversize beanbag chairs closer to the TV.

Heather got up walked over and plopped her self down on Ryan's lap. "Well there goes your advantage now." Heather said with a sassy cute inflection. I wasn't sure how I felt about Heather with only one layer fabric covering her backside sitting on Ryan's lap.

It wasn't long before Heather was kicking all their asses. "Well it's easy for you to win when you're smothering me with your big butt!" Ryan said to Heather.

"Who are you calling a big butt!" Heather replied as she reached back and started tickling his sides.

Laughing, Ryan retaliated tickling her in return, "you're starting a battle you can't win Heather!"

I could not help but notice he was mostly tickling her lower belly and over the top edge of her panties. As their bodies moved it was hard to see where his fingers were moving, but as Heather yelped "ok you win stop!" I could swear I saw his fingers move over her crotch. Had Ryan just tickled my girlfriend's pussy?

After admitting defeat Heather said, "I should move somewhere safer." She got up and sat back down by the other guys. As she got up I couldn't help but notice the large lump in Ryan's lap. He had gotten a boner tickling my girlfriend, at least she has moved away from him.

The next couple weeks were more of the same Heather seemed to be just one of the guys more and more. We'd all hang out play video games, watch movies, have drinks and just generally shoot the shit. Yeah the guys might flirt a little but I don't think anything ever got out of hand. I even got used to Heather wearing so little around the guys.

One day we Heather and I were in our room. I had just finished getting dressed, and she was fresh out of the shower toweling off. I was admiring her naked body when she told me, "I'm glad the boys have been so cool! I feel so much more relaxed when I don't have to cover up." She sat down on the bed still naked. "Which brings up a thought of mine. I've had such an exhausting week and I have a favor to ask you. Would it be weird for you and well them if I didn't wear any clothes?"

"What!" I replied in shock.

"Well yeah it's just that is what I used to do when I lived by myself or with all girls. Even growing up I never wore clothes. Nudity at home is just a normal thing for us. I know it sounds weird to you but for me being nude helps me feel relaxed. And it would be the perfect way for me to decompress right now."

"I want you to be comfortable, but we need to set boundaries. I don't want my friends having sex with you," I did not like this idea at all. But I also didn't want to be one of those boyfriends that lost his girl due to being jealous and restrictive. I believed Heather when she said nudity was natural to her, but my friends were going to get ideas seeing my hot girlfriend's naked body.

"Oh nudity is not a sexual thing at all. We'll go talk to the boys right now ok?"

"Ok Heather I trust you, lets go."

Heather started to walk out of our room naked, I didn't realize she was going to start this right away!

The guys predictably were both in shock and eagerly absorbing the site of Heather's naked body.

"Hey guys I wanted to talk to you. So obviously I'm naked!" Heather laughed and continued to address the guys. "So I've always been a nudist at heart and I'm at my most relaxed nude. You guys are great and my good friends, so I feel comfortable enough now to share this part of myself with you. First please let me know if this makes any of you uncomfortable."

All three of them quickly assured her they were fine with it as their eyes continued surveying Heather's exposed body. Big shocker that they are perfectly fine seeing my girlfriend parade around naked I thought to myself.

"Thank you guys so much! So the other thing is I need to establish this is a lifestyle, this doesn't mean I want to have sex with you guys are anything like that." The guys nodded and said they understood.

Heather proceeded to carry on like normal completely naked. For the next half an hour every eyeball in the apartment followed her every move. Finally, she decided to go sit down in the living room. She sat on the couch crisscross apple sauce making her pussy easily visible.

Tommy walked up and staring between Heather's legs asked, "hey Heather you want to play some video games?"

"Sure! That would be fun!"

The other guys joined in with all three taking every chance they had to glance at Heather's pussy. Of course, they were so distracted that she was absolutely crushing them.

"She must be cheating," Ryan remarked. Tommy and Mike nodded in agreement.

"Nuh uh! You're just embarrassed a girl can kick your butt!"

"Ok guys we can't let Heather get away with this travesty, get her!" Mike yelled. And the three guys proceeded to start tickling Heather. It was obvious they were simply trying to cop a feel and were trying to make it look innocent. They made it look like mistakes, but they kept on tickling sensitive areas. Mike's hands were tickling around her chest area, his fingers obviously gracing grazing over her tits and nipples. Ryan began tickling her back but his hands were more going to her ass. Finally, Tommy was trying to make it look like he was tickling her stomach. But he was clearly moving his fingertips over her crotch a lot more than her stomach.

"Hey guys stop trying to feel up my girlfriend!" I yelled. They stopped but Heather gave me a stern look.

"Alex it's completely innocent. I am naked but it's not like they're trying to feel me up and you know how I feel about jealousy." Heather scolded.

"OK, I guess," I said, wondering if I really was out of line.

I saw Tommy looking at his fingers, I could see the light glisten on them. That asshole had clearly touched Heather's pussy with his fingers. What's more the attention obviously got her excited enough where her pussy got wet. I could also notice her incredibly erect nipples.

Then Heather said, "I'm gonna go get a drink. Why don't we all cool our jets and watch a movie?"

"Sounds like a great idea," I said following her into the kitchen.

When we were alone Heather looked to reassure me. "Don't worry Alex you know I'm your girl. The guys are just horsing around as usual. The only difference is I'm naked but nudity doesn't mean sexual. Remember the human body is a natural thing. They are just acting like their normal selves so don't get jealous OK?"

"OK" I replied. I knew Heather had broken up with guys before that didn't trust her. I'd just have to suck it up and deal with this. "I trust you Heather and I'll be sure not to second-guess your loyalty again."

When we got back Ryan and Mike were stretched out across the sectional. "Hey guys, I wanted to lay on the sectional and watch the movie and here you guys are all man spreading blocking the whole thing." Heather whined.

"I guess you'll just have to find room," Mike said with a smirk.

"Fine!" Heather quipped. I watched as my naked girlfriend sat between Mike's spread legs. Great I thought could this get any worse?

The movie started and everybody settled in and watched. Heather took Mike's hand and put it around her stomach. "If you're going to take up the whole sectional you better hold onto me make sure I don't slip off!"

About five minutes later I noticed Mike's finger circling and playing with her belly button. Nothing too inappropriate, but I would have been more comfortable if his hand remained still.

A few scenes in the movie had passed. It was so gradual I hardly noticed, but Mike's fingers were now playfully exploring the skin below her naval, only an inch above her pussy.

"I'm getting a little chilly, mind putting that blanket over us?" Emma motioned to the blanket on the back of the sectional behind Mike.

"Sure." Mike pulled the blanket down and draped it over my girlfriend's naked body. I could no longer see exactly what was happening as Mike's arms slipped under the blanket. It looked like he brought his arm across her belly like before.

This was the worst scenario I could imagine. Mike has his hands on Heather's naked body under a blanket, so I can't see. And I promised Heather I'd no longer be suspicious.

I saw no movement for the next ten minutes. What was I worrying about? It's not like they'd fool around with me right there! I became engrossed in the movie, not paying any mind to them until near the end of the movie. It looked as though Mike's arm was higher than before, instead of over her belly it was over her chest! I saw slow movements and it sure looked it like her was playing with one of Heather's tits!

I was thinking about what to say until I noticed more movement... down around Heather's crotch. Was Mike fingering Heather? The look on Heather's face would imply he was. The top of the blanket had slipped down without their noticing. I could now see Mike's hand groping her tit and pinching the nipple. Just then the credits begin the roll and Mike moved his hands back to himself.

It was getting late and we went to bed. I was trying to think if a way to address what I saw without appearing jealous. "So how was the movie?"

"It was good! And Mike was such a sweetheart to be my movie snuggle buddy."

"Yeah so.. I trust you. But regarding that snuggling. I saw Mike's hand on your breast and.."

Heather cut me off, "Alex! I thought we were past this and you trusted me? Mike was just cuddling which involves having his hands on me. If his hand ended up on my breasts it was completely innocent in a non-sexual way. Are we going to have a problem Alex? I can't handle jealousy or trust issues."

"No we're fine! I'm sorry and you're right. I promise not let that happen again."

"Ok thank you sweetie," and with that Heather kissed me goodnight. It seemed I would have to trust my girlfriend if I wanted her to stay my girlfriend.

About a week later we were all chilling in the apartment and Heather addressed the guys. "Thank you guys for being so cool. I've just never liked wearing clothes at home and not ever having to cover up makes me feel so safe and comfortable."

"I wish I were that brave, I prefer to be undressed too." Ryan replied in a sad tone.

"Ryan do it! It's just your body and you should be comfortable in your home too!"

"Ok! I'll be right back."

I thought there would be no way he was coming back naked, but there was Ryan not 60 seconds later strutting out completely nude. Average build for a 20-year-old guy, not fat, slightly toned. His dick is what made an impression. It was completely soft bouncing side to side as he walked. It hung straight down probably five inches or about an inch longer than mine at full mast. The head was uncircumcised and smoothly transitioned into his thick shaft. His pubic hair was neatly groomed into a short strip above. His large balls were smoothly shaven.

As we all hung out that night I noticed Heather continued looking at Ryan's giant dick. That night in bed after we had sex. "I'm glad Ryan was comfortable enough to be himself around me today and it's good to know I'm not the only one who prefers to be naked!"

"Funny how he never seemed to be prefer being nude before this," I commented.

"Oh don't be a prude," Heather said. "He was probably just afraid to admit it living with a bunch of guys, and he was probably embarrassed. Not that he had much to be embarrassed about," Heather looked at me. "I mean did you see the size of his thing?"

"I hadn't noticed," I said.

"Bullshit!" Heather laughed slapping me on the shoulder. "There's no way you couldn't notice that thing was huge."

Heather thought for a moment then continued "Well, I guess maybe you really wouldn't know if you haven't seen a lot of a lot of other guys naked. I mean I know you're a little smaller than average. So most guys are bigger than you but not usually that big."

"I guess I didn't realize I was that small," I mumbled.

"Oh sweetie don't be sad I love your penis. I'll use a candy bar as an analogy. All sizes of candy bars are delicious right? But sometimes you don't want an entire full size bar. Sometimes you just want a fun size!" Heather's reassurance wasn't nearly as comforting as she thought it was.

It was Saturday, Ryan had now been going nude for several days. Heather and I decided to go out for a jog. It was nice to get out and away from my friends seeing Heather naked and from her seeing Ryan's big dick. We had gotten back from the jog and the guys were already home. Heather of course start peeling off her sweaty running clothes the moment she had gotten through the door. Not wasting any time to get nude. Her body looked so incredibly sexy! Her skin was flushed and sweaty from the run and the guys were clearly enjoying taking in the sight. We were in for a bit of a surprise ourselves Tommy and Mike were both naked in addition to Ryan.

"Oh my goodness!" Heather said.

"We just don't see what the big deal was anymore." Tommy said, pointing out how natural nudity was and went on about how much more comfortable it was.

"You don't have to convince me," Heather smiled, "I am all for nudity around the home. Nothing wrong with being at our most natural right?" She turned to me, "don't worry Alex I know nudity isn't your thing. You don't have to do it is just because everyone else is."

I felt relieved to be off the hook and I noticed I would definitely be coming up short compared everyone else there. While Tommy and Mike weren't nearly as hung as Ryan they were definitely bigger than me. They weren't uncircumcised like Ryan but their penises did hang straight down more or less the bottom their balls 3 1/2 to 4 inches long. Compared to me with 4 inches long fully erect. I definitely wasn't equipped to compete and was happy I didn't need to.

Ironically enough, given everyone's nudity, several of the seats in the living room were blocked with baskets of laundry that they had clearly taken out to fold. As a result there wasn't an open spot to sit down.

"Sorry Heather." Ryan said. "It doesn't look like there's a seat open for you."

"Nonsense!" Heather quipped as she plopped her naked ass right down on Ryan's naked lap. "There is a seat right here!" Of course overlooking the simple option of moving one of the baskets to free up a seat.

I tried to play it nonchalant and I got myself a glass of water while everyone else casually discussed the benefits of nudity. After a while I noticed Heather shifting around on Ryan's lap almost like she was a little uncomfortable. Ryan was probably getting hard making it harder to sit on his lap. I saw Heather reach under her butt and appear to reposition Ryan's dick. Had my girlfriend really just touched Ryan's hard cock?

Heather remained on his lap much of the afternoon. After dinner, we all had drinks, and I was happy to have a few drinks to forget about Ryan's cock rubbing against Heather's ass. It began to get late and the booze started to catch up. I told Heather, "it's getting late, maybe we should go to bed."

Heather said, "go right ahead I'll be right there!" I didn't really feel like leaving her alone but figured she's right behind me. I'd lie down and if she wasn't there in a couple minutes I'd go check. Well my head hit the pillow and I immediately fell asleep. When I woke up I looked at the clock and noticed about 45 minutes had passed. I could hear everyone talking, so I snuck to the door and looked out over the balcony quietly so no one will see me.

Heather was sitting on Ryan's lap again. Mike and Tommy were sitting next to them. I heard Heather say, "I really appreciate you guys making me feel so comfortable. I know it's a little weird at first with me walking around here naked but the fact the rest you do it too makes me feel so much better."

"To be honest Heather we kind of do enjoy it too." Ryan said with a wink.

"That much is obvious." Heather said sliding forward off Ryan's lap and moving onto his leg. This exposed his crotch that was previously covered by my girlfriend. "You guys keep on getting hard around me!" She said as she grasped the base of Ryan's semi hard cock, shaking back-and-forth a couple times. They all laughed.

"Can you blame us?" Mike said. "Sitting on our laps and seeing your hot tits and pussy all the time?"

"Hey no complaining!" Tommy interjected, "you are the one that got to finger her!"

"Yeah!" Ryan said.

So I had been right, Mike had been fingering Heather that night.

"Boys, sorry that was just kind of spur of the moment snuggling during a movie kind of thing. If it makes you feel any better I'll let the two of you touch my boobs!"

It's only invitation they needed it as Tommy and Ryan both placed a hand one of her waiting tits fondling them playing with her nipples. Heather moaned slightly still sitting on Ryan's knee. Her head leaned back into Ryan as the boys continued to massage her breasts. Soon she moved her face to his and gave him a long deep kiss. I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't. I was getting turned on and could not help myself, I simply had to watch and my body refused to move. I started rubbing my hard dick.

Ryan and Heather continued kissing as the two men played with her tits. I noticed Heather's hand returned to the base of Ryan large penis and began to move along the shaft. It looked huge in her hand. He was completely hard now, much thicker around than mine and probably about twice as long. Mike and Tommy had both gotten hard, not as big as Ryan but 6 inches roughly each so much bigger than me. Not wanting to be left out Mike had moved over and Heather broke the kiss with Ryan and start making out with Mike.

Mike moved his hand to Heather's crotch and started fingering her as her remaining free hand went to Tommy's dick. There was my girlfriend giving had jobs to Tommy and Ryan as Mike fingered her pussy. I pulled out my own dick and started to masturbate.

Heather got off Ryan and bent down to his lap to start kissing and licking his cock. Mike was behind her still playing with her pussy, and she continued stroking Tommy's cock.

Heather could only get half of Ryan's cock at first. Ryan laughed and asked, "bigger than you're used to?"

"Um." Heather laughed. "Yeah Alex is really tiny. All of you are way bigger and Ryan you are like twice as long and thick." She looked at all three fat cocks. "I'm in absolute heaven right now."