My Hot, Sexy, Crazy Step Sister

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Argument over who should leave gets steamy in a heartbeat.
4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/13/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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My mum left my dad when I was around five years old and ran off to marry a rich Alhaji, who later became a powerful Senator in Nigeria as his third wife. She never considered the feelings of such a young child as I was then. My dad took me to stay with his mother while he sorted himself out until I was around ten years old before I moved back with him. By then he had begun to find his feet, and with his new job, things began to stabilize for us. The years rolled by and as he grew in his job, so did the responsibilities, and this took him away from home a lot.

One weekend he called me to his room. He had just returned from another of his long trips the night before. He told me his office had transferred him to Florida to head the new office branch there. I had already gotten used to having the nannies around over the years since I returned to him, so it did not really faze me that much. I only asked him what would happen to me when he left. He told me I was going with him; he had already started looking for a school for me. We moved to Florida a few months after my sixteenth birthday.

We had been there for about a year when I began to notice dad always brought one particular lady home on occasion. I thought nothing about it then as I was more concerned about blending into my new school and environment and adjusting to the new culture. Besides, this was not the only lady I had seen him with since we moved to the States. It was after the third visit that he introduced me to her. I was stuck in my room playing video games online with my classmates that Saturday morning. I hadn't realized my dad was back already (he had told me earlier in the day that he was going out) until he walked into my room. He asked me to jump into a shirt and get my butt downstairs.

Grumbling inwardly, I quickly donned my t-shirt and marched downstairs. There in the living room sat a very pretty and elegant lady in her forties. Sarah was quite charming, and she smiled at me with her pearly white teeth. I had seen her once or twice and assumed she was just one of those ladies dad brought home every now and then. I just mumbled a greeting and went to get the bottle of wine he demanded I fetch. He later told me Sarah was a full-time professor at one of the universities nearby. I found out that unlike the other ladies I usually caught sneaking out of the house on the occasional early morning, she never spent the night when she came to the house. No matter how late it was, I always saw her driving away in her sleek car. All that gave me a little bit of respect for her, unlike the other ones who often kept me awake in embarrassment as I tried to block out the muffled but still audible moans coming from within the confines of my dad's room.

Another month passed before she visited again. I met them sitting comfortably in the dining room downstairs. This time though, they were not alone. I came in sweating from a long and hard game of basketball and sitting on one of the sofas with a bored "what-am-I-doing-here" expression plastered on her face was a young girl about my age whom Sarah introduced to me as her daughter. Destiny shook my hand and I could detect a sort of firmness in her grip. She looked quite fit and there was a sort of tom-boyish vibe in her manner. Before I could decide if I liked her or not, my dad asked me to sit down as he had something to say.

My dad had met Sarah on one of his numerous trips when he had been visiting the United States, and after we moved here they had hit it off over time. Sarah was also divorced and had raised her daughter alone, just like my dad had done with me. When we finally moved to the States, they got engaged. They had been engaged for about three months now. My dad looked at me hopefully as he waited for my response. I had no problem with it to be honest. The only issue I told him was I would have appreciated it if he had told me sooner so that I could have prepared my mind for a stepmother and stepsister. To be honest, the house indeed lacked the touch of a woman, and I felt none of the ladies dad brought home before Sarah measured up to the task. A few months later, they got married, and my new stepmum and stepsister moved in with us.

I got along quite well with Sarah. Destiny was a little bit difficult at first to understand though, but she was sexy as hell. Years of working out in the gym had given her a toned, well-sculptured body, a body she was not afraid to show off. Her perky breasts were not overly big(from my guesstimations, probably a medium to large C-cup), but what she lacked in her chest area, she more than made up with curves and a pert, well-rounded derriere. I wasn't a gym freak, but I did manage to go a few days a week. Destiny on the other hand took hers to another level. I believe she did that as an outlet to her temper. Over the two or so years before she and her mum moved in, she had been in and out of a number of relationships, the longest I believe being about ten months. No guy she went out with could handle her short fuse. She was not afraid to take on anybody who crossed her. Rumors had it she had beaten up a kid in her tenth grade so badly, she had to go for anger management counseling. It was then she found she could express all her pent-up anger by working out, and boy did she work out.

Despite all her anger issues, under all that hard and sexy muscle was a charming and very playful girl. She was a few months older than me, and she always tried to use that to her advantage, but over the next year or two she got to learn that she couldn't wave her tomboyish attitude over me. Besides, by the time we both hit nineteen, I had begun to be aware of how sexy she was. She was quite flirty and girly too when the mood suited her. Several times I caught myself gazing at her, and she would either cuss me out playfully or return the gaze with a smile. I'm sure the sexual tension we detected developing between us was thick enough to cut with a knife. I usually pushed all those thoughts away as I was aware she was my stepsister, but more often than not I imagined what that hot body of hers had to offer in its bare state.

One day, everything just came to the fore. Dad had gone on one of his business trips and wouldn't be back until the weekend. Sarah had left for her college that morning. Destiny was nowhere to be found; I guess she had either gone to the gym or to the part-time job she had. I knew she did not have classes at the community college she attended, so it had to be one or the other. I decided to join the Zoom portion of my class that afternoon since the burger joint I had a shift at that day was just ten minutes away from home, and I figured it would be a better option to do than to take the bus to campus and then thirty-five minutes back to work.

I grabbed my bag and laptop and headed to the backyard. The day was already in the low to mid-eighties, perfect for this time of the year Florida weather. The sun glistened off the surface of the water in the pool invitingly. I was tempted to take a quick dip, but I just pulled one of the pool chairs out of the sun and into the shade of the palm trees. I logged into my class. I was pretty much enjoying my peace, but that was shattered twenty minutes into the lecture when the back door slid open, and out popped Destiny with a towel draped around her shoulder. I knew all I was going to get was trouble from then on and I groaned audibly.

"It's nice out here today," she chirped as she walked barefoot towards the pool. The bikini she had on barely covered anything, and I was greeted by her well-defined muscles and smooth curves. Her lovely butt jutted out invitingly and I tried not to stare.

"Yeah, it is," I responded and tried to focus back on my class. She spread the towel on the ground beside the pool.

"Don't you have work today?" I asked.

Destiny turned to me and smiled mischievously. "I'm sick," she replied.

"You don't look sick," I said, eyeing her from head to toe. She looked fabulous.

She giggled again. "I'm sick," she emphasized. She turned and dived head-first into the pool. I watched her take a few laps.

"You're going to get fired," I called out to her.

She emerged from the pool. "I'm not going to get fired," she replied laughing. She walked over to her towel and rolled onto her stomach, "I'll be fine."

"Okay," I replied.

"Besides, if I need anything, I can just ask you, right?"

" mean like money?"


"Well...I don't know about that..."

"What do you mean? Is that not how it should be?" She turned her face to me. The sun glinted off her chocolate skin, "is that not why you're my brother?"

"I'm your stepbrother," I corrected, "not your bank."

She laughed again and turned away. For the next ten to fifteen minutes she just lay there without a word, her face turned towards the pool while I tried to focus on my class without the distraction of her near nakedness on display. After a while, she turned to me.

"Why don't you go inside?" she turned and asked.

"Why would I want to do that?" I demanded.

"I want to...tan."

"Like a black girl needs tanning," I thought and scoffed. "I thought that was what you've been doing since you lay there," I said.

"I know, but I want know...take off my...stuff... I don't want the tan lines."


"So," she continued after a few moments of waiting, "are you ready to go inside?"

I glared at her. "I'm not going to go inside because you want to get NAKED in the backyard!"

"Why not?" she demanded, "I'm asking you to go so that you won't have to see me naked!"

I laughed. "Excuse me, you're the one who wants to get naked, not me. The right thing for you to do...if you want to do to wait until I go inside before you expose yourself..."

"Why should I..."

"...and you can't just make me go inside just because you feel like it."

"You can't make me form my schedule around yours either!"

I scoffed again. "Look, do whatever you want to do. I'm not going to go inside because of you. I'm in a class."

"Look Micheal, you can have your class in your room! I can't be naked with you out here."

"Okay...that's...well that's...then DON'T get naked!" I concluded.

She stared hard and angry at me. When she saw I was not going to budge, she hissed.

"Okay, you know what? Fine," she stated and got onto her knees, "I asked kindly."

Still thinking I would go inside, she reached to her back and started pulling her bikini off.

"Wait...what are you doing? Are you really going to strip in front of me?" I asked in surprise.

She did not respond. She dropped the bikini top beside her and did the same with the bottom. For the first time since she became my family, I was greeted by her nude body. She lay back on the towel and continued her basking in the sun.

She glared at me and I quickly averted her look. I tried to concentrate on my class, but every now and then I caught myself stealing glances at her. She did have a very lovely body. She caught me looking at me once and frowned.

"What are you looking at?"

I quickly averted my gaze. "I'm not looking at you!"

"Oh you're not?" she responded.

"No...I can't believe you actually stripped."

"You're not," she repeated, her voice full of sarcasm, "that's how you knew I stripped."

"No...I...I heard you take your bikini off," I stammered.

Destiny burst into laughter. "You heard me take off my bikini."


"Oh yeah?"


She laughed again and turned her head away. I tried to focus on my ongoing class but the sight of her nudity lying not more than ten feet away at the edge of the pool was too distracting. At that point, I knew I was not getting anything done, and my class was still halfway through. After another long ten minutes, Destiny stood up.

"You know what," she started as she rolled off the towel and stood up, "I feel kinda...weird...uncomfortable...being naked in front of you like this."

She walked over to where I lay on the pool chair, and I couldn't help but gape at her breasts as she moved closer.

"Because you are weird..." I mumbled.

"Y'know, you should strip too..." she continued with a mischievous gleam in her eye. She sat down at the end of the chair.

"Wh...what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, you're out here with me, you won't go inside...that way I'll know I'm not the only naked one here and it will make me feel more comfortable."

"Are you se...I shouldn't be naked in front of my stepsister!"

"Well, I shouldn't be naked in front of my stepbrother either," she spread her arms wide, "but here we are."

I did not have anything to respond to that. She did have a great point. "I mean, I don't..."

"Just do it," she said and began to caress my thighs. Her hands inched closer to the band of my shorts.

"B-but I'm in class..."

"You can turn your computer away," she replied, "and don't think I did not notice what's been going on here." Her eyes were glued to my crotch. Truthfully, I had been trying to hide my now hardened dick under my laptop ever since she took her bikini off.

"Listen...I... this is not..." but Destiny had already taken the laptop and faced it away on the ground and was now pulling my shorts down. My dick burst into view, and she gasped in glee.

"Dude, are you getting a boner?" she giggled and tossed my shorts aside.

"Well that's what's going to happen..."

She smiled happily. "Yeah, I thought so too." She wrapped her fingers around it and began to stroke it gently.

"It's not so bad, is it?" she asked as she deftly caressed my meat.

"I...ahhh...we shouldn't do this Destiny," I moaned.

"Why not?" she pouted. She gazed deep into my eyes, "I know you've been secretly checking me out and flirting with me since my mum and I moved in. Why don't we do something about it now?"

"I just...I didn't mean're just...y'know...very hot..."

Her tongue darted out and teased the base before she took the bulbous head between her lips. She sucked on it for a few seconds and a small groan escaped me.

"...and if you want me to..." she queried.

"I want you...I mean...if you want to..."

"Yeah?" she beamed again, "I know you do."

She took me back into her mouth. I could only lie there and moan silently as her head bobbed up and down. Her eyes never left mine as she sucked, and I reached out and caressed her messy hair. I cupped one of her breasts and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her moans vibrated my manhood, and she gave it another long and resounding suck, releasing it from her mouth with an audible splop. Saliva coated her entire chin and drooled down the corners of her mouth. She lay down between my legs and bent over my crotch. She grasped her breasts and wrapped them around my shaft, and I instinctively began to thrust. I stuck my thumb in her mouth, and she sucked on it hard as I titfucked her.

"Gosh, your big, so...warm," she moaned. She gave the head another long and hard suck, rubbing her hard nipples against my pubes. Her teeth slightly grazed me.

"Shit..." I blurted as I almost creamed her mouth. I reached down and my fingers started to stroke her now very wet cunt. She released me from her mouth and a loud moan escaped her lips. She looked at me as I stroked her and all I could see was raw lust in her eyes. She gave me a few more sucks before rolling over.

"Can I sit on it?" she inquired, my dick still in her tight grasp.

"Yeah..." I whispered hoarsely.

She smiled and turned her back to me. She straddled my thighs, reached down and positioned my dick at her core. Her pussy lips gently parted like the red sea and I sank deep into her until she sat squarely on my crotch. I let out a loud gasp as her muscles gripped me like a vice.

"Fuck!!" she gasped. She began to move her hips, and I had to grip her waist to control her movements as she rode me like a cowgirl.

"Your dick is sooooo biiiiggg!!!!" she moaned, her large eyes bulging in their sockets.

She lifted herself until I was almost out, and then slammed back down, forcing a loud moan from me. She repeated the movement severally until she was bouncing up and down in a steady rhythm. She lifted herself again and I trailed my hands up and down her back and sides. She started to gasp and moan as her whole body shook. Her hands flew downwards, and I could tell she was rubbing her clit.

"Yes, yes yes yes yeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she whimpered. Her soundtrack began to increase in pitch. The energy and skill with which she moved her body, the tightness with which her muscles gripped my shaft and the enthusiasm oozing from every pore of her body as she rode me like a rodeo began to overwhelm my senses. This girl was no novice at this game. She bounced in my laps, incoherent cries and moans escaping both our throats. I tried to match her thrusts, holding her waist and watching as her arse bounced up and down, but it was no use. I gave up and just sat there and enjoyed the ride she took me on. She was in a total trance, pummeling her pussy mercilessly with my dick as she rode out her first orgasm, experiencing multiple waves of pleasure with each movement of her hips. My pubes were soon drenched with the gush of juice flowing from her. She leaned forward to grab my ankles and I was given a full view of my shaft sliding in and out of her as she twisted and grinded on it. I began to feel my orgasm approaching.

"Destiny I''re going to make me cum..." I babbled.

She turned her head and looked at me over her shoulder. Her face was a mask of pure ecstasy. Her whimpers started to intensify to loud moans. I was really finding it hard to control my onrushing climax. As if that wasn't enough, she began to turn around. My dick was still buried deep in her, and she made a full 180-degree turn till she sat facing me. She leaned back on her hands and resumed her rodeo. Her boobs bounced all over the place, and my hands went for them and I began to knead them roughly. I began to tickle her clit with my thumb, and the intensity of her moans and thrusts increased.

By now Destiny had already ridden herself to another fast orgasm. She froze in place and gasped, her body trembling slightly as her climax flowed through her. She started bouncing up and down again, and this time I began to feel the first spasms start up. I quickly pulled out. She moved down and gave my throbbing dick a few licks with her tongue. She sucked on the sensitive glans and I pushed her away roughly.

"Stop!!" I blurted, "y-you're gonna make me cum!!"

"I want you to nut in my mouth right now!" she eyed me hungrily. She tried to reach for my dick again, but I pushed her back again. If I was going to cum, I told her, it was going to be on my terms. She quickly lay on her back on the chair and I positioned myself between her legs. I stroked my dick a few times and before she could get ready, I leaned forward and plunged into her.

"Oh my God Michael!" she blurted helplessly. I saw the lights almost go out in her eyes. Another low moan that quickly rose in volume and pitch started in her throat. Her muscles rippled around my dick; her hips started bucking and her head thrashed back and forth. It felt like she was having another powerful orgasm, and I hadn't even started moving yet.

"Oh yes Michael...fuck...fuck!!" she kept muttering. Her dazed eyes tried to focus on mine as I literally pounded her into the chair. She bucked her hips up to meet mine; I gripped her long legs and suspended them in the air. Her juices gushed out generously and I slammed down, slapping my pelvis against hers and plowing her hard with the remaining energy I had. Sweat dripped from my forehead onto her well-defined abs.

"Oh, this feels so good! Don't stop," she begged. The pool chair creaked and groaned under our combined weight but held. I reached down to give her breasts another firm squeeze, and she began to tense up again.