My joy Ch. 01


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When I was done, I went to the bathroom, freshened myself, and returned to bed. Joy was still with her eyes shut, covered with sweat, but her heart rate diminished. I hugged her and whispered, "Honey, are you all right?"

She smiled, opened her eyes, and mumbled admiringly, "I never thought it would feel so good. The pain was mild and short-lived. Your magic wand performed miracles. Every minute or so, my vagina still contracts and reminds me of the heavenly pleasure. Now that the obstacle is no longer there, I expect a repeat will be enjoyable and without pain. I need to sleep now. When will I see you again?"

I laughed, "Girl, we just got rid of the ultimate hurdle to a full, intimate relationship. By tomorrow, you'll know better what you think about what happened today, and we can decide how often we see each other, what we like to do together outdoors, and future sexual encounters."

When I took her home, she gazed at me, "I may be wrong, but I think you opened a Pandora's Box..."

"Honey, let me know tomorrow."


The following evening, Joy called me, "Today, in class, 3 of my girlfriends told me I looked pinkish and happier than usual. Barbara even added that if she didn't know I was the ultimate virgin, she'd suspect it was afterglow. I just smiled and kept silent. On a more burning issue - In the last hour, I feel a nagging itch in my pussy. I know you are not a doctor, but can you think of a potential cure?"

"Can you come to my house now?"

"Only if you promise me to cum again."

I chuckled, "We both have only sex on our minds."


In the next 2 months, we were having sex at least once every weekday and 3 times on weekends. I guided her through various positions, on different surfaces, and even outdoors. She was insatiable, and I was happy to help. Her breathtaking body and willingness to participate in any position were simply great.

Six months later, we got married. If we eliminate our sleeping and eating times, our honeymoon in Vegas was a prolonged session of sexual bliss. We returned home to LA tired but ready to resume sex whenever free.

Our first year was the happiest we had ever been. The passion was strong, and we didn't need to talk much: Our bodies did the talking. In the second year, we began having minor conflicts.

Joy was working as a junior software analyst in a small firm.

The sex was as fantastic as before, but household chores, priorities about how to spend our money, and whether to have children were causing tensions.

I wasn't ready for it, but one day I returned home and saw 3 large suitcases by the door. Joy sat on the sofa with tears in her eyes, "Danny, I think it's time for me to leave. Sex is great, but everything else is broken. We cannot talk to each other without shouting. I hate this life and decided on a divorce before we have children and cause them undue grief."

I begged her to stay and promised to change but to no avail. She was determined to go. The divorce took place a few months later. Joy quit her job and disappeared without notifying me where she was going.


In the first month that followed, I was heartbroken.

One evening, Janet and Jerry came to my house and dragged me to a party. I was still depressed, but with Janet's help, I met a couple of girls. I started going out more often and gradually was ready to get out of my slump.

With no restriction of monogamic relations, I began dating 2-3 girls in parallel. Of course, it wasn't a decent thing to do, especially since most ladies had no clue I was having intimate relations with others at the same time. But I felt like a free butterfly without the need to be attached again. Not long after, I met young people, males and females, who felt like me: Life was short - Enjoy it while you can. Then, we moved to form a close-knit group, including sexual encounters with more than one partner at a time.


Two years later, on my birthday, my phone rang. It was Joy, "Hi Dan. I called to congratulate you on your birthday."

"Thank you. I haven't heard from you for years. Where do you live now, and how are you doing? Have you married again?"

"I am not married. I had lived and worked in Boston until 3 months ago when I decided to move back to LA."

"Why? Didn't you like your job? Was the mentality of local people or culture different?"

"Actually, I was doing well in my job and was promoted to senior analyst. The workplace atmosphere was pleasant, too. My issue was meeting the right person to spend time with."

I laughed, "Joy, if I remember correctly, the last time I saw you, you were very pretty with a sexy and perfect body. You are smart and have a satisfying job. In my book, you are the ideal woman every man would drool to meet. What's the problem?"

Her voice soured, "The answer is simple: YOU spoiled me."

"What are you saying?"

"You were my first boyfriend, husband, and sex partner. After I left you, I dated 7 different men and had sex with 5 of them. Nobody came close to you satisfying me. I crave the sex I had with you."

"Are you hinting you return to LA because of me?"

"Danny, are you married?"

"No, and I don't plan to do it in the near future."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Since you left, I dated multiple women. At present, I see and have sex with 3 different women."

"Why do you do it? Couldn't you find one who will satisfy all your needs?"

"I discovered that it was nice to be a butterfly. Why commit to one if she can break your heart? Right now, I live the good life without any commitments."

"Danny, I miss you."

"Dear Joy, we had our chances and blew them."

"I miss the sex part and not the rest."

"I enjoyed our sexual encounters but have no intention to give up on my current lifestyle."

"What if I agree to your terms?"

"I am not sure I understand what you imply."

"After 2 years devoid of good sex, I am desperate and agree to do everything you wish in order to continue having sexual encounters with you. You do not have to marry me, and I am not even asking for exclusivity, but I need to feel your body ravaging mine to enjoy life again."

"Joy, I've changed in the last 2 years. It's no longer just sex with A woman. Frequently, I do it in a three-way with either another man or a woman. I participate in B&D and even rare S&M sessions."

She begged, "Danny, please, I'll do everything you wish. My body needs you. If you tell me to fuck another man or sleep with a woman, I'll do it. I crave the unmatched sexual experiences I had with you..."

"If I agree, what do you expect to happen down the road?"

"Except for sex with you whenever you can spare me the time, I have no expectations. As I mentioned before, if you choose to have sex with me and others, that's up to you."

I thought for a moment and then blurted, "I promised my friend, Blake, to have a threesome with one of my ladies. I haven't mentioned it yet to any of them. Would you like to join us?"

"Yes, I do."

"You don't care how old he is or how he looks like?"

"Danny, I see you haven't gotten it yet. If you are there too, I'll do anything you choose with anybody."

"One last comment: With 2 men on board, the encounter may last longer and, most likely, end with your 3 holes being used."

"Danny, after a drought of 2 years, more rain than usual is a blessing, if you know what I mean."

"Can you be at my house on Saturday at 10 am?"

"I'll be there. Any special requests? Would you like me to bring something? Dress differently?"

"It will be helpful if you dress sexy and bring a good mood. By the way, Blake is a very good friend, handsome, and a good sex partner. We've done it 3 times before, so as long as you are compliant, by the time we are done, you are likely to be tired but 99% you'll have a lot of fun."

When we hung up the phone, I contacted Blake and told him to be at my house at 9:45 am. He asked me who would be our girl, and I said, "You'll see. You haven't met her yet, but I talked about her multiple times."

He laughed, "You dog! It's your former wife... No other woman you mentioned to me more than once."

"Right. Now be here on time."


Saturday morning, I shaved, arranged the house to look half decent, put on new sheets and towels, ensured the jacuzzi was ready, and put snacks, beers, red and white wines, and some fruits on the kitchen table. I didn't forget to place a few condoms, KY jelly, and a Jack Rabbit in the drawer by the bed.

Blake showed up on time. He was dressed in clean jeans and a flannel shirt. He looked good. He was 34 years old, 5'10", and 180 pounds of mostly muscle. His manly face, dark skin, and thick hair made him a favorite among our girls. His pleasant demeanor and 7.5" cock were a bonus...

I offered him a beer, and he asked me about Joy. I knew we had little time and answered, "There is no chance for reconciliation and remarriage. She craves the sex she had with me before and agrees to participate in our games in any capacity."

I barely finished the sentence and heard a soft knock on the door. I opened it, and Joy entered. She wore a short red dress with ample cleavage that emphasized her C-cup tits. Her shapely legs ended with a 4"heel red shiny shoes.

She kissed me on the cheek and turned to my friend, "I assume you are Blake; nice to meet you."

Blake seemed hypnotized by her beauty and had difficulty talking, "Joy, it's a pleasure to meet you in person at last."

"The pleasure is all mine. According to Dan, you are the total package."

Blake recovered and smirked, "Did he talk about my personality or my package?"

She chuckled, "Mostly about your appearance and behavior, but the way I understand, we'll be able to check the other thing as well. Will one of you be a gentleman and pour me a glass of the white wine?"

Both of us jumped. I hinted to him to sit by Joy and filled her glass with a drink. She chugged everything and returned me the empty glass, "Sorry guys, I needed it. Blake, tell me a little about yourself."

"I met Dan about 2 months after you two separated. He was depressed, and so was I after my wife passed away from cancer. Slowly, we started getting out more, met several others, and created a nice group that met occasionally for different reasons."

"Sound nice."

I put on soft music and extended my hand to joy. She stood up, grinned, and we began a slow dance. As we moved on the floor, she whispered in my ear, "Blake looks cute. You were right." I whispered back, "I wouldn't lie to you."

As I was whispering, I watched Blake ogling her bubble butt. I winked at him.

When the dance ended, Joy began sipping her second glass, likely to calm her anxiety. I didn't object and planned to build the atmosphere slowly.

When she was ready to sit, Blake stood up and asked her, "Will you do me the honor and dance with me, too, when you feel like it?"

"How about now?"

They started dancing, and soon enough, Joy leaned her head on his chest and put her hands around his neck. Her body was almost glued to his. He looked at me quizzingly, and I showed a thumbs-up sign. During the second song, I noticed him grimacing. My guess was right on: Joy's closeness aroused him, and he was sporting an erection. He whispered something in her ear. She stared at his face for a moment and then directed her eyes down to his groin. She smiled and whispered back to him. He chuckled, and they continued dancing with his hard prick against her soft tummy and her barely covered tits crushed against his chest. I moved behind her, hugged her waist, and joined them on the floor. She felt my hands, pushed her ass onto my groin, and gyrated it slowly, reminding me of the good old times. My organ started stirring and soon was steely stiff. Joy was now sandwiched between 2 horny guys.

We continued dancing for another minute, and then Joy stopped, stared at the tents in our pants, and asked seductively, "Boys, it's time to move to another room. Don't you think?"

Blake looked at me, and I said, "I agree with Joy. We can dance later if we wish. Right now, Blake and I have a small issue that requires special treatment."

She giggled, "It seems to me the issues are not THAT small. If you show me the ISSUES, maybe I can help."

I was impressed by Joy's behavior. Before our separation, she was ready to participate in any act I suggested, as long as the two of us were the only ones on board, but refused any other person to join in. Now, she seemed thrilled to have Blake with us. Was it the alcohol effect? Was she so desperate to have sex with me that she forced herself to behave against her character? Did she change so much in 2 years that now everything-goes sex is her new mantra? I was curious to know the answer but, irrespectively, happy about the result...

As we moved to the bedroom, Joy winked at me, "Dan, honey, you've seen my body before. Blake hasn't. I suspect he is too nice to ask for a show. Will you be a good helper and undress me for your friend? And take your time. I'd like to watch him observe and see if he likes what he sees. Blake, Danny is going to strip me, but before he starts, take off your clothes and have on only your underwear. This way, I'll be able to judge better your level of enjoyment and arousal. Is it OK, darling?"

Blake's face flushed as he removed his shirt and pants and remained in his briefs. His pecker was already at half-mast and reached to just below the waistband. Dan sat on the bed's edge, and I moved behind her.

I unzipped her tight dress, and it gradually fell from her shoulders to her waist. The nude color silk bra covered the bottom part of her breasts, exposing the creamy round top parts. As I continued unzipping her, the dress loosened more, eventually landing on the soft rug. Her low-cut panties revealed a pretty navel, pierced with a tiny ring.

Joy's eyes were focused on Blake, alternating between his face and groin. During the slow striptease, I noticed his cock continued extending and curving at the waistband. Next, I unclasped the pretty bra. Joy smiled at Blake and swayed her boobs slightly. Seconds later, the bra was lying on the floor, joining the dress. Her free tits bounced and displayed swollen nipples.

Blake licked his lips and ogled the tempting sight. I knew exactly what he felt - Years ago, I felt the same when she undressed for me. Blake's pole grew further, bending at a dangerous angle under the waistband and threatening to tear the briefs.

Joy chortled, "Blake dear, we are risking your treasured asset. Please remove your underwear and let your rod breathe."

He had a sigh of relief and removed his briefs. His long organ thrust upward, and the soft head was now above his belly button.

I lowered Joy's panties, and Blake's pecker twitched.

Joy stared at his face, "Oh, honey, apparently you like what you see. I heard from Danny you'll join us and added red-hot lipstick. I thought you might like to watch his former wife's red lips sucking your fantastic tool. Was I right?"

I must admit I've watched Blake a few times before during our acts together, but never seen him like that. He seemed frozen, mesmerized by Joy's sexy show. He swallowed his saliva.

Joy, now fully naked, moved forward, knelt before him, and gently touched his swollen member, "Oh, my! That's a real beauty. May I use it as a pacifier? My mouth may be too small, but I'd like to try." He was still transfixed and stayed silent.

Subsequently, she turned her head to me and murmured, "Danny, in the next few minutes, my mouth will be busy with Blake. If you wish to take the opportunity to explore my body from the back, you are welcome."

She didn't waste any time, and his long dick began disappearing in her mouth. I moved behind her, and my fingers explored her cunt. It was drenched. The lady was horny!

After her erotic display, my erect cock pointed to the ceiling. I aimed it at her pussy's entrance and shoved it all the way in. She moaned but continued taking in his rod. She stopped when there were 2" left outside, and her head began moving up and down on his organ.

Blake's grimace told me he won't be able to hold for long. My left hand grabbed her left tit and started pinching the nipple while my right found her love nub and tweaked it roughly. God may have helped - My 2 playmates began to orgasm at the same time. My own climax started several seconds later, and I released my sperm in her tight tunnel. As I was cumming, I noticed Joy's palm squeezing Blake's shaft, and her lips milking the slimy stuff as it was dumped in her oral cavity.

I wondered how, in the throes of a massive climax, she could concentrate on doing it so efficiently...

When we were done, Blake leaned back on the bed while Joy and I lay on the floor. Before closing my eyes, I whispered in her ear, "You were fantastic, but it was only the appetizer." She winked, "I hope so."


Joy moved first and announced, "I am going to the shower."

Blake sat up, and I said, "Guys, the jacuzzi is ready for us. It's a nice place to relax and have snacks and drinks."

Blake and I entered the bubbly water, and I asked him, "What do you think so far?"

He laughed, "Joy is super-sexy. Her body is heavenly, and as a somewhat religious guy, I believe god created her body, especially for sex."

"I agree. When I first met her, she was a virgin. It took me a while to teach her to enjoy sex, but seeing her now, she behaves like a highly trained sex worker, no pun intended."

He grinned, "I sense she likes to make us drool over her. Any suggestion on how you want the next phase to be?"

"I'd like DP - I take the front and you the back."

"Dan, it sounds terrific. I imagine her anus is rather narrow. I love fucking tight holes!"

Joy came out of the bathroom smiling, "Boys, you didn't wait for me?" She entered gingerly into the hot water with her glorious tits swaying from side to side.

Blake grinned, "Joy, I see your beautiful breasts are struggling to keep themselves in place. Do you need my help to massage... sorry, I meant to hold them for you?"

"Blake, honey, I'd appreciate all the help I can get. At the same time, if you can suggest a solution to the nagging itch I have had in my cunt since I came out of the shower, I'll be very grateful."

Soon enough, our bodies intermingled in the jacuzzi. It wasn't a serious sex act but rather a game of catching, cupping, tweaking, rubbing, and licking. Joy was, as expected, the center of attention. Her body parts were manipulated nonstop, and her hands were continuously busy with our cocks. No wonder 15 minutes later, Blake and I were already sporting erections again. She giggled, "Darlings, are you ever sated? Do you expect a vulnerable girl to take on 2 studs? Shall I call 911 and see if there is a hero who can save me from being abused by your hungry organs?"

"Sorry, lady. It's too late. Didn't your mother teach you not to play with fire?"

She mumbled, "She told me that, but now that I am older, I thought the risk be lower."

We dried and moved back to my bedroom.

I lay on my back with my legs apart. Joy already knew what to do. She straddled my legs further, crawled between my thighs, and began to perform one of her signature blow jobs. Blake joined behind her, moved forward, and started tweaking Joy's mammaries. She felt his expanding member and her hand shifted back, giving him a hand job. Her oral and manual jobs worked miracles. Blake and I were rock-hard in a very short time.

Next, I pulled her up on top of me, inserted my member into her wet pussy, and pounded her vagina at a steady pace. Then I pulled her thighs slightly forward. Meanwhile, Blake grabbed the KY jelly, smeared a generous amount on his cock and Joy's ass crack, and penetrated her puckered hole with his forefinger. He circled the inside of her sphincter a couple of times before inserting a second finger. She moaned, knowing quite well what was coming. She turned her head to Blake and whispered, "Just do it. I fantasized about double penetration for over a year and would love to experience it at last."