My Naked Adventures - Teachers Pet

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Being the teachers pet has it's rewards.
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My last year of high school was filled with excitement I never expected....


My last year in high school had finally arrived, along with my nineteenth birthday. This year a new program was started that allows me to leave campus to work for a half day. I was unhappy that I had to report to a magnet campus across town for the class, but I was excited to get out of school early.

English IV was the only subject I needed to finish at my home school. After English class, I reported to the magnet campus across town for the employment training class.

Throughout my teen years, I developed an insatiable urge to strip naked outside. I could never understand why but I was always seeking time and places to do so. I made no attempts to show myself deliberately, but the thrill of possibly being caught was irresistible.

I had also discovered the joy of not wearing any underwear. The feeling of freedom from this kept me partially hard. Being a teenage male, I made it a point to relieve myself almost daily, an event that brought great joy.

When I first stepped into the employment training classroom across town, my eyes fell upon an object of beauty, Mrs. Richards, my teacher. My heart skipped multiple beats as she introduced herself. I had never experienced a feeling so powerful.

What just happened? I could not take my eyes off the soft-spoken goddess standing before me. I had never had a teacher like this!

Karen was about twenty-seven years old and stood about five feet two inches. She possessed the most beautiful facial features I had ever known to exist. She dressed very appropriately. The slight feminine jiggle of her rear underneath her pants did not go unnoticed. I was smitten with my new teacher.

The image baked in my mind that evening of the beautiful goddess teaching me offered a chance to extinguish the waiting flame inside my groin once again.

My new job as a delivery man for a local office supply company started immediately. I would be alone delivering supplies around the county daily and on Saturdays. She was to monitor my progress in this class.

On the third day of class, Mrs. Richards wore a dress. The first view of her amazing legs sent a spasm through me. I made a point to stay after class to see her.

"Can I help you?"

"I think you are the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. I have the worst crush on you possible! I can't get you out of my mind!"

She was taken entirely by surprise. Her face blushed immediately as she broke into a sweat.

"Oh, my."

My announcement visibly shook her. She was caught in a quandary.

"Well, this is quite a surprise. I am amazed by the compliment; thank you!"

A surge of hormones immediately sent shimmers of excitement through her making its way to her inner sanctum giving her pause. Am I getting aroused by a teen boy's puppy love?

Karen had forgotten how nice it felt to be admired. It was the first time any such announcement had been offered since she had graduated college and married. She smiled with gratitude and surprise.

Karen had no children yet. They lived outside of town in a rural area. Dan worked for the government in a position she could not discuss. His schedule required long hours and working weekends which gave Karen time for herself.

Weekends were her time to do as she pleased, which often meant some jogging down the country lane they lived on, which afforded her complete privacy. She was intent on keeping herself in shape.

Karen was disappointed that she could not find her favorite shorts today. They were extremely comfortable.

Lost somewhere in a pile of dirty laundry, she would have to wear her old college shorts today. These were made from silky thin material split on each side up to the waistband offering an unobstructed view of her upper thigh. She was not quite sure why she had kept them. She would have to revive her thong today, for sure.

She slipped on the old shorts and inspected herself in the mirror. The image she saw was different from what she was proud of. Her old shorts left the lower portion of her cheeks entirely exposed.

"I don't remember my ass being so big. I can't believe all these fat ripples on my thighs; I definitely need to exercise more."

"These shorts must have shrunk." There seemed to be no inseam at all, she thought, as she tried to account for two inches of her derriere hanging out.

Frustrated, she set off immediately to attend to her unsatisfactory condition.

Karen jogged out of her drive and down the lane some two miles when she suddenly realized a vehicle was approaching from behind—knowing that someone would see her dressed like this and had nowhere to hide only worsened her predicament.

Her body responded with a surge of adrenaline. The thought of displaying herself to a stranger sent alien instructions to continue. The sensation was overwhelming and controlling; why was I not attempting to hide my half-exposed ass? Her mind was confused, trying to comprehend these unusual thoughts as she kept pace on the side of the road, trying to regulate her anxiety. She did not understand the feeling of exhilaration she was overrun with.

The vehicle slowly approached her from behind and slowed to a crawl. She was well aware that her ass was being observed. "Damn, I can't believe I am showing myself like this!"

The strange van pulled around her slowly and finally passed. Watching the van disappear in front of her, she took a deep breath calming her racing heart somewhat. Karen had just experienced the exhilaration of exposing herself; it was empowering.

At the top of the next hill, she spotted the vehicle returning. Shivering with anxiety, knowing most of her body was being advertised wearing these shorts, she reminded herself never to wear them again.

Karen kept her pace, staring toward her destination; she was too ashamed to look over at the driver as they slowly passed. The vehicle passed with no issues relieving her troubled mind as she continued her exercise peacefully without further embarrassment.

Well, that went well, she thought. It was exhilarating at one point, knowing she had exhibited herself slightly and suffered no repercussions. The anxiety of unintentional exposure had passed but left a lingering notion in her. This strange new sensation was unfamiliar to her.

"Maybe I will wear these shorts again."


Time went by quickly. The schedule of the course worked out great for my job. My boss informed me Thursday that Mrs. Richards had stopped by to check on my progress. He reported to her that I was a model employee.

Deliveries kept me busy. My mind was constantly thinking of nudity while driving. Suddenly I stopped and peeled my clothes off inside the delivery van.

I can drive to my next stop naked! This schedule of going bare and redressing for deliveries worked well and satisfied my need for nude time.

Friday, I stayed after class to see Mrs. Richards.

"How is work going?"

"I am doing well, thanks."

"Your boss gave you a good report on your job."

"Yes, he and I get along well."

"Ok, then I will see you next week!"

Saturday morning began with several exercises for Karen. After this, she planned on her morning jog again, dressed in conservative shorts. As she opened her door, the Martian lurking inside her brain reminded her of last week's exhilaration she experienced wearing her old college shorts.

For reasons unknown to her, she went to her room and removed her comfortable shorts and super underwear, replacing them with just the old college shorts.

The feeling of her vagina being gently touched by the silk fabric sent tingly sensations through her. The uncomfortable string of her thong riding inside her vagina was no longer needed. Her comfortable t-shirt was also replaced with a much smaller exercise bra. She was feeling empowered.

She immediately ran out to start jogging. The soft fabric swayed back and forth, exposing her upper legs and torso to her waistline. This exhibit extended an invitation to her hormones to become active.

Karen had not experienced these sensations before. Running outside along the lane with most of her bottom uncovered was becoming stimulating for her. The thrill of the possibility of being spotted made this more exciting. For some dotty reason, the thought of being discovered excited her hormones.

I could get used to this, she thought.

Several weekends of jogging passed with no interruptions on the lane. Karen's new activity was progressing nicely. She enjoyed the thrill of her newfound bravery and ridding her legs of those troublesome fat ripples. A slight improvement in the firmness of her rear was also noticed.


I could not keep my eyes off Mrs. Richards Monday morning during class. She was in a form-fitting new dress for her residing just above her knees. She was electrifying to me.

"Mrs. Richards?"


"I wanted to tell you how beautiful you are today!"

"Well, Thank you. You are so kind."

Karen's hormones instantly surged, sending a quick jolt of excitement.

"I can tell your weekend jogging is working."

An electrifying bolt of adrenaline rushed through every skin molecule on her body. She turned pink, immediately realizing the possibilities.

Has he seen me jogging? Has he seen my ass hanging out of my shorts?

Oh, God! This is one of my students!

She immediately started sweating.

"Have you seen me jogging?"

"Well, yes. I enjoy seeing you every Saturday."

"What? Really? Every Saturday?"

Her chemical store was revving up at a feverous pace realizing her body had been on display to a student, especially one with a crush on her.

She was confused, attempting to decide whether this sensation she was experiencing was shame or excitement.

"You have a fantastic body, one that I dream of nightly. I love the way your rear wiggles when you walk."


"The way it sways as your shorts flip up to your waist drives me crazy."

Karen realized her daring exploits had been discovered. She dropped her head and covered her face in disgrace.

"I would never tell anyone this, Mrs. Richards."

That was a great relief, she thought, as she sat there in horror.

"How did you know?"

"Well, I saw you months ago when I was lost delivering a package. It's not often I happen across a female jogger displaying so much skin. I slowed to a crawl, not wanting to miss a single detail. When I passed and suddenly realized who it was, I had to turn around to see if it was true, and it sure was."

"I would have stopped to say hi, but I was driving naked."

"What? Driving naked?"

"Yes, I often drive naked while delivering."

"Oh, my. Aren't you afraid of getting caught?"

"That is part of the thrill of doing so; the possibility of exposure is very stimulating."

Karen immediately recognized this emotion. She had experienced the very same sensation while jogging.

"Mrs. Richards? Would it be ok if I jogged with you on Saturday?"

The thought of being discovered, exposing herself, and being able to display herself to someone who admires her immediately stimulated her. Why am I thinking like this? This is not rational.

The alien inside her that had been unconscious suddenly came forth. She looked at me, answering, "Yes, please join me."

Karen could not fathom what had just gushed out of her mouth. Her intellect was on trial, and she had no defense at all. Every cell in her body stood at attention, awaiting instructions. She shook with anticipation of the unknown awaiting her this Saturday.

Karen suffered all night Friday attempting to understand how she had entered this arrangement. She had not ever been one to show herself.

The exhilaration of the upcoming event sent spasms rushing through her. Chemicals pulsing through her veins invited a blast of ecstasy in her aching core. A flurry of wicked thoughts precipitated a rise in her pulse, sending an instant cache of warmth to her lower organ.

The second she touched herself, she released. Karen was in shock at the new event. She was also not in control. The demon inside subpoenaed her finger once again. Each stroke summoned more response as she tended to her sensitive, tender skin.

Karen awoke Saturday morning in a pool of moisture on her linens. Last night's activity proved one of the most enjoyable in quite some time, something she desperately wanted to experience again.


I knocked on Mrs. Richard's door Saturday. She answered, already dressed in her jogging outfit. The excitement of the morning's meeting was evident, showing proudly through the semi-transparent cropped-off t-shirt. Her shorts were much more daring than I remember; the view from her thigh to her waist was filled with bare skin.

She was magnificent.

"Are you ready to jog? Let's go."

As we turned onto the lane, I pulled my shirt off and left it on the fence. Observing her rear giggle as her shorts flipped back and forth. Knowing there was nothing but a wisp of fabric guarding it sent an uncontrolled blood flow to my penis, which was solely responsible for holding up my high school gym shorts.

Karen looked back to see if I was following and gasped at the hardness in my shorts.

"Oh, my!"

Realizing she had instigated her student's excitement caused her to put some pep in her step. As she moved quicker, the sight of her bare legs and the bulk of her ass was amazing. Her breasts swung back and forth in the sweaty half-t-shirt as she whisked down the lane.

This new exhibitionist behavior was consuming her. Adrenaline rushed through every pore in her body, overpowering her cognitive skills. She was trotting toward ecstasy as I watched.

Her almost nakedness finally arrested my thinking; I stopped and flung my shorts off, landing them in the field; I wanted to be naked with her!

I hurriedly tried to catch up with Mrs. Richards, holding my hardness as it flung from side to side in agony as I ran.

When she reached the far end of the lane, she turned to find she was jogging with a naked teen who had a massive hard-on.

"Oh, god, where are your shorts?"

"I left them a way back."

"What if someone comes by?"

"I can't help myself. Watching your body makes me want to be naked."

My behavior startled her. She set off immediately towards home. Every step she took invited more adrenaline to race through her. Her hidden exhibitionist had come to life. She shook with excitement as she pulled her t-shirt off and dropped it beside the lane.

Her small breasts soaked up every ray of sunlight as they bounced back and forth, attempting to keep up with her pace.

She had become a prisoner to her hormones. The beast retook control, stopping her so she could slide her shorts off and toss them on the fence.

She looked at me as I caught up to her, nervous and excited.

"This feels so good to be naked outside; I can't believe this!"

I was mesmerized by the soft tufts of hair guarding her vagina. Her smooth belly was terrific to see uncovered. Her skin was perfect; not a single blemish existed. The excitement of jogging together naked overwhelmed both of us. We scurried down the lane several times, feeding our exhibitionist genes.

We were exhausted as we walked down her drive to the outside porch, naked and sweaty.

Reaching to steady herself, she collapsed onto a lounge chair, trying to catch a breath. Slowly her finger found its place as I watched her frantically expel the wicked beast inside her; as her eyes closed and she fell limp, shuddering in pleasure.

The voyeur inside me was thrilled to have experienced such a profound moment, witnessing my teacher masturbate. It only took one soft touch to ignite the store waiting inside me. I think a new era had begun in our friendship. My exhibitionist dreams had become a reality and were much better than I had ever imagined.

After several minutes, she rose, blushing and embarrassed at her actions. I ran back to gather our clothes while she retreated inside. As I walked up to knock, she opened the door. Much to my surprise, she was still nude, nervous as a cat, attempting to cover her breasts with one hand, her pubis with the other, and sweating. I handed the shorts and shirt to her. She gazed down at my shorts, finding my stiffness still intact.

"I am sorry about this, Mrs. Richards, but you are more beautiful naked than I had ever imagined."

She tossed her clothes aside and grabbed my arm, pulling me inside, pushing me up to the wall, and pulling my shorts off, falling to her knees and taking me in her mouth. She was ravenous as she tried to suck the skin off me. I held her shoulders tightly as she worked her magic, coaxing the lingering seed from my store. She smelled so good.

When she finished licking me, she stood up, facing away from me, and reached as high as she could, palms against the wall. She never said a word as she eased her core out toward me with an open invitation. I reached around her waist and forced myself in as fast as possible; she squealed with pleasure as I reached my limit, never letting go of the wall.

I had never felt such a rush as I did then; I was inside my teacher! This was the first time I touched her; her naked skin in my grasp overwhelmed my senses. She continually murmured as my sweaty groin slapped her wiggly cheeks; I had never been so hard for so long. After ten minutes, my muscles began to halt, desperately searching for oxygen and blood. I withdrew, still hard, attempting to draw in the necessary oxygen.

She looked me in the eye smiling with contentment.

"You should probably be going now. I hope you can keep this our secret."

I left immediately, returning to my home. I was in agony for the entire Sunday, dreaming of the event. I had to masturbate three times that day to relieve my glands.

Monday morning, I walked into class smiling and hard. Mrs. Richards looked beautiful in her mid-thigh length dress. After teaching our lesson, she asked me to stay.

After everyone had left, she asked me up to her desk. She reached over, taking a grasp to confirm her suspicion and my excitement, and smiled.

"I wanted to say that I enjoyed this past Saturday; you were magnificent. We must keep this secret!... I wondered if I might accompany you for deliveries in your van this Saturday. I have never driven around naked. There is a small, very secluded lake further down my lane. Say 9:30?"

I looked in amazement that I even had the opportunity again. "You are the best-kept secret of my life. I would never jeopardize our relationship! You can have me at any time and place you wish! I am your pet."

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NudistDavidNudistDavidover 1 year ago

Fantastic story! I am an exhibitionist, and you captured the exhibitionist's feelings and thoughts very well ... You also picked up very well on the rural, not-many-people-around vibe ... It is exhilarating to be outside with very little or nothing on ... I'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff, and a follow-up to this story ... You write well enough, and story length and pace is good ... I'm also looking forward to going out in a few minutes, driving nude, and wearing little in the stores!

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