My New Boss Pt. 19

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Suky threatens to cut me off from sexual release for weeks.
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Part 19 of the 32 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/30/2020
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I had no clue how long she left me there with my arms bound behind my back. She turned the alarm clock away from me, to deny me the privilege of knowing what time it was. Suky dozed off quickly, thanks to her multiple releases just before bed, and she was sleeping like a baby.

It was just impossible for me to sleep, with Suky's scent all over my pillow, and I kept looking at the curtains for the first signs of sunrise. When she finally reached over and untied my hands, I thanked her profusely and she turned the alarm clock back towards me. I couldn't believe that it was only ‪3am‬, and I shuddered when she told me that the next time I challenged her, I would be bound all night.

My arms were very stiff from laying in bed with them bound behind me, and I needed to pee really badly. For some reason, I felt like I had to ask her for permission to go to the bathroom. She giggled as she gave me her consent, and I left the bed quietly, with my cock still erect.

When I got into the bathroom, I put the light on low and checked my reflection in the mirror. My cock was rock-hard, and I had dried cum all around the head of it, from laying in my own fluids. I felt more in need of release, than I had felt before my final "orgasm". I never wanted to do anything ever again that would subject me to another ruined orgasm.

Once my erection had finally subsided, I used the restroom and returned to bed. For her part, as a gesture of forgiveness, she had folded the covers back for me and replaced my wet pillow with a new one. She patted the bed warmly, and I climbed back onto it. I started to apologize, but she put her finger softly on my lips and smiled sweetly at me.

"Lesson learned?" she asked me.

I nodded my head submissively, and she handed me my freshly laundered silk boxers. I got hard the second I put them on, and felt the expensive silk against my recently shaven nuts. I prayed that I wouldn't ejaculate in them during the night. They just felt so good against my cock and balls, and the ruined orgasm had actually increased my sexual frustration.

Suky said goodnight and then she turned her back on me. I spooned her, and she could feel my cock poking her in her lower back, through the silk of my boxers. She pushed her tight little butt into my crotch to tease me, and heard my tormented moan. A wave of pleasure washed between her legs, and she realized her dominant streak was finally emerging.

As she lay there reflecting on the control she had exerted over me, Suky decided that she would count my ruined orgasm as a regular release. So, by her reckoning, I had come twice today. As I was only permitted one orgasm per week, it would be at least fourteen days until my next opportunity to come. Of course, that was before any time added as punishment for my dissent.

Suky decided that she was going to add seven days for my dissent, which brought my total to twenty-one days. She did not feel the need to tell me at this time, and she let me drift off to sleep thinking that I was off the hook.

I was particularly attentive and considerate in the morning, and Suky decided that she needed to add occasional punishment, into my regular routine of denial and reward. She liked the positive affect that it had on my attitude, and she started to look for any excuse to punish me, checking my boxers to make sure I hadn't had an accident in the night. She was finally ready to fully embrace her dominant side.

At first, Suky was thrilled by the notion that she could come as often as she wanted. It was very exciting to her, that I was willing to help her have an orgasm any time of day or night. She had always been a woman that embraced her sexuality, but men were usually so selfish. To finally meet a submissive, attentive and considerate man was fantastic. Someone that always put her needs before his. She loved the fact that I would gently massage her feet, while she read a book or texted her friends.

Suky thought that it was really sexy that I would wash her hair or attend to her as she bathed. She loved it when I slowly kissed, licked and nibbled her from head to toe. She enjoyed coming on my face every single morning before work, and the way I expected absolutely nothing in return.

She liked the pleasure she could take from me, but wasn't fully into my denial and often felt guilty when I struggled to contain my arousal. Then, as she grew into her role, something deep inside her came alive. She started to embrace the necessary selfishness that the role required, and began to deeply enjoy my frustration. Her panties would get wet when she saw me leaking into my silk boxers, especially if it had only been a couple of days since I came.

Knowing that she could take pleasure from me, whenever she felt the desire, but I still had at least seven days to wait to get my release, made her so hot. In fact, as she associated her pleasure with my chastity, she began to punish me by delaying my orgasm, for the most minor infractions. It got to the point where I never really knew when it was my turn to come, so I stopped thinking about it, and focused solely on her pleasure.

After breakfast, Suky summoned me to the living room, and had me kneel before her in my silk boxers. Even though I had come twice yesterday, I was erect and leaking profusely. She delighted in my arousal, and caressed my balls with her feet through the silk, as she outlined my punishment. I thought I had already paid my dues, by enduring the frustration and humiliation of a ruined orgasm, so I was very surprised to hear that I would be given additional punishment.

"I am going to cut you off, for a long time," she said dispassionately. "Figure weeks, not days."

"Please Suky," I began. "Show me some mercy. I didn't do anything wrong. I only took you up on your generous offer to allow me to come twice in one day."

As I continued to protest my innocence, Suky was having none of it, and pushed back immediately.

"Silence," she barked, "or I will increase your punishment."

I knelt before her in silence, with my head hung in disappointment. Suky approached me with a victorious smirk on her face.

"You will get through it," she said, as she patted the top of my head. "I have confidence in you. You are going to make me proud."

She never gave me a more precise estimation of my time in chastity, even though she had obviously figured it out to the day. In her mind, she figured that it would be easier for me to serve my punishment, if I knew how long it was, and she didn't feel that I had earned that little break. She felt that I deserved to be kept in the dark. There were incidental benefits to her too, of me being oblivious to the length of my sexual sobriety. It would be way more fun for her to watch me wake up every single morning, wondering if I had "done my time".

Once I got a grasp on the reality of the situation, I decided that I was up for the challenge. She intended to punish me for last night's dissent, and that was fair enough. She was the boss and I would play by her rules. I was willing to do whatever it took to get back on her good side, whatever she desired.

She had been so sweet to me, before we eventually became a couple. I don't know if Suky had suppressed her dominant streak, or if she hadn't been aware that she had one yet. It had surfaced very slowly, presumably encouraged by my complete lack of pushback. Little by little she had taken liberties with me, focusing more and more on her pleasure, and inevitably less and less on mine.

Now, that Suky was embracing her dominant side and taking her pleasure at will, I focused on "what I could do for her to keep her interested" using her exact words, when I had first asked her if we were monogamous. If I needed to go "weeks" without an orgasm, to make up for selfishly trying to come twice yesterday, I would. Whatever it took.

I had endured an extended period of forced chastity once before, going twenty-two days without release, when Suky was on vacation in Malaysia. However, she intended to fuck with me constantly this time, which would make it seem considerably longer. While she was on vacation she was not really able to mess with me as much, due to the time difference and the fact that Suky was busy with her family. She did find the time when she was in Malaysia, to have phone sex with me, three times.

Well, I use the term "phone sex" loosely. Suky and I FaceTimed each other, and she pleasured herself, while I told her all of the sexy things that I would do for her, on her return. I was a willing participant in her enjoyment, but I was even more aroused and frustrated, at the end of each session. I knew that there was no way she was going to allow me to enjoy an orgasm, until she got home. However, I dutifully took one for the team, and urged her on as she took her pleasure, repeatedly.

The third of these very one-sided phone sex sessions, occurred on the last day of her vacation, right before my bedtime. After she had come a few times, she relaxed on her bed, with a large glass of wine.

"I want to watch you masturbate," she instructed me. "Listen very carefully to my instructions and maintain eye-contact with me. Get yourself into position on your knees, and use lots of lube."

I knelt down on the floor in my living room, and after pouring a copious amount of lubricant on my cock, I started to jerk off. I felt myself getting aroused very quickly and Suky picked up on it.

"Let me know when you are close, baby," she teased. "I don't want to miss the fireworks."

If she had been in the room with me, I would have lasted a couple of minutes, at the most. Her scent was intoxicating to me, and any touch from her would have sent me over the edge. FaceTime was hot, but it lacked some of the intensity of real-life sex. Suky knew exactly what to say to get me off, and I was on my knees and fast approaching my eruption.

"I am close Suky," I whispered.

"I see that," she cooed, "stop jerking off, now."

Suky loved exerting control over me but, in my elevated state of arousal, it was too much for me, and I continued to jerk off, hoping to climax before Suky could do anything about it.

"Stop. Now!" she commanded, clearly disappointed with my lack of self-control. "Put your hands behind your back."

As I knelt there with my cock dancing around between my legs, desperately seeking some form of stimulation to take me over the edge, Suky issued me an ultimatum.

"You have a difficult choice to make," she began. "If you want to come right now, you may. However, know that it will cost you dearly. If you decide to take your pleasure, against my will, when I get home I will cut you off from any sexual release for two months."

"Two months?" I said weakly, knowing that I would be forced to wear my cock-cage for the duration of my period of enforced celibacy.

"If you do the right thing, I will make it up to you," she promised.

I really wanted to come badly, but I also knew that Suky wasn't one to make idle threats. She would definitely follow through, and I couldn't face two months without an orgasm. For this reason, I lowered my head submissively, reached for a wet wipe, and under the watchful eyes of Suky, I removed all traces of the lube to avoid future temptation.

"Good boy!" she said condescendingly. "I am very proud of you."

Once my cock was wiped clean, it stood defiantly between my legs, fully erect as if to say "fuck you," to Suky.

"I have a gift for you," she continued, seemingly unfazed by my show of resistance. "In the bottom of your sock drawer."

She motioned lazily for me to fetch it, and I hopped off the bed enthusiastically and ran to retrieve it. I think it excited Suky to see the effect she had on me, as I crossed the room with a raging hard-on. I rooted through my sock drawer and pulled out a ziplock bag, containing a pair of her panties. It was the pink silk pair that she had used to jerk me off, just before I took her to the airport.

She had spritzed them with her perfume before sealing them in the air-tight bag and they smelled divine.

"Listen carefully to my instructions," she ordered me. "I want you to sleep with my scented panties on your pillow. Leave your lube on your night stand, in the light of the alarm clock. You will smell my scent all night, and every time you glance at the clock you will see that your relief is only inches away, if you decide to take it. I want you to leave your FaceTime open all night on your laptop, and the panties and lube needed to be visible to me at all times. It will be two months celibacy for you, if you take the easy way out."

I moaned in frustration. It was bad enough that Suky had terminated my jerk-off session before I enjoyed my release, but to have her scented parties on my pillow, would be pure torture.

"Thank you for watching my orgasms, baby," she said with a giggle, "I am very relaxed and content. Good night. I hope you do the right thing, and I will be watching you."

I knew that Malaysia was sixteen hours ahead of Los Angeles, so it was early afternoon there, as I went to bed. I had to obey her directive. I had no clue what her plans were. For all I knew, she could be in her hotel room watching my every move. Maybe she could be going to sit by the swimming pool with her girlfriends, to watch my frustration live!

That last night was quite possibly the worst night sleep I had ever had. I had gone twenty-one days without an orgasm, and endured three very one-sided phone sex sessions, in which I had watched her take her pleasure multiple times, but deny me mine. Her scented panties were on my pillow, right under my nose, and my favorite lube was within arms reach if temptation overwhelmed me.

I briefly considered jerking off into her panties, and deleting her number from my phone, but then reality set in. There was no way that I could let her slip out of my life. I was totally invested in our relationship. It had taken forever to form, even though I wanted it from the day I first laid eyes on her, as she knelt in the shower room, lubing her anus for Fat John. I needed this woman in my life, and was going to do exactly what she told me to.

I had pursued Suky too hard to allow my sexual frustration to ruin anything between us, even though I was out of my mind with desire for her. Our intimate life was, and would always be, all about her needs.

To be honest, other than the three "phone sex" sessions, and the one tortured night with her panties on my pillow, Suky had not messed with me too much while she was in Malaysia. However, this new denial period that I was facing, undetermined in length at this point, was going to be much more of a challenge for me, now that she had learned my hot buttons. I feared that last night's ruined orgasm was just the beginning of what she had in store for me.

"I didn't sleep particularly well last night," Suky told me. "I was up at 3am untying your arms, so that you could finally come to bed. You owe me for that, and I am going to collect right now. I am going to take a nap, and I want you to caress my back until I fall asleep."

As Suky laid on her bed, I gently massaged her back, neck and shoulders using just my fingertips. I used a feather-light touch, as I knew she was trying to fall asleep. In addition to massaging her, I was also kissing and licking her with my soft eager tongue. Very lightly. Like a kitten. It was working. She was tired to start with, and my attentions felt amazing. She felt herself dozing off, as I began to lightly massage her feet and calves. I was gently nibbling the back of her ankles, and the soles of her feet.

"That feels heavenly," she whispered, as she dozed off.

I was so devoted to her pleasure, that I continued to lightly attend to her until she was completely out.

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