My New Neighbor Ch. 01

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A hot hunk moves in next door.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/19/2023
Created 06/23/2022
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This story is fictional and any similarities to places or people are purely coincidental. This story is intended for those aged 18 or over or whatever the legal age may be where you live.

I woke up to the sun already shining brightly through the uncovered window. It was Saturday morning. I rolled out of bed, stood up, and stretched with my arms high above my head. Clad in just loose boxers, my morning wood stood up, proudly. I walked over and looked out the window to see that a large black pick-up truck, hauling a trailer, had parked in the driveway next door. I lived in a community of semi-detached townhomes. The townhomes were paired into groups of two with a space in between each set. My bedroom window faced the space between and, of course, the neighboring unit which until now had been unoccupied.

"Hope the new neighbor is hot," I thought to myself chuckling at the immaturity of my initial thought. As I pondered who my new neighbor might be, my full bladder brought me back to the present. I walked into the attached bathroom, not bothering to shut the door, and stripped naked. I had a clear view of myself in the full-length mirror and all ego aside, I was proud of the way I looked. I was in my mid 20s working as a software engineer but found time to go to the gym regularly. I had brown, wavy hair that was usually styled nicely but not at the moment. My chest was broad and defined, if a little smaller than I wanted, with just a light dusting of hair. I was very proud of my arms as they had the best definition out of any of my muscles.

My abs were visible as a 6-pack but not very cut, something I continued to work hard on. My eyes drifted downward, following the light treasure trail, and locked onto my almost completely erect member. The cut head glistened with a few drops of precum that had formed at the tip. At its best, I was about 6.5 inches long and average thickness. I never had any complaints. The brown hair framing my junk was always trimmed neatly. My balls were full and hanging low. I finished the once over of my body with my legs which were lean and strong from running most mornings before work. My attention was once again pulled back to my urgent need for relief.

I hated peeing in the toilet with a boner and I needed to shower so I stepped into the glass shower to take care of both. After relieving myself and washing up, my cock remained rock hard. I knew I'd have to take care of this before I started my day so I slowly slid my right hand around my throbbing dick. Using spit for lubrication I began to pump slowly while my left hand helped steady me against the shower wall. The warm water flowing over my back, sore from yesterday's workout. My muscles relaxed and the familiar tingling made its way through my body as I continued to stroke myself. I didn't last long and before I knew it I was blasting several ropes of sticky, white cum across the shower wall. I groaned loudly as that undeniable rush washed over me. I watched my cum slowly drip down and disappear into the drain. Sufficiently relaxed and ready to start my day I turned the water off, stepped out of the shower, and dried off.

My penis never deflates quickly after an orgasm -- I guess it's always hoping for a second-round -- so it bounced up and down in front of me as I began walking around my room collecting clothes for the day. I grabbed a pair of looser boxer briefs from my dresser and gray sweatpants from my closet. I was going to have a lazy Saturday and wanted to be dressed for the part.

I made my way downstairs and started making coffee while cooking breakfast. I had just turned off the stove when someone began knocking at my door. I put my coffee down and walked over to the door. I looked through the peephole to see a man on the other side. I didn't have a shirt on but figured he wouldn't care. I opened up the door to lay eyes on one of the hottest men I'd ever seen.

He looked to be in his 40s, maybe late 30s and was in great shape. He had on a light blue shirt that was soaked at the top with sweat, his head dripping actively. He wore black athletic shorts that showed off his muscular quads and calves but made it difficult to check out his bulge. I realized, after staring at this man for a likely embarrassing amount of time, that he had spoken to me.

"What?" I said, trying to focus.

"I'm James, your new neighbor. I just drove in last night," he said while pointing over across the way to the unit, truck, and trailer next door. As he turned to point toward his new place, I took the opportunity to study his face a little more. He had short, buzzed hair that was dark, almost black. His facial hair was trimmed about the same length as the hair on his head, maybe a bit shorter. He was tan and had really clear skin, although it was currently covered in sweat droplets. He turned back towards me and we made eye contact. His eyes were crystal blue and mesmerizing.

"N-Ni-Nice to meet you," I said stuttering over my words. "I'm Parker."

He reached his hand out to shake mine. His grip was firm and his hand was noticeably larger than mine. He chuckled at me slightly when I held his hand a little too long. His teeth were pearly white and his smile made him even more handsome. I was speechless and my knees were weak. My cock began to stir again and I was regretting the choice of loose underwear and gray sweatpants this morning. I was about to excuse myself when he spoke up.

"Listen, I came over here to ask a favor, Parker. My buddy was supposed to help me move but his wife went into labor so I'm left all by myself. I've got most of it inside but can't do the bigger things on my own. Would you mind helping me if you're not too busy? I'll make it worth your while," he said.

That last part intrigued me but I brushed it off as my currently hormone-clouded mind being too optimistic. I really didn't have any plans for the day and here was this hunk of a man asking me for help. I couldn't say no.

"Yeah, I'd love to help!" I cringed the second I said it as I knew it sounded desperate. "Let me just run upstairs and grab a shirt and I'll head on over," I said trying to recover.

"Nah you don't need it. I was just about to shed mine anyway. It's starting to get real warm out," he said as he started walking away. I wanted to grab a shirt to cover my growing-by-the-second dick but felt weird not following him after he said I didn't need it. I decided to just go without it and followed him to his trailer all the while trying not to look at his muscular back, ass, and legs. The view was making the job of willing my dick back down very difficult.

We reached the trailer and I peered inside. A bed set, some dressers, couches, a TV, a desk, and a table filled the cramped space inside the trailer. To my disappointment, James did not shed his shirt and we instead got started hauling things into his townhome. Being at either end of each object as we carried them we spent a lot of time face-to-face. He really was one of the most attractive people I'd ever seen.

After he moved the air mattress that he must have slept on last night, we threw down his box spring and actual mattress. We both let out a sigh of relief as we were done. It had warmed up considerably and we were both drenched in sweat.

"Sorry you're going to have to shower again," he said with a slight laugh as he walked out of the bedroom. "I'm going to grab us something to drink."

I wondered what he meant by that. Shower again. How did he know that I had showered already today? I didn't think my hair was still wet. As I glanced around the room to the open window I was able to see into my own bedroom, clear as day. I could see my bed with my sheets ruffled up. Past my bed was the open bathroom door and beyond that my glass shower door that was completely see-through.

My heart felt like it dropped down into my stomach as I realized this man could have seen everything I did this morning, from the comfort of his own air mattress. I thought about the load I sprayed against the shower wall this morning. I hadn't been facing away from the bathroom door so if he was looking he would have had a perfect side-on view of the action. I mentally prepared for what I was going to say when he returned. I was thinking about explaining that this unit was empty for so long and I didn't know anyone was due to move in.

Much to my relief, he did not mention it once he returned. However, he must have taken off his shirt downstairs because he walked back into the bedroom wearing nothing but those black shorts and his shoes. His body was even more impressive without the shirt. His pecs were large and covered in dark hair. That hair flowed down his defined abs into his shorts where a white waistband sat. My mind yearned to see what lie beneath those shorts. I had a hard time peeling my eyes off of his body as he approached me. I looked up to meet his eyes and he was smirking ever so slightly like he knew what I was thinking. Luckily, the state of exhaustion my body was in after lugging heavy shit up the stairs repeatedly kept my penis relatively soft, although that would change fast once I cooled off.

He handed me a sports drink and I began gulping it down. I was parched. We chatted about our lives and I found out that he was 45, recently divorced, and moved to Colorado from San Francisco for work primarily but also to get away from his ex-wife. When he said the word 'wife' my penis shrank a little. I can't say I wasn't bummed but then again I never really expected to get with this guy. He was a god by all definitions. Of course, he was straight.

He thanked me for my help and started walking me towards the door. I could have sworn he let out some noise, almost like a quiet gasp, as I bounced down the stairs. I had a great bubble butt and he would have had a good view. I rolled my eyes to myself as I figured I must be imagining things. This was never going to happen but that didn't mean it couldn't happen in my mind with my dick in my right hand tonight.

We reached the door and I started to walk out when he said, "Oh, let me grab your number. I have to actually do a bit of work today at the office to get things set up but want to properly thank you after." He reached for his phone out of his shorts pocket.

I gave him my number and we said our goodbyes. As I walked away towards my front door my horny mind again raced to come up with the hottest scenario of how he would 'thank' me. I laughed to my desperate self as I walked into my front door, my dick as hard as it had ever been.

My day passed by rather quickly not having done hardly anything at all after helping James move. He had texted me late in the afternoon saying he was stuck at the office and wouldn't be able to take me out for a drink to repay me. I guess that was what he had in mind.

I somehow kept my hands out of my pants the rest of the day but the image of James half-naked and sweaty ran through my head more times than I care to admit. I decided to go to bed so I turned off the TV and headed upstairs. I brushed my teeth, dropped my sweatpants, and climbed into bed. As I turned off my bedside lamp the glow from the streetlights outside reminded me that my curtains were still open. I threw the covers to the side and walked over to the window to shut the curtains. As I did I looked into the window across the way but it was pitch black inside and I couldn't see in although it looked like the curtains were open.

After shutting the curtains, I climbed back into bed. The soft sheets stimulating my skin, my dick rubbing against my soft boxer briefs, my mind beginning to replay the day's events. My body was starting to react and announced its need to relieve the pressure built up from nearly 12 hours of intermittently picturing my hot neighbor naked in bed with me today. Just as I slipped my underwear off, my phone pinged.

I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. I looked at the screen to see I had a text from a 415 number.

The text simply read, "No show for me tonight?"

At first, I thought it was some spam message until I thought about what I'd just done, shut the curtains. I think I almost jizzed right then and there without even touching my dick. I couldn't believe what was happening. I thought I'd better play it cool as this was literally my dream coming true and I didn't want to fuck it up.

"I didn't realize you were interested," I replied.

What were probably seconds felt like minutes while waiting for a reply. Finally, my phone pinged again.

I opened my phone and instantly spilled a gallon of precum all over my stomach. What I saw on the screen was a photo captioned "very interested." Said photo was of a man lying in bed in underwear. White briefs to be exact. His cock lie over to the side pointed towards his right hip. It looked massive. It was thick which you could appreciate well from the angle the picture was taken from but it also looked very long. I recognized that white waistband from earlier in the day and the hair that made its way inside.

My heart nearly stopped when I fully realized what was happening. I was seconds away from exploding all over and had to try hard to restrain myself. I realized my eyes had been glued to that photo when another message appeared below.

"You didn't use that to get off without me, did you?"

Fuck, this guy knew how to turn me on. I was impressed, surprised, nervous, excited, and super horny all at once. I decided to let go and see what happens.

"No, but I was already close before and this picture is making it very difficult not to," I replied.

"I'm glad you enjoy it. May I watch?"

I couldn't believe we were having this conversation through text while we were literally feet away from each other. It was so hot and such a tease all at the same time.

"Sure," I said nonchalantly before I had the chance to chicken out.

"Excellent. Why don't you open the curtains again?"

My heart was pounding out of my chest as I threw back the covers. My stiff, leaking dick was begging for touch. I started to walk towards the window. I figured he'd already seen everything so there was no need to cover up. Plus, he wanted a show.

I slowly pulled back the curtains and spread my arms wide to push them to either side completely. I stood in front of the window, completely exposed and achingly hard, knowing full well that a sexy man was enjoying the view.

Just then my phone pinged and I looked down to read, "Amazing. So sexy. Turn around and show me that ass"

James had been asking me to do things before but this felt more like a command. I'd be lying if I said my cock didn't jump slightly at that thought. I complied and turned around to show my perky ass off to my hunk of a neighbor. I improvised and bounced it up and down slightly. My phone pinged again.


I guess he was enjoying the show. I turned back around and tried again to look in to see him. I could just barely make out the foot of his bed but couldn't see beyond that. It was agonizing as I knew what incredible sight lay directly before me but just out of reach.

I almost reached down to start stroking when I reached for my phone instead. I'm not sure why but I wanted his approval before I started.

"My dick is aching. Can I cum now?" I sent in a text. I'd never been very submissive before but this was turning me on. A lot.

I stood there for several minutes, eventually leaning up against the window with both hands to keep myself from reaching down for my cock. Finally, my phone pinged again.

"Yes, but you have to shoot it all over your window just like you did to your shower wall this morning," the text read.

That did it. Whether I touched my dick or not, it was going to happen. I threw my phone on the bed, braced myself with one hand against the window, and started stroking with the other. I think it was just three strokes later that I shot one of the biggest loads of my life against the window. I think my legs almost collapsed. It came out with such force that some of it actually splashed off the window and back onto my abs.

I slowed my stroking as I came down from my high having completely forgotten about my audience of one. I reached for my phone as a text appeared with an attached photo.

"Great work, kid. I look forward to more shows in the future. For now, enjoy this photo as proof of how great your performance truly was"

I opened the photo to see him completely naked on his bed with a massive load on his abs and chest. His dick was pointed up and the camera angle was low so I couldn't make out how long it was but I could now see that he was uncut. The top of his foreskin was barely visible on either side of his large head struggling to contain it. I looked across the way once more smiling then climbed into bed naked, slowly drifting off to sleep with the thought of having that huge load deposited somewhere inside of me.

Chapter 2 coming soon.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Won't you be my neighbor

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

James has a very sexy manly chest. O how I love a man with a hairy chest! Seems all man!

dnsontndnsontnalmost 2 years ago

Such a hot premise!

andy190andy190almost 2 years ago

Great! Loved the idea of a gay guy submitting to an older hunk, and a sexy bedroom show. Im now hot and hard so need to take things in hand. MORE .... SOON!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hot exchange between these two neighborly studs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"I was impressed, surprised, nervous, excited, and super horny all at once" yeah, me too! Well, maybe not nervous, so just add a second horny to make up for it. Because that's exactly what this story did for me. VERY HOT and very well written and very much looking forward to chapter #2 of this ***** story. Thanks, MLF

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

wow. Hot

carmelcookeecarmelcookeealmost 2 years ago

Actually sex should be held explosive!!!! Waiting for it .

SpiremanSpiremanalmost 2 years ago

Part two soon please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent, can’t wait for part 2.

Reggie2xxReggie2xxalmost 2 years ago

Yes definitely need more of these two.

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