My Other Mistress

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A Regency era secret affair, with a side of hypnosis.
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My mistress ordered me to fetch her finished gowns from the seamstress last night. She had ordered new dresses of silk and lace for the many elaborate parties she would be attending for the season and they would be ready first thing this morning. I attempted to look graceful if mildly apathetic about the chore. The truth was I was giddy thinking about visiting the dress shop. The seamstress was a beautiful woman, tall and fair, her blonde ringlets falling softly past her bosom. Her emerald green eyes sparkling with a slight gleam of mischief. I loved the seamstress but I was unsure if she returned my affections.

I bustled my petticoats and began my trip. There was no carriage for servants so I walked. My leather boots were worn in, but well maintained and comfortable. Many other servants hurried about fetching things for their mistresses and masters. I stopped briefly to talk to another servant I knew, one of the houses my house was connected to by marriage.

"Miss Camelia!" I exclaimed, trying to get her attention.

"Rose! My goodness you are flushed, are you well?" She had pointed out what I hadn't noticed. Even the thought of the seamstress had me blushing like a debutant.

"Quite well, just fetching the mistress' gowns, And you?" I was curious why Camelia was out at this early hour with a ball tonight.

"The madam ordered new jeweled combs for her daughter, they seek to marry her rich and quickly." Camelia giggled.

"Ugh, these girls are simply desperate. They'd marry anything with a title and a pulse." I was exasperated at the thought of the ball tonight, as I knew after the seamstress I would be styling hair all afternoon and of course the twin daughters of my mistress only wanted the newest most fashionable styles. They were fetching young ladies but I felt a more simple style would be far more effective in highlighting their fine features.

I bid Camelia farewell in a storm of giggles over the fanciful nightmare that was being a servant of high society. My strong legs and full figure had served me well in the life of a servant. I was able to carry many heavy dresses and packages without having to call for a porter. That was why I was the mistress' favorite. A favorite of her daughters as well due to my eye for hair styling. My light brown hair and hazel eyes allowed me to be fair enough to accompany and chaperone the girls but not steal attention.

I finally arrived at the dress shop. The walk had not been overly tiresome and I found the fresh morning air quite invigorating. I opened the door and the small bell rang.

"Ophelia it is only me." I called out so she did not feel rushed.

"Ah Rose, what a pleasure, please join me in the back." Ophelia called from her workshop. I flushed again at the compliment. I walked to her workbench where a fine dress lay, it was unusual however. Your order is on the racks behind me but if I could trouble you for your assistance for a few moments. I knew the mistress wouldn't be up for hours and even so, wouldn't need my assistance until long after.

"Of course Ophelia, I would be happy to do anything to aid you." I said realizing I sounded a little desperate, but she seemed unbothered.

"Please put on this piece and stand upon the raised stage." She handed me the unusual gown. I made my way behind the racks and quickly removed my servant's garments, slipping on the fine silk. It felt cool and smooth against my warm skin. It hugged around my hips, unusual for a gown, most likely a new style from France or Italy. The neckline had a deep V shape and was far more revealing than any gown I'd seen worn during the balls. It showed a great deal of my breasts and was most scandalous. The deep green looked as if a forest had cried out this silk as its tears. The shoes to match were quietly passed behind the rack, also a deep green with a very high heel. I put them on and walked carefully to the raised stage.

"You look like a goddess Rose. Like a deity fallen to earth." Ophelia gasped.

"I look sinful." I giggled awkwardly.

"No dear, you make others feel sinful looking in such a way." Ophelia said mischievously. Was she flirting? I was awestruck. She stepped onto the platform joining me. The gown was tight making movement difficult. She gently traced her hand down my cheek.

"You are such a stunning little creature Miss Rose." I was a good bit shorter than her and I only became truly aware of it when she said that. My mouth fell slightly agape. She tucked a stray hair from my braid behind my ear.

"Such a perfect lady should only be dressed in the finest silks." I was awestruck by the angelic seamstress' poetry. She traced her hand along my exposed bosom.

"This cut suits you perfectly, I knew it would." She had made the gown for me? I was shocked.

"Me?" I stammered.

"Of course you, darling. You have become my muse, my inspiration." She whispered in my ear, her warmth against me, her hand on my waist.

"Bring your order back to your mistress. Once they leave for the ball, return here." She didn't phrase it as a request or an invitation, this was an order.

"Yes Ophelia, I will." I responded dumbly.

"Good girl." Ophelia cooed. I practically ran back to the manor with the dresses. The mistress thankfully hadn't woken up. I carefully ironed the silks to perfection, and hung them for madam. She woke, and broke her fast. I helped her dress in her fine gown and styled her hair in a simple twist. I delicately placed a comb to hold it and carefully curled the hairs by her face to frame it.

"Beautiful as always Rose." The lady praised me.

"Thank you ma'am." I replied, eyes down on the floor where they should be.

"Please go take care of the girls. Ensure they are looking their best as tonight's ball will be their chance to snare a husband." She demanded. I almost laughed, she made it sound like they were going hunting for men. I nodded, and hurried out to the hall before I started laughing. I had a good laugh and then made my way to the miss' room.

"Rose thank god you're here, I need you desperately." The first daughter Mary panicked.

"Take a deep breath, Miss, or you will swoon. We don't have time to deal with an unconscious young lady today." I reassured humorously. She smiled at me, took a breath, and allowed me to dress her. I chose a light pink dress, it was light and flared at her waist making her look like royalty. I took half of her ebony hair and styled it into an elaborate crown of braids placing a tiara in it, and then curling the rest around her shoulders. She looked like a princess, innocent and graceful. She smiled warmly at me.

"Rose, you know just how to make me feel as if I can achieve anything." She flattered. I smiled back at her.

"You are husband hunting tonight?" I teased.

"Indeed I am." She seemed anxious.

"Don't look for money, look for intelligence, look for kindness, and look for humor. Money will not carry a conversation or a marriage." I advised. She looked at me with her big blue eyes.

"Thank you Rose." She said softly.

"My pleasure, dear girl." I was only a year older than her but the life of a servant of my caliber was a lonely one. I didn't mind, I loved the girls as my own family. Their mother, not as much. I was newly thirteen when they hired me. The girls were twelve, we had grown up together. I made my way quickly to Molly's room.

"Rose, I do not want to go to this ball. I hate people, I hate society, and I want to go sit in the garden and go to bed early." Molly was irritated.

"If you marry quickly to a man who is always preoccupied with business you can occupy yourself entirely with running your household." I soothed the young miss.

"Fine, if I must." She replied curtly. I smiled at her. I chose a navy blue gown, the lines quite strict and highlighted her natural grace and poise. She looked like a lady who knew how to assist in business and run a house to perfection. I had her hair back in an elegant fully up style, showing off her long neck and sharp but pleasant features.

"There, you look beautiful and intelligent." She saw Molly give a little smile to the mirror.

"You just show them the poise and grace I know you possess." I advised.

"Thank you Rose, you are an angel on earth." She sighed.

"I know dear." I responded jokingly as I walked out. I heard her giggle quietly.

I waved goodbye to the ladies as they left, all different and all beautiful. All ebony haired and blue eyed. I quickly rushed to do my own hair, curling it and leaving it down, I hurried to the seamstress. When I arrived she stood in the back waiting.

"Good, I knew you'd come." She didn't even turn, knowing I was there by almost magic. I shifted nervously on my feet.

"Put on the new gown and join me upstairs in my quarters." She started walking away. The dress there looked like a night dress, a light blue with lace on the edges. The dress had no fabric on the shoulders and the sleeves became large at the wrists, reaching almost to her knees. The neckline was the same V as the first gown. There was a large slit in the dress on the left side, showing off her entire left leg. It was incredibly scandalous, Rose blushed at her reflection. She walked upstairs slowly. A large sofa and an armchair were in the front room, Ophelia sat in the armchair.

"Sit on the sofa." Ophelia ordered softly. Rose complied, feeling almost desperate to follow this woman's orders. Rose was now twenty and the seamstress was twenty-four, though the seamstress seemed ageless and immortal in her beauty. The seamstress stared at her for a moment, and she felt a blush rise up her neck to her cheeks. The seamstress stood and walked over to her.

"I would like to make a proposition." Ophelia started, but did not wait for an answer.

"I would like to hypnotize you. To be in full control of your mind. Our sessions would occur whenever there is a ball and you will be returned long before your mistresses awaken. In the time we are together I will control your actions. Would you like this?" Ophelia asked.

"Yes." Rose breathily replied. She couldn't quite seem to remember how to fill her lungs fully.

"Good, let's begin immediately." Ophelia dangled a beautiful pendant of amethyst in front of my eyes. I felt that this pendant held momentous importance. She began swinging it gently back and forth.

"Watch it carefully, let it absorb your attention. Nothing in this world matters as much to you as this pendant. It is your sole focus." She began and I focused my eyes on the swinging pendant.

"Let everything else fall away, it no longer matters, only the pendant and my voice matter." She realized Ophelia was right, only the pendant and her voice mattered.

"Your eyes grow so heavy and shut. You slip deeper into my voice." My eyes shut, and I felt everything fall away.

I woke and found Ophelia in the armchair she had started in, I was confused, I remember she had hypnotized me but I didn't remember what had happened after I had shut my eyes.

"You fell under so easily, how magnificent." I smiled at her praise, a warm feeling spreading from my core. I gasped a little. A woman should not have this sort of reaction to another woman, but then a voice from the back of my mind came through so gently I almost didn't notice it.

"Being with Ophelia is right and good, feelings for Ophelia are right and good." I smiled, those feelings were right and good. I stared at her beauty.

"What shall I do for you Ophelia?" I found myself asking. She put out her hand, I rushed to kiss it, on my knees. The reaction was involuntary, I didn't mind it though. She lifted her skirt slightly,

"Kiss up my leg, slowly." She ordered softly. I found myself obeying the voice in my head returning.

"Ophelia must be obeyed, obeying feels so good." I kissed her ankle, then moved to her shin. I carefully traced my lips up her shin, past her knee, to her thigh. I felt a wetness between my own thighs as I continued upward. She wasn't wearing undergarments, I found myself pleased at this.

"Shall I continue Miss?" I asked softly.

"Yes, pleasure me Rose." I obeyed, I kissed her delicate folds, they were as soft and luscious as the fabrics she worked with, she too was wet, the flavor of her wetness was oh so pleasing. I licked it up, suddenly thirsty for it. Wanting more, needing more. I licked and licked, she squirmed and moaned. Suddenly a gush of the delicious liquid flowed out of her with a yell from Ophelia.

I lapped it all up and she softly ran her hand through my hair and pulled my face from between her legs. She sat me on the sofa.

"Excellent work Rose." She pulled out an oddly shaped piece of polished ivory, she removed my undergarments and ran the object over her own wetness. It felt icy but I dared not move. Ophelia slowly pressed it against my hole, sliding it in, it felt so right there, filling me. I moaned, unable to control myself.

"That's it." Hummed Ophelia. "Just relax and enjoy."

She rubbed the small nub at the top of my flower, it felt explosively pleasuring. She continued moving the piece of ivory in and out, my core screaming for more. I wanted it so badly. She rubbed slowly, her fingers dancing over that small bud of endless delight. She pressed her lips against mine, her tongue parting my lips. I felt her tongue dancing as elegantly as her fingers and I melted into the sensations. I wanted more, I needed more. Her fingers increased in speed and her tongue entered between my lips more desperate, the object was pushed in hard and it pressed against a spot that made me shudder. I suddenly felt a burst of light from my insides and I screamed, unable to contain the euphoria any longer. I felt a gush from between my legs, it covered Ophelia's dress.

"Well done Rose." She crooned into my ear. She carefully wiped up the mess she had made of me. She swiped along my still wet slit, and licked her fingers slowly, eagerly. I groaned, still unable to produce coherent speech.

"Go home now, and I will see you during the next ball. Leave the gown and I will prepare you a whole collection of them to wear for my pleasure." Ophelia spoke slowly so my overrun mind could understand. I nodded dutifully at her.

"Remember to write your thoughts of me down whenever they occur and bring them to our next meeting." The order returned to my consciousness and I felt the desperate need to comply.

"Yes, Ophelia." I answered without thought or even awareness.

"Good girl, go on now or you'll be late." I left quickly rushing back to the manor, Ophelia's sweet taste on my lips. I wanted her more by the second. Just as she had commanded. I had two mistresses to serve now.

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