My RA Ch. 02


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With trepidation, April said," The bad news."

"The bad news is we have to change Beauty's feed until she foals, then we can check again."

"And the good news?"

"You will have a beautiful foal; it will look majestic in the pasture."

April said to Beauty," We will fix you up, you take care of your baby."

April came to class exhausted and had bags under her eyes. Mistress stopped class completely. "Zoe, you will take April to the Lodge and put her to bed. You will do this before you eat. I will be there after class. Not being there when I arrive is not an option. After they left Miss Dawn continued with her class. You see you don't punish a sub; you do need to look out for their well-being. April has been spending nights with Beauty, she is exhausted and needs sleep." After Dawn checked in on April and saw she was fast asleep, Dawn asked Zoe if she could borrow Companion.

"Yes, Mistress." Dawn was adjusting the straps very short. Zoe thought Dawn had just been on a horse once or twice and did not know how to fit the stirrups. Zoe soon found out Dawn was a world-class rider.

Sarah was very confused as Dawn handed her the reigns of Companion. Dawn said," That was a blast, too bad there were no three-rail jumps. Dawn said she had to talk to Beauty, Sarah showed Dawn the stall. "Beauty, Miss April got sick because she stayed up with you too much when you were really sick. She has to be here when you foal. Could you hold out two or three more days?"

Dawn felt Beauty's belly. She checked Beauty's feed first and wrote some notes about now, nursing and weaning. She did notice Beauty was sick. Dawn also checked the DIY stalls. It had been decided that some of the stalls would be for people who wanted to save money by doing things themselves. Dawn was shaking her head as she wrote notes for each of the four horses.

The owner of the DIY horses was just arriving when she saw Dawn looking at her horses. Dawn took the owner aside to point out every detail. The owner was skeptical, how could a teacher at a small university know anything about horses?

"Don't take my word for it, get a vet."

She asked Dawn to stay as she gets a vet. Dawn sensed a trap but was confident in her diagnosis. The owner was smug when the vet came. The owner and Miss Sarah handed over the notes that Dawn wrote down. "I am a moron, this is ten times better than what I was going to do, especially for the foal, even the amount of hay is covered. Ma'am, I would follow this to the letter and get any other info from Miss Dawn that you can get to help your horses. "

The vet asked," Were you a racer or a jumper?"

Dawn said," I jumped over a few thousand rails or so in my time, so I guess I know a thing or two about horses. I have a trophy case of a couple of hundred ribbons and trophies. Granted that was over three disciplines. I won my first trophy on a horse named Apache. By the way, Beauty will foal in three days.

"My mom was the best; she and her horse rode as one. My mom made a pact with her horse, she promised never to whip him. My Mom would sometimes race, she would walk back and put a heel mark on the track. When she hit that mark, she went into overdrive. The others had nothing left, it was a race for second." When asked why she does not race more she responded," I never use my own horse. I gave my word to my horse that I would never whip it. Giving your word is the principal of the thing, not who or what you give it to. If I finish up in the last place, so be it. I can hold my head up high knowing I did not break my word to my horse. I have a large trophy case as does my daughter, who has also given her word to her horse. I guess it has not been detrimental to us."

Dawn called Zoe to tell April that Beauty will foal in three days. April needs to be here. April worked hard on her homework to get ahead. She ate well and went to bed early. On the third day, April was in the stall. April called for the vet. It was almost as if Beauty was waiting for April to come. Dawn asked Sarah to help the vet with the foal. She asked April to talk to Beauty, the trick is not to make her stressed out.

April started talking to Beauty," HI Beauty, it is April. I got better so I could see your baby. You will be an excellent Mom. You will be proud of your little girl. Miss Sarah's Mom is looking down on you, she will be your comforter." Once April said that Beauty went into a trance. She did not make a sound while giving birth.

The vet said," Dawn that had to be the easiest foal I have ever delivered, what did you do?"

Dawn said," It was not me it was Sarah's Mom. Did you see how relaxed she got after April mentioned her? Good job April." April took many pictures of the foal and also the foal and Beauty."

The next day Dawn said to Sarah," I am going to get my training and teaching certificates; it should be easy. You should get the teaching one." Dawn got a letter for her training test. She had to be tested the next day. She chuckled," They never give you any time. They want you to know your stuff right on the spot." When Dawn arrived at the ranch she saw several cowpokes trying, and failing to break a horse. An official confided to Dawn," It is a shame it is unbreakable; they are going to put it down tomorrow. "

"You can't put an animal down for no reason. How much do they want for it? I demand to be tested on that animal!"

The official talked to the owner. He came back to Dawn," They have already written it off as a loss. If you can break it, you will pass, and you get the horse."


A cowboy handed Dawn a rope, Dawn coiled it and put it on the fence. Dawn walked out to the horse and started talking to it.

One official said," Why is she doing that? That is no way to break a horse."

Another said," Maybe not, it is her test. He has not been broken by traditional means, let's give her some leeway. She does not want it killed." Dawn talked to the animal for some time, she then got the rope and showed the horse. "You see baby, it's just a rope, no reason to get nervous. I am just going to put it on your neck and take a walk, not far, only around here."

Dawn started her walk to calm the animal down. Dawn worried, "How do you break a horse in one day?" it was already noon and she barely started. By this time everyone on the farm was watching, most with disapproval, some with intrigue.

The horse sensed Dawn's worry. He nudged Dawn. Dawn looked back and said "Really"

The horse nodded once. The cowpokes were saying," What the hell is going on? Are they talking to each other?" Dawn went to the barn to get the tack then put all the tack on the horse and made the appropriate settings.

Dawn said," Which way to the big meadow?" All pointed east. "Open the gate please, I'm going to have some fun with my horse." Dawn ran the horse through all its paces until all the officials nodded, then she took off in a gallop. Everyone was dumbfounded," We have been trying to break that horse for weeks and she walks in and is riding all over our farm in four to five hours. What did she say to him, how did it understand?

"We have never seen anything like it, she passes with flying colors." The owner said," It is a shame to lose such a beautiful beast now that it is broken. I made a deal with her. I am a man of my word, so I have to keep my end of the deal. If I did not, I'll lose all respect for you.

Dawn came back with the horse in a lather. Just for fun, she jumped the corral fence. Dawn took the horse into the barn and took care of its needs.

"How did I do?"

"You will get your license soon.

The owner said," As agreed you can have the horse, I will get the paperwork. What will his name be?"

Dawn said," He looks exactly like my first horse. In honor of him, I will name him Apache."

The owner said," You should be the only one to ride that horse."

Dawn called Sarah and said," I passed, I will get my license soon. Sarah, could you bring your horse trailer here? I am bringing home more than I came with."

When Sarah pulled in she asked Dawn why she needed the horse trailer.

Dawn said," Come on Apache, your ride is here."

Sarah was shocked, "Apache, wasn't that the name of your first horse?" Sarah was in disbelief as Dawn loaded Apache into the trailer. Once they were on the road Sarah could not wait for the news. "OK Dawn, what is the story with Apache, how much did you pay for him?"

Dawn chuckled, "They have been trying to break him for weeks and were going to put him down tomorrow. I could not allow that to happen. The deal was if I could break it, I would pass, and I got the horse."

Sarah said, "OK, I do not know much about breaking a horse, but Dad told me it took months to break a horse, not hours."

Dawn said," I had a long talk with it before I started. I did mention they were going to kill you tomorrow, but I could save you if you let me control you. I guess death gives everything motivation. Whatever the reason I broke him; he even nudged me to tell me he was ready."

Dawn called the vet," Can you meet me at the farm, I need you to check out a horse for me?

The vet just shook his head when he heard the story. "You amaze me, Dawn. How do you do it?"

Dawn said," Not sure doc, one thing we have to watch is when he gets horny. He is not a gelding; we might be able to use his swimmers. That may be one of the problems they were having, too many hormones. I think there is a stall next to Friend, can you help me?"

April and Zoe could not believe it," Such a beautiful horse. How could anyone even think about killing it? I am glad it is in a loving home now."

April drove into town and went into the club. "Who wants to see pictures of the baby?" said April. All the kids were thrilled to see the baby. "You were right, she is a girl."

"What is her name, Miss April?"

April said, "I am not telling anyone until all of you are there for the unveiling. The animal doctor said it will be a while, Beauty needs alone time with her baby. Do you want to see another surprise?" all nodded.

April placed the remaining pictures on the table. "Who is that Miss April?"

"That is Apache, Miss Dawn's new horsey. Would you believe they were going to kill this beautiful animal? Miss Dawn wouldn't allow it. They all shook their heads, they may only be seven, but they had seen far too much of death and destruction. Between Miss Joy, Mr. David, Miss Sarah, and Miss Zoe and the flood they had heard that a lot of people "Went to see Jesus."

Sarah received a telephone call," Miss Sarah, are you going to be at home all weekend?"

Sarah said," Yes, who is this?"

The caller said," This is a friend, we have a surprise for you, so I can't say anymore. We will be there in twenty to thirty minutes." Sarah ran up to her Dad's room and grabbed her Dad's shotgun, loaded it and pocketed a few more shells. Dawn, April, and Zoe were shocked when they saw the gun.

"What? Being out here you need to be able to protect yourself. I am a sharpshooter. My motto with guns is one shot, one kill. I have never shot a person, but I feel safer that I have it, that is what my Dad taught me. That call was just too weird to not be suspicious."

As the first truck came in, Sarah greeted it with a raised shotgun. "Come out slowly, I am a sharpshooter, so running will not help." As they came out Sarah got the biggest smile and lowered her shotgun.

"Sorry about the cryptic message, I guess I deserved that. Can I bring in your surprise?"

"What surprise?" said Sarah. Huge truck after huge truck filled with lumber came in. "I have been toying with this idea, so I had some plans made up. I want your approval first before we start." He handed the plans to Sarah." As you can see if we are going to build you two big stables. You will need a larger barn to store all the hay, feed, and whatnot.

"We all feel bad about our waiting lists so, we are going to build you a good horse farm to help alleviate those lists. We do not feel like it is competition, you will be doing us a favor. Some of the people on our lists are good friends, but we just can't handle it. Everyone has heard about Dawn and Apache already. Let us know when you guys get your licenses.

"We all knew your Mom and Dad and we are sorry for your loss; they were very kindhearted people. They would be proud of you bringing this farm back to life. It is very hard work but looks at how far you have come already. I would not have done this for anyone else Sarah. Your family has to be the most honorable family in the state. In my book, that ranks near the top. It is all three of you, I do not think I ever heard you tell a lie."

Sarah looked at the plans, then out on the field. The barn was huge. The stables were bigger. How could she keep up with it all? It was beyond her friend's means and she could not handle all of it or pay anyone. She was in debt up to her eyeballs.

The kind man asked Sarah if he could look at her books and budget to see if things could be slimmed down. Sarah was desperate for any kind of help. The man was on her laptop and saw a large number which was not needed. "Some of these numbers are here for one-time startup costs. You are paying way too much for feed and hay. I think we can lower your loan rate at least two points. I think we can lower costs on some other things and maybe charge more for boarding and start teaching."

Sarah's eyes were as big as saucers. Two points would be huge. She could only hug him. The man took out his phone and started writing down one contact number after another. After fifteen minutes he put his pen away and said," Just say I sent you." Sarah called the bank manager the next day, she got a meeting for that afternoon. She brought just about all the paperwork he may be interested in, laptop, plans, schedules, present loan information among others.

The manager looked at everything then took great interest in the plans. They could show a great short-term profit. "How long before all the stables and barn is finished?"

"Sir, I am very sorry, I do not know that. They are keeping everything very secret from me, even the cost. The frames are going up now. I don't know what is going inside, no doubt hay warmers for cold days."

The manager said," These plans change everything, they show that you can make a profit much faster than your current banker. We like businesses that make a profit. What do you think about this loan rate?" He scribbled down a number with a rough estimate of the monthly cost.

Sarah just stared. "Are you serious?"

"Bankers are very serious. I will give you the paperwork and you have your lawyer look it over. Then we can proceed from there."

The first call Sarah made when she got home was to Jacob, "Jacob, do you have any lawyers in your church who knows banking stuff. I need one to check over my loan."

"Yes, some very good ones. I will send one to the farm tonight."

After a good meal Sarah prepared the lawyer, both sat down and looked at both loans. "Young lady, this loan offer is straight forward, no hidden anything. I would be in your car in front of the bank tomorrow and call from the car as soon as the bank opens."

The next day the manager saw Sarah sitting in her car outside the bank. He walked over and escorted her in. "I assume the loan passed muster?"

Sarah just nodded as the manager gathered all the forms to sign. Sarah was just beaming as she signed the last form. The loan was three points less than the old bank and one third the monthly cost. It was a longer-term, but the ranch was starting to come together.

She asked farmer one," I have to figure out the staffing problem, a bigger farm means more people to run it. I need a manager and I do not want the manager stealing me blind. I would need to have a double-check for the manager. I don't have $40,000 to pay any one person. I need staff and workers beyond that. Perhaps a couple of supervisors to run their sections. How many supervisors do you think I need? I am too overwhelmed to do that job. That was what Dad did."

When the farmer got home; he made a call to his brother in Denver," Dale, do you still have those friends who are unemployed cowpokes and some supervisors?"

"Yup, brother, and they are burning through their savings. They are truly desperate."

"Well, get them the hell down here. We got a startup rancher; she is dedicated and needs staff. Unfortunately, it will be just room and board until she gets established, but you will not have to pay rent, so you will save money. Then she will pay them properly. Her friend is Miss Dawn and Apache."

"What is that you say? You're kidding me, right? Wonder Woman is her friend? You just got yourself a full farm staff. I will have my cousin call you right back."

One hour later the farmer got the call," Thank you, boss this is the break we have been looking for. Food and boarding are fine for a start; we will get her up and running fast. The faster we do, then sooner we get checks. I will call you thirty minutes out. I will bring the magazine with me."

The next night they had corporate prayer at the farm. Dawn brought a large scrapbook. She was clearly shaken up.

"Dawn are you OK? What can we do for you?"

"I want to show you Apache and the others, but after prayer."

The farmer got his call," Thirty minutes or so out boss, thank you for saving our asses."

After fifteen minutes prayer seemed to be winding down. "Miss Sarah, do you know that sign out front that says strangers may come in, but only friends may leave? Can you please wait on the front porch with me for a bit, without the shotgun?"

"What is this all about, I demand to know!"

"Well Miss Sarah, God puts people in other people's lives for a purpose. Sometimes you see results instantly and sometimes you need to meet a lot more people and it takes years. As you know, you just had a big prayer about all things concerning your farm. You were very correct to bring it to God so He can help you. Just remember your motto, Strangers may enter, but only friends may leave."

A short time later a metallic blue pick-up pulled in. The farmer walked over. "How are you doing you old SOB?"

"I am ready to start saving money boss, is this the owner?" With a tip of his hat," Pleased to meet you, ma'am. I would be the foreman of our motley crew. These are the supervisors. The others are getting gas up a piece and are waiting for my call."

Sarah said," I demand to know what is going on!"

"Well, ma'am we are all unemployed cow folk and a lot of us were burning through our savings fast, many of us hardly had any cash in the bank. Ma'am, you are our savior, just room and board is fine with us, to begin with, we will get you up and going fast. Then you will make a profit. Ma'am, I will dial the phone and you can tell them to come on down."

With trepidation, Sarah said into the phone," Come on down boys."

Soon twelve trucks appeared on Sarah's lawn. There was a bunkhouse from years ago. As they were all assembled, Sarah thought she had to make a strong statement. "The bunkhouse needs a lot of work. You all can work on that first, I want you to be comfortable. You can update it any way you want. If I see any pornography, you will be headed back to Denver, unemployed, and that goes for all of you. Not only do I consider it offensive, but we have a gaggle of seven-year old's that come up here often."

They all walked in and Dawn opened her book, now the table was full of people. As Dawn opened the book with tears streaking her face, everyone saw the first Apache. Dawn bent over and kissed it. "I could never replace you boy, I named my new horse in honor of you. I hope that is OK with you boy."

Everyone was amazed at what Dawn accomplished early in life. She was about to put the book away and one of the cowhands said," That is an amazing scrapbook Miss Dawn, but we all think it is incomplete." With that three cowhands laid down three different magazines. Each one had a large section of the magazine about Dawn and Apache. They included several pictures, the best one was when she had Apache jump a four-rail fence. Dawn and the others could not believe it.
