My RA Ch. 02


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"It is an honor to meet you, Miss Dawn, you certainly have a way with horses."

Later that evening Dawn pulled April and Zoe aside. Dawn said," As you know by now all three of Miss Joy's Mistresses betrayed her by being selfish and telling her what we wanted her to do instead of listening to what she wanted to do. We all resigned from being her Mistress. Right now the class is hanging on by a thread. I need you two to hold me accountable, yell at me if you have to. I can't go through that again. If I can't be Mistress to Joy, who can I be Mistress to?"

The foreman made a long list including names for each supervisor. "If you think some people can work better with others we will switch. We need to have a well-oiled machine; we are starting at ground zero gentlemen. This is our ranch now; we need to work our butts off for Miss Sarah. I want all of us to be proud of this ranch. I want to look at this ranch and see it is truly 'In God's image'. When the others come to work on the other buildings one group will work with them while the other group works on the bunkhouse."

All the hands went out to check out the bunkhouse. It indeed needed work. It would be OK for tonight but at sunrise, it would get a makeover. The hardest part of working on the bunkhouse was that there were three cow ladies. It was decided to be fair to all there would be bedrooms with two beds each with locking doors. A multi-media center on one end and a computer on the opposite corner. Insulation and better windows among other things were added before the bedrooms could be built. Some had sold their homes before they came south so they had some money to make improvements.

Some suggested a study type room so you could concentrate on the computer and add an additional bathroom, so you had one on either end. They added two extra rooms for future growth. For the decorative material, they made it look more rustic, like an old bunkhouse. In addition, they all decided to buy two solar-powered cell repeaters so they could triangulate and get a good reception wherever they were and could add cloud features later.

Sarah's ranch was becoming first-rate, more and more people were being reassigned to the stables. Sarah could not wait until she could see her new stables. Some of the equipment was brought in covered, so Sarah could not see it.

Finally, it was finished," Miss Dawn, Miss Anne and Miss Zoe could you get your horses, please? Miss Sarah, we think it best to leave Beauty and the foal where they are until she finishes nursing." The stables were fantastic, everything Noel and Sarah saw on their trips plus some add-ons. The barn was huge and filled to the gills with supplies.

"Once we get Beauty and the foal over here, we can use the old barn for people who want to do it themselves. Then what you do is give them a tour of these stables; they will switch. You make $800/month more." Soon the stables started filling up.

Some on the waiting lists were apprehensive about Sarah. How could a young start-up take proper care of my horses? One such lady waited two weeks before she decided to tour the stables. As she was finishing the tour, and she was quite impressed, a horse trailer pulled up and put his horse in the very last stall and proudly affixed the name plaque to the stall door.

Sarah said," OH dear, it appears my main stables are now full. We do have some stalls in my old barn, but that is not set up for full service. We reserved that for those who wanted the DIY option to people who want to save some money.

The woman said," DIY?"

"Do it yourself, feed, muckraking, etc. You decide how good the care is by how much you work here every day. We basically give it a stall and keep it warm. I am very sorry ma'am; would you like me to put you on a full-service waiting list? Would you like me to arrange a DIY stall?"

The woman said," How much to have one of your workers take care of my horses in the DIY area?"

"Let's go inside and discuss it. I will call my foreman to help with prices." Sarah called him and he said, he would be right up. "All our main service stalls are now filled. This woman would like her horses to stay here in the DIY area but wants to find out how much it would cost to get a similar service. How many horses do you have and what kind of service do you want ma'am, remember you are taking a member of my staff off his job, so I have to charge you for that."

The foreman said," To start with, you'll foot all the vet bills. You buy the feed, so you get the kind you want, I do not want complaints that I used the wrong food. I will include the muckraking in labor, which will be the hardest part. There is no automatic water or feed out there, you can look at what we have, or you can provide what you want. We could give you a blanket for free. We have an area to store your tack. Let's go out to the barn and see what you think. If your animal is disruptive to the other animals, I would ask you to leave. I would not expect your animal to have the same temperament as the others so there is some leeway, I will afford you."

All the while the foreman was writing a double list saying Owner and Us on the top and listing all the pertinent areas. The women asked about a few other things she assumed she would pay for and see what she could get us to pay for.

"Anything else ma'am?"

"I think that is about it. Could I be allowed to pick which stalls they have? I have three horses."

"Yes ma'am"

She picked the three in the middle and opposite from where the heavy winds come from.

"Let's go in and make a revised contract that conforms to your needs. Here are the list and a rough price per horse." He handed the sheet to the woman.

She was a little surprised. She knew that was higher than the full-service stalls and she was not getting as much. She realized that labor was a big part of it. She also realized her horses would get better care here and would be cheaper than anywhere else. "These items and prices are alright with me."

The foreman wanted to make clear," Please remember, if you do not pay vet items or we run out of feed, your horses will get sick or get hungry. As you see we will charge you for the hay, but we will supply it."

A contract was created, and two copies were signed and dated by both parties.

"I think I undercharged her; I will make out a list with better prices then make a contract on the computer. I will have to figure out the cost if we have to hire another hand and where to get one."

Sarah said," Check out South Hill, they have the major. Ask the Profs If they know someone who wants to work with horses if we need an extra hand. You probably will need to pay them by the hour."

With a lot of hard work, the ranch was starting to make a profit. The bunkhouse was not ideal, compromises were made. The full stables took a lot of work and more stable hands would be needed. Every day someone checked on April's foal.

Finally, after five months of nursing Beauty stopped nursing. Now they just needed to let the weanling get used to the stable and pasture. The vet was right, she looked great running free in the fields. She seemed to get tired fast, so they called the vet. It had a hard time not gaining size and muscle as she should. The vet changed the diet," April, watch it when it grazes to see if it gets tired. Take it on slow walks so it can graze and go up and down hills to build up the muscles."

April could not wait for any more, she put the name plaque on the gate and covered it with a blanket. She went down to the club to talk to the kids. All were excited about seeing the baby. April said," There are some rules you must follow, or else Miss Zoe or Miss Anne will separate you from the group and you can't come next time or maybe the time after that.

"First, you have to use quiet indoor voices. This is a baby; she has never met children before. Second, you must be on your best manners. Third, no running or quick movements, you do not want to scare it. Fourth, always show your hands palm up, you do not want it to think you are going to hit it. The animal doctor has it on a special diet right now so you can't feed it. I know that there are a lot of rules to remember. I know you can do it, and I have to protect my baby."

Everyone was chattering away trying to guess what name Miss April picked out. Soon everyone was sitting before the door. "Children, you will be the first ones to see the name; I combined some names you gave me. The blanket was removed, and the name Angel's Dream was revealed. "Remember manners, animals do not like to be crowded, babies even more so.

"Why don't all of you go over to the corral, then she will not be as afraid." April started in the center and slowly worked her way out so Angel could get used to the children. All the children were very gentle with Angel, she let them pet her more than April thought. After April put Angel away she told the kids to go visit Apache."

Apache was a chestnut-colored stallion whose muscles were so firm and toned, he just looked liberated as he strode over the pasture. He was devoted to Miss Dawn. They rode as one, just like her Mom did. Everyone thought that the only person that could ride Apache was Miss Dawn, he would not allow anyone else.

Beauty sensed there was something the matter with Angel, she nosed Angel away from the herd, and they started running together. "Zoe, Sarah, come look."

There they were, mother and daughter, running together to build up the weanlings muscles. It was a beautiful sight. After fifteen minutes, April and Sarah came out to separate the two. Angel was getting tired and Sarah came out to give Beauty a big hug for her efforts. Soon they will not need to separate them. April was right, Beauty was an excellent Mom.

The foreman came up to Sarah and said," Soon we will need ten more hands. Maybe one more for every DIY that gets converted." He handed Sarah a list of students he got from South Hill. "I would hire them all, or we will have to pick what broken piece of equipment are we not going to fix today? Start low and promise quick pay raises.

See if 'The Dean' would be open to internships. This farm could handle several majors. Ranch Management, Earth Sciences, Vet Sciences just to name a few. We could use a female mechanic. There is an open bed in the ladies' quarters."

Joy went down to the club and said," Soon I am going to France for two weeks. I can't take Buddy, don't you think the people at the nursing home could do a good job watching him? They would love to see more of him. I can't think of another solution, can you kids?"

The kids were stunned. How could Miss Joy think of anyone, but for them? There was a little boy with a squeaky voice said," How about us?"

"Well. I never thought about that, let's see, when you went to see Angel and Apache you both had good manners, you were gentle with them plus you followed all the rules. You always treated Buddy well in the past.

It would be a huge responsibility. Two weeks is a long time. For each day we need a responsible person to report if Buddy is sick or gets hurt. There would be a lot of jobs that he needs to be taken care of. Maybe we could have two people do each job, so we make sure it is done.

Buddy would have to go to church, you would have to wash him on Saturday afternoons, so he looks good for the church. The people at the nursing home like to see Buddy, you need to take him there.

Bad manners will get your name taken off the list. I will want a detailed report when I get back. I do not want someone with bad manners to take care of Buddy, he is very important to me."

Joy pulled out her whiteboards and marked all fourteen days and then some room for extra jobs. She started with the responsibility of people. Molly, as expected, was the first name. Many Joy listed were people who were not leaders, why were their names there?

Some jobs meant you had to get up extra early. They would do it for Buddy. Soon the boards were full and the parents were told they could make new jobs. Many kids worried that they could not have good manners for two weeks.

Alkaia took David and Joy to the airport to France. She said, "Once you are over international waters get some Champagne. Have fun with the whole gang, take lots of pictures. I have never been to France, so I want to see it.

As David and Joy got on the plane the flight attendant got a strange feeling. Once in the air she walked over to Joy and asked, "Are you friends with Gail and Jerry?"

"Well yes, I am, said Joy, "I am Joy and this is David. I do not know what to expect. I think the in-laws will be there tonight. I am going to get pregnant when I get back, Mari is planning a party."

I also want to talk to that priest at Notre Dame first. He did so much for me. Those books Gail and Jerry gave me a grounding for the shooting at the nursing home. I watched my friends die as I prayed for them."

The flight attendant gasped," Wait, you were at that nursing home? How could you cope? It must have been awful."

"It was the worst I have ever seen, God and David were there. I let David mend who he could, I could not do much about the dead. I could not stand by and do nothing. I would be dammed if I could not pray for the gravely wounded. I was hoping God would accept their profession no matter how they expressed it.

God looked out for us; I became a pet therapist and as it happened, my dog had military training, and he was decorated and retained the rank of Captain. He took the gunmen down and made it known that they would be severally injured if they moved a muscle. I hate hurting people, but I will protect those that are actively being hurt.

David's Gran was severely hurt but we plugged all her holes. She lasted only a few days, but she saw David and I get married. She had a look of contentment on her face."

The flight attendant asked if I wanted any Champagne," David and I do not drink, we took a pledge. Gail and Jerry said the Captain and the other passengers gave them a toast. I would like just enough for that and then water after that. The same for David I would think."

The flight attendant nodded and soon everyone had ginger ale or Champagne toasting the honeymooners. "Joy, do you need to know places to visit during your stay?"

"I think Fredrick and Celeste have that covered. I think Mari is jumping out of her skin planning this."

Soon David and Joy were fast asleep with Joy nestled in the arms of David. Everything was planned so Joy and David would arrive at 19:00 local time so Loui could work that day and save a couple of vacation days.

Soon the three-car caravan approached Fredrick's inn. All the horns and bells in the neighborhood started ringing. From car horns to church bells announced the arrival of David and Joy. It was only the first of many surprises that lay in store for them.

Snacks were light, just some salad with some nuts for protein. Then David and Joy were shooed up into their room to sleep.

The priest knew Joy would pay him a visit on her first morning in France. He blocked the entire morning off. While David spent time marveling at the church, Joy spent her time with the priest. They talked for over an hour on numerous topics. Tops on her list were how to be a good wife and mother. Religion was important to Joy, or maybe the relationship with her and God would be a better way to explain it. Afterward, the priest gave both David and Joy a special tour of Notre Dame. Little did Joy and David know why? Joy thought it was odd he did not allow them to talk during certain points of the tour.

After David and Joy left the priest felt more peaceful than he had in years. He could not place why Joy had this effect on him, he just knew he wanted to have this feeling every day. Joy did not need it, she exuded it, from her very core. He felt honored to have helped her.

The thinking from David and Joy was they would start the tour today and would let everyone know if they had to cut the day short. David and Joy could tell Mari had something sneaky planned for them, her eyes gave her away. They couldn't ask and spoil Mari's surprise.

David and Joy soon noticed different people were showing off their France. It must have been divided, so everyone had a part in the journey. When Joy realized that, she just cried. How thoughtful Mari had been to not only make her honeymoon special but also special for everyone there. It was their gift to them, and it was from their heart. Showing their homeland to new friends was special for them.

Some places were on the well-traveled path while others were hidden jewels. Some were breathtaking, some were intriguing like the Paris Underground.

Joy said, "Mari, you can cross off any clothing-optional beaches."

Mari pulled out her memo book and pretended to cross of several entries. "You are such a party-pooper Joy."

At dinnertime, Joy noticed no one was drinking wine. She whispered to David," They are not drinking wine because of us. I think it is proper that you get us some grape juice and have them order what they wish."

David walked over to Celeste and told her," Joy and I feel very uncomfortable that you are not drinking wine because of us, my French is not very good. Can you order grape juice for us and a bottle of good wine for everyone else? Call it a compromise, we both drink grape juice.

David said to Joy," If we are going to drink equal amounts of wine to grape juice do not even think of buying it when we get home."

Louis came to David," David, can you tell me about your pledge?"

David said," No under-aged drinking."

Louis said," Is that US standard only? In France, the legal age for beer and wine is 14, 16 for the harder stuff. I bet you are sick of drinking grape juice by now. Wine tastes better and there are many flavors. Talk to Joy about it, we can buy a bottle and give you half glasses if you want, or multiple ones. So, because you are in France you would not be breaking your pledge."

David talked to Joy about it," I will have Loui be our watchdog so we do not get drunk. We have to obey his word, and the airplane is French-flagged."

Joy said," I will try a one-half glass of white, so it doesn't taste like grape juice. I will let you know."

Soon Joy had her wine, everyone awaited her decision. Joy picked up her glass and took a sniff, swirled it around and took a sip. Then she swished it.

By now, the waiter came over to see if there was a problem with the food.

Joy announced," Magnifique."

The waiter's eyes beamed bright," Thank you, Madame."

Joy stated," I want everyone to come up to our room after dinner."

When all piled into the room Joy smiled and said," OK, David, you are on."

Soon all the connections were made from Laptop to the big screen TV. Soon friends were meeting again. "I knew you would kill me if I did not call."

"Fredrick, Celeste so nice to see you again", said Gail and Jerry," It looks like you have a different crowd than when were there. Can we get some introductions?"

After all the introductions were made Gail said," So you are the sneaky Mari I have been hearing so much about. "

"Why I am, and if David and Joy do not mind I would like to speak to you in private later."

It was a joyous reunion, everyone was glad it was made.

Louis saw 'That Look 'on his wife's face and shook his head, he knew more plans had been made.

Every day was better than the last; for every region, there were two new guides.

Everyone could see Joy was special, they just did not know-how. She did it in such a subtle way. She always deferred to David that seemed natural for most married couples. She did not want to give David any reason to leave, he was her only anchor now.

Mari had a special project going on, every night she would do uploads back to her friends. They were working madly on the project.