My RA Ch. 02


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Joy loved to go to the backcountry. Celeste was her translator, they were invited in. David and the others had to find something else to do. Joy's effect on people transcended the language barrier. Joy's mom said she was not a fake and people wanted to be with her. Her caring heart shone through.

Frederick and Celeste were beginning to see what Gail and Jerry saw in just after one week; how would they feel after six months? Would they give up a once in a lifetime vacation for one person? Her name was perfect for her, she did not even know how she affected people. She was just being Joy.

All too soon the tour was ending. It was the night of the party. Mari's Mom and Mari loved cooking the old-time family recipes. Everyone was at the dinner, even the priest and also Mari's friends. They begged off tea and pleaded no-one leaves, they would be back soon.

"Joy and David, I hope you can forgive an old priest. You will soon see a project Mari has been planning, she wanted every part of your trip done. I would not allow video and only telephoto pictures. We were quiet at points because I did not want you to say something personal near concealed people."

They came back soon with a large scrapbook and several DVD's that chronicled the honeymoon from the bell ringing to Note Dame and every day's tour. Joy and David did not realize how many spies they had. There was a large map of France with all the places they went on each day, even special markings when they took the Bullet Train. A final call to Gail was needed.

Joy just babbled on and on to her good friend. They set a time in two weeks for the grand viewing at the club.

While on some errands Sarah saw a woman walking in a parking lot looking in disbelief at her last paycheck.

Sarah said," Excuse me, why do you look so sad?"

The woman pointed back to the building which said "Going out of business."

"What am I going to do, no one needs a mechanic cowgirl like me around here."

Sarah said," I guess God sent me this way for a reason. I have a proposal for you, let's get a bite to eat and I will tell you about it."

The woman was unsure and, wary, but what did she have to lose by hearing her out.

After the woman got in the car Sarah said," Let me explain, I am the owner of the new horse ranch and I am still looking for staff. A big need is a mechanic. We have an extra bed in the ladies' area of the bunkhouse. I can take you for a tour after lunch."

The lady said," I don't understand, why do you care how I feel!? Who pulls into a parking lot just to ask how someone is? No one does that."

Sarah said," God put me on that road, at that minute so I could see you. Please, let me take you on a tour. You can meet everyone and see everything. You can always say No."

The woman did not know what to say," I guess I could look at it, but if you're a 'Bible beater' the answer is 'No'. "

"Believe me, I don't know enough about the Bible to be a Bible Beater. I never would impose my beliefs on you unless you request it. I do go to church though, I ride. They just put a new hitching post in. Big enough for six."

The woman loved the ranch. She could see Sarah was making a real effort in the ranch. She had to fill holes. She had a long talk with the foreman so she could get a bigger picture and learn about expansions.

The foreman said," If you take the job, we could negotiate about doing cowpoke stuff when you finish all your jobs."

"So I would get room and board and a paycheck that would grow as she makes a profit?"

"Yes ma'am, we are all under the same pay rate, except Miss Sarah, she probably doesn't pay herself."

The woman was shocked," Well she isn't going to make a profit with broken equipment scattered all over the farm. I will take the job under one condition. For the first six months, I will just take room and board. My paycheck will go to Miss Sarah and she has to put the money in her pocket, not the farm. I will leave if I find out she puts it on the farm. In six months we will be going at maximum."

The vet came and saw April looking out the meadow. "How is Angel doing April?"

April just pointed out the meadow. "They just run for a bit then graze then run again. I think she knows I am watching. Mom knows best I guess."

The vet was in awe. What a sight to behold. Beauty knew exactly what she was doing. After forty-five minutes, April went out to get Angel. She brought her in, gave her a good wash and brush while the vet checked her out.

"Every day we give her a few more minutes so Angel does not get too tired out. We started at fifteen minutes and we are up to forty-five now. Beauty grazes in between runs to cool down Angel.

"April, you need to find an owner who will let you exercise their horse which includes rides to church. Angel can't be broken until two to three years and the spine will not mature until age five."

April had no idea. She called up the person who wanted special attention. April said," Hello, my name is April and I live at the ranch. My horse, Angel's Dream, is just a weanling. I am told they are not fully mature until they are five. I am calling to see if you would allow me to exercise one of your horses which would include rides to a nearby church. There would be no extra charge, off book you could say.

The woman was thrilled," You can do any or all of them, my dear. You all seem to be learning fast. You are quite right, the spine takes a while to mature. Can I see your weanling next time I am there?"

"Yes ma'am, I thought I had the job of grazing and exercising her, but Beauty runs her, grazes then runs her again. All I get to do is muck rake her."

"That is some Mom, she will stop soon. She knows you are taking care of her baby."

Sometime after Joy and David got home they got a note saying there was a parcel for them at the post office. They just thought it was a honeymoon present; it was far more precious than any present could ever be. It was marked, very fragile. As usual, Joy deferred to David to open it. The box was very long. If Mom sent it to us it must be important. Joy made Skype calls to many friends. Joy's Mom could hardly contain her excitement.

Joy opened the letter on top, 'the renter found this in a back closet, he thought you would want it.' David opened it carefully, he did not want to damage it. Screams of joy filled the room, it was a stick horse. 'Gran' got it when she was a child, it was just the thing Joy was looking for.

You could not hug it like a bear, but 'Gran' saved it for 90 years. It was special to her. It was quickly named 'Lily.' David could not hold back the tears. He now realized the meaning and importance of the bear family. He once thought it was silly except for 'Bear.'

He would treasure it, "Joy, can I put this in our bedroom?"

"Yes dear, we have to have it in a place of honor."

David knew exactly where he wanted 'Lily'; he rearranged the entire bedroom. Joy did not like how he changed the bedroom, but it was important for David to have it like this. It was not unlike where Joy put her plaques. David did not disagree, he, in fact, encouraged where to put her plaques.

David was sworn to secrecy, but his constant smile gave him away. Joy had shown David her EPT stick. It was a '+'; Joy made an appointment to see the doctor in three weeks.

It was now time for viewing. It was obvious the club was too small. Alkaia got the keys to the biggest stadium classroom. All the kids sat in the front eager to see what someplace called France looked like.

Joy got a map of the world so the kids could understand. She used push pins. "Kids, I know it is hard to think about big distances. This pin shows where we are now. This pin here shows where Miss Gail, Mr. Jerry, Mr. David, and I went. All this part is water, very, very, very deep water. If the airline company went straight across there might be problems. The airline company has to fly way up here than back down. It took over ten hours. It would be like leaving at breakfast and getting there at supper time.

"That is a long time Miss Joy, I would get hungry."

"Me too, but they gave us some food. It is very safe. As you can see all four of us are here, safe and sound."

"Mr. David, can you show us the show please?"

"Just a warning, I have never seen this DVD, there is a big map with a scrapbook with pictures. It shows where we went."

Everyone was entranced, even Gail and Jerry. The kids scoured the scrapbook first looking to see where they were then the pretty pictures.

Joy said," When you are ten would you like to start learning about France and then learn a little more every year?"

"Why do we have to wait until then, that is a long time from now?"

Joy said, "You have to learn about responsibility and trust. Your Mommies can show you how to grow pretty flowers in front of your homes, you would be in charge of them. If you ask Miss Sarah super nicely, she might let you have a garden. It is really hard work and you will have to work on it every day. You will have to trust the other children to take care of your plants. Remember accidents do happen.

After the viewing Joy pulled Molly aside," Do you know why we wanted you to be at Miss Sarah's?"

Molly shook her head.

"Molly you are a very special person, you have a very kind heart. Even at the age of seven people look to you for guidance.

Let's look over the past year or so. Miss Faith called for you to help me and you just loved me. When Miss Dawn was having bad behavior it was you, the children picked out for a leader. You did not want to have Miss Dawn to have a spanking because friends help friends, not hurt them. You knew something was wrong when Miss Anne's Daddy died.

The most caring thing you ever did was to tell all the kids to ask their Mommies and Daddies how to pray. Asking that question made Mr. Jacob tell you how to pray to God. How can you be more caring then letting the whole town know how to talk to God? Everyone needs to know how to do that.

All the kids look up to you. They know you have never lied to them and you have given good advice. If you keep that up and never be fake with anyone, people will want to be near you because you know how to be calm inside yourself.

Ask God lots of questions, ask the Sunday school teachers; Mr. Jacob and Miss Noel l understand it.

You see Molly, everyone comes to God a different way. You need to ask questions to find out what your way is. Sooner or later you will know. You just can't say because Miss Joy told me to. This is God we are talking about, total honesty is required. He sacrificed everything for you."

This gave Molly a lot to think about, she did not realize how people viewed her. From now on she will ask God lots of questions. Mr. Jacob said God is just waiting for us to talk to Him. How do you ask God questions?

Molly figured Daddy would know, "Daddy, Miss Joy had a long talk with me and said I need to ask God lots of questions so He will let me know what to do. How do I ask a question?"

"Well, Molly that could be your first question. Tell Him why you want to ask Him questions. Not why Miss Joy wants you to ask Him. If you ask with a sincere heart, He will honor that.

I do not know how He will answer them. You might have to look back and see if He answered any of them, even small ones. God will start to answer small ones so you can see He is answering them. Small ones will grow too big ones and they grow to huge ones. You may just start with friends and loved ones. Then, people, you don't know.

You may never know if God answered the prayer, but God knows you prayed for that person. The thing you have to be prepared for is that as soon as you start asking God questions then Satan will try to stop it. God will protect you. The Bible says if their Father does not discipline His children maybe the children should ask if they are His.

It means you will have lots of hurt and lots of happiness. Happiness is always greater than the hurts. As you overcome every hurt, you get stronger. Ask Miss April if you could spend time with her and Angel, you can see how God is making Angel better."

"Miss April, Daddy wants me to see how God makes Angel better. Miss Joy wants me to ask God lots of questions."

April said, "OK Molly, we could do that. If you want to live at the ranch you will have to work on the ranch, not just Angel. We get up when the sun comes up; you will help me rake hay with poop in it and you will have to feed and water the horses. As soon as you finish one job, you have to ask for another one.

"You will have to keep up with your schoolwork. It is exhausting work, but you will have fun too. Who knows what you will learn? We go to bed when the sun does. Miss Sarah will pay you because you are working so hard.

The other children will think you have a plum job. I do not think they would like to clean up poop or get up at sunrise. It will be super hard work. You probably will not have time to talk to your friends, but we can work in some break times. That will be a lot to be responsible about, do you think you are up to it?"

Molly said," Miss April, I must admit that cleaning poop will not be my most favorite thing to do. I want to learn responsibility. Daddy said God will teach me lessons. I accept if Miss Sarah says so."

April dialed the number and handed the phone to Molly. "Miss Sarah, Miss Joy wanted me to ask God lots of questions. Daddy said the same thing but added working on the ranch to see how God heals Angel.

Miss April said it would be a lot of hard work, even cleaning poop. She said I had to get up super early. I have to work just like the others, even schoolwork. I told Miss April I wanted to hear it from you."

"Well Molly, horses need to be fed and stalls cleaned rain or shine, somethings we can suspend when it is raining. Are you ready for that kind of responsibility? If we give you a schedule, can you do your best to finish it? All I expect is that you do your best. However, I don't want you to lie to me. I may give you too much in one day, but you have to tell me the truth."

"I promise to be on best manners and to respect everyone. I would never lie to you. I will ask God to help me be a better person."

April called Sarah, she had a plan.

"Yes April, she will need that for work."

Molly was really excited until Mommy took her clothes shopping. The shopping seemed endless. Mommy said, "I am so proud of you Molly, not many have a chance like this. To see the miracles of God right up close.

Remember to keep your room picked up. It will show how responsible you are not having people tell you to do that. I hope Miss Sarah lets the children grow a garden."

"Mommy, why are you buying me boots and sneakers?"

"Boots are outdoor shoes, sneakers are indoor shoes."

On the first night, Miss Sarah said," Molly, Miss April is playing a trick on you, she wants you to know where every horse is. The stall numbers are all mixed up. We will give you a bridle and a name and you have to find the stall and put the bridle on the peg. Horses may have been moved so you have to check each one.

Let's start with an easy one Beauty.

Molly raced away," Peg one" was proclaimed.


"Peg two"


April counted down, "Three, Two, one."

An ear-piercing scream echoed in the stable. "Are you OK Molly?"

In a stall near 'Conquest', was a little pony with a temporary name tag, 'Molly's pony'. Molly put the bridle on and walked her pony up to the adults.

Miss Sarah said," Who is that? I don't remember seeing this horse before. I do like the white. Did you know Christ will come back to us on a white horse?

"This is exciting news, let me invite Mr. Jacob and Miss Noel over for dinner." All the cowhands came to dinner for such a special event. Molly knew this party was for her. "Molly, do you remember why you wanted to be a rancher?"

"Miss Joy and Daddy wanted me to ask God lots of questions so I could be a better person."

Mr. David said," It sounds like she is looking for guidance. Molly, do you remember who God sends as His guidance counselor?"

This was agony for Jacob, what if she got the wrong answer. Molly closed her eyes and mouthed the words. It was so important to Molly that she has Mommy get her the tape.

With a million watt smile she said triumphantly," The Holy Spirit."

"That was unfair Molly, I thought you forgot."

"No, Mr. Jacob, it was a lot to remember and I had lots of questions. My pony will be called Spirit.

Mr. Jacob stood with a glass of milk in hand," Here is to Molly and Spirit, may they ride as one to do the work of the Lord."

Molly was filled with emotion. She now knew how Miss Sarah felt.

Dawn said," Mr. Jacob, tomorrow is Sunday, don't you think Molly needs to get up extra early for church?"

"Absolutely, Molly did you know Miss Dawn won lots of trophies riding horses? If there is anyone suited to know how a young girl should look on a horse, it is her."

"I will help you Molly, but you have to make a pact with us, but mainly to Spirit.," You will never beat or whip her. A pact is giving your word to someone or something. I do not care if they need to send out a search party to find you, you will not whip that horse. Molly goes out and makes your pact with Spirit, we have things to do." Later, Miss Sarah smuggled in several of Molly's female friends. The extra ones slept in the bunkhouse.

"What do you think Miss Joy? A two or a three and Spirit to run free."

"A three and Spirit should always be free. Molly where are your other things?" Molly was getting upset, did she lose something important? By now Dawn was putting on Molly's first equestrian helmet on her now braided hair.

Joy said. "I do not see your Bible or your dolly anywhere." Molly was in a panic, she always kept her Bible in a special box and her dolly on her bed. They were not there, and it was almost time to go to church.

Joy said, "Well, did you check the saddlebags on Spirit, maybe they are there?"When she got outside there were glistening saddlebags. In one was her Bible storybook and a children's Bible. On the other side were her dolly and food.

"I love you, Miss Joy."

"I love you, Molly, before I left school everyone was trying to fix me. I did not need to be fixed, I needed to be loved. You were the only person who could understand that."

It was the first time Molly rode to church. They were almost at the church when Dawn halted the procession. Molly looked confused.

Miss Dawn said, "Little one, this is your special day. They all got up early to see you, not us. Ride on and enjoy it."

While Molly was hitching her horse, she had to do something to compose herself or she would cry all day. She grabbed her dolly and asked where their dolly or bear was. A few failed the surprise inspection. Noel drove all the children who forgot their toys back to retrieve them. All made sure Molly saw they had it.

"Miss Noel, why did all the children do what they did?"

"It is because you are becoming a leader. God is changing you and making you stronger by being humble. Is there any other child in the town who they could not disappoint? For all who knew they disappointed you by not having their bear or dolly, they made sure you knew they had it. You did not order them to get their toy. You did not say you were the leader. Just think about this Molly, you have a whole town full of children. Each one made their own mind as to who they want as a leader, and everyone picked you. They all want to follow you. You are a leader if you want to be or not. I would ask God how to cope with these new problems."

Two small girls came up to the main house and asked if they could bring their lunch to Molly. Molly was surprised to see her two friends coming for lunch. The small girls got envelopes in their bags, they were to get riding lessons from Molly.