My Sister Made Me Ch. 10


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She smiled. "That's sweet. I've got a soft spot in my heart for goofy nerds though," she said. Turning, she sighed, gesturing at the slow moving line to the bathroom. Feeling affectionate, she put her arm on his waist and smiled at him.

"So, you haven't gotten a girlfriend since the last time I saw you?"

He smiled and shrugged. "I went out on a date and we were supposed to go out tonight, but she had to work."

Alex smiled. "That's great!"

A person behind Paul moved too quickly and pushed him forward into her. She laughed, her arm forced around him as he stood practically on top of her.

"So, you might have a girlfriend," she said, sensing that he was a little distracted by feeling how much her boobs were pressing into his chest.

"I actually might," he said. "I'm not usually the type of guy that girls ask out, but this one did."

She smiled, taking his hand again and spinning around. Pulling, she wrapped it around her waist and felt how warm he was against her back.

"There, no we won't take up so much space," she said.

He chuckled.

"So, she asked you out?" she asked.

He nodded. "One of my classes," he said. "She said that she had gotten tired of waiting for me to ask her and basically just had to. I didn't even realize that she liked me."

Alex smiled. "Boys are just as dumb as girls sometimes," she said, giggling.

He playfully tickled her for a moment as she shot him a warning look to stop. He grinned widely but acquiesced. The line moved a little bit, and his hands shifted as she moved, rising up her body. He quickly apologized and brought them back down.

Rolling her eyes, she looked back. "Don't apologize," she said. "I told you..." she said, reaching down to grab his hands and lift, "I like it."

She pulled both of his hands up and placed them directly on her breasts, the press of people around them blocking everyone else's view. He'd only previously moved them up to just below the bottom curve of her orbs, but she was feeling randy and wanting a little attention.

"You've got to be the coolest girl I've ever met," he said, squeezing both of her breasts.

"I like what I like," she said, shrugging. "It's nice knowing that you guys don't think we're going to start dating or anything," she said, smiling back.

He nodded, smirking at her. "Break a guy's heart."

"Oh come on," she said, "You said yourself that you've got a girlfriend, plus you're currently playing with my tits! I don't really think you're missing out on much."

He chuckled, his hands still kneading and massaging her orbs. "So, do you like that?" he asked, moving his fingertips to her nipples and gently pinching.

She grinned, biting her bottom lip suggestively and nodding. He smiled, continuing to do just that for another minute or so while the line moved. A few more minutes of boob fondling and nipple pinching through the fabric of her tight dress followed, and they both went to the bathroom.

Working her way back through the crowd, she went back to the table and winked at Paul as he went up to the bar. She saw that Sally had made her way back around and that both of her glasses were gone. As Curt stood to let her in, she smiled and mentioned that the line to the bathroom was ridiculous.

Idle conversation followed, and she smiled as Joe and Deon let Paul sit down next to her again.

"Just don't forget to bring that fine ass over here," Joe said, grinning widely.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him, enjoying the attention.

Sally came over then, setting down another glass, which Alex took and sipped from.

"Thanks babe," she said, winking at the bar girl as she disappeared into the crowd.

"So, did you guys go off and fuck, or what?" Joe asked, grinning.

Paul chuckled and shook his head.

"No, but he's got some great hands," she said, reaching up and squeezing both of her breasts, grinning at the suddenly blushing young man.

Laughing, she giggled and nudged him with her shoulder playfully.

"Lucky motherfucker," Deon said, shaking his head and smirking.

"You'll get your chance," she said.

Turning, she saw Curt look down at her and raise his brows questioningly. She smiled, realizing that he was asking permission. She looked around and saw that her brother couldn't even see their table, and that Sally was nowhere to be seen. She smiled, feeling confident that the table had privacy, nodding slightly at him.

Knowing that she was leading the guys on, she quietly wondered if it was such a good idea to let them have such free access to her, but her arousal level was ridiculously high. One of the things that she'd had to do was to dab the dampness between her legs clean, lest she stain the back of the dress she was sitting on.

The guys smiled and seemed to be people watching, and Alex was just starting to wonder if Curt was going to take advantage of the opportunity that she was giving him when he reached over and brazenly started to rub her breast.

Paul smirked and shook his head, so Alex grinned and reached over to grab his hand, pulling it up and placing it atop the right one.

"Goddamn," Joe said, smiling widely and watching intently.

"I was just telling Paul that it was nice being able to hang out and not worry about you guys thinking that I'm going to want to start dating any of you," she said.

"Ouch, harsh," Deon said.

She smirked. "Oh please, I told you I had a boyfriend."

He laughed, and she saw that he'd been kidding.

"Shit, I'll take what I can get," the black man said.

She winked and shook her finger at him as the two guys beside her continued to feel her up. Paul had resumed gently pinching her nipple, and soon the right one was erect while the left wasn't. She looked down and giggled, nudging Curt and smiling.

He laughed and started to gently pinch at her other nipple through the fabric.

"I really appreciate the attention," she said, smiling and leaning back in the booth. The two guys turned, both humorously switching hands and beginning to maul at her again.

"This turns you on?" Curt asked.

She smiled, nodding. After a little while of letting them play, she smiled and pushed their hands away. "I think you guys need to give Deon and Joe a turn," she said.

"Hell no," Paul said, laughing and dodging as Deon fake punched at him.

She giggled, seeing the two that had been groping her switching with the two neglected ones.

"I'm gonna need to jerk off tonight," Joe said, sliding in beside her and immediately reaching up to grab her left breast.

His hands were a little cold, though, and she winced as he moved over her nipple.

Deon's hands were larger than his friend's, and he smiled and quickly closed it over the other. She looked up and saw the press of people still around their table blocking all view.

Smiling, she reached up and pulled at the front edge of her dress, working it slowly down until her left breast popped out. Joe grinned and immediately grabbed at it, mauling and kneading the flesh under his fingers. She pulled more, the right one joining the left and both being pushed upward by the edge of her dress. Grinning, she smiled as Curt fumbled for his phone.

"Not my face," she said, covering up with one hand.

Deon and Joe were obviously much more brazen then the other two, and after exchanging questioning glances between each other, she saw them lean in and both latched on to her nipples with their mouths.

Crying out in surprise, she brought both hands up and cupped the back of their heads, pleasure flowing through her from their warm tongues and sucking lips.

"God," she groaned, closing her eyes. She opened them quickly though, and quietly thought about pulling all four out to the car and sucking them all off.

Thankfully, she was still in control of her senses and knew that would be a potential mistake. She couldn't be sure these guys were clean. Still, the thought of all that yummy cum filling her mouth so that she could swallow it down was nearly unbearable.

Smiling, she patted them both on the head, indicating that feeding time was over.

"Well, boys," she said, smiling at them. "I'd like nothing more than to let you suck on these things of mine all night, but I'm supposed to be meeting my other brother here at some point. I better go look for him before he sees me being mauled by you dirty boys."

They all four smiled and stood to give her a hug as she stepped out. She quietly reminded herself to see about texting them again, even if it was just to hang out here and being fondled and groped a bit.

She smiled, having thoroughly enjoyed the attention, feeling her considerable arousal broiling within her. Turning, she headed for the end of the bar and glanced around. Dane was busily working, making drinks. He was the only bartender working that night, surprisingly, so he didn't see when Alex stepped behind the bar and into the back room.

Sally wasn't back there, so she must have been in the main room. She went back out and finally got Dane's attention.

"I thought Danny was going to be here?" she asked.

He shook his head. "It should start clearing out here in a bit. They usually head over to the dance club about this time. Danny decided to stay in. I'm gonna head over there after I'm off."

She smiled. "Okay. How long you gonna be?"

He glanced at the clock. She was surprised to see that it read 1:45 AM and was surprised that she'd been talking and letting the guys fool around for that long.

"I'll head over to Danny's and see what he's up to, then we can all hang out," she said.

Dane nodded. "Have Tino walk you out," he said, looking directly at her with a stern gaze.

She saluted playfully and turned.

As she wound her way through the crowd, she saw that her table of flirty guys had disappeared, probably off to go hunt somewhere else. She hoped that they weren't upset that she hadn't fucked them.

She shrugged, figuring that it was no big deal even if it did piss them off. As she neared Tino, she saw Sally coming toward her.

"Leaving?" she asked.

Alex nodded. "Are you going to Danny's after?"

Sally shrugged. "I kind of want to go home," she admitted.

Alex smiled, then slid in close and looked around. Tino was the only one that could see the two of them.

"I promise," she said, pulling Sally tight up against her with one hand, the other sliding into her jean shorts and panties and causing the gorgeous barmaid to gasp in surprise, "that I'll make sure you have a good time."

Sally grinned, obviously fighting back the urge to kiss her, and then nodded. "Count on it," she whimpered as Alex slid a single finger inside. Pulling it out, she brought it up and winked over at Tino as he grinned widely, popping it into her mouth and sucking it clean.

Sally whimpered, then turned, shaking her head and heading over to the bar.

Alex giggled, moving over and giving Tino a hug. He smiled, following behind her as she walked out, and marched her all the way to her vehicle.

"Have a good night, bonita" he said.

"Thanks big guy," she said, winking. Turning, she got in her car and headed directly over to Danny's.

As she drove, she realized how much she smelled, and wondered if Hannah and Danny would mind if she showered. Going in, she knocked on the door and smiled as Danny opened it, looking a little ragged.

"Hey Alex," he said, smiling. "You look great."

She smiled. "I hear we're partying here tonight?" she asked.

Danny laughed. "Well shit, Dane and I were gonna hang out and play video games and shit."

"Sounds like my kinda party," she said, smiling. "Still, I got beer spilled on me and I'm all sweaty. Mind if I shower real quick?"

He chuckled. "I can definitely smell the beer," he said, then gestured down a hallway.

Smiling, she started to strip as she walked, seeing his obvious stares as she did so. "So, where's Hannah?" she asked, sliding out of the dress completely as she turned into the bathroom.

Danny followed, stopping just short of the doorway so he could still hear and speak to her.

"She's at a concert in Dallas with her friends," he said. "Miranda Lambert, girl's trip," he added.

Alex snickered, reaching in and turning on the water. She stepped in just as soon as she felt the water get warm and turned, expecting to see him watching her. Frowning, she called out for him. "Danny?" she asked.

"What?" he said, still just around the corner.

She rolled her eyes. "You've seen me naked lots of times, doofus," she said. "Get in here and talk to me. I haven't seen you for weeks."

He chuckled and moved just inside the door, leaning against the jamb and shaking his head at her.

"Don't you remember fucking your girlfriend on top of me?" she asked, grinning provocatively at him as she rinsed off all the grime.

"Hell yeah, I remember that shit," he said, smiling.

She watched for a second as his eyes roamed over her nude form, and she smiled, moving to keep her long hair out of the water. It was a moot point, though, as it seemed to get wet anyway. She sighed, dunking her head under the spray and gasping as the sensation flowed through her. She reached out for a towel, momentarily forgetting that she was at Danny's and not in her own bathroom.

Still, he was good enough to hand her one and she tucked the towel around her, then between her breasts.

"Got one for my hair?" she asked.

He nodded, grabbing another as she started to dry off. After a few minutes, she'd run a brush through her hair and then finished drying the rest of herself off. Danny smiled, leading her to the living room and offering her a drink.

She shook her head. "Too late for that," she said, sitting down on the couch next to him as he drank a pull on his beer.

Leaning over, she laid her wet head on him, expecting him to shove her off in annoyance. He didn't though and smiled as she felt him lean over and prop his own head on hers.

"I love when Hannah's hair is wet and she lays down on me," he said. "Probably sounds a little weird."

Alex smiled. "Oh yeah?" she asked. "Show me how y'all normally relax."

He shrugged, then turned to lay down on the couch on his back.

"And Hannah?" she asked.

He smirked and then patted his chest.

"Well, take your shirt off then," she said. "I don't want it to get wet."

The logic behind the statement was ridiculous and she knew it, but she wanted him at least partially nude. There was something about being skin on skin that was absolutely delightful.

He sighed and sat back up, shucking his shirt and leaning back down.

"And she's on this side or the other," she said, leaning over and laying her head on his left side, close to the couch.

He sighed in happiness, "Right there," he said. "Perfect."

She pulled the towel open, smiling at his glance as she settled down against him, his warmth oozing into her. She smiled, part of her wet hair draped over his chest and his arm around her. After few minutes, she began to idly stroke his chest as he flipped through the channels on the television.

"So, does she do this?" she asked, running her fingers through his sparse chest hair.

He chuckled. "She does," he confirmed. "Man, I love that feeling. Wet hair and fingers on my chest. You sure know how to make a man happy," he said.

She giggled, thinking that she did indeed know how to do that. Still, things between the two of them had always been unspoken, for the most part. She was afraid that she'd scare him off if she just started sucking on his cock then and there. So, little by little, she slowly worked her finger strokes down his chest until she was rubbing them across his flat stomach.

Looking down, she smiled when she saw her inevitable target, the bulge in his shorts.

She looked further, seeing that he had his shoes on and rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you're not even comfortable. What happened to the Danny I know, sitting around in underwear and scratching his balls?"

He chuckled. "I'm in a relationship I'm trying to keep," he said. "You're stuck with me for life. I can be as gross as I want with you."

She sat up, shaking her head. "Well, no more chest and belly rubs until you kick your shoes and shorts off," she said. "I want the brother I know back."

He sighed, shaking his head as he sat up, reaching down to untie his tennis shoes and kick them off along with his socks. Following that, he slid his shorts off, stopping to make sure that his boxers didn't go with them.

She smiled widely at him, nodding as he looked down at her questioningly. "Much better," she confirmed.

Danny rolled his eyes and laid back down so she could lay on his chest. "Just make sure you get up quickly if you hear Dane coming," he said. "This looks pretty weird."

She giggled and rolled her eyes, resuming her idle strumming of his skin.

They started talking about Hannah then, and for a few minutes, she didn't move any lower than she had been, her fingers sliding down from his chest to the very top of his boxers. She could see his stomach go flat as he felt her affectionate touch. Smiling, she saw his bulge growing a little bigger with each stroke, and soon, she figured that he had to be at least half-erect.

"Why, Danny," she said, reaching down and playfully opening the front hole on his underwear. "What do you have for me in there?"

He shifted, reaching down to cover himself up. "You're the one rubbing on me," he said.

She giggled, pulling his hand away and finally deciding that she'd waited long enough. "Oh Danny," she said, rolling her eyes. "Sometimes you're really thick as wood." Moving to a sitting position, she pushed down on the couch and stood, turning and tucking the towel back into her tits, then smiling as he looked up at her curiously.

"I'm sorry, Alex," he said. "I don't know..."

She smirked rolling her eyes. "Obviously," she said, kneeling down in front of the couch as her hand moved to search for his cock.

"Oh, fuck," Danny said, suddenly catching on to what she was getting at. He started to sit up, but she didn't care how he was sitting, her fingers sliding in and finding his nearly fully aroused cock. Smiling, she grabbed it forcefully, stroking the way she'd been taught by Wade, Kenny, and her other friends, and pulling it out from the hole.

"Fuck," she said, whimpering as she saw it. He was definitely nearly the same size as Dane, she realized. She doubted if she would be able to pick the two cocks apart if that's all that she was looking at.

Danny seemed shocked, but she really didn't know what the big deal was. She'd had his cock in her mouth when he was cumming. Maybe he assumed that was a result of being really aroused, or that she had been so turned on that she'd forgotten?

She smirked, stroking his shaft and looking up to smile at him. A thick blob of pre-cum oozed from the tip, and she groaned in protest, leaning forward to kiss the head of her brother's cock, her tongue sliding cross the hole and gathering the goo on top to pull it back into her hungry mouth.

As the tangy flavor hit her taste buds, she moaned in pleasure and closed her eyes, leaning forward almost automatically to suck the entire head into her mouth.

"Jesus Christ," he said. "Alex... what the hell?"

She ignored him, sliding her lips down his shaft and sucking hard, one hand moving to cradle his pendulous balls and gently knead them. Down, down, down, she went, her lips moving down as far she could go without forcing it deeper, and she smiled, quietly thankful that both of her brothers were well-equipped.

Finally, the need to breathe won out and she lifted her head up, looking up at him as a long line of drool and pre-cum hung from her bottom lip to his cock. She slurped it up, looking up at him and staring wantonly.

"You're...fuck..." he groaned, her lips sliding down over the head of his cock again, then traveling the decently considerable length of his shaft. She groaned in pleasure, the engorged flesh between her lips and under her tongue pulsing with his arousal. The blood-filled organ was sliding more and more easily into her mouth as she progressed, groaning in pleasure as she heard his repeated questions and ignored them.
