My Son and His Best Friend Ch. 01

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My son and his friend keep me on my toes.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/06/2021
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My son and I have always been close. As a single mother, raising Marcus had been a challenge. Then puberty hit. It was as if my son had been transformed from this adorable little being into a gremlin with hormones. I put him in sports to help him with his moodiness and hopefully give him a place to bond with other boys his age. It seemed to help. He grew a foot taller each summer, filled out, and then all of a sudden my house was filled with college seniors who looked like Greek gods.

One specific summer day, I sat with my neighbor at the poolside enjoying a cold iced tea. She moved in when Mark- he had outgrown Marcus- started high school. When I found out she had been running from an abusive relationship, I opened my door and she has been here almost everyday since. We watched the boys playing water volleyball from behind our sunglasses, making small talk.

"You know, I think you did a good job making that one." Jess said, referring to Mark. I chuckled to myself.

"He was fun to make at the time, and I'm glad his father was handsome even if he was a dirt bag."

"Well, no need to rub it in. But seriously, Lou, you run a house full of hot, beautiful men." I nodded in agreement, equally shocked and amused. My suburban home was filled with Mark's teammates at the moment.

"Must be how swim guys end up."

"Do you think it's true?"

"What?" I turned to her, arching a brow.

"The guys sword fight in the locker rooms after meets?" She waggled her eyebrows at me and I scoffed.

"That one's a myth, I'm afraid." We both jumped as Mark spoke up from behind us.

"It just isn't very appealing to see another dude's junk." Mark's best friend, Luke, added from the pool. Heat rose to my cheeks as I realized they were listening to us. How much did they hear?

"So, Aunt Jess, are you staying in the neighborhood long?" Mark asked.

Jess liked to travel and often brought home new conquests from all over the world. She was slim and fit with short blonde hair. Most guys fell for her athletic build and quick wit, but they came as fast as they went.

"For a couple weeks this time." She pulled her shades down her nose to look at me. "And I brought a friend."

"And that's my cue." Mark ran and jumped back into the water to rejoin the game.

"Oooh, how exciting." I sighed halfheartedly, knowing what was coming.

"Mhmm. And he has a friend. A nice, tall, handsome one." I rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath.

"We both know he's expecting me to be your twin. He won't be interested." I wasn't nearly as fit as Jess. I adopted my role as a mom with grace and accepted the chubby softness relaxation brought on. And late night ice cream. While Jess was a blonde beauty, I was a mediocre brunette.

"Come on, Lou. You're beautiful. Men love your curves." I laughed, then pulled up the swim cover to show her my belly rolls.

"You're telling me these would turn him on?" Jess tsked, grumpily crossing her arms.

"Why don't you ask the boys? In fact, I will." My stomach dropped as she stood, her bikini clad body lithe under the afternoon sun. "Boys!" The game paused, Luke catching the ball as Mark and his friends turned to look. I saw the appreciation in their 25 year old eyes and cringed. "Mark excluded, what do you think about Lou? She's pretty hot right?"

"Jess!" I exclaimed, my face hot. I stood and stomped over to give her what for, but faltered when Luke spoke up.

"Yeah, I mean, I think so. No offense, Mark." Mark shrugged, unaffected.

"I think you're good looking, ma. Any guy would be lucky to have you." The other two boys nodded in agreement. Butterflies swirled in my stomach.

"T-thank you, but this is not appropriate at all, Jess. They're just kids." Jess shrugged.

"Whatever you say. Will you at least meet him?" Mark and his friends went back to playing as Jess pleaded with me. I stammered, my rejection on the tip of my tongue.

"Okay." As I said it, I missed the glance Mark shot my way, then to Luke. Jess squealed in excitement.

"Oh my gosh, finally! Let's go pick out something to wear." She pulled me inside and up the stairs to my room. "Okay so, I'm thinking it should be a skimpy dress that shows off your boobs."

"What boobs?" I huffed. I gestured to Jess' double Ds. "You have way more than me."

"No, you're at least a C." I crossed my arms, refusing to admit she got it right. "Anyway, stop being grumpy. You're not backing out of this." After a few minutes of rummaging through my closet, Jess growled in frustration. "Where are all of your date clothes?"

"I didn't really wear anything like that after Mark was born. It's just been mom jeans and blouses. Occasionally I walk around the house in pj pants." It was true. I didn't work up the nerve to date after Mark's father left, and I hadn't really wanted to.

"Then we're going shopping. Come on!"

Three hours later I shouldered open the front door while trying to hold all the shopping bags Jess had accumulated.

"This seems like a lot just for one date, Jess."

"It isn't just for the date, Lou. Some of that is...just for you." I didn't like the mischievous tone she'd taken on and I was sure I would learn what it meant later. We walked through the house to the stairs, passing Mark and Luke. The two boys were sitting in the living room watching a baseball game.

"Welcome back, ma." Mark called, not looking away from the screen.

"You sure took forever. The other guys left an hour ago." Luke didn't look away either as he spoke. I shook my head. Boys and baseball.

"You can blame Jess for that."

"Thank. You can thank me for that. Just wait until you see what I got her."

"Can't wait." Both boys said at the same time. Jess ushered me up the stairs. The first outfit was alright. It was a tighter blouse than what I was used to, but it was cute. The pants were skinny curvy jeans (how that made any sense, I'm not sure) that hugged my legs and showed everything off.

"I'm okay with this." I shifted side to side to see myself better in the mirror.

"Good, because that is the least risqué thing I bought."

"Wait, what?"

"Next!" Jess pulled another outfit from another bag. It was a black cocktail dress. The sleeves were off the shoulder, and the neckline dipped elegantly between my breasts. The hemline fell just below my knees and I had to admit, I looked pretty good.

"I like this." I admitted, surprised. Jess beamed.

"I have other stuff as well, but you can look through those later. There's just one more I want to see before I go." She pulled a box out from another bag. It was wrapped in an expensive looking ribbon.

"That better not be what I think it is."

"Hush up and get naked." I groaned, peeling the dress off slowly in an attempt to stall.

"Jess, I'm a grown woman and a mom. I'm not sure I should be wearing stuff like this anymore."

"You are a gorgeous 43 year old who deserves to feel good in a dress, and out of one. Now put this on." I snatched the box from her and unraveled it. Inside was a cream silk camisole and matching lace panties. I put them on and gaped at the mirror. The cami fell just below my belly button, and the fabric at my breasts was see through. A floral pattern wound across the mesh to hide my nipples. The same mesh and pattern decorated the panties.

"Wow..." I whispered. Jess giggled, coming up behind me to ruffle my curls.

"See? Beautiful. And look," she grinned evilly, cupping my breasts and pushing them sky high. "Found your boobs."

"Jess!" I laughed, squirming. "Let go." And then the door opened.

"What's taking so- oh shit." I gasped my arms flying up to cover myself. Mark was standing in the doorway, eyes wide.

"Why'd you stop-" Luke shoved past, then halted halfway into the door. His jaw dropped. The four of us stood there, Jess' hands still on my chest, then Mark grabbed the door handle and swung the door shut. Jess and I glanced at one another.

"Looks like you still got it." She breathed, then burst out into laughter. I couldn't help myself. I started laughing, too.

"Did you see their faces?" I wheezed, wiping tears off my cheeks from laughing too hard.

"Stop, you're going to make me pee." Jess gasped, falling onto my bed. Slowly we calmed down.

"My son just saw me in lingerie." I breathed, realization hitting me.

"And his friend." Jess added.

"Gee, thanks for the reminder."

"Just saying. Don't stress over it. They probably had a ton of college girls in tiny bikinis at frat parties or whatever. You're wearing more than that. Besides, you're his mom. He doesn't see you that way. I'm sure he's totally embarrassed." I nodded in agreement. Jess had a point. Mark wouldn't see it as anything other than a mortifying memory. Maybe next time he would finally start knocking before coming into my room.

That evening, I went downstairs to grab some late night ice cream when I bumped into Mark on the stairs.

"Going up?" I asked.


"Did Luke just leave?" I asked, trying a second time to start a conversation.

"Yeah." I felt a bit miffed at Mark's curtness, but decided to drop it.

"Alright." I squeezed by and headed for the kitchen.

"Hey, mom?" I turned and smiled.

"Yeah, honey?"

"Don't wear that to the date, okay?" I blinked, surprised. Mark's face was serious.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Don't wear what you were wearing earlier to the date."

"Honey, it's just underwear." I laughed nervously, unsure what was happening.

"Not on you."

"Did Luke say something?" I crossed my arms, not liking this new attitude. I didn't care how old he was.

"Yeah, he did."


"I'm not saying." I huffed in annoyance.

"Marcus James, I'm your mother. And a grown woman. I'll do and wear what I want." With that I went back up the stairs and to my room, ice cream forgotten. I texted Jess to ask for the details of the date.

Two awkward days later, I stood at the foot of my bed in a towel, staring at the black dress and the cream cami set. Mark wasn't speaking to me and had been staying over at Luke's apartment, so I was home alone again. My nerves were going crazy and I wrung my hands. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. Should I just stay home? I had already done my hair, shaved, and put a tiny bit of makeup on. All I had to do was get dressed. My phone buzzed and I checked it. Jess had sent a text.

Meet at Sky Lounge 9 pm.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I slipped into the outfit, took a final glance in the mirror, then stepped into my flats. I made my way down the stairs. As soon as my hand reached for the doorknob, Mark opened the door with Luke close behind. I didn't say anything, just stepped out of his way to let him by. Luke gave a low whistle as he passed, but Mark said nothing. I shut the door loudly as I left.

I had been sitting at the table on those extremely high bar stools for two hours now. Jess was on her umpteenth drink and both guys were drooling all over her. I downed another shot. Just my luck. The friend wanted a threesome, not a partner. I raised my finger, signaling the waitress for another round. Guy one had opened up a tab so I lost count after four. I never drank, but for some reason I felt so down it seemed like a good idea. My phone rang.



"Mark, is that you?" I slurred.

"Mom are you drunk?"

"No sweetie, mommy's just a lil tipsy." I giggled to myself, knowing it was a lie.

"Where are you?"

"Uhm, I forgot." I giggled again. So irresponsible. I haven't done something like this in years.

"Stay there, okay? I'm coming to get you." He hung up before I could respond. I decided to order some chips to pass the time. Jess stood at one point, dragging both guys behind her. She left me with a kiss on the cheek and some mumbled goodbye. I waved, throwing back one more shot.

"You didn't want to go with them?" I hiccupped, then turned to see a tall guy leaning on the table. He was not good looking.

"They're coming back." My tongue felt too big for my mouth.

"It doesn't look like it. I can keep you company." I frowned, knowing he was coming onto me. But a small part of me liked the attention, especially after being ignored by two gorgeous men. What the hell.

"Sure." I agreed reluctantly. He pulled me to my feet and towards the dance floor. The bar had been Jess' style, techno and edgy. I preferred an old fashioned bar and grill kind of joint. As we moved to the bass, his hands began to roam. They slid up my arms, raising goosebumps. His fingers slid back down, gripping my waist and pulling me close. As he leaned in, his breath blew hot against my face and I scrunched my nose at the smell. His hands dipped lower, squeezing my ass and pulling me in tight, grinding himself on me. And then his mouth was on my neck. Oh, that feels nice. I let my head fall back. One hand slipped beneath the dress, his fingers pressing between my legs. It felt weird, having been the only one to touch myself for so many years. I thought it would feel better. I whimpered in disappointment, but he took it as pleasure.

"You like that?" I shook my head, but I couldn't tell if he saw. His mouth dipped lower, traveling across my collar bones. I tried to focus on what felt good, ignoring the slight pain when he pressed his fingers too hard against my clit. His free hand moved to fondle my breast. Oh, that was really nice. I pressed my chest into his touch. And then I was pulled backwards. "What the?"

"Back off." Mark growled. The stranger smirked.

"Or what?"

"Or the two of us will kick your ass." I turned to see Luke on my other side. I giggled.

"Hi cuties." Both of my boys were here. I felt giddy, having missed them terribly. The guy spat, then left without a fight.

"Let's get you home, ma."

It was quite an endeavor to get me able to walk on my own. Mark didn't even let me try to go up the stairs. He carried me like a princess all the way to the bathroom after I told him for the fifth time I had to pee. He left me to go in private, opening the door once he heard me washing my hands.

"You know, you should really knock." I mumbled. "Or you might see something you don't want to see again." Mark didn't respond. He simply ushered me into my room. Luke leaned against the door frame as I flopped onto my mattress. "Don't hate me, okay? Mommy was lonely."

"I don't hate you mom."

"I don't either, if that matters." Luke chimed in. I smiled, then reached behind me to unzip. Only, my fingers didn't work.

"Can you get this, baby?" I asked around the pillow. Mark glanced at Luke behind me. Then I felt his fingers on my back. Slowly, he undid the zipper. "Thank you." I hummed. Mark's fingers brushed the skin of my lower back and I moaned. "Can you rub mommy's back? Feels good."

"Hey Lou, I think you should get some rest." Luke warned, but I waved a hand at him.

"I'm not tired." I rolled onto my side to look up at my son. "Pleaase?" Mark said nothing for a moment.

"Sure thing, ma." I squealed in delight, kicking my legs as I rolled back onto my belly. He sat on the bed beside me and began tracing his fingers along the exposed skin. I hummed in appreciation.

"Want a foot rub while we're at it?" Luke scoffed sarcastically.

"Yes, please." I flexed my toes in his direction. I didn't expect him to actually do it, so when his fingers wrapped around my foot, I squeaked in surprise.

"You're the one who asked." Luke remarked, firmly massaging the muscles. At some point I must have dozed, because next I knew, I felt Luke's hands working their way up my calves. A small moan slipped out once again. Mark's fingers pushed up the cami and traced my spine. My toes curled at the sensation and my eyes widened. A heat was building between my legs. No. No no no. I was just buzzed. I rid myself of the inclination of anything else. Then Luke's hands moved to my thighs. He pushed the dress up slightly, digging into the muscle with his thumbs. Mark's fingers moved from my back to my shoulders, squeezing in his own massage. I couldn't help the moan that escaped when they both pressed a tender spot, working out the knots. My breathing quickened, and the heat built. Luke's hands slid further, dangerously close to my inner thigh. I reflexively raised my hips.

"Fuck." Luke whispered. Icy cold realization hit me and I sat up quickly.

"That's enough, boys, thank you." I said in a rush, trying to calm my breathing. A glance their way told me they knew. They were also breathing heavily. I tried to convince myself I was drunk, and that they were simply tired from the effort. But then Mark inhaled sharply. I looked at him to see his gaze lower, then I glanced down. My dress had slipped down, exposing my breasts. The mesh camisole did little to hide them, and unlike last time, my arms weren't blocking the view. "Don't look." I whispered, my hands coming up to hold them in an attempt to cover them. Mark turned his head and stood.

"Goodnight, mom. Come on, Luke." He grabbed his friend and shut my bedroom door behind them. I tried my best to sleep, but I felt on fire. Only the heat was from between my legs. What the hell am I doing? I groaned into my pillow. I was turned on by my son and his friend. Mortified, I decided I needed to get laid.

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Enigma255Enigma255about 3 years ago

Thanks for not taking my feedback as criticism. As I said, I am enjoying your work and look forward to more.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Great start well written very readable and entertaining. Looking forward to many more episodes. I enjoy erotism from the ladies point of view (written by a lady writer). Just found this offering as I'm all caught up on all the authors on my follow list! If the next 3 chapters (currently published) are as good as the first you go on my follow list also. Let you know in a future comment. No pressure! Always looking for good new writers with fresh fantasies to share. This first chapter reads like you may have dabbled at some type of prose before?

Later, on to chapter 2



UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518about 3 years ago

Great set up. Not a ton of action but a lot to build on for future chapters. 5*s

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 3 years ago

Good scene setting first chapter.

Obviously the title gives a good indication of where this is going, but will Jess appear somewhere in a sexual context??

I’m now off to read the later chapters.

GlenforfunGlenforfunabout 3 years ago

Looking forward to the part 2

alfredo_babyalfredo_babyabout 3 years agoAuthor

Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for the feedback and the support. Since this is my first series, I was nervous and excited to become not just a reader, but also a writer. I promise there are more chapters to come, and I sincerely hope you enjoy them.

HDblackheartHDblackheartabout 3 years ago

Okay good start but where is the rest 3 stars for now

chytownchytownabout 3 years ago

***Thanks for the read.

kennyboy82kennyboy82about 3 years ago

Good start, good foundation to work on, plenty of potential here, the next chapter could be telling.

syd_v63syd_v63about 3 years ago

Stopping at a critical moment in the story may seem tantalizing but it’s not. It takes a story that could be a solid four or a five and makes it at best a three. It becomes a waste of time for the reader, essentially if the author is prolific, producing reams of material on a regular basis. Since this is your first story and you haven’t developed a fan base, it’s a poor move and makes you look like a rookie. Too many wannabe authors start and never finish their work here, simply because time and life get in the way of what in effect is a hobby. Other than that, this story has potential, you’ve developed a marginally decent backstory, with reasonably good character development, and critical to any taboo storyline is the suspension of disbelief, which you’ve managed to address quite well. How you progress from here remains to be seen. My fear is this will be another in a series of One Shot Wonders that starts we’ll be goes nowhere. I sincerely hope you prove me wrong.

clive2007clive2007about 3 years ago

Quite good. Well written. Keep going.

Hank60Hank60about 3 years ago

Nice! Such a turn-on that Lou has this buried need for her young guys...and they are beyond being able to help themselves. Looing forward to the next installment.

Adbo2019Adbo2019about 3 years ago

Please continue with the story as soon as possible

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