My Step-mom Angela Pt. 04


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I backed off and looked at Natalie. "You OK?" I asked her. She took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I'm OK," she replied. "Can we take a break?"

"Of course," I said and cuddled up next to her. I hadn't known what to expect from a first time but it certainly wasn't this. I didn't care about not ejaculating, but I didn't think it would be traumatic. Natalie got out of bed, put on her shirt and panties and left.

"I'll be right back, Mike," she said, and I wondered if I'd blown it with her. I felt terrible, like I'd done it wrong and she hated me. Maybe I wouldn't get another chance with a girl again for a long time. I lay back on the bed and cursed to myself, then put on my briefs and went to see if she was OK.

I went into the living room and saw Natalie and Gina on the couch, talking. I went to see Will. He wasn't known for his shoulder to cry on, but I thought I'd give it a go. He was in his bedroom, drinking a can of beer. "Hey," I said, sitting on the floor.

"Sup duder," he said.


"So...?" he replied.

"I just busted her cherry," I said, and Will's eyes went wide. He high-fived me, but I didn't feel like celebrating. "I don't think it went so well," I told him, looking for guidance. He just shrugged, and I didn't know what to say. At that moment, Gina and Natalie, came in and I felt sick with worry that I'd fucked it all up.

But Natalie sat on my knee and put her arms around me, so I knew it would be OK, at least for now. I kissed her sweetly. She looked at Gina and smiled, then we went back to our room. We got under the covers and cuddled up.

"You were lovely, thank you for being nice to me," she said, and I could tell she was feeling vulnerable.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"No. I think you've done enough for one day," she replied and we both laughed softly. "Just hold me and go to sleep," she added, and I knew it was her way of saying she was done for the night.

The next morning, I woke up feeling amazing. We hadn't had amazing or mindblowing, or even remotely good sex, but we'd had sex. The sun was shining, the soft light was filling the room, and I looked at my girl. She looked gorgeous in her serene slumber, and I smiled to myself. Even if we went no further, and I was never really her boyfriend after this, we would remember each other forever.

Soon enough, Natalie woke up and stretched out. She gave me a wide smile, and I knew she felt good as well. I gave her a cuddle and looked at her. We started kissing again, and I hoped I would get to use the last condom in a few minutes. I was getting somewhere when Gina and Will burst in, laughing. "Ooops," Gina said.

Natalie sat up, looking dazed and cute. "What's up guys? We were about to get it on," she said, and I felt my temperature rise.

"Can you two lovebirds stop fucking each other for ten seconds and come to breakfast?" Gina said, and both the girls giggled. It felt good that we were referred to as lovebirds, and I was relieved that Natalie still seemed into it. We got dressed and went out for food, and Natalie was beaming. Even though our debut at lovemaking had been a non-starter, we came out of it the other side friends, and apparently eager to continue together. I looked at her and she had a twinkle in her eye.

Unfortunately, Natalie had to go home for a family get together, so we couldn't pursue our adventures. Will dropped me at home, and I immediately jumped in the shower. When I came out, I found Angela in the kitchen, and she was wearing some absurdly slinky yellow bikini. She had been sunning herself outside again. It did very little to hide her vital parts, but did at least hold her tits in a rather dramatic manner.

I had been so wrapped up in Natalie for the last day that I felt really bad about feeling desire for Angela, but she was just too alluring. "Jesus christ," I said to her, and hid the view with my hand. She smiled and went about preparing a sandwich.

"Want some?" she asked and looked over her shoulder, back at me. I was checking out her ass, almost involuntarily. I snapped out of my daydream, and declined. I'd already eaten, but I suspected she wasn't talking about that. Angela went to her room, and I followed her down the room and looked inside. She was laying down on her bed, and started to eat.

I really wanted to talk to her about what had happened, because frankly, I was in the dark.

"You didn't come home last night," she said, and gave me a parental look, then took a bite of her sandwich.

"Can I talk to you about it?" I asked sincerely.

She set her little meal aside and tapped the bed, so I sat down next to her. "Yes, OK" she replied, putting her hand on my knee. Even though I was feeling such warm feelings for Natalie, I couldn't help but let my eyes roam all over her magnificent caramel curves and lines. I went hard, and felt self-conscious. "Tell me," she said softly.

"Well," I began. I thought I'd come straight to it. "We tried doing it, but it didn't go so well."

"Oh?" Angela answered. I shrugged at her, and felt like a man, although I had very little to be proud of in that department. "Well, look who's all grown up," she said cheekily. "What went wrong?"

I decided to be blunt. "I'm not even certain I got in properly. It was like bumping into a wall. And it seemed to hurt her," I said.

"Oh poor thing," Angela replied. "Well, that's not unusual. I think everyone's first time is messy."

"Yeah," I said, with disappointment.

"It will get better, trust me," she said.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," I told her.

"Well, you're a thoughtful and caring guy, so you know more than most already."

"Thanks, Angela," I said, but I couldn't tell what she feeling. She stroked my face.

"Listen. Maybe I can help a little. There's something that you're going to need to know," she said. I looked at her, questioningly. She took a deep breath. "OK," she said, then paused. "Did you get her ready?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, and she gave me a look, then paused again and sighed.

"Did you eat her pussy?"

I was shocked at the question, and laughed a little. "Are you serious?" I replied.

"I'm sorry, Michael. I'm sorry to just come out with that, but I can sense you need guidance, and this is important," she said, then paused. "Well, did you?"

"Yes I did," I answered.

"And how did it go?"

"What do you mean?"

"How much did she enjoy it?"

I thought back. She had made a few noises, but described it as "nice". It hadn't blown her mind. "It didn't blow her mind," I told her.

"Ah, well, that might be the first problem. She might need you to really get her ready before you go in," Angela said. "She's probably tight, and you're, well... you know."

"Oh," I said. "Is having a large penis a bad thing? Am I really that big?"

"Yes you are, baby. Biggest I've ever seen," Angela said, and I noticed she gave herself very slight touches on her leg and chest. "But, no, most girls prefer it. But I can see how it might cause problems at first."

"So, how does it work?"

"How does what work?"

"Your..." I answered pointing at her crotch. My fingers brushed up against the fabric on her bikini bottoms.

"This?" she replied, pointing at the same spot. Her fingers rested on the very same fabric.

"Yes, that," I said, gazing at her body. I got hard again.

"Every girl is different, and designs vary, but there are some universal truths," Angela replied. I nodded. "You need to locate her magic spot," she said enigmatically.

"That doesn't help."

"You know, her clitoris. Her bean."

"Her love button?" I ventured, half-jokingly.

"That's the one."

I sighed. "That still doesn't help," I said, and we both laughed.

"Jesus," Angela said, exasperated. I was feeling horny and bold. I hadn't come last night, and despite my thinking about Natalie, the presence and allure of my stepmom was magnetic.

"Can you show me?" I asked.

"Excuse me, Sir?"

"Show me. Show me what to do," I suggested. I didn't exactly know what I wanted.

"Again. Excuse me?"

"More than ever, I need your guidance," I said and laughed.

"You're a bad boy," she said and gave me a sly look.

"I want to be. And I want to be good at it," I said. We looked at each other, Her arm was draped across her hips and she looked so hot. We moved closer to one another and cuddled up. She responded, and held onto me, and I felt her amazing body against mine. I basked in her presence, and pressed my hard dick against her.

"OK, Michael," she said, backing off. "What do you want?"

I paused for a second. I didn't want to cheat on Natalie, or do anything to cause conflict, but I really did need training, I told myself. "What do I want?" I asked, my arm around her, the other on her leg.

"Yes, what do you want?"

I looked her over, and leaned into her. She was basically naked, and we were right there, together. My head was resting against her chest and I kissed her there, on her cleavage. I kept kissing her there, and then grabbed her buxom melons and greedily felt her up. I was completely caught in the moment. I pulled down her bikini top and sucked on her nipple.

Angela let me do it for a minute, and I could feel the heat coming off her. She was breathing hard, but backed off again. She pulled the bikini over her tit. "OK, Mister. I see. You want to suck on my tits," she said and laughed.

"Well, yes, but no. I need help in other areas."

"Right. Well, you don't need help with the tits."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're fine with that. So, let's move on," she said.

"Move on? To the pussy?" I asked, and slid down her body. Before I knew it, I was staring at her belly, and my fingers were between her legs. I started rubbing her, not even thinking. Not thinking of Natalie, not thinking of consequences. Angela let out a gasp, and I could feel her wetness.

"OK, dude. Stop. Stop!" she said, and I stopped. I looked up at her.

"Was I doing it wrong? I told you I needed help with this."

"No, it's not that. Actually, you were doing fine," she said, and I took that to mean I should continue. I went down further and kissed her on the pussy.

"No, no, no," she said, and again, I looked up at her.

"Wrong again?"

"Not exactly," she said.

"Just tell me what to do," I said.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, yes, obviously," I replied, and went back to kissing her there. I wanted access, so pulled her bikini bottoms aside and went directly for the flesh. Her color was different, but she had the same scent, taste and general layout as Natalie. Angela was a much fleshier specimen, but both girls had flesh down here. I dived in.

"Oh!" Angela exclaimed as I kissed her, but didn't stop me. After a little while, she coughed, and I looked up at her.

"What?" I asked her.

"I think I see the problem here."

"Oh good. Help me!" I said with a laugh. I had been enjoying it, but hadn't really got anywhere. I pulled down her bikini bottoms, and she didn't stop me.

"OK," she began. "Now, Michael. Just like what happened with us before..." she went on, and paused, then sighed. "This doesn't mean anything. We're not going to be together, and we're not anything. This is a one time thing, OK?"

"What's a one time thing?" I asked, and laughed. I slid down the bed again and kissed her between her legs. Angela got comfortable, lying on her back, one knee raised.

"This is purely for your education, OK?" she said, and I nodded, and carried on from where I left off. "No, no. Michael, no. Stop."

I stopped. "What?"

"It's like you're trying to eat a pound of cotton candy or something. Slow down." I slowed down. "No, that's not it." I stopped and looked at her again.


She sighed. "Lick me. Once." I licked her. "No," she said, and with her finger, pressed down on herself. "Here. Lick me here," she requested. I hadn't been too close. Too low. I licked her where she'd said, and I felt her body tingle. "Yes," she whispered. "Again."

I licked her again. "Like that?"

"Yes. Like I'm an ice cream. Lick me sweetly and lovingly. Tickle my little nub with your tongue." I did as she instructed, and her reaction was quick. I could taste her juices and she was moaning under me. "Now, lick me faster, play with me," she said, and I did as she directed. And again, she responded. "Yes, yes, uh... more, more," she said, and I went for it. After five minutes or so, it was difficult to tell, it felt like she was gonna come.

"Gimme a finger," she said, and I slipped one inside. This was unbelievable. Her passion increased as I gave it to her in two spots. "Uh uh uh uh, I'm...uh..." Angela said, and she grabbed hold of my hair as I tongued her. She started trembling and I knew she was there. She seemed to come for something like half a minute, and then pulled me up. I lay on top of her, and felt her breathing. I'd just made my stepmom come. As if waking from a dream, I realized what I'd done, what we'd done, and started feeling really bad.

Not bad for my father, or for their marriage, but for Natalie, and for Angela, because despite everything, my affections had shifted. Angela still had her legs wrapped around me, and she was twitching. "Babe, you wanna fuck me?" she said. I sat up and looked at her. "You need further training, right? One time only offer."

I felt weird all of a sudden. This is what I wanted, right? This is what I'd wanted for years. To fuck this incredible woman had been my fantasy since I had become aware of my sexual feelings, but now the opportunity was here, I was reluctant. I thought about Natalie, and I wanted my first time to be with her.

"Come on," she said, and grabbed my dick. She started playing with me and unzipped my fly. "Just the once, OK?"

I couldn't believe it, but I got up. After everything, after all my torture and all our games, I was stepping away from her. I zipped up my fly and Angela covered herself up.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh, you have nothing to be sorry for," she said, and didn't appear perturbed. "I think your training is complete anyway. You did great."

"I did?"

"Yes. If you do to her what you just did to me."

"Any other tips?"

"Love her, be sweet to her. Kiss her everywhere, but know when to get to the point. After you've made her come, make love to her. Start sweet and slow, and grow with intensity as she responds. Listen to her, take instruction if she gives it, hold off from finishing too soon. Change positions, laugh, have fun, enjoy yourself. Fuck her brains out," she said and laughed. "Go on, get out of here."

"Thanks," I said and split. I went into the kitchen and let out a long breath. Fuck. I was in shock. I was in shock for what I'd just done, and for walking away. The truth was, Natalie had changed me, just in the last day or so. The way she was with me, what she'd revealed of herself, what we'd done, it had felt so perfect and wonderful, and so different than anything that had happened with Angela. With her, the feelings had been dangerous, wrong somehow.

Despite all that had gone down, and despite what I'd just done, my desire for her had all but vanished overnight. I almost felt bad about it, but Natalie was all I could think about now. And now, thanks to my stepmom's help, I was ready to conquer her.


The next day, after a little cutesy texting, Natalie and I went on our first date without Will and Gina. It felt like a big step, but I was slightly embarrassed to have to rely on Natalie for a ride. I could drive, I knew how cars worked, but I didn't have one. I'd planned on buying a fixer upper and getting it going over the summer, but I wasn't there yet.

I took her to a nicer place than we usually went on our double dates, and it felt appropriately intimate and romantic. She was wearing a lovely red dress, and I reveled in her petite beauty. After lusting after my big and curvy stepmother for so long, it felt so right and natural to be with this girl, someone my own age. I sat down in the booth, and surprisingly, she sat next to me.

We ordered food, but unfortunately got carded so couldn't drink alcohol. Neither of us were big drinkers anyway. After we ordered, Natalie's hand landed in my lap, and she squeezed my lump offhandedly as she spoke to me on an unrelated topic.

"Can we just get the check and go please?" I said and she giggled.

"Desperate to have me again, Mikey?" she said cutely, continuing to stroke my cock.

"Well, yes."

"You'll just have to wait. But I tell you what, if you slip your hand up my skirt, I have a little surprise for you," she whispered in my ear. I did as she instructed. My hand moved up her leg, and she spread her legs to allow me access, all the while gazing into my eyes. She was smiling at me, when my fingers came into contact with her pubic hair.

"Oh!" I said, and touched her a little bit. "You're not wearing any underwear." She just made a coy face, reached into her purse, and produced a pair of panties. She threw them at my face and laughed. I quickly took them and put them in my pocket. "I'm keeping those. They're mine now," I told her.

"You're mine now," she said, and we kissed as I fondled her tenderly under the table. She was so hot. Waiting to take her to bed again was painful, but I knew I'd get there eventually, and I was really enjoying her company. Previously, things had been a little stilted between us, but since our last date, she'd really changed. She'd relaxed. I didn't want to put her on the spot, so didn't ask what was different, I just went with it.

"Don't forget to buy extra large condoms on the way home, boy," she said as I was paying the check. I looked at her.

"Oh, I won't forget," I said, and we got out of there. "For fuck sake, drive like the wind. Don't stop at red lights." We both laughed.

"Your place or mine?" she said.

"Are your folks home?" I asked.


"Well, better make it mine. It's just my stepmom there, and she's cool."

"What do you mean, she's cool?"

"Oh, I mean like, she won't mind," I said, as we pulled into the drugstore.

"Won't mind what?" Natalie said. She was messing with me.

I pushed her gently, and held against the side of the building, firmly but not aggressively of course. "She won't mind us fucking in the house," I said to her, our eyes locked.

"Oh, yeah. I know that," Natalie said, giggled, and I let her go. "I thought you might be talking about something else," she trailed off, and we went inside.

We bought a few different varieties and sizes, to make sure we got something that worked. Natalie brought them to the cashier, who happened to be a friend of ours from school, a cute punky girl called Becca. Natalie put the boxes on the conveyor belt, and Becca looked at us. I got embarrassed, but both the girls were giggling.

"Extra large, Michael?" she said, looking at me, then Natalie.

"You wouldn't believe it," Natalie said.

"Seeing is believing," Becca said, and they both laughed. I paid, then the girls gave each European style cheek kisses and we left.

"Have fun guys," she said as we walked away, and I really hoped we would. I felt armed and ready. Also, after a couple of days of being blue balled, I also felt ready to pop, so I'd have to take it easy. I could always come more than once if I needed to, but I didn't let my mind get too far ahead.

We arrived back at my place, and tried to sneak in unnoticed, but we were too high and excited to keep quiet and ran into Angela in the hallway. "Hi kids," she said.

"Hi Mom, I mean. Hi. Angela," I said, feeling totally awkward for some reason.

"I'm not your mother, silly. This must be Natalie. I've heard all about you, dear," Angela said sweetly and shook Natalie's hand. Natalie reverted to her introverted persona, as we all wandered into the kitchen. Angela was asking Natalie innocent questions, and I produced a bottle of wine from the fridge.