My Step-mom Angela Pt. 04


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"I really don't appreciate you bringing that girl here and making all that noise for..." she stopped and I could see something in her eyes. Hurt? Fury? Irritation? Maybe even jealousy? "Until the small hours. If you're going to bring your little sluts over here, then I would ask to be more considerate. Now is that little bitch going to be hanging around here now, or..."

"Angela!" I said, quietly but sternly. "What's got into you?" This was totally weird. Yes, she was actually hurt by me being with Natalie, or she was acting like she was.

"Listen, Michael," she retorted in a low but strict voice. "This is my house and I don't want that cunt coming around." She stormed off, out the front door, slamming it behind her. What the fuck. I knocked on my bedroom door, and told Natalie the coast was clear. We sat and ate breakfast, though I was in shock.

I wanted to tell Natalie everything, I didn't want secrets, but there was simply no way I could tell this secret. She asked me what happened, and I gave her the gist of it, but it was obvious I was upset. Natalie put her hand on mine, and my eyes roamed all over her lovely body. "She said she didn't want you hanging around."

"What? Why?" Natalie said, confused.

It was clear that Angela was hurt and maybe even jealous, but I played that down. "I don't know. I guess she's protective of me or something."

"No, that doesn't make sense," Natalie said.

"Then what?"

"Babe. Last night and this morning, you made me come, I don't know, something like eight, ten times, and every time I just lost myself. Maybe I made too much noise and it upset her."

"Yeah, maybe. She was really rude about it," I added.

"I could tell, from what I saw and heard, that she was hurt," Natalie observed.

"Well, I don't care. This is my home too and you're welcome here, girlfriend."

Natalie smiled. "Yes, boyfriend. I'll clear the way with my mother, and make sure she's OK with you staying over. You'll just have to muzzle me," she added with a giggle.


For the rest of the day, we managed to avoid Angela, then went over to Natalie's so she could get changed for the graduation party that night. Natalie was simply glowing with excitement and had a presence about her I'd never seen. She was magnificent. At her place, she introduced me to her parents, and I sat with them in their kitchen while Natalie showered and got ready.

I felt awkward, but her parents were really warm and open with me, and seemed OK about me being her boyfriend. Her mother knew that we'd slept together, or at least that we were going to. I tried to be polite and respectful. Soon enough, Natalie appeared, looking like a star. Her hair was done up, she had a little make-up on, and she had a lovely dress on; green and yellow with flowers, and little discrete cleavage.

Natalie's mom looked like she might cry, and gave her daughter a lovely hug. "Now, Michael," she said, turning to me. "You take care of our precious girl, do you hear me?" She said with emotion in her voice. She obviously knew that we'd crossed over into some sort of adulthood in the last few days.

"I will, ma'am, I promise. She's precious to me too," I said, and everyone looked a little sad, but also joyful. Natalie and I left for the party, which was a jubilant affair as expected. We split off, as I talked to Will and our other dude pals, and Natalie went off to join the girls. The two groups appeared to square like two rival gangs, sizing each other up.

I relaxed, took a drink and nodded to Will. He raised a glass. "Boys. A toast to our boy Michael here, who did indeed just take the fine lady Natalie to bed and deflower her good and proper," she said, everyone laughed, cheered and clinked glasses. I blushed, but felt good. I hoped though, that this lapse in discretion wouldn't reach her ears. But within an hour, everyone seemed to know.

Gina and the punky girl from the drug store, Becca, approached me. "Well, Michael. Spill the beans," Gina said. I made a zip up gesture over my lips.

"Don't worry, Natalie told us everything. How you guys fucked and fucked, and how you made her come until her head exploded, then you fucked her again. And again."

I stood there feeling awkward. "We're proud of you, buddy," Becca added, slapping me on the back. "And by the way, every girl in this place knows all about the condom size and what you did to her, so watch yourself," she added, and both the girls giggled and walked off back to the group. Jesus. I stood against the wall, and watched everyone, but mostly Natalie. I noticed my ex, Hannah, there in the crowd, and she looked at me a few times as well. Too bad for her.


We all graduated high school, and started our summer jobs. Natalie and I spent every evening together, either with our friends or on our own, but sex had proven tricky as both of our homes appeared to be off limits for that. We ended up sneaking around a little behind our parent's, or stepparent's back, or fucking at Will's house. We managed to do it everyday, and it only got hotter and hotter.

Natalie loved sex without a rubber so much that she went on the pill, and I doubted life would ever be this good ever again. I bought an old junk Ford and started doing her up. I got cheap parts at the mechanic shop where I was starting, and learned how a car was put together. It was a thrill for me because I knew this could be my living from now on, and I felt I wouldn't regret my decision to skip further education.

I even told my father all about Natalie, and about how Angela had taken against her, although I skipped over any sordid details obviously, and he was excited to meet her. He came home the next weekend, and despite the awkwardness with Natalie and my stepmother, we all went out to dinner together.

As I predicted, Angela was sour all night, and did not look her best. She drank a little too much, and was on her worst behavior. Again, it felt as if their marriage was not doing well. My father broke the news that he accepted a new position and would be located permanently in town, and now that my little obsession with Angela was over, this felt like good news. We toasted, but Angela just made a face.

"You know, Michael, this little tramp won't want anything to do with you once she's done at her fancy college and you're just some pathetic mechanic. Girls like that are only interested in men with money. Look at her, she's..."

"Oh, knock it off, Angela," my father cut her off. "How dare you talk to this sweet young woman like that? What is wrong with you?"

Angela's eyes went wild. "What's wrong with me is the fucking Joplin men. You two are toxic, and your whores are no better.. I'm leaving," she said, and walked out. I got up, but my father beckoned me to sit down.

"We're splitting up," my father said. "I'm sorry, Michael. I wanted to tell you in a less abrupt way. Actually, I wasn't really sure, but I am now."

"What's going to happen?" I asked, and Natalie cuddled up to me.

"Angela is moving out. The house is yours and mine, anyway. We'd talked about it, theoretically, but it looks like that's what she's doing. We've been growing apart, and since I told her I was moving back, she started losing it. She's got it into her head that I've been sleeping with my secretary," my father said. He had grown in stature since the last time I'd seen him.

"Is that true?" I asked.

"A little bit, I'm ashamed to say. Angela and I just weren't getting along, although I'm thankful for her that she's been there for you these last few years. I'm sorry I've been gone," my father added. "Do you know what her issue with Natalie is?"

We all looked at each other. I had a pretty good guess. "I just don't think she likes me," Natalie said sweetly.

"No. That's not it. Something's got into her," my father said. I really hoped he wouldn't probe Angela about it, and I started to get a little worried. What if Angela told him everything? Well, there was no proof, so it would just sound like the rantings of a woman scorned. I just shrugged, and held onto my girl.

"It's nothing you did, sweetie," I told her.

"I agree," my dad said, deep in thought. After a minute, he snapped out of it and gave us a smile. "Natalie. Tell me about your college. You're starting in the fall?" he said, and we resumed our conversation, though with a subdued tone, given what had transpired. I still loved Angela, or had affection for her, and felt really bad about how this had gone down.

On the advice of my father, Natalie and I went to her place, and he went home to deal with the mess. When we got there, Natalie's folks were watching TV, but paused it when we walked in. "Hi kids," her father said. We sat down.

"Mom, dad," Natalie began, and told them the tale of my broken household. Her parents, Greg and Jane, were very supportive, and agreed to allow me to stay for a few days, on the couch.

"Oh, what difference does that make, Jane?" Natalie's father said. "Look at them. They're in love!"

"Dad!" Natalie said, embarrassed.

"Well, they're just going to sneak into each other's rooms."

"Well, let's just keep up the pretense of a civilized home, can we?" Jane replied.

"I'll behave myself," I said.

"Fine. You kids just do whatever you want, be responsible, and don't let your mother find out," he said with a little laugh, and put the movie back on. I would need to get a change of clothes or two tomorrow, and get a ride to my work, which was a walk from my house, but not from Natalie's, but we'd worry about all that later.

As I lay there on their couch that night, I actually dozed off, waiting for the house to go quiet. I had assumed my girl would visit me and we'd have a secret screw, but she never arrived and I fell asleep. I was woken early by Natalie's mother standing over me, looking down. "Did you behave yourself, young man?" she said with a smile, handing me a cup of tea.

"Actually, yes," I answered.

"You sound surprised." I was. It was our first night since we'd lost our virginity that we hadn't done it. I just shrugged. "You'll be OK," she said, and walked off.

"Thanks for the tea, Jane!" I called out, and sat up, drinking the healing liquid. A little while later, Natalie showed up and sat down next to me.

"Hi gorgeous," she said, and cuddled up.

"I missed you last night," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"You never came to visit me."

"Oh. You told my parents you'd behave yourself," she said.

"You mean...?"


"Because I said...?"

"Yes, precisely," Natalie said, innocently.

"I see," I said. She had blue balled me because I'd agreed with her parents that we'd be good children. Fuck. "Well, I didn't mean it."

"So, you lied to my parents?" she said, then cracked up. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you. They're going out today," she added, and looked at me slyly.


That summer, Will and Gina broke up, and she and Natalie, with Becca in tow, became the terrible trio, who specialized at teasing me and generally having fun at my expense. It had all been fairly innocent until one evening I found myself in a hot tub with the three of them, over at Gina's. They were all sitting facing me, wearing cute little bikinis. "So, Sir, we hear from Natalie that you have a talent," Becca started in.

"You'll have to be more specific," Natalie said and all the girls giggled. We had been drinking.

"Your dick. You have a big dick," Becca said, ushering in further caterwauling from the female contingent.

"Yes. That. Show us," Gina said. I looked over at Natalie, who just shrugged. "I've seen it and I can confirm that it is indeed a monster."

"Sorry girls, I'm bound to my one and only," I said. I wasn't going to fuck this up, remember?

"Oh come on, don't be such a prude. Whip it out, boy," Gina said. "It's not like we're asking you to engage in a giant orgy with all three of us."

"Actually, I'd be into that," Becca murmured, and I saw Natalie stifling a laugh.

"Here you go," I said, and lifted my middle finger up through the bubbling water to Gina's face.

"We'll flash our tits if you show us," Gina said, and Natalie gave her a look.

"No thanks," I said. I looked at my girl imploringly. Natalie slid around next to me and started stroking me, getting me hard. She whispered in my ear, that she didn't mind, that she was proud of me. I was massively turned on now, and was actually considering giving them a view. I was fully hard now, but I decided against it. "Actually, Becca, it's not really that impressive," I told them, hoping we could change the subject.

Unfortunately, she was more drunk than I'd realized, and decided to slide up next to me as well, and joined Natalie in the act of stroking my cock. I got away from her, grabbed my towel and got out of the tub. "Not cool, Becca," I said, and although Gina had found it hilarious, Natalie seemed conflicted.

"Well, I can confirm that the reports are true, he's got a beast hiding in those pants," Becca said and cracked up. "Can I suck it?"

"OK, ladies. This has been great, but I need to get going now," I said, and went inside the house to dry off and change into my street clothes.

Natalie tutted to her friends, but didn't appear upset, and kissed them goodnight before joining me inside. We split and went back to her's, for another potential night of no sex. Even though it had been a couple of weeks since the disastrous dinner with Angela, she still hadn't fully moved out and was staying there in the house for a few more days. My dad was staying with his secretary, who I gathered, was now his new girlfriend.

I mentioned all this to Natalie. "What was up with your stepmom anyway?"

I felt so comfortable with this girl that I was tempted to tell her the whole sorry tale, but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea. "I think she just reacted badly when their marriage fell apart."

"Yes, I understand that, but there's only one reason why she would lump you in with your father, and take against me," Natalie suggested.

"And what reason is that?" I asked.

"That she loves you. You know, love loves," she said. I didn't say anything. "She seemed fine with me until that night that we fucked in your house. She must have heard us, and flipped out. That and her father cheating, it set her off."

She was making a lot of sense. I guess Angela had actually garnered affection for me, in a non-parental way. I continued to feel bad about this. "Well, she has been very important in my life for the last few years, and I hope someday she'll get back in touch or something. I don't know." The idea of never seeing her again felt weird, although I'd mostly felt sick around her since Natalie had come along.

It had been a really perverse relationship, I realized. My feelings were just a schoolboy crush gone too far, but that she allowed, encouraged it and then tempted me with outfits, well that was actually fucked up. It felt so exciting at the time, but now that I was in a love affair with Natalie, the memory of what Angela and I had done made me nauseated. I just sighed and shrugged. I'd be taking this shame to the grave with me.


Angela moved out, and my father and I moved back in. I set up my car in the driveway, got her running, and worked on the fine tuning and cosmetics in my free time from my job. Natalie would sit in the driveway reading and studying, and watch me work. She liked it when I got hot and sweaty, and she'd seduce me, pretending it was her car I was working on, and that she couldn't afford the bill. "Is there any other way I could pay?" she'd say, and bring me inside.

My dad seemed a lot happier too, and although I didn't really miss Angela, I was concerned for her and hoped she'd be OK. At some point, I would find out where she was and write her a letter of thank you for all she had done, omitting any gory details, of course. The last thing I needed was proof of our near-affair. The truth was, she had been depressed and lonely, and turned to me. She had a good professional career, she was young, she was beautiful, so I knew she'd be OK.

It turned out that neither my father nor I ever heard from her directly ever again, though I did get her address in another city and sent her the letter. It made me feel better at least. Another day when I was hanging out with Natalie, as we did almost every day, I asked her if there had been any truth in what Angela had said about Natalie being too good for a lowly mechanic, and she dismissed the idea out of hand.

"Love. You are brilliant, you are beautiful. I love that you're a real working man. I could never be that, but I don't put myself above you. And anyway, one day, you'll own your own business, and you can hire our sons to work for you," she said, then blushed and hid her face. So, she really did think of me as a long term prospect.

A few weeks before, I'd bought her a ring. It wasn't an engagement ring, it was what I had been told was a promise ring, something to bind us together non-legally, to show that we were together, and faithful. The idea of being with anyone else seemed absurd to me, especially after that episode with Becca.

I put my finger in the air, ran to get my overnight bag, and produced the ring. I gave it to her. "This just means you're my girl, and I'm your boy. It doesn't mean we're getting married or anything," I added, to make sure she understood I wasn't actually proposing. She looked at me sweetly, gave me a kiss and slipped it on her finger.

"I do," she whispered and laughed.

The End.


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