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My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 03


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"You're unbelievably hot," I whispered between kisses. "You turn me on so much Cassie."

"Oh Dickie," she said smiling at me. "I feel the same way about you. Just thinking about your smile makes me wet."

"With you it's the whole package. Your so beautiful but you're also the sweetest girl I've ever known," I said kissing her lovingly now.

"Well I love everything about you too. Your smile isn't the only think sexy about you," she said raking my back lightly with her nails. "I've never dated a man who's as kind and thoughtful," she said.

"You made me that way," I said and when she laughed I continued on. "It's true Cassie, just ask my roommates if you don't believe me. Before all I cared about was school and my career. Girls broke up with me because I was too self-centered. Since I met you all I can think about it what I can do to make you happier, to make you want me, need me, and love me."

"I do love you Rick," she said kissing me. "I don't care about the man you were because I've fallen in love with the man you are."

We spent the rest of the afternoon in my bedroom trying in vain to satisfy our desire for each other. I could never get tired of sex with her. The more I learned about her the deeper I fell in love with my sweet Canadian girl. I couldn't wait to move to Vancouver with her. When I mentioned it to my mother the night before she seemed shocked but not unhappy about it. My father was going to be a completely different story. He didn't even know about Cassie yet but I'm sure he'd tell me no piece of ass was worth pissing my life away for. Just the though of him saying something like that filled me with rage and made me want to hit something. Cassie, who was cuddled in my arms, could sense the change in my mood and soothed me with a kiss without having to ask what was wrong. I responded to the kiss with another erection and suddenly we were screwing again like only a new couple could.

After our latest session of furious fucking I lay on my back gasping for breath. I asked if she wanted a drink and pulled on my shorts and t-shirt to run downstairs. Cassie got under the blankets and blew me a kiss, laughing prettily as I rushed back to claim it before leaving successfully this time. Miguel was downstairs getting a drink himself and asked me how it was going with a wide smile. Greg always tried to turn everything into a joke and I still got the impression that Tim didn't quite trust Cassie yet and maybe even resented her a little for capturing me so quickly and completely. Miguel was quick to point out the obvious truth; that Cassie was too good to let her get away. I told him we were planning on going to a dance club tonight and he said he'd mention it to the other guys to see if they were feeling up for a study break.

Back in my bedroom with a tall glass of ice tea for Cassie and bottled water for myself, I stripped down and got back into bed to tell her about campus. The more I told her, the more she wanted to go check it out. It was too late now but I promised we could go the following morning for a complete tour. She couldn't wait to show me around Vancouver once exams were over for her. The chance to introduce me to all her other friends who had only heard about me yet excited her too.

"What about your family?" I asked.

"My mom is going to love you and so will my brothers," she said stopping there.

"I think you forgot someone important," I said smiling at her.

"Even before my accident my father was always too protective of me. He'd let Marc and Jay bring girls home to sleep over once they had finished high school. Jay brought three different girls for ski trips the same winter and dad never said a word. I came home with a guy I was dating for nearly a year and he made him sleep downstairs on a sofa. Then he came to check on me three times during the night. He says he didn't but he was noisy enough to wake me up each time," she said telling the story in a hushed voice as if she didn't really want me to hear it.

"So you're saying he wouldn't approve of this?" I said motioning to our naked bodies beneath the covers.

"Oh God no. If he knew I was here with you like this he'd probably get in his car and drive straight down to get me. Dad really liked my last boyfriend and he was so mad when he left me. It was the first time he'd gotten close with someone I dated. I think he'd rather I became a nun or a lesbian than go through that again," she said smiling when I started to laugh.

"A lesbian? That does sound interesting," I said smirking at her.

"Well maybe you can watch the girls and I try on lingerie sometime. The last time we started drinking too and I woke up naked in the wrong bed," she said biting her lower lip. At the time I was too blown away to tell she was being sarcastic and that the bite of her lip was to keep from laughing.

"Really?" I said wide-eyed as she leaned closer ready to whisper into my ear.

"NO!" she shouted startling me. "What the hell is wrong with you? We were talking about serious problems and you're thinking about me sleeping with my roommates. Let me ask you something Rick. Do you and the guys ever break out a bottle of oil and decide to start wrestling with each other?"

"You brought it up," I said defensively.

"I know I did," she said sighing before kissing me. "I'm sorry but thinking about introducing you to my father is upsetting me. He'll hate you at first no matter what."

"Well I'm sorry too. I don't stop to think before I speak sometimes," I said.

"No you don't," she said with an understanding smile.

"But you fell in love with me anyway," I said kissing her softly on the lips.

"Yes I did," she said smiling even wider.

"Don't worry about your father. He can't scare me away and once he sees how much we love each other he'll come around," I predicted.

Cassie hugged me tight and kissed me tenderly. I was more than a little worried that her father hating me might ruin our budding relationship. We wouldn't be the first couple to survive a parent who didn't approve of their partner though. From the way Cassie told it, he'd hate me from the beginning regardless and it was going to be up to me to change his mind. I'd prove to him that I loved his daughter and if he still hated me after that then so be it. I knew my own father wouldn't be thrilled about me leaving everything behind for Cassie either but we weren't as close as Cassie and her father were.

I set my alarm to wake us up at seven and got under the covers for a nap. After a long day of making love we dozed off in preparation for a night out. My bed had been lonely without her. I'd worried about getting the chance just to her see face again everyday we were apart. Now that she was here in my arms it was easy to fall into a peaceful sleep. If I dreamed that day I didn't remember them, of course I was living a dream with Cassie back in my life.

The alarm woke us up at seven. We spent a few minutes making out but I stopped her before it could go any further. I ran across the hall to the empty bathroom and took a quick shower alone. I came back to tell her it was her turn when I was done and started getting dressed. She looked so good hopping out of bed naked that I had some serious regrets for passing up my chance for more sex when we woke up. Before she left dressed in her robe and carrying all the things she needed to make herself even more beautiful I asked what she wanted to drink. I was going to the liquor store to pick up everything we needed to get a good buzz on before we went to the club and would see her when I got back.

On the way out I saw that the guys were sat around the living room drinking beer and watching music videos. I told them Cassie was still upstairs and that I was off to pick up some booze. They gave me money for more beer and a bottle of whiskey. Tim said he'd go with me to help carry it back and I waited for him in the front entrance. Cassie's car was parked behind Greg's and her keys were on the table so I took it and drove. I was glad Tim had come along because it would give me a chance to set things straight with him.

"Listen about earlier," he said as if reading my mind.

"Forget about that," I said.

"I was acting like a jerk," he said with a look that dared me to disagree. "She's changed you Rick. I know it's for the better but it's hard to get used to. I've never seen you this happy or this concerned about a woman."

"Even now I can't stop thinking about her," I said glancing over at him.

"I glad you found a girl like her, really I am," he said. "But I'm worried about you at the same time. You're ready to move so fast but what if it doesn't work out? You're throwing away everything you worked your whole life for to be with a girl you've spent little more than a week with."

"It's a lot longer than that," I said slightly angered.

"Sending email and instant messages is a lot different than moving to another country to be with someone," he said.

"Don't waste your time trying to talk me out of this," I warned him. "What makes you so worried all of a sudden anyway? You were the one who said if I still loved her when school was over then I knew what to do."

"There was a call for you while you were out today," he said.

"From who? The place in Santa Monica isn't it?" I said knowing why he was so worried now. That would have been a dream job before Cassie came along. Tim was going to come with me, we had it all planned out. We talked about renting a place right on the beach and getting season tickets for the Dodgers. "I already told them I didn't want the job."

"It was the company president calling this time," he said. "I told him I was pretty sure you were set on something else. He said they were ready to increase their offer in that case and asked me to pass on the message."

"The company president?" I asked and for the briefest of moments the old Rick inside me was intrigued. "Well it doesn't matter anyway. If he knew he was bidding against Cassie he'd stop wasting his time."

"You haven't even told her what you're giving up for her have you?" he asked.

"Cassie knows I turned down some job offers. She doesn't need to know any more than that," I said glaring at him. It could be a disaster if she found out about their offer, especially if it was better than the last one.

"Are you fucking crazy? Jesus Rick she's going to be a nurse. She could get a job anywhere," he said one upping my own growing anger.

"She already has the job she wants in Vancouver," I said.

"But..." he was still trying to talk me out of something I was completely committed to.

"There's nothing you can say to change my mind. Nothing," I repeated when he looked like he was about to say something. "And if you ever mention any of this to Cassie," I warned.

"You know me better than that," he said looking hurt that I thought he'd betray me. At the time I was thinking that someone who would try to talk me out of my plans to be with Cassie was capable of pretty much anything.

It hadn't gone anywhere near as smoothly as I had hoped but at least we had an understanding now. We started talking about baseball as I drove towards the liquor store where we were valued customers. At least with baseball we could always agree that the Dodgers were great and the Giants sucked. They were off to a decent start this year but it was early yet. I pulled into the parking lot and locked the doors to her car after making sure the keys were in my pocket. We knew the layout of that liquor store as well as the staff but Cassie's request sent me into strange uncharted territory. The guy at the checked out knew us and gave me a 'Dude what the fuck?' look went he scanned Cassie's wild berry flavored wine coolers. Tim assured him they were definitely for me and laughed at me on the way back to the car.

When we got home Greg and Miguel were down to their last beer. I handed out a fresh round and went to put the rest in the fridge. I came back with the bottle of whiskey and tequila I had picked up plus our tray of shot glasses. Cassie was still getting ready so I settled in to start getting drunk. The realization that this could be the last night the four of us got to go partying together was depressing. Of course knowing I was the only one who wasn't going to spend the night chasing women around the club cheered me right up. These guys would always be my friends I thought as we clinked out shot glasses together but the girl I was giving this up for was going to be the love of my life. No wait, she already was.

I was sitting in the chair back on to the entrance. When the guys fell silent I knew Cassie had arrived. I turned around to look at her and smiled at her beauty. She'd braided her hair like she would for a trip to the slopes but had crisscrossed them behind her head so they hung across the opposite shoulder. It made her look ridiculously cute and showed off her slender bare shoulders. The silvery top she'd bought today looked fantastic on her and exposed her midriff every time she moved in her hip hugging jeans. She was wearing another pair of black shoes and I wondered just how many pairs she had in that little suitcase upstairs. New earrings hung from her ears and the bracelet I'd given her glittered on her wrist. Her makeup was done perfectly again with smoky eye shadow and soft pink lips. All she was missing was the glitter that made her sparkle the night of The Hip concert we went to.

"You guys started drinking without me," she said smiling as she came bouncing into the room and sat right on my lap. Not only did I want to drag her right upstairs to screw her senseless but everyone could see it too.

"Your drinks are in the fridge sweetie," I said.

"I'll be right back then. Save my spot for me," she said grinding her hips before she got up.

"That girl had friends and you never introduced us to them?" Greg said looking at me in disgust. "When we get there keep her away from us because she'd going to attract half the guys in the club."

"Don't talk like that," I said looking over my shoulder. "She gets really shy."

"That's what you call shy?" Tim asked.

"She knows you guys and feels comfortable around you," I said. "I know she's a knockout but if you say the wrong thing she won't even want to go with us tonight."

"So how far behind am I?" she asked coming back to sit on my lap again.

"About ten if you're drinking those sissy things," I said smirking at her.

"Well I only have four but I'll drink some of yours if you don't mind," she said looking at me.

"I think he'll give you whatever you ask for," Tim said and I shot him a warning glare but he was just making a little joke.

Cassie drank down her first cooler quickly but she could only drink them so fast. I offered her some shots to catch up faster and she drank the first one like it was nothing. Hugging her around the waist, I laughed when she patted me on the head asking for another. She only drank a few shots but it was still enough to make her tipsy in no time. I cut her off after that and told her to finish her wine coolers. The guys wanted to watch the game as we got primed and Cassie said she didn't mind. A little over an hour and a half later Cassie was finishing the last of her coolers and looked ready to be put in bed.

When I told her we should stay home she pouted, bouncing on my lap to show me how ready she was to dance. I wanted to go dancing with her too and when I agreed to take her kissed me excitedly promising that I wouldn't regret it. Greg went to call us a cab as we drank one last beer and rushed off to use the bathroom before going. Downing one last shot as he pulled into the driveway we ran out into the night ready to celebrate the end of our days at school together a little earlier than expected.

Even though we were late getting there, it was the middle of exams when most students were studying, broke, or both. The bouncer let us in but took his time checking Cassie's ID. He looked her up and down as he compared her to the photo on her driver's license as an excuse to ogle her. I was surprised at how little it bothered me. Cassie was already too wasted to notice it so she wasn't offended or embarrassed at all and I knew she was coming home with me.

Holding my hand, Cassie lead me straight to the bar already starting to move her body in time with the music. Despite the relatively sparse crowd they had a live DJ playing that night in the hopes of bringing people in. The music was blaring as Cassie shouted her drink order to the bartender. I leaned close and asked for two vodka shooters. He gave us the wrong ones but it was close enough and Cassie didn't even notice as she downed hers. She kissed me hard on the lips as I was still putting the glass down and dragged me to the dance floor.

It was amazing to see how well she danced when I doubt she could have walked a straight line. In the darkness pierced by flashing lights it was unlikely anyone could see her antics but I didn't miss a thing. I was feeling a nice buzz now too and tried to let loose but in the back of my mind there was a nagging voice reminding me to take good care of her. Cassie moved all around me making it seem like she was everywhere at once. Turning back on to rub against me with her ass, facing me and lifting her shirt to just below her breasts before dropping it, and grabbing my shirt to kiss me, always grabbing me by the shirt and kissing me.

By the time we took a break from the dance floor Cassie was red faced and covered in a sheen of sweat. The guys had gotten us a table in our usual corner which made it easy to find them after getting separated soon as we got inside. Tim was grinning at us and at first I thought he was enjoying to view of Cassie's stiff nipples beneath her shirt just a little too much but Miguel pointed and laughed. Turning around I just caught the sight of a dejected Greg walking back to the table as cute girl with short blonde hair stormed away. He started smiling soon as he got back to the table explaining he recognized her from a party a few weeks ago and she remembered him too, though apparently he never called her back like he promised. Cassie seemed a little put off by his carefree shrug but I leaned close and whispered that I was a lot like him before she came along.

Greg treated us to a round of drinks before heading off in search of fresh prey. He was outgoing and willing to get shot down twenty times in a row if the next girl would say yes. I'd never bet against him hooking up and the odds were good that we'd have a guest for breakfast tomorrow. Tim did all right for himself too but was far more picky than Greg, of course he always remembered their names afterwards too and wasn't afraid to let a relationship develop. Out of all of us, he was the one who always seemed to be starting or ending a relationship and tonight he was looking to start a new one.

Miguel sat at the table with us once Tim ran off after a brunette in a tiny skirt that showed off her legs. Cassie asked him why he wasn't flirting with girls and he said he was shy which was something she could easily relate to. It was true enough for the most part, but once he got a few more drinks into him he'd have all the courage he needed to talk to women. Even drunk Cassie was still my sweet Canadian girl and she made it her mission to find a girl for Miguel. She moved over to sit next to him and kept tapping his arm as she pointed out women to him. To say it turned me on a little to hear my girlfriend and roommate discussing the looks of the other women in the club would have been a huge understatement.

In the end, Miguel had picked out three he was interested in and there was his problem. Greg would hit on girl after girl but he never worried about the next one until the one in front of him said no. With Miguel he'd pick out a few different women he found attractive and then spent half the night trying to decide which one he should talk to. Cassie told us to wait at the table and she'd go get Miguel his girl. When he said he hadn't decided yet Cassie laughed and said he could decide once he talked to them. Like a pied piper of pussy, Cassie rounded up all three women and brought them back to meet Miguel.