My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 16


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The following morning members of the Dumont took turns coming to the delivery room to meet Cameron for the first time. Grandparents are always special to meet and both Kathleen and Marcel were elated to see their newest grandson while Marc and Julie cared for our older boys. It made me long to introduce him to my own parents but they wouldn't be here for a few weeks yet. No doubt my mother was already regretting their decision to book a later trip this time around. Cassie's brothers and their spouses all came to visit that day too. Poor little Cameron became a little cranky with all the commotion around him but none of our guests stayed long.

That evening Violet checked in on Cassie and Cameron. Both mother and child were in excellent health. Even though Cameron had been born the night before, Violet was willing to sign off on us going home after the check up for two reasons. First, Cassie worked as a pediatric nurse at the children's hospital in Vancouver. On top of that, she was a dedicated and observant mother that would seek help if there was any sign of trouble. I left the decision in Cassie's hands and her simple response was 'Let's go home'.

Cassie's parents greeted us when we got home and Kathleen held sleeping Cameron long enough for Cassie to take her shoes off. Jack and Nathan were already in bed, no doubt dreaming of meeting their baby brother Cameron soon. We took him upstairs to put him in his crib before he woke up, though he'd be awake and hungry soon. When I turned the lights on in the nursery the first thing we noticed was that the boys had lined up a row of toys along one wall that stretched the whole length of the room for Cameron to play with. I took a moment to stare at them and got tears in my eyes knowing Cassie had already passed along her kindhearted nature to our boys.

We chatted with Cassie's parents over a late meal of homemade lasagna that her mother made for dinner that night. I asked how she knew we'd be home so soon and of course she hadn't, she simply made sure it was big enough that there would be some left over for us just in case we did. My relationship with the Dumonts had gotten off to a rocky start several years earlier but through our mutual love of Cassie we learned to love each other too. I could have talked to my in-laws all night but Cameron woke up crying ready for his dinner too.

"Your bath is ready my queen," I said when Cassie came to our bedroom after feeding our newborn son.

"Oh stop it, I'm nobody's queen," she said.

"Here let me help you," I said letting her hold my arm as she stepped into the tub. A hot soothing bath had become a tradition for Cassie once our newborn was home from the hospital and asleep in the crib. "And I'm not nobody, I'm your loyal subject."

"Fine," she said rolling her eyes. "I command you to join me. The tub is double wide after all." I got in the tub with her at her request to share a soothing soak. She wanted to be held by me, to feel close to the man she loved.

"Do you ever think about what the boys will be like when they're older?" I asked.

"Do I ever think about anything besides that you mean?" she said with a smile. "Honestly I try not to though. It seems like only yesterday that we came home with Jack but he starts kindergarten in the fall."

"I know," I said. I could scarcely believe it myself.

"Do you still want to have more?" she asked.

"I told you a long time ago that we'd live in a house someday and that there would be children running everywhere, as many of them as you want," I said.

"We're going to need a minivan if we keep going," she said to tease me.

"The side of me that cared about what kind of car I drive vanished not long after I met you," I said.

"The old Rick sounds like a bad boy. The kind that would be fun for a few nights," she giggled.

"I can pretend to be him for a few nights if you want," I said.

"No, I love this version of you way too much," she said.

"I love you too sweetie," I said letting her lean her head on my shoulder.

We went to bed after our bath but Cameron woke us twice during the night for feedings and a diaper change. Our older boys stayed in bed the whole night though despite their crying brother in the room across the hall. Cassie was gentle and endlessly patient until Cameron was no longer hungry and fell back to sleep. We talked softly to keep the rest of the house from waking. I even took a turn at trying to rock Cameron back to sleep but I lacked Cassie's magical touch that night.

"What do you want for breakfast today boys?" I asked Jack and Nathan the next morning.

"Grilled cheese," Jack said.

"Yeah grilled cheese," Nathan said. He almost always went along with whatever Jack wanted.

"Okay," I said smiling at them. I'd become an expert at making grilled cheese since the boys had discovered them. At the time I had no idea how many more I'd have to make in the coming years. "You know what, today I'm going to make them with two slices of cheese each." While they were cooking I poured milk in their plastic cups and peeled a nice big juicy orange for them to share.

"Is it ready?" Jack asked when I put them on plates.

"Almost," I said. I knew to give the grilled cheese sandwiches a few minutes to cool down before giving them to the boys. I cut them along both diagonals to make small triangles that were easy for them to hold. I didn't make anything for myself until I saw how much leftover grilled cheese there was for me to finish. "What do you want to do today?" I asked them.

"You can play games with me and Nathan and poppy," Jack said.

"How about you Nathan?" I asked.

"I want to read a storybook with you," he said.

"I thought we could go see Cameron," I said.

"Cameron is here," Jack said in disbelief.

"Where?" Nathan said looking all around the kitchen.

"He's upstairs in his crib right now. We can go see him after breakfast but you need to be quiet," I said. Once they finished eating I took them upstairs to meet the newest addition to the family. "Mommy is already in here," I said when we arrived.

"Good morning my loves," Cassie smiled at them. "Come see your baby brother Cameron." I picked up Jack so he could see and Cassie scooped up the lighter Nathan.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"He's little," Jack said.

"What about you Nathan?" Cassie asked.

"I want to play with him," Nathan said.

"You will my love," Cassie said kissing him on the cheek. "But it will be a while before he can walk and talk like you and Jack."

"What can he do?" Jack asked.

"Mostly cry and sleep for now," I said making Cassie giggle.

"That's it," Jack said looking at me.

"Babies do cry and sleep a lot. But Cameron can sit with mommy or daddy and watch shows with you," Cassie said.

"And we can read storybooks with him," I added.

We stayed right there hovering over the crib until little Cameron woke up crying for his mother. Cassie set Nathan down and picked up Cameron. She sat on the chair in the room where she'd breast fed our children countless times. That morning she let Jack and Nathan say hello to their baby brother first. I wanted to smile and cry at the same time watching Cassie introducing our baby son to our two older boys. Jack and Nathan were eager to see Cameron and were practically climbing on Cassie's lap. I held them up close one at a time so they could see him. Cameron soon calmed down and the boys were able to squeeze his little hands and smooth down his thin brown hair.

I took the boys back downstairs to let Cassie feed the baby and found Kathleen and Marcel in the kitchen making their breakfast. They were staying in a downstairs guest room now that we were home instead of the last remaining upstairs bedroom. The boys raced over to the grandfather who was like another big kid whenever there was a chance to play with his grandchildren. I knew better than to suggest I take the boys away so my in-laws could eat in peace. They enjoyed every moment they got to spend with our boys. The whole family gathered downstairs when everyone was fed. Cameron alternated between crying and napping just as I had warned. Cassie, her mother, and I sat back to watch Marcel play with Jack, or J.R. as he calls him, and Nathan. He loved to play with the kids but their endless energy wore him out eventually and it was my turn. I knew all their favorite games and kept them laughing until lunch time.

After lunch, I read some storybooks for Nathan and his newborn baby brother. Cameron made it through one story and almost the second before he became fussy and started to cry. Nathan looked concerned but Cassie explained again that baby Cameron would cry a lot early on. I took Cameron for a diaper check and he stopped crying soon after I changed him. Rather than taking him downstairs right away, I waited for Cassie to come feed him and we put him in his crib before rejoining Cassie's parents and our older boys to watch one of their movies.

The next day I made my long planned trip for Cameron's charm. He was born towards the end of the month so I couldn't buy it in advance in case he wasn't born until February. The birthstone for January was called a garnet, but looked suspiciously like Nathan's ruby for July. The store clerk assured me it was a different stone though. Once again Cassie pretended to be shocked but was truly touched by the heart with out newborn son's name on it. Side by side, the garnet was slightly darker than the ruby but it didn't matter either way as long as Cassie loved it. I watched her place Cameron's heart charm next to Nathan's and couldn't help but notice that that there was space for two or three more yet with the way she positioned them.

With three boys to care for now we were outnumbered without reinforcements. Luckily, my parents arrived to stay with us when Cassie's folks went home. Mom and dad were delighted to meet their newest grandson Cameron of course but they had endless hugs and kisses for Jack and Nathan too. I was thankful for all the extra help during the first month or so after Cameron was born. Cassie would never admit to needing or wanting help but she needed to get her rest with Cameron demanding so much of her time and energy with frequent feedings.

Once I was back to work and my parents had gone home Cassie was caring for our boys alone all day during her maternity leave. Even when I came home she was hesitant to take a break and let me care for our children alone. Our infant son Cameron needed constant care and the two older boys were certain to get into something they shouldn't as soon as you took her eyes off them for a few minutes. Whenever I did convince Cassie to take a bath or a nap I struggled to watch three young kids under five years old by myself. It made me appreciate the amazing job Cassie did with them everyday even more. I made sure to tell her constantly because even though she knew the feelings were in my heart, it never hurt to let her know verbally.

With Jack a few months from five years old and Nathan three and half, their endless energy was a living reminder of how quickly Cameron would be running around with them. That spring I spent every spare moment turning the backyard in a playground for the boys. Jay, who was amazing when it came to any sort of handy work, spent a whole Saturday helping me finish it while his wife Emily and young daughter Grace visited with Cassie and the boys inside the house. When it was time for the kids to test out the swings and slides we installed they ran around laughing and playing until their bedtime. Cassie's brother would never accept any sort of payment from us but he agreed to let me help him convert his own back yard next year when Grace was a year older.

"Should we tell them now?" Jay asked his wife as they were getting ready to leave.

"Tell us what?" Cassie asked.

"Promise not to tell anyone else?" Emily said.

"I promise," Cassie said but she already had guessed based on her smile.

"We're having another baby," Emily said.

"Congratulations," Cassie said hugging her sister in law. "I'm so happy for you," she added with her smile finding her brother Jay.

"We both are," I said offering Jay my hand but I should have known by now the Dumonts preferred hugs over handshakes.

"When is the baby due?" Cassie asked.

"September," Jay said. "We haven't told mom and dad yet or Emily's parents either. We'll tell them this week so don't say anything."

"We won't say a word," Cassie promised again.

"Next weekend we're going to have everyone over for dinner. They'll know by then so you won't have to pretend," Emily said sharing a smile with Cassie.

"Oh before you go what can we bring?" Cassie asked.

"Jack, Nathan, Cameron and yourselves," Emily said.

"Don't be like that, we're all family here," Cassie said.

"Exactly. Your husband just spent his whole day off helping me finish the playground for the boys," I said.

"If you want to make a dessert you can," Emily said.

"Of course I will," Cassie said. "Thanks again Jay," she said hugging her brother. "And it was so much fun to spend all day with you Grace," she added with kisses for her niece.

"Take care, we'll see you next week," I said as we offered goodbyes for now.

A week later the whole family gathered at Jay and Emily's to celebrate the news that the family was growing again. At just a few months old, Cameron was too young to join in the fun but the rest of the children had a blast playing together. Our boys Jack and Nathan looked up to their older cousins Matthew and Maddie. Matthew loved teaching them new games and Maddie, who was closer to their age, was sweet and caring, watching over them all, including Grace who was the youngest for now. Cassie's father was in his element surrounded by his grandchildren. He played with them for hours and hours like the biggest kid of them all.

By the time we got home the boys were falling asleep in the car from running around all day with their cousins. I carried Jack up to their bedroom and came right back for Nathan. While Cassie got Cameron settled in his crib, I made sure the older boys put their pajamas on and took them to brush their teeth. I sat on the floor between their beds and Cassie sat between my legs as we read them a storybook together. When I looked over at the end they were asleep in their beds. Cassie gave them each a soft kiss and wished them sweet dreams in an even softer voice that wouldn't wake them.

"Are you sleepy like the rest of the Kellogg boys?" she asked when I yawned deeply in our bedroom.

"I think I've been tired since Jack was born," I said.

"I know what you mean," she said smiling at me.

"But it's been well worth it," I said.

"It has," she said with a thoughtful expression.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you think it would be worth it at least once more?" she asked.

"Are you..."

"No, not yet. But I want to be," she said before I could get the wrong idea.

"I suppose this means you want to have sex," I said making it sound like a chore.

"Every chance we get until I'm pregnant again," she said.

"That shouldn't take long," I said making her giggle.

"Remember when we used to worry about it?" she asked.

"I was young and foolish back then," I said.

"I love you," she said kissing me. "I could talk to you all night but the boys won't be asleep for long."

"I love you too," I said.

It was true that I was exhausted and Cassie surely was too, but attraction towards each other filled us with energy and the desire for another child did the rest. She slipped her panties off and slid under the covers with her thin nightgown still on. I leaned over her body and kissed her until my cock grew hard which didn't take long at all. The days of marathon sex sessions were behind us now and that meant making the first time count. As I kissed the love of my life, I let my fingers probe her moist pussy lips. Years of experience gave me the intimate knowledge of Cassie's body I needed to make her squirm.

My wife's ragged breathing told me she was ready as clearly as her legs spreading to make space for me did. She wrapped her legs around me when I entered her and squeezed with all her love. I can't remember for sure but it might have been the first time we made love since Cameron was born and even if not, it was one of the few times at most. Cassie was worked up from my fingering and the lack of sex recently, making her easily aroused and pleasured. Over our years together I'd gained enough willpower to resist her sexual charms and was able to last long enough for her to cum too, though it was a struggle.

I lay on my side next to her waiting for her eyes to find mine and was soon rewarded. Nothing made me feel more special, more desired, more of a man, than her adoring gazes. When she closed her hand around the shaft of my semi-erect cock, I knew instantly that the first time had been quick enough to do it again. That second round reminded me of all the times Cassie and I stayed up half the night fucking until we were too exhausted to go on. It wasn't like that of course but we built up a healthy sweat before we both came again. I took a quick before bed shower first and then it was her turn.

Our lives continued to revolve around our three precious boys. Jack and Nathan loved the backyard playground and the occasional scraped knee never discouraged them for long. Thanks to Cassie, we never ran out of bandages or no sting spray to tend to their inevitable minor injuries from falling. Cameron was more like Jack as a baby than Nathan, in terms of looks and demeanor. Already I suspected his features would favor the Dumont side of the family. He cried often too, like most babies, but Cassie and I were tireless in soothing him until he settled down again.

Shortly before Jack's fifth birthday we learned that the second child Jay and Emily were expecting was another girl for them. A part of me wondered for just a moment when it would be our turn but we'd been blessed with three happy and healthy boys. As long as we continued to have no complications I'd happily take one boy after another. Still any baby news at all only made Cassie more eager to have another of our own and we began squeezing in sex as often as we could.

For Jack's birthday my parents made a trip to see their grandsons, and Cassie and I too I suppose. It was a treat to have them around and the older boys loved seeing them. A few days after Jack's birthday party they took Jack and Nathan out for a day full of activities leaving four month old Cameron with us. With just a single child to care for, we had time to get caught up on some neglected house work. I used the time to get the lawn mowed then helped Cassie finish scrubbing all the floors. There was time to try for baby number four while Cameron napped too. That evening we sat together with the boys on our laps listening to the gleeful recounting of all the fun the had with nanny and poppy Kellogg.

We took our annual trip to LA in the first week of July that year. On Independence Day we took Jack and Nathan to see the fireworks. My mother stayed home to babysit Cameron and convinced Cassie to join the rest of us. One of the great joys of parenting is watching your children experience wonderful things for the first time. They'd seen fireworks on TV before, but nothing like the spectacular in person Fourth of July display in a major city. The looks of wonder and awe on their little faces was what Cassie and I lived for.

The following day my parents hosted a birthday party for Nathan with all his California relatives. Susan and Brian were there with their daughters Rebecca and Jasmine and we invited Tim, Lei, and Laura too. The kids spent the whole day playing together and turning my parents' house upside down no matter how hard the adults tried to slow them down. Mom was full of smiles saying it reminded her of trying to keep Susan and I from making every room a mess as kids. We took plenty of pictures throughout the day, including the birthday boy posing with his cousins and another of him and his friend Laura.
