My Two Husbands


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And now my black husband has to risk his own life to wade thru a riot to get to a damn county hospital, to attempt to save the life of this little boy, and thereby saving this cities ass from burning.

And then this white ass hole in the next room, someone else who my husband had to save his ass, decides to help himself to his most prized possession , me!

And what the fuck did I do? I let him. I angrily slammed my door shut and locked it, and turned on the TV. The writing across the bottom of the screen mentioned "well known cardiologist Derek Prescott" several times.

But I couldn't, in spite of all of this, get that thick white dick out of my mind, I began to rub my clit in the hopes of some relief.

I wanted to put a porn DVD in, but I didn't want to change the channel. About 3 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Tonja? Can I come in?"

"Leave me the fuck alone! I told you that earlier!" I screamed. "This shit Is your fault!" I told him.

"My fault? How so?"

"You racist motherfuckers especially you white cops, think that every black male is a criminal, and you see every black woman as a hot piece of ass! That 13 year old child may die, all because he wanted to be in a school band and because he made the mistake of being black!"

"Look! Open the damn door Tonja! I don't want to talk like this, and I damn sure don't want to leave things the way they are, now the door."

I let him in, just as I had always intended to.

"I don't want to talk right now, I'm trying to get an update." I told him as I sat back on the bed. About a half hour later, the "we are getting breaking news, let us take you over to the hospital for a live press conference". The screen shifts to the hospital with Derek at the podium preparing to speak surrounded by other doctors, policemen, and city and county officials.

"I want to report, that the surgery that myself and the fine team at this hospital performed , was successful in helping to save the life of the young man.

We have two more surgeries to perform, but neither are life threatening nor or they lifesaving, and will be only to ensure that this strong young man, will be able to play his instrument on a football field in the very near future.

His grandmother asked me to give you a message. Killing and rioting are NOT the solution, please don't cause death and destruction in her grandchild's name. He will not be a hash tag, nor will he be a martyr, he's simply a kid that wants what all kids want, and that is to live to be a successful adult!"

Derek took questions from reporters, I thought that the cute female Hispanic reporter that kept asking questions was being a bit flirty, but like the gentlemen he is, Derek deftly handled her overtures. I turned off the tv and I began to sob, somewhat uncontrollably. It was a weight lifted off of me, and off of this city. This child would get to enjoy many other birthdays thanks to the skills of the most talented cardiologist in the city!


And then I felt the warm hand touch the small of my back, "Are you ok?" Jake asked in a soothing, almost sultry voice. I dried my eyes on the sheet that I was face down on.

"Yes. I'm ok. I said.

"That's all I wanted to know." And he turned to leave.

"Wait! Jake, please, don't leave." I told him, "I don't want to be alone tonight, please stay with me until Derek gets here."

"I don't think that's a good idea." Jake said.

This mofo here! Now, all of a sudden he's gained a conscious? I'm beside my self with lust, my pussy is beating like a jack hammer, my husband won't be back for hours.

Man come get this pussy! I got completely naked, laid on the bed with my legs spread.

"If you can walk out of this room, walk out. But if you do, never ever walk back in it." I told him as if it was a dare. Needless to say, within seconds, he was inside this pussy again, only this time, he took his time and savored the experience.

He hit me with very slow and deliberate strokes, and in no time, I was squirting on his dick. I kissed him deeply, he smelled so differently from Derek, his touch was so different from Dereks. Derek had a gentle loving touch. Jake was more rough, more demanding, he had the "put you in your place" touch, whereas Derek had the "I've got you baby, you're safe in my arms" type of touch.

He pulled out and had me to get on my knees. He then slowly slid back in and began to ride atop my big bubbly ass, I came once again, Hard! He finally let out that familiar yell, which led to him once again squirting a load inside of my quivering pussy, which caused me to climax once again.

We fell together on the bed, my back turned to him with his semi-hard dick still inside of me. I don't know how long we had been asleep when I heard the door chime, it was Derek! "Jake! Jake! Wake up!"

Jake by instinct I suppose, started moving his now hard dick in and out of me again. "No! Stop!" I said as I grabbed his dick and pulled it out of my snatch.

"Dereks here!" Jake jumped up and ran toward the door. "Where the hell are you going? He's in the house! Get under the bed!"

So Jake dived under the bed, I'm still wondering how he got under there without bumping that giant hard dick against the bed frame.

"Stay here until he goes to sleep."

Derek walks in, it's nearly 4am, "hi sweetie," I said as he walked in. I could tell that he was exhausted.

"Hi baby, he said and kissed me on the cheek, "did you see the press conference?" He asked.

"Why yes I did baby! You were such a calming influence."

"You must not have watched the entire thing. It got pretty heated after that. A reporter from one of those far right news sites had the nerve to ask me would I work as hard to save the life of a cop as I did to save the life of the young "perp"!

After I angrily suggested that he learn the difference between a "perp" and an innocent child, and made some not so flattering words regarding his IQ being in the single digits, they ended the press conference and let me get back to work.

I did save the life of a cop that had a heart attack, and afterwards I performed another minor surgery." He said sleepily.

"Well baby, you definitely had a busy and heroic night! Why don't you shower, and I'll fix you a nice breakfast with coffee?" I said, eager to get Jake from under the bed.

"I showered at the hospital. It I'll take some coffee if you don't mind."

I left out thinking, "damn! I'm going to have to fuck Derek with Jake listening under the bed to get him to fall asleep!"

I actually could not believe that I was worried that Jake might get jealous! But while I made coffee, a hand touched me on the back and a cock slid inside of me and started playfully humping me. It was Jakes!

"What the hell are you doing?" I said in a loud whisper. "Derek?"

"Is sound asleep laying on the bed, we have time to get one more!" He said as he continued to fuck me in the kitchen with my sound asleep husband in the next room.

I bent all the way over and got on my tip toes as I leaned on the center island.

"Hurry up!" I told him.

After he finished, he ran off to his room. I could feel his cum sliding down my leg. I took a towel and did a quick wipe and brought my husband some coffee. But just like Jake had said, he was too sleep to notice.

He didn't notice Jake gathering his pajamas and shirt, he didn't notice him bolting from the room, he didn't even notice him bending me over and nutting in me for the third time in a 24 hour period.

I needed a shower, but how would I justify taking one right now? I simply climbed in bed, and prayed that Derek wouldn't be horny after he woke up and want some of my already, cum filled pussy.

For the next three nights, we repeated the same pattern. Derek was also a skilled trauma surgeon, so he dealt with a lot of emergency room cases that were still coming in, with mini skirmishes still breaking out with the rioters and the police.

Because even though the little boy lived, the black community wanted an arrest, and so far, none had been forthcoming.

But each night after dinner, Derek would get escorted to the hospital to save lives while Jake and I fucked each others brains out, we had his pattern down to the last detail.

Since this was just regular shift work, we knew that the escort would have him home around 4am. Plus, we could hear the door chime if something different happened.

We would set the alarm for two am. We'd fuck one more time and then Jake would tip back into his room. I'd take a nice hot shower, and be ready and waiting for my hubby to come home, and in he'd drag, completely exhausted.

In fact, on the fifth day since the shooting, I really didn't want him to leave for work but I understood. He explained that things had been getting back to normal at the county hospital and this would probably be his last night away from me.

It was somewhat bittersweet, but I was eager to have my baby home again. The unrest had died down so much, till he was even able to drive himself to the hospital without escort.

At about 9pm, Jake was riding me from behind on the bed from a standing position. God that dick! It felt so good as he pounded my ass from behind.

He knelt down close to my ear and said, "we-can't keep going-like-this!"

"I know." I whispered back.

"Something has to change." He says, as he continued his up and down motion.

"I'm not leaving my husband! I truly love him." I said to the man, that was not my husband that was currently hitting my husbands lovespot. Deeply.

"Unnnnh, I love him too!" He said.

"Well it's nice to know that the two people that I love most in the world both love me in return." A calm, steady voice said from the bedroom doorway.

Jake: I'm dead meat...

I mean Derek would be well within his rights(maybe not legally but definitely as a man)to pump three in the back of my head. I'm knee deep in his wife in his home, in his bed for Christ sake!

What the fuck was wrong with me? My brother opens his home to me and I in turn open his wife's legs?

For some reason, I didn't think that playing the "hey bro, remember I once saved your life" card would work anymore than Jackie April's Jr playing the "out of respect for my father" angle worked for him after he robbed Eugene's card game before the "crank wore off."

Tonja: Jake jumped out of both my pussy and the bed in one motion. He grabbed a pillow and covered his rigid cock with it.

I immediately began to cry.

"Derek I" Jake started to say.

Derek held his hand up, "meet me in the living room, both of you." And he turned and walked back out.

"What's he going to do?" I asked the ex cop.

"Well he's not going to kill us, he would have done that right here." Jake said.

We both walked out of the room in sheets. Derek was sitting at the table.

Derek: I wasn't hurt as much as I was in shock. Was this somehow my fault? Had I overestimated Tonja's loyalty? Jake's fraternal feelings for me?

Or did I simply miss all signs that pointed toward the fact that leaving to very attractive individuals in a house alone night after night was bound to lead to this?

I also didn't understand why watching them fuck. Watching Jake feed Tonja that white cock had my own dick just about able to hammer nails!

Tonja: I started to speak, but he held up his hand to shush me.

"Have a seat, we have a lot to discuss. First, I've known or suspected this for a few days." Derek said. "When I noticed that you Tonja, were taking showers at 3am in the morning.

Then I went into my bathroom and found the toilet seat up. But I wasn't going to accuse the two people I love the most in the world of something of this magnitude without proof.

So I turned off the door chime, had someone else cover my shift, waited down the street, came back in, and here we are. So the question now is, where do we go from here?"

"You probably need to tell us." Jake said to Derek.

"Well, here's the thing. There's not a person on earth more important to me than the two of you. Jake, I know that you've been though a tumultuous time and Tonja is the kindest person that I've ever met.

So I can imagine how easy it would be for her to go above and beyond as the nurturer that she is. Furthermore Jake, had it not been for your selfless act on the battle field all those years ago, I wouldn't have been here today to build my world.

Tonja, baby, you are my world. Point blank end of story. There is no way that this or possibly anything else would ever consider making me leave you.

Now, there's one other thing I'd like to say. Jake watching your white cock slide in and out of my wife's pussy has me hard as hell, so Tonja, get your fine ass in back in the bed.

It's been nearly a week since I've had any of that sweet ass and then am suffering from a bad case of ball ache!

Without another word, I dropped the sheet, and reminiscent of the day that Jake first fucked me; I seductively twisted my naked ass back to the bedroom giving them both a full view of sashaying booty.

I then closed the door behind me after giving them my "come hither," finger gesture.

I could hear Derek say, "I'm coming baby!" And then as he opened the door, he looked back at Jake, "you coming bro? If you can fuck my wife when I'm not here, you can definitely fuck her with me!"

Jake raced into the room, and before I know it, they are all over me. Derek lays me on my back and we began to 69 while Jake slides up behind my raised legs and exposed ass and begins to lick my anus.

I immediately began to cum, hard! I found myself begging them to make it stop, but they wouldn't listen.

"What's the safe word baby? Derek asked. "And you know that "please" isn't it!"

"Safe word?" Hell I could barely think straight with the way they had my body convulsing! Say what you will, but to have multiple orgasms may feel like heaven but can be quite debilitating!

But after my 8th one in 5 minutes, they were now both ready to fuck, and they both wanted to fuck me in my ass!

"I'm the one that lubed her up!" Jake protested.

"No man! Your dicks too big, I ain't going in there after you finish with it!" Derek shot back.

"Ok let's flip a coin, heads I get the tail, tails you get the tail!" Jake suggested.

"Uh, you boys will not flip to decide who gets to wreck MY asshole!" I said, as I came out of my "cum stupor. "I will decide who gets a piece of this ass, no pun intended! Now stand up next to each other dicks facing out."

I walked around them like a drill sergeant doing an inspection. And to my surprise, I noticed, "your dicks are actually both the same size, but I'm confused, I thought....oh hell, just flip the damn coin!"

And a minute later, I'm riding Jakes thick long white dick with my hot black pussy, while Derek carefully inserts his thick long black dick into my virgin black ass.

"Damn it Derek, every time you slid another inch into her, she tenses up and clamps down on my dick! She's gonna make me cum before I even get to sample that sweet ass of hers!"

"Stop whining, man up and fuck!" Derek said, while he worked on getting inch number 7 in. Finally he said, "Tonja, would you forgive me for anything the way that I've forgiven you?"

"Yes my baby! Of course I would! I responded, not sure where this was going.

"Good! Forgive me for this! And with that, he shoved the rest of his dick into my ass! I screamed bloody murder, I also, once again clamped down hard on Jake's cock. Only this time, he let out a yell that was as loud as my own which caused me to climax as he shot his hot ejaculation fluid deep into my pussy once more.

"Don't move Derek be still! I'm still cumming." I told him. Jakes now limp dick fell out of me and his love seed leaked out of my pulsating pussy, and splashed onto his stomach.

He let out a satisfied "ahhh" and sprawled out on the bed.

"I'm sorry Jake, but you have to have a hard dick to stay in this room." I told him.

I think that he caught that I wanted some alone time with my husband, and he promptly excused himself with a hi-five to Derek and closed the door behind him.

Since Derek was now firmly entrenched in my butt, he simply continued to ride me slowly while he reached around and rubbed my aching clit, and then he took it to another level. He began to whisper into my ear.

"Did you like that dick this week baby, was he fucking you right?" I immediately started Cumming. "You was taking that white dick right in our bed weren't you baby?" He said as he kept fucking my ass.

Finally, I responded, "yes baby! That big white dick was pounding my pussy! He was beating this pussy up!"

That was all it took. Derek mercilessly humped my ass, and then he let out a load into my bowels so huge that I thought I'd literally spit it out of my mouth.

I laid on Derek's chest for the rest of the night after he cleaned me up. We discussed our new normal. There was no way that things would be "normal" for us again. And we needed to figure out how it was going to go.

We were about to redefine marriage, love, family, the whole nine. "Do you love him? I mean, are you in love with him?" Derek asked.

"I I know that I love him, I think that if we continue down this path, I'll fall in love with him, but, I'll never fall out of love with you, I couldn't." I assured him.

"So, you can be in love with two men at the same time?" He asked.

"Yes, would you be able to share me with another man?" I asked back. He looked at me, with a very thoughtful stare, I could tell that he was really pondering what this would mean.

"Only Jake, he's the only person on earth, that I could ever share you with." He told me. Before I knew it, Dereks dick was hard again and he was ready for round two.

"Do you want to call him back in here?" He asked.

"No, baby, we will talk to him in the morning, this pussy is yours exclusively for the rest of the night!"

After we told Jake of our plans, he eagerly accepted our offer to be our permanent houseguest. Derek got him a great paying job at the hospital, and our happy little family was born.

I had two husbands to satisfy. Believe it or not, it worked out well. Men aren't territorial and catty in the way that women are.

Sometimes when Jake would be firmly entrenched in this ass, Derek would patiently wait his turn unless it was a joint effort.

Jake even met a very nice Latina chick named "Rosary" at the hospital, and to make a long story short, she soon moved in, and we went from a threesome to a foursome in every way.

We became best friends... sisters even. I didn't think that I had the heart to watch Derek fuck another woman, but those were some of the most intense orgasms that that I've ever experienced, just watching Derek penetrate this hot sexy Spanish fly.

She and Jake got married on a trip to Aruba, and on the honeymoon, Derek popped her anal cherry. The nigga took it easier with her ass than he did mine!(lol). We made the decision three months ago to stop using birth control and now we are both two months pregnant.

It'll be a miracle if the kids come out of our slots belonging to the right fathers! Cause I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to give birth to a blonde curly haired blue eyed little boy(I saw him in a dream). I'll be sure to

let you know.

Signed D & T & J

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Mixed babies are beautiful. Though I was hoping that it would be just the three of them and Jake would place a wedding ring on her hand and she would have her chocolate and vanilla husbands.

Adonisblack1Adonisblack1over 1 year agoAuthor

Author’s note: I edited the story to take the confusing references to Byron out and made it to where the story flows better. Please give it a second reading and see what you think. 🙂

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You're a damn good writer! Loved it from beginning to end. Thanks for writing. I'm going to read all toy other stories! 5-Stars!

BigRichard2910BigRichard2910over 2 years ago

Ooops my bad I should have read the previous comments...

Never mind!

BigRichard2910BigRichard2910over 2 years ago

Excellent story, well-written (even though rape fantasy isn't my thing - but all's well that ends well i guess)... but is husband's name Derek or Byron?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
My husbands brother

My husbands brother moved in with us when he got divorced and my husband suggested that I help him out sexually as it was at least six months since he had sex. This has evolved into me living with two husband, both of them very sexy and very good lovers. I love my life and suggest all women try it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I hope you do another chapter of this story or something similar with the two husbands.

Lucky girl getting double the dick

Adonisblack1Adonisblack1about 4 years agoAuthor
it Was a screwup

Derek and Byron are the same guy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Who's Byron?

Adonisblack1Adonisblack1over 5 years agoAuthor
I realized it too late

I had started this one, stopped working on it. Came back to it, and for some strange reason, I started calling him Byron. I’ll be more careful going forward.

Adonisblack1Adonisblack1over 5 years agoAuthor
Sorry everyone

I messed up on the names(I just reread it) “Derrick” “Derek”, and “byron” are all the same person. I vow to do better in the future 🙂.

BarnengBarnengover 5 years ago

good story. a little confusion when derrick was referred to a byron

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