My VideoChat Error Ch 31


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"If you hurry home today, you might catch her," Naughty continued.

"Well, um," I began, not sure of how to say it.

"Shauna and I are going for a girl's night out with some girls we know. Shauna needs time to get ready to go out. Could Emma be asked in the morning instead?" Denise asked confidently and calmly. She was obviously over the shock of her expected attendance at the party.

And her more active role than last time.

Much more active.

"Interesting. Yes, you two go and have a girls' night out together. Make sure you ask Emma in the morning. I will need to find another couple for the pink room. We will chat tomorrow morning, same time as usual. Have fun."

With that Naughty logged out.

I swivelled my chair to face Denise immediately.

"Do you know what you just agreed to do?" I asked my girlfriend bluntly.

She took my hands in hers and pulled me to my feet.

Well, more like she tugged lightly and I got up.

Her face held a look of trepidation. And oddly enough hope.

"Yes. I am doing this for you. You agreed to several conditions for me not to be gang-banged by Roger's crew or worse. You did that for me. Now it's my turn to help you out." Denise stated proudly but with not as confidently as she had spoken to Naughty.

"Huh. For me? You are doing this for me? I don't get it my dear," I asked not understanding her logic.

She pulled me close to her and planted a sensuous, wet kiss on my lips.

"Yes. For you. Because I love you," she said warmly as she pulled back a little.

I searched her eyes. I had to know that she truly meant it. We looked into each other's eyes for more than a few moments. Each searching for something.

She seemed sincere.

Totally sincere.

I felt so loved by her.

"Please explain," I said curiously as I broke the silence.

"Ok. For one, I do owe you big time. I do not want to be gang-banged by a bunch of horny black men ever again. You have seen to it that that will not happen. I love you so much for that. I don't want you to be put through being fucked by a never ending line of horny men either, giving just as many blowjobs and then have to endure Emma being fucked a lot and having to eat all her lovers' cum out of her loose pussy all night long. You have had to endure that for me, so now it is my turn to do some enduring," Denise said in a caring tone.

Her eyes still held a warm look. A caring look. And a thankful look.

"But, you will be fucked. Fucked a lot. And-" I protested.

I thought I could discern a brief gleam in her eyes.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Besides, I will be in the orgy room. I am sure there will be lots of pussy to go around and I will get a lot less attention there than you did in the pink room last time."

"But-" I began protesting again.

"For another, you need to show continued progress to Naughty. The first time that Miranda came over to my place she did say that the more you turned your hung boyfriend on the happier Naughty would be. And the happier Naughty was, the sooner this would all end."

This time I remained silent. I thought back to that evening when Miranda was explaining things to me. Images and feelings of that night began to—

"Miranda also said that the better you are at accepting your punishments and training, the sooner you will find out who Naughty is and why you are being punished," Denise added.

"Have I not been accepting my training and my punishments?" I asked in all sincerity. "I have kept becoming Shauna. I did my best to be an accepting 'cuckold' on Saturday so that I could get through the night and appear to accept the situation." I stated feeling a bit exasperated.

Part of me wondered how much of that had been for appearances and how much was—

"You have been doing a pretty good job of being Shauna when around me," Denise concurred. "I am not with you when you are at home, so I cannot judge how well you seem to be accepting of the situation with your wife," Denise added.

"Do you honestly think it will end sooner the more I seem to truly accept being Shauna and do my best so that my relationship with Jason gets deeper?" I asked feeling a bit exasperated by this whole situation.

"I do think it will. Miranda said so," Denise replied with a warm smile.

"You know if you are compliant in your training with Rachael and if you go to the picnic seemingly without reticence and accepting of your role, it might lower Naughty's guard. He/she may feel that you have been broken. You have been turned. Maybe you will find out more at the picnic. Maybe that could also give Natalie a chance to talk with you," Denise explained calmly.

Broken? Turned? Naughty had mentioned the former earlier today.

"Hmmm," I uttered as I thought about what Denise had said.

My Denise.

Yes My Denise.

"Maybe tonight we can glean something useful from some seemingly innocent comment when we are with Mandi and Michelle," Denise added.

Denise was saying so much. It must just be that she had been thinking things through. I needed time to think on these things too.

On everything she said and left unsaid.

"And maybe I will discover something at the party, especially in a likely more raucous room. Harder for them to hear me if I get a chance to talk to someone. Who knows? Someone has to slip up, someplace, sometime," Denise said sounding a bit more upbeat.

Why did she seem upbeat about all of this?

It must just be that she thought she was seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. If I did as Denise had suggested. If things worked out as Denise had hoped in the orgy room. If —

Orgy room.

A dread began to fill me again.

My Denise.

Being fucked by anyone who wanted her. Anyone except me.

I realized that I had not even thought of thanking her for doing something this big for me. Too much seemed to be happening so fast. Denise seemed quicker to adapt. Perhaps —

There was a muffled ring of a phone from outside the door.

"I had better get back to my desk and get that," Denise said as she rushed out of my office.

I wiped Denise's lipstick off my lips and sat back down at my desk.

I saw the picture of my family on my desk. My eyes fixated on Emma. My Emma. Things were so different back then. Emma was my prudish but caring wife and the mother of my children.

Or so she seemed.

I began to wonder about Emma. Why would I need to ask Emma? Could Naughty not decide that him/herself? Why would I need to report back to Naughty. Could he/she not just listen to our conversation through the microphones in our house? Did this mean that Emma was not Naughty? Or was this all just to confuse the issue and get me to stop considering her and lead me down other, incorrect paths of thought?


Denise reappeared at my doorway.

"It was Ellen. Mrs. Jäger wants to see you in her office right away."

My heart leaped into my throat. As if it had even left.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"Did she say why?" I queried.

"Yes. She wants an update on the meeting. Apparently Mr. Jones did not say much. He told Mrs. Jäger you could give her the details and get to work on the project at the same time," Denise replied.

That should have calmed me, but it didn't.

I felt more than a bit stressed. A lot more. Ellen had been the one who walked in on us while I was going down on Rachael. I hope that she did not see me. The table in the conference room was fairly wide and a bit taller than normal. I hoped that Rachael was correct and it had appeared as though she was just frigging herself.

I felt a bit of perspiration form on my brow.

Had Terrance mentioned to Vanessa that Rachael and I were working out our differences and she sent Ellen in as a spy?

Or was I being way, way, way too paranoid.


I straightened my tie. It felt like I was being called to the principal's office. Not that I experienced that too often. Well three times in elementary school to be exact. Each time I got disciplined for getting in trouble. That had left a mark on my psyche. Obviously it was still there. And I did feel guilty for what I did with Rachael, just like I did back as a schoolboy.

I convinced myself that this was not the same. I was working with the Principal this time. Well the Assistant Principal in this case. And I was likely being too paranoid. She could have called me up right away if Ellen had seen anything. Or Terrance could have, if he had heard. I am sure Vanessa would have been chomping at the bit to discredit me and take the project over. With the documents signed, Terrance could replace me if he wished, no matter what John liked.

I calmed down a bit. A fair bit.

I took the files with me and headed on up. Not that they had been used in the meeting but it looked better than going up without anything in my hands.

When I arrived at Ellen's desk she smiled and dialed in to Vanessa's office.

"Ok, you need a couple of minutes, I will tell him. Bye."

Mrs. Jäger is just on a call. Please take a seat, she will be with you shortly.

I sat down with the files on my lap.

Great. I wonder how long her phone call will last. It always seemed to happen to me. I would get called to come up and then have to wait while they were on the phone.

I began to think about Vanessa. Mrs. Jäger. Her husband was Harry Miller. She kept her last name when she married apparently because she came from a fairly wealthy German family and wanted to maintain that identity. Her German accent was gone as she had moved here when she was six. Her family ran a successful brewery several hours drive from here. Closer to the city I went to a few weeks ago for business than to our own. Much closer. The city in which Denise was gang banged by Roger and his crew and I took care of the manly needs of some Japanese businessmen.

I looked over at Ellen.

She was busy typing away at her computer. She must have noticed my gaze as she glanced over at me and smiled.

I smiled back.

"Congratulations on landing the big deal with Mr. Harding's company Mr. Jacobs," she said in a friendly manner. Ellen was still fairly new to the company, having been here only eight months, but already was one of the better secretaries.

"Thank you very much," I replied with a warm smile back.

"It must have been tough negotiating with your former secretary on their team. All of us secretaries found her to be more than a bit arrogant when she worked here. I did not expect this to get done so quickly today," Ellen stated.

If it had been any other secretary, I would have been a bit surprised by her candor with someone in my position and not her boss. But, out of all the secretaries, not including Denise, I had gotten to know her the most. Four months ago I had been stuck in the elevator with Ellen. Just her and me. For five hours while they worked on solving the problem. We wound up sharing a lot with each other. More than most people who work together for 25 years do.

My mind came back to the current situation. I wondered to myself how much she had seen when she brought the water in.

"Yes, yes it was a bit of a challenge. But we prevailed," I said with a confident smile.

Just then her phone ringed.

"Ok, I will send him right in," Ellen said and hung up the phone.

I was already on my feet.

Ellen smiled and opened the door for me to show me in.

She was very good at her job.

She was about to close the door when Vanessa spoke up.

"Ellen, hold all my calls. We are not to be disturbed," she said very businesslike.

"Understood Mrs. Jäger," Ellen said then closed the door.

I was now feeling a bit intimidated. More so than ever before by Vanessa.

She sat there behind her expensive Mahogany Desk. One worth more than my entire office furnishings, and maybe even my car as well.

Her black hair had nice curls to it. Her makeup was meticulously done and highlighted her piercing blue eyes. She wore a white blouse and as she rose to greet me, I could see she also wore a dark purple skirt.

"Hello Shaun. Come, sit by my desk," she said with a professional smile as she offered me a seat across from her.

My heart was beating faster than I wanted. I was over-reacting. We had important stuff to discuss was all.

Very important.

I took my seat and opened the files in my hands.

I would lead the discussion about the deal.

That would set —

"So the rumours were true then," Vanessa said smoothly.

I felt like someone had smacked me out of the blue.

"Um, excuse me?" I stammered.

Vanessa's smile seemed to be knowing and mischievous now.

"Six months ago you did have an affair with your then secretary Rachael," the good looking, black haired woman suddenly claimed.

I was still taken a bit aback, but part of me knew I had to respond. I had to end that notion. It could not be management's view of what happened.

Of me.

"This is out of the blue. And for the record-" I stated still feeling a bit flummoxed.

Vanessa raised her red nailed pointer finger to indicate for me to give her a moment. She looked down at some papers on her desk and played with the corner of one of them as she seemed to think about what to say.

Her decent sized breasts rose and fell in a normal manner as her breathing remained calm.

After a moment she licked her nicely red glossed upper lip, tilted her head and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I know what you just did in the boardroom," she asserted with a knowing grin.

I gasped lightly.

My heartbeat picked up.

Vanessa just kept smiling and playing with the paper on her desk.

"A little bird told me," she said matter-of-factly.

I did not know what to say.

She looked down at her desk then back into my eyes.

"You are not the ever loyal husband you claim to be, or as others claimed who had defended your honour in regards to Rachael," she declared almost as if triumphantly.

I was still at a loss. How could I get out of this? She could-

"Imagine what might happen if Terrance found out. His lead person was having an affair with the other company's lead? What about the board? What might they think," she trailed off a bit quieter.

She still slowly fidgeted with the papers on her desk.

"Please don't," I asked. Well, more like pleaded in tacit acknowledgement of what took place.

She stopped playing with her papers and looked up at me again.

"Well, I could be convinced not to say anything and to ensure that the little bird does not spread any rumours. I did tell her to not to say a peep of this to anyone until after we had talked," she explained.

This is going to hit the pocketbook hard I thought. Vanessa Jäger liked wealth and power. She was known for shrewd investing, for pinching pennies at times and for spending lavishly at others. Especially on shoes, clothes and also fine jewelry.

"How much do you want? You know, for silence. To make this go away," I asked as businesslike as I could.

A naughty smile broke across her lips. She stared at me for a moment.

"What makes you think I want money?" She asked with a bit of huskiness.

My eyebrows raised up. I figured I was sure what she might want. But also figured I was dreaming that she would want me to do that. She being married and all. And to another board member.

"So, then, instead I could —" I slowly began as my mind searched for alternate ways of paying.

"I want what she got," Vanessa stated decisively.

I gasped again.

Images of crawling between Rachael's nicely stockinged legs with her milky white thighs sprung into my mind. I could suddenly smell the aroma of her sweet tasting pussy.

Vanessa beckoned me with her finger.

A nicely manicured finger. Pointy with red nail polish.

My heart was definitely beating faster.

I rose from my chair and started moving to her side of the desk.

"I see that you are a smart person."

As I rounded the desk she turned her chair to face me.

Vanessa spread her stocking covered legs a little and pulled up her skirt enough to reveal that she lacked panties and that a slick, black, hairy bush awaited my tongue.

"Do you want a pillow?" She chuckled.

My life seemed so complex.

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FseriesFseriesover 1 year ago

And the train wreck of a story keeps going and going off the tracks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Part 32 doesn’t show up as next

Great story

NaughtyOne88NaughtyOne88about 3 years agoAuthor

Hey Guys

Last couple of months have been a tough time. With moving, covid-19 issues (did not get sick myself yet luckily), computer issues, literotica and yahoo login issues and then other real life issues on top of this all, was not able to get anything posted nor reply to emails.

I have my logins back an computer issues solved for now. Hoping real life affords me the time to write more again.

I just posted chapter 32. Chapter 33 is in the works.

Wading through emails and posts on the site now. Gonna take awhile!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

For what it's worth, someone with the username 'NaughtyOne88' posted on Reddit a couple of days ago in response to a question about feminization.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is one of the best series story I’ve read on here. I have read continuously and can’t wait to learn who Naughty is, what is Emma’s real role and intentions, what further training for Shauna and the other characters. This is a great who done it. Please give us more.

msdaniemsdanieabout 3 years ago

I would be happy with a sign of life. And let him deliver when he thinks its ready.

msdaniemsdanieabout 3 years ago


If he/she isn't alive they won't answer you. Of course if the author cared about his fans he would have made arrangements for some one to notify us.

ZoroloZoroloabout 3 years ago
Update please

I don't wanna sound impatient but can we get an update are you writing ? You are having a break ? (Maybe a little harsh) but are you alive?

Sorry if i am complaining it's free content after all but maybe you could satisfy your fans a little with a small update

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
keep going

Keep the story going, my sub is totally fascinated by this story, I have begun to train her (sissy CD) to be like shauna. Don't make us wait too long. By the way, sissy particularly liked Denise's black gang bang, food for thought indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
next chapter please

Please dont stop writting

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