My Wife & The Rock Legend


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We came there in Daisy's SUV, so I didn't even have a charger there to use to try and contact my wife. I thought of trying to find someone to borrow their phone, but the one guard was right, I couldn't remember her number. A little embarrassing, but I've never needed to remember it. The only stroke of luck I had since the fucking concert ended was there was a digital clock by where I was standing. Otherwise, I'd have no chance of telling how long I was waiting, since my phone was dead.

I just tried to keep myself calm as I paced waiting. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, until ninety minutes had gone and there was no sign of my wife. At least five women walked past me -- most looking quite disappointed and none as attractive as my wife. I figured only a naïve idiot wouldn't have realized what was taking her so long. Feeling heartbroken, I headed back to Daisy's SUV and left. I was thanking God she let me hold the keys since she was the one getting drunk that night.

Once I got home, an hour later, I plugged in my phone seeing if there was any calls or texts from her. There was none.

I sent her a text, What happened? Where are you.

Part of me was praying that I overreacted by leaving and she'd be mad I abandoned her there. At that moment, it would be so much better than the alternative. When she didn't respond ten minutes later, I started another one to tell her not to bother coming home after fucking that asshole. I knew that wouldn't help things, so I deleted it, but instead swore loudly. I kicked over the garbage bin, which luckily was empty. I swore again, though now my eyes were starting to water. As angry and hurt as I was for what she did, the thought that I was losing the love of my life hurt more.

I felt completely exhausted at that point and needed sleep. I decided that if she came in after her fantasy fuck, it wasn't going to be in the same bed as me. I left my wedding ring on my pillow and went to sleep in the guest room's bed. Surprisingly, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up around four to go to the bathroom. On my way back to the guest room, I heard sobbing from downstairs. I slowly descended and found Daisy wearing her sleeping shirt sitting on the couch with her knees to her stomach, head down bawling her eyes out.

She glanced up, and it seemed like she'd been crying for a while. Daisy looked like she wanted to say something, but she lowered her head and kept crying.

I felt my anger rising, but kept it in. "Have something to tell me?"

She cried harder for a few minutes for before she slowed down enough to say, "I've been horrible to you and don't deserve you as a husband."

"Glad you realize that. So, was fucking him worth it?" I said coldly.

"What? I didn't. How could you..." With that her head shot up and she stared at me with a look of shock briefly but then she dropped her head again. "Of course, you think that. How I behaved, you have every right. At least in my stupidity, I can prove I didn't. Check my phone and the time of the pictures. We waited in the fucking line for almost eighty minutes for him to 'freshen up.' It was then another forty minutes of him meeting all of us. I was the last in line as you can see. Once it was done, I saw you were gone and took an Uber home, which took nearly an hour."

I picked up her phone and checked. There were at least forty pictures she'd taken, including at least ten with Lanny and even a selfie in the back of her Uber with the caption 'Returning home after a dream night.' Times they were taken matched her story. That also meant, she was just finishing her 'audition' when I texted her.

I said in a mock happy voice, "If you didn't fuck him, then what are you so guilty about? Oh, was blowing him part of the audition?"

"I deserve that," Daisy said sadly, finally stopping her wailing. She wiped her eyes. "Jordie, for years I always made those celebrity hall pass comments about Lanny MG thinking they were innocent. It took me years to realize how hurtful that was to you, but once I did, I stopped. However, I never once told you how sorry I was for doing that. Actually, I think I was too ashamed and figured just loving you would be enough."

I snorted. "Ashamed for thinking he's better looking than me? You're hotter than his first two wives. Maybe you're ashamed you settled?"

She looked at me, almost angry. "How dare you put yourself down like that. Fine, you don't have his body but if you had the money he probably spends on personal trainers, you would. Fuck, you still have the sexiest eyes. I noticed them right away and was debating on approaching you before you made the first move that day at college. You are also the funniest, smarted guy I've ever met, and also the kindest.

"Those female customers who harmlessly flirt with you see what a catch you are. Jordie Mitchell, I can't think of a single guy on this planet I'd pick instead for a husband. Throw in the fact you gave me the first orgasm of my life that I didn't give myself the first time we had sex. You are the first man on the planet I'd pick to fuck just for the sake of fucking."

"Then why all the fantasy talk?"

Daisy shrugged. "Because in my mind, that's all it was. Even back then, if I had that opportunity, I never would have considered actually fucking him. Fine, I maybe think about Lanny MG sometimes pleasuring myself, but I bet you sometimes think of other women when you jerk off. Actually, thinking of you doing that excites me.

"I was trying to get us both fanaticizing for fun. Okay, maybe I wanted to make sure you were also having celebrity fantasies, so I didn't feel guilty about having them. I didn't consider how you'd think I was comparing you to him. Yeah, you kept saying you didn't like that talk, but I'd tell myself you were just embarrassed about your own fantasies."

I crossed my arms. "Fine, I'll bite. When did you figure out just how much it bothered me when my repeated attempts to get you to quit, failed?"

"You'll think this is stupid, but lately a lot I've done has been stupid." Daisy laughed coldly. "Jordie, you are the full package: looks, personality and successful. Me? I was pretty. I knew since high school that was my best asset and literally worked my ass off to keep my looks. One day, I looked at myself carefully in the mirror and noticed wrinkles. I was getting them around my eyes and my lips when I smile.

"Whenever I tried to play that stupid celebrity fantasy game with you, I was always confident that I was as pretty as the woman I'd imagine you fanaticizing about. Suddenly, I felt that was no longer the case and the thought of you with some twenty-year-old with no wrinkles or the roll of fat I can now never lose on my waist was scary. As I was feeling down on myself because I didn't live up to the physical standards of those women, it suddenly dawned on me that you might be feeling just like that when I mentioned Lanny MG. I felt horrible, like I said, so I just stopped. However, I never apologized until now. And it's too late, isn't it?"

There was silence as I tried to process everything. Knowing Daisy as well as I did and having the photos on her phone, I believed that she didn't fuck Lanny Mac Gavin. However, there easily could have been time for her to do other things. Her finally apologizing for all the celebrity fling discussions and seeing that she appeared truly sorry for that made a difference. I'm not sure I fully bought her explanation, but it did make some sense.

"Daisy, what happened tonight that has you all upset? I believe you that you never had sex, but something happened didn't it."

She looked at me like I just said something really stupid. "Of course, something happened. I disrespected my husband. Because of my actions, he truly thought I cheated on him and the pain he felt as a result is all my fault."

"That's it?"

"Isn't that enough?" Daisy wiped her eyes. "Jordie, I am not as dumb as some of my decisions. I knew full well that me being in Mac Gavin's private area where no husbands were allowed, you'd make some assumptions. I convinced myself since nothing was happening, everything would be okay once I explained that. Of course, I was wrong. Seeing your ring sitting on the pillow, while you were gone, showed just how wrong I was. For a moment, I thought you already left me and then I noticed you sleeping in the spare bedroom. I wanted to wake you up and convince you nothing happened, but of course me hurting you did happen. I came down here instead to try and think how I can fix this, but just ended up mostly crying. I can't take back the pain you feel whether something happened or not. I am so sorry for putting you through that and I don't know how to make it up for you."

I snorted. "So, you noticed no husbands or boyfriends were allowed in there? You never once questioned why?"

Daisy sighed loudly and nodded her head. "Of course, I knew why. I mean, I overheard a few of the women in line speaking to their significant other. One actually left looking quite upset. When you never once texted or called while I was in line, I figured either you were okay with me meeting Lanny MG or you were so upset that I might mess around with him that you just left without trying to contact me. When you were gone, I assumed the later. I saw you texted me probably when I was taking pictures with Lanny. Again, because nothing happened, idiot me thought it was no big deal. I think I was still a little buzzed and caught up with getting to meet my lifelong fantasy crush. I decided that I'd wait to talk to you in person and convince you that I was completely faithful. Really, I should've replied right away and begged your forgiveness immediately."

"Actually, I couldn't text you until I got home because my phone was dead because you had to use it for all those videos," I said flatly.

"Yeah, because your zoom is way clearer than mine. I figured that out when I saw it charging when I got home." Tears started flowing down her cheek. "That's when it hit me, that of course you'd try to contact me earlier if you could. And then I saw you weren't in bed, but your ring was, and everything hit me at once what a bitch I was being."

"Fine, you didn't plan to have sex with him. Why the fuck would you stay knowing that's the only reason any of you were there? Was meeting him that important? Risking your marriage since you admit you knew I'd jump to conclusions."

She shook her head and wiped her eyes. "I thought it wasn't a risk, and getting to talk to him in person was something else. However, that wasn't the only reason I stayed."

She pulled out a business card with the custom pink and purple animal print of Lanny Mac Gavin's guitar and the band's logo and flung it on the ground. I picked it up and saw a gold star on back with "2Am" and the name of the hotel on the back.

I was speechless for a moment, looking at the card and the look of shame on her face. I was trying to do the math of the times of her pictures and distance from the arena to downtown. Could her Uber ride pic have been on the way to the hotel instead of directly home? I felt all the anger returning.

"You said you didn't fuck him. Weren't going to fuck him." I said in a forced calm voice.

Daisy looked anxious. "Oh God no, I would've had to turn that in at the hotel if I did. Besides, Royal Suites is all the way downtown. There's no way I could go there and be back. Jordie, other than letting him cup my ass during the one picture, I did nothing physical with Lanny. I swear -- and I will do a lie detector test or whatever to prove that to you. Here..."

She quickly stood up and kissed me, instinctively I kissed her back. Obviously, she hadn't brushed her teeth. I could taste the stale taste of beer and nachos on her breath.

I ended the kiss and pulled back. "Your breath tastes like ass," I said harsher than I intended.

"Yes, but it doesn't taste like cock. I did nothing sexual with him other than flirting."

"Then why the fuck do you have this?" I snapped, holding up the card.

"For the same reason I stayed in line. Knowing it would probably upset you, and knowing the real reason for the line, I stayed anyway." Daisy took a deep breath. "I told you how I feel my looks are my best asset and I'm losing them faster every year. The majority of the women in line had wedding rings, but most only looked in their late twenties. I was probably the oldest there. I wanted to get a card to prove that I was still attractive enough that someone like Lanny Mac Gavin would want to fuck me. I didn't let him touch me after he cupped my ass, but I flirted hard to get that card.

"It worked, I got the card and my fragile ego was satisfied. I figured I'd blow up a picture of Lanny and me and throw in the concert ticket with that card as a fun memory. Proof that I could've had sex with a Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame superstar if I wanted. Now, it's just a reminder of how shitty I treated the only man whose opinion of me matters." She broke down crying again.

I took a deep breath. "Daisy Anne Mitchell, I won't argue that you are breathtakingly beautiful and that I had to pinch myself that I wasn't dreaming the first time I saw you naked. Even now, seeing you naked, in a skirt or a bikini, I think, 'Damn, I get to sleep with her every night and touch that body.' However, that's why I want to have sex with you as much as possible. Daisy, your looks aren't your best asset. I ogled you in those cut off shorts because of your looks. After we first met, I asked you for coffee because you seemed like the type of person who would be fun to hang with -- even as a friend. You are so funny with a witty dry sense of humor and you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are always so genuine and have been the best friend I've ever had. Yes, you really hurt me tonight and I'm going to need some time to recover from that. However, I've never known you to deceive me -- you're sometimes too honest, especially about my cooking."

Daisy stopped crying to laugh and wiped her eyes.

I shrugged. "Even if you just made out with that guy, I would have a very hard time getting past it. Now, you're right, it's more what I thought happened than what you did -- and how your stupid old game contributed to me jumping to conclusions. Daisy, I believe you and accept your apology. However, this changes some things for me."

She nodded. "I-I-I understand. I just don't want to lose you or hurt you again."

I handed her the card. "Keep this. Don't display it and don't tell anyone what it means. Keep it as a reminder of what you did to me in order to get it. How you needed validation from someone other than me, and that I was ready to walk out that door as the price for earning it."

She took the card and placed it by her phone.

"Second, no more pointing out how sexy or hot another man is -- celebrity or not. Of course, you can look, as can I, but no need to advertise it. I will do the same."

"Yes, that is fair."

I sighed. "And last and most importantly, if you ever take off and abandon me again to meet, dance, or whatever with another man -- no matter who it is -- I'm just going to leave and not look back. I know you've never done that before in all our years together, but this is your one and only slide on this. Do you agree to that?"

"Of course, as atonement, for the hundred minutes I put you through hell to meet my stupid crush, I'm offering my body for you for a hundred minutes to do whatever. I will do whatever you want."

I raised my eyebrow. "Whatever?"

"Yes. If you want me to watch one of those awful Sci-fi shows, I will. If you want me to cook whatever, I will." She took a deep breath. "If you want me to suck you and swallow, fuck my ass, whatever. However you want to break up those hundred minutes, that's up to you."

I smiled reached for her hand. "We have to get Paradise at noon. Come on, let's go back to bed. I'll need to think about how to get the most blowjobs out of those minutes."

She got up and was smiling, her eyes still watering. "Oh, I can get you off in no time when I want. That's at least two hundred."

"Well, then let's just make it two hundred blowjobs and not worry about messing with timing them. We can start tomorrow."

She squeezed my hand. "How about just as many as I can give you to show how much I love you."

"Deal, as long I get to return the favor." I winked.

She fake-pouted for a second. "Well, I guess I can allow myself a few orgasms," and then she winked.

Once in bed, she snuggled in to spoon me and whispered. "I love you so much and will spend the rest of my life proving that and making up for the hurt I caused you tonight. I still don't deserve you. You are the perfect man for me."


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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Wow, a woman with a working moral compass and integrity.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

What a COLD hearted...person. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

At least daisy had the ability to self reflect and realise the impact her actions had on her husband before it was too late. If more characters in these stories (or real life) could do that this site would probably have to get rid of the loving wives category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I really liked it, and some of the things that she mentioned are true. As we age our bodies change in ways we might not like too. I did like that she didn't cheat on him. :-)

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

No. She's right. She's getting older and more ugly/homely. There's this myth that we can reverse time and aging

When a husband says shit about how beautiful their wives are, it's the rose colored glasses of love. It's that same love that takes a massive blow when a wife does dumb shit like this, that starts to remove the rose colored tint off those glasses. Makes him see the wrinkles and fat rolls. She becomes just another aged woman.

Men and women need ti understand how critical respect and trust is in a marriage. Without it, you're just another aging fool clinging to your fountain of youth delusions.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Have to agree with those commenters who said they would not buy her story, breath or no. I have been married to the same woman for 36 years, two now adult children, and so on, so forth. Yeah, some sags, wrinkles, etc. but that's the whole idea of growing old together. As long as the equipment works, its about expressing intimacy along with the companionship of a marriage. I still WANT my wife, if for no other reason that my physical shortcomings go along with her shortcomings. It's about intimacy and what this wife did was sharing it inappropriately with someone else. Intimacy is a gift from your partner and doing that cheapens it. He was more forgiving that I would have been frankly. Forgive, perhaps, but forget? Probably not. And watch her with skeptical eyes going forward. Would that kill the intimacy? Likely.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sure she could be innocent, but I've seen stories where a wife claims not to have cheated after going out for a few hours and the husband believes her and takes her back, and it turns out she was lying her ass off and was bluffing about taking a lie detector test. So the ending here could also go like so:


Things quickly returned to normal for me and Jordie. Those blowjobs certainly helped ease his mind. I'm glad he didn't ask for my ass that night because it was still worn out from earlier that evening. But I'm still wracked with the guilt of not telling him what really happened. How Lanny's huge 10-inch cock fucked me senseless for an hour and that I was absolutely dripping with his cum from both holes by the end of our fuckfest - totally fucking worth it by the way; best sex ever. Of course I had to take some pictures for my alibi as I was "waiting to see him" and the card suggestion was a great idea from Lanny. I gave him a special deepthroat blowjob and my first ever facefuck for that and he was very appreciative. He actually wants to meet up again and gave me a burner phone that he says he'll contact me on the next time he'll be in the area. Fuck my pussy is dripping at the thought of getting that fat cock in it again.

I felt bad about abandoning Jordie that night but I was thinking with my pussy and she was thinking very loudly. I did start crying and going hysterical when I saw the ring on the pillow, but once I saw him in the guest room I quickly calmed down and immediately starting planning my sob story. Hey it worked right? I know, I know, I'm a lying, selfish, cheating slut, OK, but don't judge me. You'd all do it if you had the chance to fuck your idol or hero and you know it! Fine, so maybe there's one of you for every few thousand that would be able to resist, but everyone else would cave and they know it.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

4.5 stars. Decently written, a very original twist, and tuned to actually make her story believable. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I’m married and if this story were non-fiction. I would not believe her for a second. Women are narcissists that rationalize their actions with no remorse. You do’t talk about a celebrity pass if you don’t want one

BSreaderBSreader7 months ago


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