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God damn that was hot! If the whole vampire thing doesn't go so well, I might even consider giving this a go in the future! I mean probably not with another woman there of course, cause frankly my boyfriend's cock is mine, but then again it does make me wonder what having another woman eat my pussy would be like...

Anyway, now that the fap material is out of the way (for now haha) let's get back to the title of this post: Check Your Sizes. My new damsel outfit arrived this morning and when I ordered it I did everything you're supposed to do. I measured, checked and double checked the sizing was right, but when I tried it on just now, it barely fitted me! I mean barely fitting is ok, it's just gonna get torn off anyway (hopefully) but imagine if I'd ordered this for, like, a party or something? So, the moral of the story is, buy something slightly bigger or be 100% sure the sizing is correct 'cause not everywhere uses the same sizes, clearly!

Back to what you're all here for though, how big is my boyfriend's dick now? Well unfortunately I haven't been able to speak from experience recently. He seems to be making a deliberate effort to cover up or to shun my advances, even going so far as to wear underwear in bed! It's not in a bad way, obviously, he always does it with, like, this knowing glint in his eye. I think he might be saving himself for Halloween which if that's true, fuck, I won't be able to walk for a week!

I'm gonna wrap this one up nice and short like 'cause I'm gonna be going out shortly with some friends to do a little shopping. I was sorting through my wardrobe the other day after the whole outfit not fitting thing and there's a bunch of stuff that I'm too big for now. Mostly around the boobs and butt so it's not all bad I guess, but in any case I need stuff to wear so I don't have to walk around naked everywhere!

I'll leave you with that image in your heads now, haha!


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Something Weird is Happening... - Oct 28 10:02am

Hey guys!

I'm gonna get a little more serious for this post because, as the title suggests, something really weird is happening. I tried on the damsel outfit again this morning (out of anticipation more than anything else I think) and the fucking thing doesn't fit me at all now! I don't know what's happened, maybe the material had shrunk or something like that. But where it was tight before, it's like a vice on my boobs now and I daren't bend over in it because I'm sure my butt would tear it open!

Has anything like this ever happened to any of you guys? I know that we girls spread out a bit as we get older but I'm still in my 20s for crying out loud! And surely it doesn't all happen at once? Still, at least my tummy is still relatively flat. I guess all my excess weight is shifting to my boobs, butt and thighs?

It's not all bad though. My boyfriend definitely seems to have noticed. I've caught him staring at my butt a few times now and when I stare back I can see his cock is nice and hard in his pants. It is looking huge now by the way, and that's still with more to go! I really can't wait for Halloween!

But I am now left with a dilemma. Seeing as this is the second damsel outfit I've gone through this week, I'm loathe to buy another one, but then I don't wanna spoil things for Halloween. So what should I do? I'm thinking I might try and cobble something together that still fits the theme (and still fits me, let's be real) but I'm not sure, what do you guys think?

Please comment below and I'll let you all know what happens!


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What is Happening?! Oct 30 9:57am

Hey guys!

This is getting beyond a joke now! So, you know how I said I had to replace most of my wardrobe the other day because it didn't fit me? Well I did the responsible thing in the shops, I tried on almost everything to make sure it fitted just right and it was all well fitted and comfortable. I went to put some of my new clothes on this morning though and the fucking things don't fit!

The t-shirts won't go over my boobs and the bras cut into me something chronic. The jeans I bought can't even touch my butt and the underwear is just being eaten up by it! What the fuck is happening to all my clothes? Is someone creeping into my room at night and replacing them with smaller ones?

Speaking of which, I'm sure the same thing is happening to our chairs. Normally I can sit quite comfortably in our office chair while I type these up, but now my butt seems to be hanging over the side each time. I've had to take the arms off of it so I can sit down properly! Plus I'm pretty sure my boyfriend has lowered the seat or something, cause my boobs have started resting on the desk as I type.

Anyway, you're not here to hear me grumble the whole time, and I do in fact have some slightly exciting news. We're one day away from what should be the most amazing fuck I've ever had! I'm not gonna lie, if the moment takes me I might even offer him my butthole. We've never been able to do much with it before because he was always too small to even open it up. As an anal virgin, I'm tight as fuck by the way.

But the news I promised. I have seen a brief glimpse into my future and future isn't just bright it's fucking blinding! I snuck into our bathroom last night whilst my boyfriend was having a shower and could just about make out what was swinging between his legs and I mean swinging. Never mind 6 inches hard, he might be that soft now!! I've no idea who invented those pills but whoever they are deserves every penny they get.

Now it's risky, I know, but I'm gonna give him one last push tomorrow and give him a double dose of the tablets. I want him as big as possible for tomorrow night but I also don't want to risk being found out.

Anyway, I'm off to try and find something to wear for tomorrow night's main event, catch you later!


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Erm, WTF?!?! - Oct 31 10:51am

Hey guys!

So I've got a theory I want to share with you all. It would make a lot of sense if I'm right about it but I'm kinda not sure if it puts a downer on tonight. First things first though I want to say a big thank you to LostintheMoment who sent me a handy tutorial on how to make an outfit for tonight, you're a lifesaver!

So anyway, my theory. I took a look at myself in the mirror today and there's no question about it, my boobs and my butt are way bigger than they used to be. I can't believe I didn't see it before, but I think I've been that focused on my boyfriend that I've just ignored it. But that doesn't just happen on its own, right?

Also when I went to make my boyfriend's coffee this morning, there seemed to be a lot less of the pills left than there should be. I've been giving him these every day for 2 weeks, so it should stand to reason that there's about half of them left right? There very clearly isn't though, it looks like there's only about 10 left.

So, here's what I think:

I think that my boyfriend might be onto me with the whole pills thing. He's kept drinking the coffee I make him, sure, but I think he knows what's happening and what I've done. I think that he's found the pills at some point and rather than confronting me about it has decided to play a little game of his own by somehow getting me to take one each day. Now obviously I don't have a cock to make larger so the pills must have worked differently and made my boobs and my butt grow... somehow.

So that's my theory. I think it checks out but I won't know for certain until I confront him. You know what though? Thinking about it, I'm not even mad. Now that I know what has happened and can appreciate what I look like, fuck me I am hotter than ever! I totally get why he's been popping boners just staring at my butt these past few days.

My butt has gone from nice and perky to 'dayum!' In less than a week, it's easily twice the size now. And actually I've always kinda wanted to go from lemons to melons and now here they are without the need for surgery! And yeah it's annoying that I wasted all that money on new clothes, but I can always take them back.

And you'll be happy to know that I went through with my plan on doubling his dosage this morning. I appreciate some of you thought that was a bad idea but honestly all I've seen are positives so far. I can't wait to see how big his cock is once he gets hard and believe me, if I have my way that will not take long!

I'm gonna go try and make this costume now but if I can't then I'll just have to be naked instead I guess. I doubt he'll complain, let's put it that way.

Speak to you soon!


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Happy Halloween!!! - Nov 01 11:52am

Hey guys!

I have so, so much to tell you! I think it will be best if I deal with it all in the order it happened so that you get the full picture.

So, given that I was aware that I had been growing, I started to look out for it during the day yesterday. About once an hour or so, I'd whip out a tape measure and check my hips and my bust and what do you know by the time my boyfriend was due home I'd grown another few inches in both! It did mean I had to abandon the outfit but it was a small price to pay.

When my boyfriend got home we shared this look between us that said 'I know exactly what's been going on here' before we both smiled. I told him all about what I had been doing and then he told me he'd figured it out after we went to the spa. Apparently he'd been freaking out for a few days but once he saw the look on my face in the hot tub, he knew I'd had something to do with it. He'd found the pills when we got home and, out of curiosity, decided to give me a taste of my own medicine.

I asked him what he thought of his handiwork as I dropped the towel that had been all I was wearing. His eyes said 1000 words, most of them being variations on 'I want to fuck you right now!' and he started to remove his clothes to apparently ask me the same question. Before he did I stopped him and told him I didn't have an outfit that fit me anymore so we wouldn't be able to do the role play. I then told him that I still wanted him to bite me. Specifically I wanted him to bite me whilst he fucked my butthole.

That was when he asked me if I was sure about that. I mean of course I was! But then he asked me again as he dropped his trousers...

Double dosing had been the best decision of my fucking life. His flaccid cock was about halfway to his knees. He was bigger than he'd been when he last really fucked me and that was without even being hard! My jaw dropped but quickly became a huge grin. I grabbed him by the cock (could barely get my fingers around it!) and took him upstairs. Not only was I sure, I wanted it and I wanted it now!

Up in our room I pushed him down onto our bed, knelt down and placed his cock between my massively overgrown boobs. Already I could feel him swelling up and I threw them up and down on his expanding member, so eager and hungry to see how big he was gonna get. It was glorious! He just kept going and going and going and when he finally stopped, it was a sight to behold.

Remember what I said a few weeks ago about the whole forearm thing? He was bigger than that! I can barely even think of what to compare it to! If I had to try I'd say maybe something like 3 coke cans piled on top of one another and about as wide. The thought of that thing inside me should have been terrifying, particularly considering where I wanted it to go but honestly I was just salivating looking at it.

I told him I needed this thing in my butthole and he stood, making it look all the more magnificent as it stretched out in front of him, and made me get onto the bed on all fours. I felt his hands spread my now ample cheeks and the next thing I knew his tongue was inside my butthole! Part of me felt disappointed it wasn't his cock, but he was clearly just lubing me up. The last time he'd done this, I wanted a cock in my butt so bad and this time I was gonna get it!

After nearly making me cum just with his tongue, he pulled back and I braced as I felt his humongous cockhead press against my tiny butthole. He pulled me back and I felt the pressure build against me until my butthole finally gave way and he was in. I screamed in pleasure! I've never felt anything like it! It hurt but it hurt in the same way him smacking my ass did, so so good.

He eased himself inside me, a little more of his huge cock opening me up with each movement. I don't know if you've ever had something that big inside you before but it's the weirdest sensation. It's like you can feel your body making room for it and at the same time it's telling your brain 'you feel like you're cumming' constantly! I've no doubt it was a way way bigger challenge than I should have taken on for my first experience of anal, but I really don't fucking care!

As he got deeper I could feel things starting to get slicker, my butthole becoming more and more pliant as the saliva left over from him tonguing it spread across his cock. I knew he was being careful, but I couldn't wait anymore, I wouldn't!! I begged him to please just fuck me good and hard, and that's exactly what he did.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me back so hard that his nails dug into me. It just all added to my ecstasy as finally I had all of it inside me. Now, things have been weird enough so far but what I'm about to tell you will probably take the biscuit. Once he was fully in, I felt a strange tightness across my stomach, like how you feel when you eaten way more than you should do and your belly feels all tight like it's about to pop. When I looked down though I saw something that I have never seen before, even in the porn videos with the largest cocks I've been able to find.

His cock was bulging through my stomach!

His cock was now so fucking big, that my body wasn't big enough to fully contain him! I barely had any time to process this before he started to do what I asked and really fuck me as hard as he could. My expanded butt wobbled and clapped with each smash of his hips on mine and as if he was reading my mind, he lay a series of hard, flat slaps across my butt cheeks, that hurt even more than before because of how much bigger they were. But like I always say, it hurt good.

So there I am, on all fours getting the pounding of a lifetime from the biggest cock I'd ever seen, a cock so big it was like I was being worn rather than fucked, watching it threaten to pierce through my stomach with each thrust, thinking I couldn't possibly feel any more pleasure. But I was wrong.

My boyfriend grabbed hold of my hair and pulled me upright, making the bulge in my stomach stick out even more, before biting down hard on my neck. I came so hard I nearly collapsed. In fact, if you want proof of how hard I came, I squirted. That's right, I fucking squirted for the first time in my life!! I think my screams of pleasure as I wet the bed with my own lady jizz might have risen the dead (ironic given what day it was).

I would love to arrogantly claim we fucked like that all night, but I'll be honest I was an absolute goner after that. I had only one thing left in me and that was to finally be a canvas for him to blow his load onto. I told him what I wanted and he obliged, pulling out of my butt and leaving it a gaping hole. I turned and waited as he vigorously pumped his oversized cock, tongue lolloping out of my mouth ready to drink any of the cum that made it in there.

It's really difficult to accurately describe what happened next because I had my eyes almost glued shut for most of it. Once his first blast hit me, I knew this was gonna be something special because it was as hot and thick as I'd always dreamed and there was just so much of it. I felt more and more of it coat my body and I won't lie at one point I was even slightly concerned that he'd never stop! By the time he was finished, there was barely any part of me not coated in his cum.

So, that was my Halloween. I've spent a good chunk of the morning cleaning up but I have zero regrets. Once we've got the money to, we'll get me some new clothes, ones that are a little more elasticated shall we say.

This might be the last post I make for a little while 'cause I've gotten everything I need to off my chest now and my boyfriend and I have reached a clearer understanding about what we want. Will we keep using the pills? Maybe. Am I worried he might accidentally kill me with that thing if he does get any bigger? Unfortunately yes! But do I love my new curvier figure? You better fucking believe I do!

In fact, if I can buck up the courage to and if you all ask really, really nicely, I might even change my mind about sharing some pictures of myself...

Until then though, take care of yourselves and I'll see you soon!


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TrebleClefTrebleClefalmost 2 years ago

I'm not into anal, but this was a great story. MysTerri22 is a goofy but lovable sweetheart and every journal entry builds the anticipation up another step. The prose here is terrific, it's animated and exciting and wastes no time. This is the first story by you I've read but it's unlikely to be the last. Well done.

jadams5932jadams5932almost 2 years ago

Great story, would love to see some picture of the new you!

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