Mystical Meow


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"Dang, I would never have thought you could do that."

"Family." growls Zanna.

"Sorry." laughs Yanna. "Mother; Satturn. Mother of my mate; Sha'Lor. Father of my mate; Daren. My mate is La'Jerren."

"I have finally figured it out!" Yells Shaunder.

"What?!" yells everyone.

"A'Yanna and La'Zanna's father was one of us. A mystic."


"He is right. Come to my home. You too La'Zanna and Shadowlyn." with that she leads them all to her home.

"La'Jerren, as long as the sun can't touch me I will be fine. You can release the clouds."

"As soon as we enter Satturn's home."


As everyone sits around in the living area, Satturn paces the floor. Her two daughters to a step back.

"Mother?" both ask.

"Fine. Let me tell you two of your father. His name was AiyaZondor, but I called him Zondor. He was from your planet Shaunder. He told me that he was a thirty something mystic. He said that he had searched the universe for me."

"You confirmed who he was by his mother's name. He left our planet a long time ago. His power level was a thirty-one. Zondor possessed great love, but the man was cunning as hell when he wanted something."

"So my daughters' received what they needed?"

"Yes, Satturn. Yanna has his love while Zanna has his cunning. He saw their souls, and if they hadn't split so soon then everything would have been fine. He knew that when Zanna mated she will receive her powers from him."

Zanna, what are you thinking about?

What if he doesn't want me? I have done a lot of bad things, Yanna.

And we have all forgiven you of them. All you needed was the love that I had given you.

Damn Yanna, why did he have to be so gorgeous?

Never noticed. I think Jerren is gorgeous.

What are you two talking about?

Nothing Jerren. both reply.

With that Shadowlyn bursts out laughing.

"What?" asks three confused beings.

"They are talking about us, Jerren."

"How?" asks the beautiful twins.

"Our powers are different. then sun makes us weak, but we retain all of them. And sense I am sitting close to you both, I can hear your thoughts." grins the dark haired, fair skinned vampire.



"You are hungry, aren't you?"


"Then come with me." with that she leads him to the kitchen.

In the kitchen Shadowlyn pushes her away.

"Are you sure, pussycat?"

"Yes." with that she moves her hair from her neck. As she feels his mouth on her neck she grabs his arms to steady herself.

If I take your blood, Zanna, you will become part of me.

I am your soul mate, Shadow. I am a part of you. Take what you need from me freely. at those simple words he feels the lengthening of his fangs. Sinking them into the pulsing vein of her neck he feeds.

In the living room, Yanna was rubbing the side of her neck.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Shadowlyn is drinking Zanna's blood. I felt the first bite."

"What is she feeling?"

"Intense pleasure."

"How much is he taking?"

"Only enough to slack is hunger."


Yes, Shadow?

Could you and Jerren come here? with that they both vanish.

As the two appear in the kitchen the see Zanna being held up by Shadow.

"What happened?" asks Jerren as he fills a cup of water for Zanna.

"Did you take too much?" Yanna asks while helping him with Zanna.

"I don't know. I only took enough to slack the hunger in me."

I am fine. Just got a little dizzy.



"Meow mo lain?"

"Purrcation no La coo ma so tain."

"Okay." whispers Yanna as she sends her a burst of energy.

"What in the hell did you both say." asks Shadowlyn as he looks at Zanna.

"What was that language?" La'Jerren asks as he looks at Yanna.

"It is the language of the cats, Shadow and Jerren." Satturn states.

"Purma la' tomo cashion." the twins reply.

"Purrfe na." Satturn replies as she hugs them both.

"Can anyone learn this language?"

"No, Love." whispers Yanna.


"Because only cats can decipher the meaning, Shadow." whispers Zanna.

"But what did you two just say to your mother, though?" Sha'Lor asks.

"We said that we were sorry for all the pain." states Zanna.

"And she said Forgiven."

"Oh whispers Daren as he watches the twins.

"What do you see, father?"

"She is telling or asking her something."


Can we go to Shadow's planet?

Sure, why?"

Zanna, has asked for us to go with her. She is a little scared.

How long does she need us?

Don't know. Why?

We are going to be in intense fight training soon. Need to ask Shaunder how long we can be gone.


You ask Zanna and I will ask Shaunder. with that he turns to find Shaunder looking at them both.

Shaunder, can Yanna and I start out training a little later?

Two weeks and no longer.

Thank you, but I don't think it will take that long.

Zanna, how long will you need us?

Hold on a second.


Shadowlyn how long for the transference?

Three days for completion.

Okay. Yanna?


Three days.

Jerren, three days.

Okay. Shaunder said two weeks and no longer.

Good. replies Shadowlyn.

As all look the twins turn to Satturn.

"Meow?" whispers Zanna.

"Sah'to me lo wyn Do'ca she toelyn."

"Meow?" whispers Yanna.

"Sah'to me lo wyn Do'ca she toelyn."

"Then so be it." whispers both. As all watch Satturn begins to dematerialize.

"Now girls!"

"Nolyn Conseq on ma do fo se'. Jo com te fa om."

Suddenly the bright light that held the essence of Satturn disappears.

"Bye mother." both whisper in one voice.



"She wanted us to send her to the other side. She only stayed here until our mates showed themselves. And we could love each other again." replies Yanna with a tear flowing over her cheek.

"So you both agreed to let her go?"

"Yes, Shadowlyn." Zanna replies with tears.

"Oh seq que me toe ma?"

can you forgive me all my wrong

"Na doe fa' ma ca so la?

can you love me

"So fa' may."

I love you

"So fa' may o`."

I love you too

As all watch the two sisters hug each other.

Are you both ready to descend to the world of Shadow?

Yes. reply both.

Come back to us safe, Yanna and Jerren. with that he opens the portal.

On planet Shadow the Prince leads his new family to his home.

"Shadow, why does everyone here look so sick?"

"Because we are constantly at war. And the people burnt the sky, so it's constantly dark and it weakens the people here."

"But you are a prince of this land."

"I am the prince of the people who are like me. And we are a dying race. Our women are having problems carrying our children to term. So the ones that would have a mate are becoming more and more dangerous to us as a people. And we are usually called in to kill our brothers."


"I saw your life when I drank from you."


"You did what you needed to do to survive. I don't condemn you for what you did. Yanna explained to me what happened."

Zanna, they need life mates here. Do you want me to perform a soul search?

You will do this for me? To help them all.

Everyone deserves to be happy.

Thanks. with that she touches the smooth cheek.

"What are you two discussing now?" Shadow asks with a smile.

"Shadowlyn, my soul."

"Yes, you want me to do something?"

"Call every single male of your kind. Bring them here to this place."


"Shadowlyn, trust me on this. Okay?"

"Okay." with that he sends out this mental call of warriors.

Over the course of two hours' men of great beauty and strength start appearing from around the world.

"Our prince, why have you called us?" Whispers one musically pitched voice.

"I would like you to meet my soul mate, her twin sister and her mate."

"You brought us here for this, my prince?"

"No, they are the ones who wanted me to call. La'Zanna, A'Yanna tell them why."

"We can find your souls." whispers both in a purr.

"What are they?"

"Cats. They are from the planet Meowlyn."

"Planet?" asks Shadowlyn's right hand; Daniel.

"Listen and learn, my friend."


I'm always here in case you need me.

As all watch the two join hands and minds. They slowly start to glow.


Yes, Daniel. We are all starting to glow.


Just be still. You will see what all they can do. reply Jerren gentle mind.

"She fo ma lyn do fee."

the souls to ones that are good

"Ja' ea ken."

mates to ease

"Sho may ta vam edolyn."

show us the vampires

What in the hell did they just say?


"La'Jerren, would you give us a little energy?" asks both in one voice.

"Here." with that he sends them a burst of energy.

"Thank you."

What do you need me to do?

All mates have been found, cept one. reply both in all minds.

Whose mate did you not find?

The one called Daniel.

"She is dead?"

No, Daniel. She hasn't been born yet. grin the twins.

"Who shall be her parents?"

"La'Zanna and Prince Shadowlyn shall be her parents." Yanna grins as she separates from the merge.

"How will they find us? another asks.

"Your mates have been given a compulsion to come here and disappear." replies Zanna as she slides to the ground gracefully.

"I am sorry to inform a few of you though. You will have to wait a few years for yours."

"Why?" asks another voice.

"Because they are too young to travel." replies Yanna as she slides to the ground also. We are going to have to change to restore our energy.

Then let's be about our business. in front of all they change.

"Meowlyn, my prince? How?"

"The one called A'Yanna brought me to her sister. Saying that I was her mate. And once I drunk of her essence, her life became a movie. I saw it all. Jerren, how do you tell them apart?"

"Smell. Zanna has a spicy smell while Yanna's is softer."

"So the whole time you two are here we will be smelling necks?"

"No. Yanna and I are never apart."

"Evil is coming. We must protect them."

Do what you need to do. Yanna and I will be fine.

"These are evil among us, Zanna. They can control minds."

"Shadowlyn, come. I will help. Yanna will keep them both safe." with that he vanishes with the Prince right behind.

As the two cats snooze in the moonlight, vampires walk up an surround them.

Sniffing they detect the smell of pure females, but couldn't see or find them. All they saw was two cats.

"What is this? I smell women." growls out one.

"Why couldn't you have found the men to play with? Why us?" replies Zanna as she tries to hide a yawn with her change.

"Because we smelled you. And it would seem that you both are easy prey."

"No, we are not. " and with that Yanna opens a portal and it swallows them vampires whole.

"Se'na mo pala'onn.?"

"Fa nne on kim."

As the two become cats again, you could hear their laughter ring across the land.

What are the two of you doing? Asks Jerren.

Just sending vampires somewhere sunny.


Just what said.

Are you two all right?

Yes, Jerren. Now go do what you need and let us go back to sleep. reply both showing their fangs.

Sleep tight.

Across the way La'Jerren shows them the powers of a mystic male.

As they all watch he binds them with a rope of ice, and sense they could only be killed two ways he drives a stake made of ice through their hearts and sends paper thin ice to cut off their heads.

"Now sense this is done; can we go back to the girls now?"

"What is wrong, Jerren? The girls?!" with that they all disappear.

In the meadow they see a wall of fire-ice surrounding the two sleeping cats.



"What the hell is that?"

" Don't know. It is coming from them both. Like a dream shield to protect them."

"Can you enter Yanna's mind through the shield?"

"Can't you touch Zanna's?"


"Same here. The sun is rising Shadowlyn. Go rest, Zanna will find you when she wakens."

"Are you positive?"

"Yes, she will find you. Now go."

"Where will you sleep?"

"Here new two cats. Now please go. Both of you." with that he watches both disappear into the trees lining the meadow.

As La'Jerren watches the sun rise, the girls stir.


I am here, my love.


Sleeping somewhere.


Tell her to go to him. She should be able to find where he is.

Okay. with that they both become human and hug. Zanna sends Jerren a small smile and disappears into the trees.

"Yanna, what was the fire-ice wall? How come I couldn't touch your mind? And how did you make it?"

"Cat magic. That is part of the senses I have. And I remembered that Shadow said that they could control their victims mind. So I put a little something extra in it."

"Oh okay. Do you mind watching while I sleep? And to also help me erect a lodge to rest under?"

"No I don't mind." with that they erect the lodge so that Jerren could sleep.

Later that morning Yanna awakens with a growl on her lips.


Surrounded by humans and they have weapons.

I will be there soon. Jerren still sleeps. with that she places a compulsion within his dream of danger.

Outside Yanna uses another of her skills and makes copies of herself and runs towards her sister.

In the glade Zanna stood hissing at the men who stood over Shadowlyn and Daniel's resting place.

Zanna! I'm here! hisses cats from everywhere.

"Where did all these cats' come from?" rumbles a big burly man.

"I don't know. But I know that vampires were seen here last night."

"Then where in the hell are they now? It looks like a cat sanctuary."

"Hell with the damn cats. Let's just go find and kill us some damn vampires." as the men walk off they didn't seem to notice all the cats converging in one area.

Yanna, when do you think the sun will go down?

I don't know. But I left a compulsion of danger within Jerren.

Okay, and who are all these cats?

Replicas of me. with that she releases the power.

Are you well, sister?

I will survive. Did you find Shadow and Daniel?

You are sitting above Daniel and Shadow is under me.

Here comes Jerren.

"Change you two and tell me what the hell is going on. And remove the compulsion."

"There were these men who were searching for vampires. They knew that they were resting around here. Shadowlyn and Daniel are resting under us. I needed Yanna's help very badly."

"Okay. Then tell me this, where are the rest of them?"

" I don't know, but where ever they are they are hidden very well." replies Zanna as she sits above Shadow.

Then suddenly they hear a shot, Yanna jerks and falls to the ground. And to the shock of Jerren; Zanna draws upon the power within her twin and lashes out.

Jerren, save my sister. I will deal with them.

"Shaunder, your name I call. From across time and space to here and now. I need your help to save what I hold most dear." as he looks at the area around them he notices a shimmer in front of him.

" I came as quickly as I could. Where is she?"

"Here." replies Zanna as she cradles Yanna in her arms. Shaunder, I took some of her powers to kill those men."

"I see no harm in what you did, Zanna." at that he steps forward to heal Yanna, when suddenly she turns into a cat.

Give me time to sleep. I will be whole again. Just had to remove that thing. Ne com Day sea' lain. with that she asleep.

" That was close. What did she say at the end, Zanna?"

"I forgive you, sis."

"Forgive you for what?"

"Using her magic."

"Oh. How long will she sleep?"

"Until she is healed." with that the two mystics create a small cabin.

"Shaunder, will you stay here with us for a little while? Please." purrs Zanna as she cradles her sister in her lap.

"Shaunder, I plead the same. Please stay."

"I think I shall. Now sleep, for I think we will need it."

"Fine, Zanna do you think I can hold my mate?"

"To tell you the truth, Jerren. I'm so damn scared. I've never felt this scared."

"I understand. Where is Shadow resting?"

"Almost under me, why?"

"Move over for a few minutes. with that he creates a door so that he can enter without harm.

"Daniel is right beside him."

"The door is big enough. Now let me hold you both so that we all can sleep."

"Okay." with that she places Yanna on the rug then turns herself into a cat and soon was asleep.

"Interesting new family, La'Jerren."

"I know Shaunder. I know." with that he falls asleep under the watchful eye of his teacher.

"Yes, this will be a beautiful and powerful match. Yanna's powers are still growing. She will soon go through the Hum Di'."

Not for a while, Shaunder.

"You hear my thoughts?"

You are thinking quit loudly. You wish to know of this Hum Di'?

"Yes." with that he watches her become partially human.

"Don't worry. I'm okay in this form. I can still heal but not use a lot of energy on talking with my mind."

"Okay. Now your mother started telling me of the Hum Di', but she didn't finish."

"The Hum Di' is when a special female or male is born unto the people. One so white in fur that it almost matches her spirit."

"But you have a streak of color."

"No. I have no streak, Shaunder. While here with everyone I placed it there."

"Will your twin go through it?"

"No. Very rare cats only."

"So when will your time come?"

"A year from today maybe, or sooner."

"Will you tell Jerren?" asks Shaunder as he watches the hole in her shoulder close and heal.

"No, not now. When the time is close I'll tell him." replies Yanna as she becomes fully human. Shaunder notices that the streak of gold was absent from her hair.

"So what are you going to do?"

"When the time is near I will tell him. Then Hum Di' is very painful and the start of it is uncomfortable."

"Your mother said that you will be going through it alone. No one can help you."

"She is correct. When the times comes a bubble of energy will surround me. It will pulse and the energy inside the bubble will be painful and I must be on Meowlyn before it all starts."

"How do you know all this?"

"I've seen it within the times I have let my senses go."

"And how many times have you done this?"

"Many, many times."

"Go to sleep, Yanna. We shall talk more another day."

"Okay." with that she lays down behind Jerren and soon falls asleep.

When night fell, Shadow and Daniel emerges from their resting place.

"Why do I smell blood?" Shadow asks while he looks Zanna over.

"I was shot in my shoulder by some humans. They came looking for vampires and thought I was one."

"The wound, how is it? Are you okay?"

"Everything is fine. They hunt you, Shadow. This is crazy." growls Yanna.

"Se compe'a fo man te?"

tonight I do

"Amto te cola."

up to you

"Eaz fo man."

then I do

"Do you think that the mates can enter this conversation?"

"Yes, La'Jerren. I have decided to ask Shadow to change me tonight. That way I can sleep with him."

"The whole thing will take three blood exchanges. And the last one is painful to you."

"You will have two nights, Shadow. Including this one. So get to it." whispers Yanna in her silent take charge way.

"Mi ka he do?"

where be will you

"Close." with that she leaves the cabin with Jerren and Shaunder following close behind.

Inside the cabin Zanna was watching Daniel feed Shadow.

Shadow I wish you well with this mating.

Thank you, my friend for both things.

"Welcome. I'll see you both sometime soon." with that he vanishes with a shimmer.

" Are you ready for this first one?"

" Are you ready to deliver it?"

"Yes." and with that he gathers her close. As he sinks his fangs into her throat and drinks he sees her life. " Now you shall drink from me." at that he makes a small wound in his throat an places her mouth there to drink.

After he is positive that she had taken enough, he pushes her away and seals the wound.
