All Comments on 'Naked and In Charge'

by foolstop

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CitidiverCitidiverabout 12 years ago
Very creative

Thoroughly enjoyed the creative theme of this story and felt wistful that it is a fiction still in our uptight country.

Living not far from one of our Greenvilles, I fantasized about being in the midst of a real life Nude Day.

Thanks for the quite realistically portrayed characters as well.

Please consider continuing to explore the logical consequences for Wesley, Allie, Mercedes and the supporting characters. I know that many readers would welcome your excellent handling of these additional themes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I liked it very much.

CajunBillCajunBillabout 12 years ago
Where is Greenville?

Greenville did not seem to attract tourists? Hell, a county west of Las Vegas is famous because it has a few legal brothels. A travel agent could do wonders with this! Can't you see what street vendors could be selling...

Great story & very well written. I hope you win. ~~ CajunBill

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
A Good Start

...but the ending fell flat. I enjoyed the sex scenes, and the parade, but the ending was a buzz kill, I thought maybe there would be an ending scenario of the two sisters and the horny husband doing the wild thing at home, with maybe Bill, Jr and Lucinda as additional filling. I give it about a 3.75, but the vote will be a 4 with the rounding. Nice try, but please follow through with the ending.

TREKnRayTREKnRayabout 12 years ago

I enjoyed the whole story. Too bad there isn't a mandatory nude day world wide. I would love it.

Happiness is no tan lines.

pe1erpe1erabout 12 years ago

I look forward to the follow up story/stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Would love for this to happen to wife and I!

Please, PLEASE continue the story!!! I would pay for the oportunity that the16 were just given. Thank you for the story, and again please continue with Greeville going all nude, all the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Lack of Activity

Not nearly enough sexual activity. I had hopes for Allie and the pregnant lady.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I thought it was excellent. It doesn't always need to be loaded with sex to be erotic. And erotic is what this place is all about.

TheMadHatter52TheMadHatter52over 5 years ago

Any chance we could get to read about Allie's adventures over the following seven weeks?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

There wasn't much of a story line, so it was good there was at least a lot of nakedness.

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