Nasty New Year

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Two cousins on family vacation discover intense attraction.
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As soon as the door to his hotel room shut behind them the older man took his teen cousin into his arms and began kissing her deeply, both of them groaning as two days of sexual tension were finally being fulfilled. Pressing her delicate frame against the door he crushed his muscular bulk against her while she wrapped both arms and one leg around him, needing to feel as much of his bulk as possible.

When his roaming hands found her small breasts he growled in his throat finally free to squeeze flesh that had been taunting him since first meeting her on the beach. Pulling back Craig watched almost disbelieving as his big hands groped the girl through the satin of her New Year's gown. The pliant flesh felt sensational under his palms and the hard nipples that had been tantalizing him for hours brushed his skin deliciously through the fabric of the dress.

At last his powerful, scarred hands were touching her breasts and Ondrah couldn't have been happier. Relieved to have permission to touch him now the girl ran her small hands over his broad back and felt a thrill massaging the sculpted physique. Unable to stop ogling him since the beach when he'd hugged her mom with the whole family affectionately watching, at last she groped him hungrily. The entire clan seemed to get a kick out of the reunion between the muscular, dangerous looking man and her beaming mother, except the few younger members of the family like herself who'd never met him before.

The same hands she had been impressed with as the big man gently, but firmly shook her little hand only yesterday morning now squeezed and groped her breasts with equal care. The worldly girl was dazzled by his attention, her reaction uncharacteristically intense. Guys loved touching her boobs, small as they were, because she showed them off whenever possible, but something about Craig's touch inflamed her deeply.

Needing to see her breasts, the big man unclasped her dress and pulled the tight, clingy garment from her pale flesh, exposing the coral pink of her nipples in the light of a lamp on the bedside table. The fall of her long, pitch black hair contrasted erotically with the exposed expanse of her naked torso. The curl of dyed locks fell to the slight rise of her breast, guiding is eyes to her perky orbs, capped with nipples begging to be suckled.

Granting their plea Craig drew her right nipple into his mouth, circling the tip with his tongue while massaging both breasts with his needy fingers. Squeezing her flesh he lifted her nipples and ravished both for a time, his mouth greedy for as much of her as he could take.

There were too many reasons why the two of them shouldn't be together; Craig was twenty five years older than Ondrah, they were cousins once removed, her mother Katherine was his favourite cousin and they'd had a deep connection since their teens and this would hurt her deeply, and Ondrah and Craig had only met yesterday when the entire family met for New Year's in Hawaii. Yet in spite of, or perhaps because of all that the thrill each of them got from the taboo nature of their lust made what they were doing all the more exciting.

Craig was the sexiest man Ondrah had ever seen in the flesh, old or not. The sculpted muscles of his body were irresistible and the many scars and signs of battle aroused something primal in her she couldn't have named if she tried. The fact that her mother adored him and that everyone seemed to like him impelled her to do something nasty with him.

To Craig Ondrah was a cliched angsty teen deep into her goth phase, dyed hair, chipped black nail polish and heavy make up. The reason she was able to seduce him was how well she wore the whole vibe. Oozing sex appeal Ondrah stirred filthy yearnings in Craig he was powerless to resists even as disciplined a soldier as he was.

As his thousand-yard-stare met her seen-it-all-jaded-teen eyes, two sets of pale blue locked and each saw a kindred spirit, the challenge offered and accepted in an instant, merely awaiting the opportunity to pit wills.

It had followed almost right away after Katherine introduced her daughter to the man who had saved her life as a girl.

"This is the dude?" Ondrah had challenged, easily understanding how a man as deadly looking as Craig could have taken on three attackers even as a teen, but scoffing out of habit.

Clearly excited to tell the story in front of the subject, Katherine had spun the yarn with flare, including all the listeners sitting on chairs under wide umbrella's on the gorgeous hotel beach.

"Craig was visiting from the boarding school he'd been sent to after his folks died in the crash." Katherine said it gently, one hand idly rubbing one of his impressive shoulders. "I was showing him the pretty valley that runs through the centre of town. I admit I was just looking for a reason to have him all to myself away from the rest of the family."

Everyone who remembered smiled indulgently at the memory of her school-girl crush on her cousin. "Three weirdos, probably homeless guys, but maybe just scruffy looking drug addicts I dunno, but they emerged from the trees we were passing and called out asking for a light. None of them had any cigarettes visible and Craig told them we didn't smoke." She smiled at her cousin who was looking awkward under all the scrutiny.

"Even then Craig was well built. I suppose military school does that right?" Katherine got a chuckle from the group who were all aware of how much Craig had achieved in the service. "But there were three of them and they weren't looking for a smoke, if you know what I mean."

Ondrah knew very well, she had inherited her mother's petite frame, elfin looks and all the unwanted attention being small and pretty brought, but Ondrah gave none of the docile submission to male authority her mom seemed so willing to give. Ondrah glanced at her mom's husband Dale and sneered thinking about his failed attempts to domineer the feisty teen.

"The creeps started spreading out around us and Craig took my arm and started leading me down the path."

Typical, Ondrah thought.

"'Where ya going?'

The guy who asked for the light says, sounding aggrieved, like we insulted him or something. Craig says

'We have an appointment.'

Sounding all formal y'know how he does? Craig pushed me down the path and I'm almost running but the guys ares still coming.

'We just wanna talk to your girlfriend.' One of them says and I'm thrilled and terrified because I like that he thinks I'm Craig's girlfriend..." the big man blushed, "....but I'm old enough to know he doesn't mean talk.

So I'm moving down the path but I realize Craig isn't behind me any more. I look back and he's stopped in the path between them and me, standing straight up and holding out a hand like he's instructing them.

'I don't appreciate the implication about my cousin, sir.'

Sir! He called that dirtbag sir!

They laugh at him and one says 'Whatta ya gonna do 'bout it sonny?'

And Craig says.

'I advise you to go about your business before someone gets hurt.'

There is no fear in his voice. He's just offering them a chance to leave, nothing more, but they don't notice how calm he is in the face of three-on-one... idiots. They come for him and I could hardly see what happened. Craig starts moving his arms and legs and the fuckers-sorry mom-" Ondrah's Grandma feigned shock. "The clowns start yelling and falling on the ground. Before he finishes Craig kicks all of them in the knee and I hear snapping from one of them. Craig pauses for a moment to assess if any of them are getting back up, but they're just whimpering and cursing, so he takes my hand and pulls me on down the path and we go home. Craig wasn't breathing hard, didn't seem perturbed of even excited. It was just like brushing bugs off his arm, but I couldn't stop shaking for an hour!"

The family murmured their opinions of the whole ordeal, everyone familiar with the story, but never had it been told by the victim herself in front of the hero himself and people rose to give hugs, pat backs and share memories of those years.

Ondrah watched him, during the story and after, and didn't see any sign that he needed the attention or relished the admiration. When he noticed her scrutiny his expression as he smirked and rolled his eyes implied he didn't take himself all that seriously and that none of the hoopla the family was getting up to mattered a bit.

Enjoying the small moment of connection Ondrah had with him, she reacted naturally the way she would with any attractive man she didn't know. She flirted. Pulling the black, silk pyjama shirt she used as a beach cover off her body and showing him her tiny, home-made, burgundy string bikini. Ondrah made most of her own clothes and this bikini was as small as she dared wear around the clan, but it left little of her slender body to the imagination. Settling on a lounger she stretched out her lithe form, displaying herself for the middle-aged soldier, daring him to ogle a teenager.

The grizzled veteran casually took in her performance while engaging with the conversations around him. Keeping the girl in the corner of his eye he offered her just enough attention not to insult, but made sure no one was aware that she had piqued his interest. Craig lived a hard life and had few tangible ways to blow off the considerable steam being an elite soldier built up. Weight lifting, MMA fighting, hard drinking, gambling and, ideally, seducing desirable women who challenged him were his methods. Nothing else worked and the latter worked best.

Making maddeningly banal conversation with his family was only made bearable by the dangerous allure of his teen-aged cousin. The overt offer she presented bemused him. Watching the other men of the clan he saw they too noticed her but no-one seemed as affected as he felt. Most were married with kids so perhaps that explained it, or maybe it was simply that living on the razor's edge of life and death forced him to see potential pleasure more clearly.

Whatever the case Craig had no doubt he was going to bed his favourite cousin's daughter, it was just a matter of doing his best to reduce the damage such an act would have on those he cared about.

Hidden behind the barrier of her cell-phone Ondrah kept the family at bay while ogling her older cousin. As the day had warmed and the drinks begun flowing he had removed his well-fitted floral print shirt and revealed the lean, sculpted musculature of a professional warrior. Scars crisscrossed the carved sinews of battle hardened flesh. They weren't grotesque scars and hardly drew attention from passing tourists but within ten feet it was obvious he had been shot and stabbed multiple times over the years. Some wounds looked white and faded with time, others pink and raw only months old.

The girl gazing at him with horrified lust building in her loins took several pictures to send to her friends after editing. Squirming in her tiny thong she wanted to rub her tingling clit as she regarded her attractive older cousin. The infrequent glances he threw her way only heightened her attraction to him. Clearly he knew she was interested and he was indicating he was considering it.

Ondrah was not used to being unsure whether a man wanted her or not.

Well aware of the hold her sex-appeal had over men, she wielded it with a confident hand most times, but she'd rarely met a man who she desired as acutely. If Ondrah didn't bed him she was going to be very annoyed.

They had three days on the island before the vacation was over. Ondrah wanted to waste no time.

Rising from the lounger she strolled to the water appreciating the swivelling heads following her progression across the blazing bright sand. Pale skinned in a dark bikini with billowing, silky, black hair Ondrah knew she stood out amid the sunburned or dark tanned, bright-suited throng staggering up and down the sand. Years of dance training had given her grace few others on the beach could achieve as they traversed the uneven surface. Titillated by the attention she drew as she walked to the water and waded to shoulder height, Ondrah smiled inwardly, her face a serene mask of indifference.

Then she noticed someone stealing the limelight as heads turned to another figure moving across the sand with more ease than she had. In tight blue short-shorts a lithe figure stalked the sand like a sleek jungle cat perfectly balanced and coiled for action. Craig crossed the sand and strode into the water with every eye on the beach trailing where he went. The only way her cousin could make up for stealing everyone's attention was to come straight over to her and inform the watchers they were linked, which is exactly what he did.

Then much to her annoyance he plunged in over his head and swam past her calling as he passed.

"Come on." Challenging her to follow.

Beginning to swim she did her best to chase him but Ondrah was a dancer not a swimmer, she had no fat, no buoyancy and little skill. Struggling to keep up, she lost distance as he surged ahead. Soon she was flagging and he pulled away so far she gave up, disappointed to fail so early.

When she decided to head back to shore she turned to find she was much further out than she'd expected. Intimidated by the distance she started to swim back but was anxious and stiff in the water now. The waves were big and felt like maybe they were pulling her out to sea not moving her to shore.

Watching the coast she splashed in the water constantly checking to see if the beach were coming any closer. With a panicky feeling she realized it was drifting farther away.

Ondrah was being pulled out to sea.

Turning to look for Craig she saw him cutting through the water toward her and she felt fluttery relief that he hadn't abandoned her.

"How ya doing?" He asked calmly when he was close.

"I'm not strong enough to beat the current back to shore." Trying to match his tone she thought she sounded only a little freaked out.

"I apologize. I hadn't thought about the tide going out."

Coming face to face she resisted clinging to him like a scared child.

"Grab me around the ribs and hold tight. You kick and be our legs and I'll be our arms and we'll be back in no time."

Buoyed by his confidence and the opportunity to grab something solid Ondrah wrapped her arms around his burly chest and pressed her cold cheek to his warm back. Kicking her legs she used her dancer's strength while his massive upper body propelled them through the water toward shore and safety.

Gasping for breath by the time they could stand she slowly walked out of the water feeling the exhaustion of fighting the might of the ocean. Stopping at waist height to catch her breathe Ondrah called.


Stopping short Craig turned and looked back glistening in the bright sun, hardly breathing deep at all.

"Thank you. I was getting scared out there. You might have saved another member of the family."

Smiling, raking her body with his bold gaze Craig considered the fact that the only way Ondrah could have made herself look sexier than she had stretched out on the lounger was to be dripping wet. Sleek hair made a long tail down her smooth back and the materiel of her bikini clung to her like paint revealing the texture of her nipples and the outline of her labia.

"I guess you owe me."

"Anything you want... Sir."

Summoning all her dignity and training Ondrah sauntered up the sand on shaky legs, doing her level best to appear as sexy and confident as Craig as he prowled the sand.

Nervously gushing she told her mother about Craig saving her life and Katherine overreacted surprising no-one. Katherine's husband Dale brought drinks around from the all inclusive bar and even Ondrah got one as they toasted her rescue.

Standing in the bright sun everyone took several pictures of the hero and the nearly drown girl. Ondrah's exhibitionism kicked in and she posed beside the sexy man as racily as she could manage surrounded by thick middle-aged and elderly relatives. As soon as the photo-op was over she scuttled back to the shade of the umbrellas, mindful of her pale skin, to reapply her SPF 60.

It had taken the same level of self-control needed to resist interrogation to stop himself from putting a stray hand someplace inappropriate as Ondrah pressed her tits to his arm or her ass to his crotch while they posed for photos. The little minx had been teasing him mercilessly and he'd taken it stoically, desperate to keep blood from filling his cock and tenting his swimsuit.

Allowed to sit beside her and engage now that he's saved her life, Craig did the opposite and sat with Dale and his family, knowing it irritated Ondrah just from the look in her eye. When he could no longer torment himself with Dale's dull conversation he decided to make things up to the sulking girl.

Going down the beach alone he took a surf board from the resort equipment locker and strode back to the family with it.

"You want me to teach you how to use this?" He asked.

Most of the near-by relatives looked on.

Rising to the challenge in spite of her misgivings Ondrah cocked a brow and shrugged one slender shoulder.

"Sure. Whatever."

The next hour was a torment for them both as they brushed and rubbed against each other in the water, scrambling on and off the board as he taught her the basics of surfing and she did her very best to learn. Ondrah had been a skateboarder for a time and took to parts of it easily, but getting the board lined up on the wave was difficult, she didn't have much upper body strength.

Her slippery little body was an utter delight to caress as Ondrah struggled with learning. Craig took every opportunity to touch her and press himself against her, but he did not allow anything she did to him to stimulate an erection. Even though she didn't do anything overtly sexual like kiss him, or touch his penis with her hand Ondrah brushed against him constantly, her bum often pressing to his groin or her leg stroking between his. In return he never groped her breasts or buttocks with his hands, but his fingers and palms touched her flesh everywhere else. Since she was brushing her boobs on him every chance she got he allowed himself to grind back against them.

By he time she could ride a wave consistently to the shore they were both vibrating with repressed desire. They had met two hours before.

The next night, after the New Year was announced, he was finally able to do what he'd been yearning to do since the beach. Craig threw Ondrah on his bed and when she bounced her dark hair fell in a cascade across the top sheet, her bared breasts jiggled appealingly, her face a mask of carnal desire. Amazed that he was seducing his favourite cousin's daughter he pondered the hours since they'd met on the beach while undressing her.

Taking her ankles in hand he unzipped the heel of her amazing shoes, black platform sandals with stiletto heels in scarlet. Zigzagging leather wrapped her slight ankle with shiny black bands topped by a cuff that went all the way around. Kissing the raw spots the shoes had worn in her flesh while dancing he soothed the discomfort and wowed the cynical girl soured on romance by callow youths. Being treated like a princess by a well respected man was outside her experience and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

Ondrah liked being fucked roughly, in risky places with ill-advised choices. She took pride in being a Bad Girl. Seduced into languid relaxation by strong hands expertly massaging her sore feet, and soft lips kissing tender skin, she indulging in being spoiled. Idly brushing her hard nipples with her own hands she watched Craig adore her little feet.

Then the massaging hands and kissing mouth drifted up her calves. Craig alternated legs, raising Ondrah's black slip dress up her bare thighs and caressing her warm flesh. Once his kisses passed her knees he began licking more than kissing, having wanted to do this since the day before.