Natasha's New Daddy Pt. 02-03

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Natasha's fun with Daddy and her new Fiance continues.
13.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/06/2023
Created 12/08/2022
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Author's Note: All characters in this story are explicitly stated to be at least 18 years of age, and, even in role play, are playing characters at least 18 years of age.


It was only supposed to be a two day trip, but considering how much had happened on the first day, it was kind of hard to lay out any solid plans for the second. In the course of the first day Chad and I got engaged officially, with his Father's blessing. We'd also introduced Chad's Father, Mr. Lewis, to our kinky lifestyle. Then we'd looped Mr. Lewis into my biggest fantasy, and shortly after he'd fully embraced me calling him Daddy. I ended up sitting on Daddy's lap while I sucked off my Fiance, and of course, Daddy's cock was inside me at the time. He hadn't gotten to cum there, but something about the look on his face after he blew his load on mine made me think that he was happy with the results anyway.

After that it was a whole day of teasing before we all went to bed for the night. But even then things didn't let up! Daddy listened to Chad fucking the absolute shit out of me, in Chad's childhood bedroom right down the hall. After that I crept into Daddy's bed, and seeing what a state he was in, I got him off with a titfuck before we all finally passed out for the night.

I'd gotten Daddy off twice yesterday, and while I DESPERATELY wanted to do more with him, I felt like a full day of teasing my men might help Daddy better understand just how consistently tense and sexual my life with Chad tended to be.

The next morning I offered to make the guys breakfast. Chad, like the sweetheart that he was, had the table all set up long before I was done cooking. Chad and I had talked about some stuff that he wanted to show me around town since it was our last day at his Dad's place, and we'd both agreed on some things to do with his Dad. I suggested starting the day off sexy, and Chad had agreed, but we were planning on wrapping things up with a simple movie night.

My outfit for the day was, I kid you not, my ACTUAL schoolgirl uniform! Or at least, the closest thing I had to one. My highschool didn't have girls uniforms for everyday class, thank god! But we did have skimpy little matching outfits for the tennis team, and I was wearing the one that I'd been given about two cup sizes ago.

So, as Daddy and Chad drank coffee and caught up at the kitchen table, I had a grand ol' time prancing around the kitchen in my too short skirt. My top had been designed to cover just over half my stomach, but because of how much my chest had grown, it now barely managed to fully cover my tits. I mean, it hung low enough to cover them... as long as I didn't lift my arms too high, or reach too far for anything. When I did, and I did so as often as possible, the material would ride up and give little glimpses of the underside of my breasts. Of course, I had the zipper on the top down enough that I was always giving a nice long view of cleavage from the top. That way I was constantly "accidentally" showing something.

But for me the cutest part (though I doubt the men folk would have agreed), was that it was a literal outfit. The blue and white that made up my former highschool's colors were ever present. The socks, the athletic sneakers, the little skirt, and the zip up top. I'd been annoyed when I HAD to wear the outfit for practice, but I honestly kind of adored it now that High School was over. Naturally I was wearing my hair up in two very long pigtails again. It was kind of key to the look I was going for.

As I finished up cooking, I served both generations of the Lewis men, and made sure to tell them to eat up, dig in, or enjoy, every time that I brought something new over. I was a pretty good cook, but I didn't want them waiting until everything was perfect before they dug in, or I was afraid that something would be cold. Buttered toast, pancakes, eggs, and bacon all made their way to the table as I refilled coffee, juice, and water while I was at it.

More than once I caught them waiting for me, or for the next thing, and I gave them a playful scolding and reminded them to eat the food I'd just made. But if anything was distracting them it was probably the way that I kept "having" to stretch across them, or in front of them in order to serve the food. Or how I kept checking the top most shelves for things I might need, and having to strain up to my tiptoes to do it. Of course, when I did, my poor little skirt would begin to lose its battle to keep me properly covered.

I waved my crazy long pigtails every which way they would go. In part because it was fun, and I enjoyed the sensation, and in part because both Daddy and Chad seemed to think that they were sexy; and so I was all too happy to draw attention to them.

Both men had almost finished breakfast when Mr. Lewis asked, "Aren't you going to eat anything?" I almost laughed. I'm glad I didn't though, because I would have choked. Instead I just

smiled around a big mouthful of his Son's bacon and waited for him to notice.He grinned a second later when he looked up and saw me. "Oh", he said with a smile. I chomped it down and covered my mouth with my hand so I could remark, "I've been grazing as I go", though I'm sure it was a little muffled from the food that was still in my mouth.

Why cover my mouth?

Because I'm a LADY, that's why!

As the guys finished, I moved plates and glasses away, and by the time they were finishing the last sips of their coffee I'd basically cleaned the table and already washed everything that I'd used to make breakfast in the first place. But then... then it was time to start the day off properly.

"Chad." I started. "I LOVE this table." Then I walked over to it and planted hands on either side. "It's just the right width for, you know, things." Then I gave him a playful eyebrow waggle. "Plus it's so sturdy!"

"We need something like this on the registry so we can, 'Film Things', after the wedding." I gave a laugh, but Chad crossed his arms and played it up like he was confused. He said that he wasn't sure he understood where I was going, and of course, we started a fun little back and forth where I tried my best to not say that we were going to set a camera where he was sitting and have him fuck me for the camera's viewing pleasure; while also implying the hell out of it.

In turn, Chad just kept acting like I was being too vague, and he wasn't quite able to picture what I was trying to communicate to him. Of course, Daddy sipped his coffee and watched the whole show, well aware that we were playing, as he occasionally laughed at our antics. But though he may have realized that we were playing, I don't think that he understood what the game was until, in a moment of feigned exasperation, I threw my hands up and started at the top again.

"Chad!" I scolded playfully. Then I stood up, looked around, and pulled the chairs away from the table. I gently hinted to Daddy that he needed to scoot away from the table as well, and this time his laugh was genuine as I made him move his own kitchen chair to the wall so I could 'explain' better. "Okay", I said, once the kitchen was just, me at one end of the table, Chad seated at the other, and a bunch of chairs pushed far out of my way. "So, pretend that we have a camera where you are sitting, okay?" Chad nodded, laughed, and took another sip of his coffee as he gave me "uh huh" sounds to let me know that I hadn't lost him yet. "Then..." I said, bending over slowly at the otherside of the table, "I... will be at this end of the table. So, the camera would be seeing what you are seeing now." Chad furrowed his eyebrows a bit, but nodded. Like I hadn't lost him, but he wasn't quite sure where I was going yet. "Then you..." I started, but immediately gave up, threw my hands in the air and sighed loudly for the entertainment of the crowd as Chad tilted his head to the side all confused, and his Dad gave a loud laugh.

Of course, the look that went with that good natured laugh changed considerably when I held up a finger and said, "I know!". Then I turned towards Mr. Lewis and began to plead prettily with him. "Daddy, would you PLEASE come over here and help me explain this to my Fiance?"

In fairness, Mr. L. had picked up on this whole RP thing faster than most newbies. The man was a quick study. But we were his actual Son and future Daughter, so this particular game had more built in warnings than I think most people ever had to deal with. So, before agreeing, Mr. L. seemed to give his Son a look, as if checking with him that whatever we were doing wasn't somehow going to hurt his Son or his relationship. But Chad didn't even acknowledge the look, and after a moment or two, Mr. Lewis took that nonchalance as his answer. With a shrug he said, "Sure thing baby girl", and then he was up and on his way to me.

I turned back to Chad again and said, "Okay now, pretend that Daddy is you. Got it?" Chad nodded along. I started to bend over again as Chad's Father walked up behind me, but I quickly stood back up and turned towards him. We were close enough that a heavy breath would have me dragging my chest along him, so I looked up at him, popped up on my tippy toes, and whispered in his ear. "I think we need to make this as realistic as possible Daddy." After I said it, I had to pull back so we could see each other's faces. He gave me a nod, and mumbled something like "Okay." Then I popped back up to his ear and whispered once more.

This time though, as I gently purred the words "Glad we agree" into his ear, I simultaneously unzipped his jeans. The motion was hidden by my torso, as I had my back to Chad. When I came back down off my toes again and we locked eyes once more, there was a stirring of hunger beginning to push away the uncertainty he'd started with.

I turned back to face Chad, and continued trying to show him what I meant. The game hadn't changed, Daddy just had a better idea now of what we were really playing. "So," I said. "You would come up behind me, and you would pull my panties down." Then I waved that away, and said, "Of course, DADDY's not going to do that!" I gave a little laugh then. "I mean, he's my Father!" Chad nodded along and said, "Of course". Then I bent over so low that I practically touched the floor with my forehead. "So I'll do it." I added quickly, pulling my panties down to my tennis sneakers, and quickly stepping out of them. Then as Daddy looked down at, what I'm sure was a hell of a view, I winked back up at him from my bent over position and added, "For realism's sake."

Once I was back up and facing Chad again, I, once more, bent myself over the table. I again, reminded Chad that I needed him to pretend that Daddy was him. Then I motioned for Daddy to get closer. "So, you would come up behind me, and slip it in." Then I looked back over my shoulder and said, "Pretend to do that Daddy. We REALLY need to show him." Mr. Lewis, bless his heart, stepped up to me, and pressed his still covered crotch into my naked pussy. I knew that my wetness was now marking the front of his underwear. And as pleased as that made me, I needed more. So I urged him on, "Not quite Daddy. I need you to really get in there. Like, full on pretend to fuck me." Then I looked back to Chad, adding, "That way you can see what I want the camera to see on our wedding night."

Mr. Lewis pressed in even harder, and it felt great. But I clearly needed to take matters into my own hands. So I did. I reached back under me, mumbling about how his jeans were poking me weird, and rolling my eyes about it. But once I could feel what I needed to, I quickly slipped my fingers into his shorts, found the head of his cock, and led it gently out that convenient little slit that men's underwear have in the front. He gasped, of course. After all, there is a big difference between a little rough grinding and the cool, soft touch of a woman's hand grasping your cock. But once he was 'free', I guided him right to my slit. I rubbed the head of his cock at my opening, and said, "There we go. That's better." Then, since I no longer needed all of my attention for my hand, I was able to give Chad my eye contact again. "That's right where I wanted it now." I said with a telling smile.

"Now Daddy," I instructed once more. "Pretend you are Chad on our wedding night, and move your hips forward like you are pushing int-", and before I could even finish my sentence I had to interrupt myself with a loud and unexpected moan as Mr. Lewis dropped any conflicted feelings he might have been harboring from before, and slipped his cock straight into me. There was no interruption this time, no little pressure that needed to be pushed past. I was wet, willing, and ready; and he slid straight into me. All at once he opened me up, and spread my pussy open with a single, smooth, motion.

It only took him a second to ram himself right down to the root, but it took several seconds for me to finish gasping. I was overwhelmed by my sudden need to adjust to having a big fat cock spreading me way the fuck open! After a moment I noticed that I had my cheek pressed into the table on one side, and I was muttering, "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." over and over again. After a few seconds, I took control of myself again. I knew that I was blushing, and as I pushed myself up once again so I could look Chad in the eyes once more, I found myself panting, and a little out of breath.

Holy fuck but Daddy had a hold on me. A few months back I'd legit been with 10 guys at once. The actual center of a gangbang, and that didn't have shit on the effect that this Father/Son duo were having on me! Of course, the moment that I had that thought, Daddy slid most of the way out, and then rammed himself back in, straight to the hilt! And if that wouldn't have been enough all by itself, the fact that I'd only then, in that moment, realized that I'd basically been getting double-teamed by a Father and Son this whole weekend, hit me like a ton of bricks and I fucking orgasmed right there on the spot. My hands were gripping the sides of the table and my tits were mashed into where we'd just been enjoying breakfast as my legs shook and I moaned, cried out, and uttered a series of very unladylike curses.

Once my screaming stopped, I pushed myself back up onto my hands. "I... I, um..." I was trying to get my bearings back. This was supposed to be me teasing the boys, and giving Daddy another little taste of heaven before we had to get to all the normal visiting your parents stuff. But I'd quickly lost control somehow. I shook my head a bit, my pigtails slapping the table, and I, breathing heavily, looked back up at Chad again. I knew he had to be hard as a rock under the table, and though I REALLY needed to get control of things again, part of me desperately wished that Chad would just flip the fucking table, and jam his cock down my throat.

I was still licking my lips at that lovely little image when I heard Chad say, "Hey Dad... Can you show me what it would look like with someone holding one of those cute little pigtails of hers in each hand?" At that I actually gasped.


I tried to give Chad a look that called him a teasing little bastard, but I was interrupted mid-glare when Daddy seized me by the hair and dragged another moan out of me. Then, with a fistful of hair in each hand, he pulled my head up and back as he slammed his cock into me a few more times.

The sounds I was making were like deep, lusty moans, that were getting abruptly interrupted by loud, high pitched squeals of pleasure. This was meant to be a slow, lusty, ever building game of stealth and pretend. But there I was gripping that oh so sturdy table as Daddy used my hair like the handle bars on a bike, and just, fucking rode me! I was screaming, and moaning, and giving little surprised squeaks and screams whenever he got the urge to jerk back on my hair and force a fresh cry of pleasure out of me.

Then Chad brought us back down to Earth when he said, "Alright honey. Jeez. I get it already. You and Dad can stop pretending to fuck now." Then, just like that, the fucking bastard actually did it!!! Daddy stopped, cold! And left me quivering, and moaning, and needy! I was desperate for it! As hard as he could give it to me! Fuck, as hard as they could BOTH give it to me!

For a solid minute, I was borderline furious that Chad hadn't knocked this table out of his way and started mouth fucking me like the Whore that he appearantly loved pretending that I was!

But, after a minute, or two... maybe three. Sanity started to creep back in.

"Right. Yeah. Good demonstration Daddy," I said, bending down to pull my panties back up. I was still a little shaky, a little perturbed, and feeling a little vengeful when I noticed that as I was pulling my underwear back up, Daddy was still hanging freely out of his. So, I quickly seized Daddy's hand and began to unceremoniously pull him towards the living room. As I did, and Daddy stumbled after me, cursing and trying not to trip since his jeans were still at his ankles, I gave Chad a look that promised retribution at a later time while chiming in a Wifely tone, "Be right back sweetie!"

I pulled Mr. L. around the corner with me, and guided him so that his back was to the wall that adjoined the room we'd just left. Then, looking concerned I gave a brief apology, saying, "Sorry Daddy. I just...", and as I spoke I adopted a look of confusion. "I thought for sure that I smelled something, and I didn't want to embarrass you in front of Chad but.." I gave the air another testing sniff. Then I bent down, and practically plopped my nose right onto his dick as I drew in another testing sniff. "Oh, that's it," I said, shaking my head a bit in a sort of 'silly me' gesture. Then I looked up at him, and changed gears from playful moron to wanton seductress halfway through speaking as I gestured to his still hard dick and informed him that, "You've got some slutty teenager on you." Then I looked up at him, making eye contact as I wrapped my hand around his cock and asked, "Have you been pumping some tight young pussy Daddy?" Then, before he could finish sucking in a breath or turning red I assured him with a wicked tone, "Don't worry Daddy. It's just a little pussy juice after all. Nothing I can't SUCK off."

Then I wrapped my lips around him, and with a lusty moan, I began to suck on him as I swirled my tongue around him. I "cleaned" him REAL good as I worked my lips down to the root and back again several times. Finally, after about 60 seconds of intense "cleaning", I popped my lips off with a moan and a mess of saliva.

Then I stood back up to my full height, smiled sweetly, and popped up on my toes just long enough to plant a quick peck on his forehead. "There you go Daddy! All better." And with that, I walked around the corner with a sultry sway to my hips. I walked back out into the kitchen to finish cleaning up our morning mess as if nothing more than breakfast with the family had gone down that morning. I would NOT be out-teased!

About 30 minutes later I'd changed clothes and Daddy had hopped in the shower. Chad was planning on taking me out and showing me around town. After all, while the trip had been entirely about getting Mr. Lewis's blessing and (hopefully) convincing him to roleplay with us, it was also a very long drive and we were legit in the place where Chad had grown up. I wanted to know everything!

So we headed out and made a day of it. Chad showed me around town and spent the day sharing memories with me, along with places that were special to him. Of course, it was almost 10 years since he'd been here, so once or twice he brought me somewhere only to find out that what he had wanted to show me was no longer there. Chad had spent the second half of his childhood living with his Mom, who I hate. So it had been ages since he'd properly toured his old neighborhood. But it was still special that he did it with me, and it brought me no small amount of joy that I was his Fiance' now.