Natasha's New Daddy Pt. 04

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Tasha visits Daddy to suprise him with a naughty roleplay.
12.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/06/2023
Created 12/08/2022
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(It's part 3, but Literottica did a weird thing were they auto-renamed my last story to part 2 and 3. So I'm just rolling with it.)

A few months back, my now fiance proposed to me, and I had said yes. It was a bit more complicated than some arrangements. For one, we were, and always had been in an open relationship. He'd met me well after I'd gotten into the kinky stuff, and the kink community as a whole, and I'd introduced him to it as a non-negotiable part of my life. To my joy, Chad had not only been able to accept this, he'd found himself in the same space, and we ended up falling in love.

When he proposed, we introduced me to his Mom, and it was a total flop. She saw me a big titted harlot who wasn't worthy of her Son (not that she treated him great to begin with). This created some tension, because Chad's Dad was, as far as we knew, a straight shooting, old fashioned, salt-of-the-Earth kind of guy. And I was a big titty goth, swinger, kinkster who his Son both wanted to marry, and like to watch fuck other guys. So, um, yeah. The odds were a bit daunting.

At the time, I said if we were going to go down in flames, we may as well swing big. Chad and I were both into incest. He was super into Mommy stuff, and not so secretly dreamed of my Mother fulfilling that fantasy some day (If I was kinky, then Mom was the legit goddess of kink). I, on the other hand, was into ALL of it. I'd done Mommy Daughter stuff with my Mom, I'd done Mom/Son stuff in some roleplays with Chad too. But my biggest fantasy was a Daddy roleplay, and I'd never done it because I couldn't take an 18-year-old seriously in that role. So, if I was going to introduce myself to my future Daddy, I was going to, just, fucking go for it!

Chad agreed on the risk, laid the groundwork, and 1 AMAZING fucking weekend latter, Daddy and I were friends, lovers, and play partners in one of the most special relationships of my life! It was great. But... Chad's Dad lived really far away, so we didn't get to get together very often. Since the 1st visit, Chad and I had gone up one more time together. We'd had some great family time, and some great naughty-time too. It was very loving though, and although Daddy got to try out every part of me, the whole affair had been genuinely loving.

I'd got back on my own two additional times, but again, both times, while wonderful, had been more sweet than naughty. I mean, we fucked. We fucked like bunnies! But the build-up to it was lots of getting to know one another, and just, really fucking cool Daddy/Daughter bonding time. We'd ended those nights in cuddles, and I wouldn't trade them for anything!

That said...

This time around, I wanted something different. Chad hadn't been able to make it this time, again. We were both new to college and with very busy schedules. But it was a shame, because I planned on revisiting Chad's favorite role play. We'd done it for the very first time when we'd visited Daddy together to introduce me, and it did it for Chad HARD, every time.

Chad had always loved the word "whore" in naughty play. He'd tried it out a few times with me, and I'd liked it too. Later on, he'd subtle hinted that, maybe he like more than just the word. I tested all of this on one big gamble (sensing a theme with me now that I think about it...). I'd dressed as a prostitute, had Daddy pretend to hire my services, and then the three of us had gotten down and dirty. Really hard, and really naughty. But, no matter how much Chad LOVED this roleplay (RP), I was still on my own for this one.

I arrived alone in my extremely practical Sedan. Chad's truck was powerful, and good for his job, but it struggled to fit even 3 people. And sometimes we just needed more people space than that. As I got out of the car, I couldn't help but smile at the broken/missing pain of glass that was still a part of Daddy's exterior front door.

I LOVED that Daddy left his front door broken, since the only reason it was broken in the first place was that he fucked me up against it so hard that we shattered the glass. And since he was the head guy at an office full of construction workers, it wasn't like he didn't have the tools, knowledge, or contacts to fix it. He left it broken because he enjoyed the reminder of WHY it was broken; and that made me happy!

I slipped into the kitchen, and I thought I heard Daddy in the living room. Now, if I'd been thinking about anything other than how much sexy fun I was about to have, I probably would have realized that one does not often hear people talking when they are by themselves. But my brain was already a little dumb with lust before we'd even started, and so, before I even walked around the corner, I was already loudly announcing myself. "I heard somebody around here ordered one very busty, very willing Whore, slash, Daughter. So, how-". I stopped abruptly when I took my first step around the corner and swung into the living room. There I found Daddy, along with two men about his age. All three of them were, of course, staring back at me.


I did a quick mental assessment, turning my brain back on, if for no other reason than to get it to stop saying "Oh shit!", over and over again in my thoughts. I put a hand on the doorway between the kitchen and living room and said something like, "Oh. Oh my. I thought that... wasn't there only supposed to be one of you?"

Daddy for his part, went from shocked, to appreciative, to fast thinking. As for his two buddies, they quickly moved from shocked to appreciative and stayed there. If there was a single moment when they thought it was inappropriate for a man Daddy's age to hire a prostitute that was my age, it never for a second showed on their faces. They just ran their eyes up and down my body with increasingly approving smiles.

In fairness, I was dressed in the same outfit I'd worn for my last role play with Daddy, which was, again, literally a Whore. I had on a pair of black, knee-high hooker boots. Fishnet stockings that ran up into a short, tight, leather skirt, with a zipper down the size that made it oh so easy to remove. The top was a crop leather jacket that, like most tops, simply did not fit because of my breasts. The end result was that a jacket that was meant to show off my midriff instead ended up showing off underboob as well. Plus, of course, I had the zipper pulled down enough to offer up a generous amount of cleavage to boot.

Now, I love my Fiance, fully and truly. But Chad is not what anyone would call quick witted. Loyal, brave, sweet, hung like a dragon; yes. But he was the type to wait until everyone left and then ask me to explain stuff after the fact. So, in this instance, I was very glad that the apple had fallen far from the tree. Because in that moment, Harry Lewis, aka Daddy, proved to be just about as quick witted as they came.

Mr. L. shrugged, and said, "Sorry guys. She wasn't supposed to arrive until after you lot had already left." And when one of the two guys in question repeated my use of the word, "Daughter?", not a wasted second passed before Daddy gave him an answer.

"Well, you two know that Chad is engaged now. Beautiful young woman named Natasha. I met her a few months back. Anyway, she stayed the weekend, and she was great. Seriously, I very much approve. But the thing was, she was lovely in more than just the personality department, if you get my drift. And she took to me as family right away. So..." Daddy explained, running his hand through hair and giving a shrug. "She ended up parading around my house, comfortable as could be, in panties and a t-shirt for several days. The whole time calling me 'Daddy'. And just... fuck. I uh, I was left with a need to get some shit out of my system before the wedding", he said, and he gestured towards me, busty Whore/daughter for hire. "If you know what I mean."

At that both guys gave a hearty laugh, and some semi-vulgar guy talk ensued. They joked about it, basically came to the conclusion that they TOTALLY got it, and, after about 2-3 minutes of talking like I wasn't there, one of them asked if I looked anything like Harry's new bride-to-be.

Harry, for his part, told them, "As crazy as this is going to sound... yeah. When I asked them if they had anyone Natasha's age, with Natasha's breast size, who was willing to play the 'naughty Daughter', I thought for sure that I was shooting for the moon. But... you're actually pretty spot on, Miss..."

Harry left the 'Miss' part open ended, as if asking my name. "Now Daddy," I answered with a smile. "I'm a professional." Then I reached into my purse and pulled a fistfull of condoms that I dramatically tossed out into an impressive spread onto the living table before finishing. "My name is Natasha Smith." Then I stage whispered to the two other men, "Soon to be Natasha Lewis." Then I reached back and put my little clutch purse on the kitchen counter before putting my hands on my hips and making a presentation of my body. "Chad's Fiance', and your loving Daughter."

One of the two men actually clapped and gave a little whistle of approval.

Now, first things first, I LOVED Daddy's fake explanation for why I was there. It was weirdly flattering and made me feel all special and pretty. But now that it was out of the way, I'd been left a choice. I could either pitch a fit that there were three guys there, when I 'was (fake) told' there would be one, or...

"So..." I began. "This," and I gestured to the three of them together, "is more than was discussed over the phone Daddy". But again, he didn't miss a beat. He shrugged, apologized, and explained what I'd already suspected, that he'd had a work meeting at the house, and these two had simply been the to last leave. I had a good idea who they were. I mean, they weren't just my future Father's employees after all. Chad worked at his Dad's company, and was by far and away the youngest person in their office.

The rest of the crew was between 10-15 guys all Daddy's age, depending upon who was traveling at any given moment. I had no doubt that these two men were Daddy's long-time best friends, Charlie and Greg. But, of course my prostitute character wouldn't have known that, so I asked both men for their full names, and was rewarded with the knowledge that I'd guessed right.

Daddy's best friend introduced himself as Charlie T. Russell. He had a reputation as a bit of an asshole, but he was the kind of asshole who talked too much, but at the end of the day would still lay down his life for his friends. The second man was Greg Harris, a long time coworker who was a much more decent guy, but also boring enough to not be a stand out in any of Chad or Daddy's stories.

No sooner had they introduced themselves than Mr. Russell asked me how old I was. Now, there are two ways to ask that question. One is, 'oh god, please be over 18!', and the other is, 'oh god, please by over 18 as of yesterday'. And from the way Mr. Russell was leering at me as he said it, I had a pretty good guess as to which category he was in. So, I gave him the answer I figured he was hoping for.

So, I told him,"Don't worry Mr. Russell, I've been 18 for over a month now", and I said it in my best young, naive, teenage-girl voice.

Yeah. My answer clearly did good things for him as he nodded, and adjusted the collar of his shirt as if the temperature in the room just skyrocketed. Mr. Harris on the other hand, barely noticed what I'd said, but he was STARING at my engagement ring. Which gave me an idea...

So I walked over to him, and I held out my left hand. In doing so, I put my engagement ring on display, flashing it to the guys. Then I asked, "Isn't it pretty?" I looked over at Daddy, playing my role, and added, "You've already seen it Daddy, but this is the ring that my Fiance', Chad, bought me to propose with!"

Mr. Russell was smiling, clearly enjoying the show. I couldn't quite get a read on Daddy yet, but I was pretty sure that I'd hit the nail on the head and Mr. Harris was liking the 'another man's Wife' part of this more than he would have normally admitted. "Wanna feel?" I asked, still exuding those perky teenager vibes.

He started to answer with, "Um...", followed by what I'm sure would have been a polite acceptance to a strange offer. But as soon as he began his answer, I took another step towards him, placed my left hand flat against his stomach, fingertips pointing down, and slid my hand down past the waistband of his sweatpants and straight into his boxers. He gave a gasp as I slipped around behind him, and guided my hand down out the leg of his boxers to his inner thigh, only to run it back up along his leg, and gently cupped his balls.

He gave out a moan as I began to softly play with him in his pants. But I wasn't about to let him escape my naughty bit of running commentary. So, I kept the dialogue going as well. "Doesn't it feel nice and cool?" I asked. "It's the metal. Because of the-", then I stopped talking, and I peaked back around Mr. Harris, and gave him a concerned look. "Oh, I'm sorry." I began. Then I looked back at Daddy, and began to slowly pump Mr. Harris's cock as I said, "Daddy is the only one who signed up for this. I REALLY should have checked with you two first. Then I looked back up to the eyes of the man in front of me, and I stopped moving my hand long enough to ask him a question. "Is this too weird for you? I mean, I know there is a lot to process here. I SPECIALIZE in Daddy/Daughter stuff, but that definitely isn't for everyone. So, is it too weird for you to think about the fact that, the hand that is wrapped around your cock right now, is the same one Chad is going to be putting a wedding band on in a few months?"

Mr. Harris gasped with pleasure. A moment later he managed to open his eyes, gulp deeply, and shake his head before answering me with a no. I wiped my right hand across my brow and made a relieved noise. "Oh good!" I added, seemingly letting go of a bunch of tension. Then I shifted my face to realization, and said, "Oh right, there are still the two other things..." Both Men looked at me, appearing very desperate to put any concerns I might have to rest. So I continued. "Well, I mean, does it bother either of you that I'm Harry's Daughter?" And right then, I got the briefest glimpse that they might want to kill my fun. At least in regard to that part of the RP. So the moment I got the impression that they were about to explain that they could drop that part of it, I cut them off. "Because the Daddy/Daughter thing is my whole speciality. I literally, ONLY take those jobs. So if it's not okay, I can just reschedule and come back when it is just-" But now it was their turn to cut me off, as both men quickly, loudly, and repeatedly assured me that I could stay, because they were fine with it.

At that, I took a step out to the side, and once more made a show of the fact that I was gently stroking Mr. Harris's cock in his sweatpants. As I did, I asked, "I guess it's up to you then Daddy. I COULD come back some other time... But then, you did call me over here today so you could see your Daughter be a Whore. Well...?" I asked, my tone lurid and suggestive. "Want to see me be a Whore?"

I punctuated the question by abruptly stopping my handjob, and I was pretty sure that as I was looking at Daddy, both Men were behind me, BEGGING him with their eyes and their gestures, to say yes.

Honestly. He looked a little conflicted. I was certain that part of him didn't want to hear what his buddy Charlie would be saying during a situation like that. But part of him thought I was very sexy, and very nice to look at. And as a lot of men in the scene quickly discovered, it was a whole lot of fun to see someone that you thought was beautiful and/or sexy, doing very sexual things while you watched. After a second, or so, Daddy appeared to give into whatever pressure his two friends were putting on him from behind my back. Because he adopted a semi-stern grimace, but then, after a pause, he relented. "Oh, okay. I guess we can try it if you are, um, good with that arrangement."

I smiled for him, sure to show him that I was 'good with that arrangement'. But, ever the tease, I made him say it too. "So?", I asked, clearly insisting on specific clarification. "You WANT to see me be a Whore?" Daddy frowned at me. I grinned back at him, and he yielded first. "Yes," he said with part sigh, part fought down smile. "I WANT... to see you be a Whore, Natasha."

I turned back to Mr Harris, gave his cock a snug little squeeze, and ran my hand up to the top of his shaft as I answered. "I can work with this." Then I wiped the top of his cock with my hand, and drew it out of his pants. "Mr. Harris..." I teased, holding up my hand for him to see. "You got some pre-cum on my engagement ring." Then I brought my hand up to my lips and assured him that he didn't need to worry, because I could clean it off.

When I was done licking his cum off of my ring and my hand, I gestured for both men to come stand by me. I then spent a good minute in a little huddle with them, going over how, if this was going to be a Daddy-Daughter role play, then the whole point was putting me on display as Harry's Daughter. I gave some examples of what that might look like, and some talking points, and ended with assuring them that it was all in good fun and they needn't worry too much about it.

Then, I gave my forehead a little "duh" slap, as I loudly proclaimed that I had TOTALLY forgotten about the third thing. To their credit, the men in the room went from confusion to patience pretty quickly. Daddy because he knew I was playing games, and his two work friends because they thought I was some dumb teenager who they had a vested interest in keeping friendly.

But on that note...

"So, we cleared up that you two are okay with doing stuff to me even though I'm Chad's Fiance." I waited a moment for them to nod in acknowledgement, one harder than the other. "And we cleared up that I'm Natasha Smith, Harry's Daughter, and you guys are okay with that too." Again, both men, now following what I was going for were quick to nod and give a 'yes'. "But there is one other thing that some guys get uncomfortable about..."

At that, I finally turned my attention to the person I assumed was going to be the aggressor of the two men. I stepped towards Mr. Russell, and my steps were too long in their stride. He quickly took two steps back to compensate, and as a result he fell back into Daddy's mega-huge, comfy chair. When he did, I was quick to follow him into it, straddling him, and beginning to unbutton his work shirt as I explained.

"I mean. I'm 18, and you guys, um, well, aren't. No offense or anything! But, I know that can be a real deal breaker for a lot of guys. What with me being so young and all. So, we should really clear the air on that, and make sure that like, it's not going to make anyone uncomfortable or anything."

Mr. Russell was quick to assure me that he was just fine with my described age, and Mr. Harris wasn't far behind him. But once I'd opened up Mr. Russell's shirt and had him help me get it off of him, I sought clarity. "Are you sure? Because, I know it can be one thing to say that you are fine with something, but..."

"...Mr. Russell?" I asked. "Are sure you're going to be okay with all of it combined. I mean, not just doing sex stuff with another man's Fiance. But also using her like a Whore? PLUS... making a show of it, right in front of my Daddy! And if all that wasn't enough..."

Then I rolled my hips, grinding into him and forcing him to throw back his head, and swear through teeth clenched in pleasure. "I've only been 18 for like a month Mr. Russell. Are you gonna be cool with, you know... Squeezing yourself into my tight young pussy, and just, busting me open, right in front of my Father?"