Nate & I Ch. 06


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"I wish I had... done something different. Figured my shit out sooner. Not dragged you into all of it...," he said, mind clearly going a mile a minute. Then, an out of place laugh followed by, "Used my words maybe."

"It's okay. I moved on from that hurt a long time ago," Oliver said quietly, but Nate either didn't hear him or didn't process him.

"You were always so sure of yourself, Oliver. Never took anyone's shit. You knew who you were. What you wanted to do. How to get there... I didn't know any of that... I pretended like I did on the outside, but inside...," a long pause. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you any of this before. Maybe things could've been different."

They stood there in a swollen silence, only interrupted by the occasional sniffle. Oliver stood there looking at Nate, both with red eyes. He had been wearing a maroon sweater the night they broke up. He felt like a teenager again.

"Did you find it?" Oliver asked.

"Find what?" Nate asked, drying his eyes.

"Whatever you were looking for. Yourself. What you wanted. Did you find it?" Oliver asked again.

"Yeah... I finished college... Spent some time in France. Learned French. Found that I liked baking. Met the man of my dreams there... I run a bakery in Colorado. Not putting my degree to much use these days but that's fine... And I have two beautiful daughters that I wouldn't trade for the whole world, so yeah, I think I found it," Nate said, finding his groove. You could hear the pride in his voice for what he had accomplished. Oliver couldn't contain the smile.

"Then I'm glad that things happened the way they happened. I wouldn't change a thing," Oliver said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right... I forgive you... I mean, I guess I already did, but--no hard feelings," Nate said.

"I forgive you too," Oliver added simply.

Oliver gave a slight nod and felt something leave his chest. He was relieved. They lost track of time in that bathroom trading stories after that. Oliver was happy to hear that Nate's dad finally came around and made amends with him and they were on track to having a real relationship. His mom was elated to have two granddaughters. The wedding in a little French Pub was also a highlight that made Oliver happy to hear. The photos of his daughters, both adopted from China, were absolutely precious. Oliver also got to fill Nate in on his life. He spared no details; the career, the city, the boyfriend, the dog, everything.

"Look at us," Nate said after what felt like only minutes of talking, "We made it out of here."

Oliver didn't need to say anything. They had ended up side by side, leaning against the sink. They studied some of the graffiti on the stall door in silence. Names, hearts, rumors, poorly thought out insults. They both jumped when the bathroom door burst open.

"There you are! It's been almost an hour. We thought you'd fallen in!" Mateo announced, rapidly approaching him, looking him over.

"Hi," Oliver offered weakly. Mateo then registered that they weren't alone and looked over to Nate.

"Hi," Nate said with a small wave. Mateo raised an eyebrow.

"Mateo. This is Nate. Nate, Mateo," Oliver explained, and Mateo's eyebrows raised in realization of who was standing there. Oliver watched as the puzzle pieces fell into place in Mateo's eyes.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard good things," Nate said, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too," Mateo replied, taking it.

"Ooh, I want you guys to meet Julian," Nate said heading for the door, and they followed. Mateo shot Oliver a confused look, but an encouraging nod got him to just follow along. Oliver was the last to leave the bathroom, looking ahead to see Kat and Jake waiting at the end of the hallway, the fluorescent lights stinging his eyes a bit.

"Let's go! We're missing Class Trivia to see who remembers the most!" Kat called at them. Then, under breath, "Oh shit, is that Nate?"

Julian was a nice guy. He and Nate made a good couple. The six of them sat around their table to play trivia. The managed to rack up a decent number of points between the four of them; Nate, Oliver, Kat, and Jake. Julian made a joke to Mateo about how it was like a history lesson watching them play. They had no idea. Their team ended up losing to cheerleader Jenny who didn't look like she had aged a day since graduation. Though, according to Kat, the real winner was Simon, who was a bit scrawny and geeky in school, but was now the definition of a hunk. The whole table giggled.

Through their laughter, Oliver noticed a man walking by them that gave a rather dirty look when he noticed that Julian and Nate were holding hands. His eyes found Oliver's, and a Oliver reached out to put his arm around Mateo. Mateo didn't question it and scooted closer. The man huffed and disappeared back into the crowd. For a moment, the man was only vaguely familiar. But then again, maybe it was... Brent? It didn't matter. He was gone, and his friends were laughing, so Oliver laughed too.


"And you said you didn't wanna go," Mateo commented as they walked into Oliver's bedroom.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You were right," Oliver said with a grin as he pecked Mateo's lips while kicked his shoes off and hopped around as he struggled to get his socks.

"I like the sound of that. I usually am right," Mateo said in a low voice as he approached Oliver. They came close and hovered right before kissing. Both of them initiated at the same time.

"My parents did say they'd be out tonight pretty late. Something about their bowling club," Oliver mentioned between kisses. "And I feel like fucking my hot boyfriend in my teenage self's bed would be a service to him."

"I agree," Mateo whispered as he lightly bite Oliver's bottom lip. That ignited Oliver to take charge and kiss him deeply. Their bodies collided, and they held each other tight. Their bulges slid over each other.

Oliver slid his hands up under Mateo's shirt, feeling his warm body against his cold fingers. Without even registering it happen, Mateo's shirt was gone. Oliver fumbled with his jeans, not wanting to break the kiss again. He kicked them down and got one foot out. His left foot got caught though, and rather than reaching down to get it, he kicked his leg higher and harder until the jeans flew into the air. They landed somewhere. Problem for later.

Mateo grabbed the back of Oliver's neck as he began to lower them to the floor. They landed softly on the carpet, one in jeans and one in a shirt. Mateo laid onto his back and pulled his jeans off in a swift motion, tossing them to the side and revealing the neon pink jock strap that looked so good against his skin. Oliver moaned at the sight before tearing his shirt off. He was now only in a pair of grey briefs that left little to the imagination.

Light from a distant lamp post spilled into the room and draped itself across Mateo's face, illuminating his smile. Oliver's heart fluttered. A wave of heat seemed to come from within and washed over his body. The corner of his mouth curled up.

Propping Mateo's legs over his shoulders, Oliver leaned down until they were inches apart. His cock, trying to harden but restricted by the fabric, pressed into Mateo's ass. Mateo was already eagerly pressing up against it, a devilish grin on his face.

"I'm gonna fuck you, but first, I want you to sit on my face," Oliver said slowly, in a low whisper. Mateo smirked. Oliver lifted himself off and traded spots, lying on his back.

It was always a glorious sight to see Mateo's ass descending onto his face. Even the contact of Mateo's thighs against his shoulders gave him a warm, pleasant feeling. The moment his lips made contact with Mateo's hole, he gasped. It started with a light kiss, a bit of massaging. Then, his tongue got involved with flicking and licking and circling and rubbing. He felt the muscles relax into his movements. All the while, Mateo couldn't stop himself from moaning and losing his breath at moments. Oliver's cock had stretched his underwear as far as it go could and soaked through with precum. There was still a slight bend in his cock, but it was a good eighty percent erect. The strain was driving him mad.

"Goddamn Oliver," Mateo breathed out as he fell forward onto his elbows. His ass lifted up into the the same patch of light that was spilling in the window and it was glistening with spit. Oliver caught his breath and smiled. Mateo climbed off of him, but when he tried sitting up, he was met with a hand to the chest.

"Oh no. It's my turn," he said, winking at him. Oliver rested on his elbows and watched as Mateo rubbed the muscles of his thighs all the way up to his waist where he latched onto his underwear.

Slowly, he pulled them down. The increased pressure against Oliver's bent cock made it agonizing. Millimeter by millimeter, it seemed, his member slid into view until finally it popped out and was hard as a rock by the time it slapped against his stomach. He felt blood rush to his tip and let out a sigh of relief.

Mateo pulled it to stand straight up in the air. There was a cool breeze. That moment was fleeting.

Soon, his head had gone into his boyfriend's mouth, feeling his slit being flicked. His tongue then took a deep lick of the sensitive underpart of his head. Oliver groaned out. Mateo would wet his lips and drag them along his shaft, cupping his cock with his tongue. What started off as the first couple inches became more and more until every millimeter of Oliver's cock was lubricated.

"Fuck, babe. Just like that. You know what you're doing," Oliver moaned, bucking his hips forward and leaning back on one elbow, the other hand on the back of Mateo's head; not guiding it, just holding on.

Two strong hands found their way to Oliver's hamstrings and spread his legs open wide, all while maintaining a steady blowjob. Once there, Oliver felt one hand hold his balls and gently massage them. There was a temporary pause in sucking. A few seconds later though, his length was taken back into the warmth of Mateo's mouth, and a wet finger teased his hole. He gasped.

"Mmmm, just a-," Oliver began, trying to describe what he wanted, but Mateo pulled off his cock to interrupt him.

"I know," was all he said before slipping his index finger halfway in.

Oliver moaned as his hole adjusted and squeezed onto his finger. Mateo grabbed Oliver's cock once more and brought all the pieces together. Oliver dropped his head back as he took in all the sensations. His member sliding into the warmth of his lover's mouth. The gentle pressure against his prostate and a massage on his taint happening simultaneously. And his balls being held lightly. Fuck. Mateo was good at this, Oliver thought.

"Come here," Oliver said firmly as he pushed off his elbows and grabbed Mateo by either side of the face. When he pulled him into a kiss, there was still a string of drool attaching those lips to his crotch. It transferred from Mateo's chin to Oliver's, but it was more endearing than anything. Mateo caught his breath as he laid on top of Oliver, legs intertwined. Together, they pulled his jockstrap off so their cocks could connect without any barriers.

"Fuck me," Mateo begged quietly into Oliver's ear. Oliver grabbed both of Mateo's cheeks and slapped the right, making a nice, loud smack. That got Mateo to arch his back pretty quick.

Seamlessly, they switched positions so that Mateo was on his side with the top leg pulled up while Oliver straddled the other leg, aiming his cock right up into his ass. Supporting Mateo's leg and leaning down to kiss him, Oliver lined his shining head up with Mateo. They held their kiss there for a moment, Oliver putting just enough pressure into him to not go in.

And in one easy slip, he entered. He felt Mateo's sphincter tighten around the edge of his head. Holding his lower body very still, Oliver straightened up and looked down to see his length disappear into Mateo's perfect ass. A thought crossed his mind, and a smirk crossed his mouth. Mateo noticed, and they were on the same page.

"Do it," he said, taking a deep breath.

Oliver held Mateo's leg high, giving him the best angle and sank his hips in a even, steady rate until his cock reached all the way in and then pushed a liiiittle bit further. His balls pressed into Mateo's leg. Oh, it felt so good. Mateo lost his voice during the initial push, but let out a deep, pleasured moan as he got it all in. Oliver pulsed inside of him, and as he was adjusting, Mateo felt it and let out a light laugh.

"Fuck. Now that is a feeling I will never tire of," Oliver commented, catching his own breath as he held himself inside.

"You and me both. God, you feel so good," Mateo returned, rotating his hips.

"So do you," Oliver returned, starting to rotate his hips as well, feeling his member rubbing around.

"Mmmmm. Okay... Fuck me," Mateo said, something in the undertone of his voice let Oliver know exactly the way he meant it.

Oliver repositioned his legs so that he had stronger support. He started by slowly sliding himself out about two inches or so before sliding back in at the same speed. There was a light clap. He slid out and back in again, but this time, about four inches. Another clap. Five inches. A louder clap. And the next thing they knew, the clapping was going fast and hard, Oliver's balls swinging wildly, full of a warm load.

"Holy fuuuuuuuck," Mateo groaned as his ass was stretched open around his boyfriend's cock. It honestly wasn't that often that Oliver wanted to top like this. That meant his ass tended to tighten back up, which made these nights all the hotter. Speaking of hotter, a droplet of sweat fell from Oliver's forehead and landed on Mateo's shaft. Oliver took it into his hand.

"Hold on. I'm really fucking close," Mateo said, grabbing his wrist to keep him from finishing him off accidentally. They paused and caught their breaths.

"I know how I wanna finish you," Oliver said, looking directly into his eyes.

A few moments later, Mateo was on his back once more, both of his feet in either of Oliver's hands. His own cock was throbbing and pointed towards his face with the way his hips were being held. Oliver sank back into him, deeper than before, and started fucking. There was no other way to describe it than that.

"Yeah, you like taking this fucking cock. I know you do," Oliver stated rather assertively. Dominance was a new territory for him, and Mateo was enjoying the switch up. He nodded vigorously through his moans as Oliver held nothing back.

"Fuck yes I do! Mmmmm breed me, babe," Mateo begged, getting lost in the heat of the moment. Oliver paused the quick thrusts to pull out all but the very tip of his tip. Both of them gasped and held a deep eye contact, and that was a moment he would never forget. The way the light lit up his face again.

Oliver dropped back in. His full length going deep, and he felt the floodgates open. A massive load pushed itself out hard and fast. Oliver's whole body tensed up at the peak of it before relaxing. He knew Mateo was at capacity when he felt it leaking out and running a trail down his left testicle. Oliver lost any kind of voice as this happened, letting out a deep breath that got every last bit of air he had out.

Oliver refocused his vision to see that Mateo had also finished. He, however, had given himself a pretty decent facial. He'd gotten his mouth, cheek, forehead, and there was even a rope that landed right in his right eye that cause him to close it. Even post-orgasm, seeing Mateo's face covered with his own load made Oliver's cock twitch.

They stayed there, connected, as their chests heaved to catch their breath. The come down from that high was one that had to be respected. Mateo eventually started to laugh a little. It was infectious. Oliver reached down to wipe the semen from Mateo's eye.

"I'm so glad we're both vers," Oliver commented, kissing him.

"Yeah! Where did that come from? I like that Oliver," Mateo asked.

"I dunno," he answered as he slowly removed himself. Mateo gasped when it popped out. Oliver continued, "but I have a feeling that that won't be the last we see of him."

"Mmm, good."

They then took a steamy shower together and ended up accidentally hotboxing the bathroom. Oops. After sniffing out some cookies from the pantry, the pair found their way back to Oliver's bed. Just as he settled in, Chip came snorting up and made himself comfortable right up against Oliver's legs. Mateo laid on his stomach and draped an arm over Oliver's chest. Oliver rested a hand on top of that. After laying there, stoned out of their minds for a bit, a tear rolled down his cheek. Mateo stirred.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mateo asked, pulling himself up, eyebrows furrowed. Oliver smiled wide.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy," he replied and then Chip let out a deep snore, too loud and long to be ignored.

"Thank you for your input, Chip," Mateo said, and Chip huffed as he resettled. Mateo pulled Oliver closer in, tangling their limbs together. His heartbeat was strong.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

In the hazy moments before he fell asleep, Oliver thought to himself: If I could say three words to my younger self, they would be: It got better. If I had five, they would be: It got so much better.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Why do writers rarely have gay couple stay together and love. It broke my heart because I already the ending. It seems to me it would be a bigger surprise ending if you still had them remain in love.

microkrittermicrokritterabout 1 year ago

Well that was really unnecessary. Thongs don't always have to be happily ever after but this really didn't give a whole lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am sad. Sure I wanted Nate and Oliver to be together. You worked so hard to bring them together against external challenges. They really had no interpersonal differences or couple arguments (of course may not show up in the first few months). Really felt jilted a bit with the lack of information about where they didn’t see eye to eye and why or what Nate wasn’t communicating about. Or how Oliver blew things out of proportion?

Nate says has he met the man of his dreams. I guess he figured out what he wanted so I am left to assume Nate remained insecure or not yet aware apparently for several years (too long apparently) after high school. Is it because he had not admitted to himself that he was gay as young as Oliver? I’d like to know why since they didn’t work out and you wanted to be realistic that many high school relationships don’t last.

I’ve enjoyed so much of your writing and thanks for resuming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I know many are disappointed about the epilogue; but if literature indeed is the tapestry we weave from the wool of lies to showcase the truth, then should the bigger picture not be reminiscent of Reality? The Epilogue holds up a couple that did not work out; because for a relationship to succeed love is necessary, but not sufficient. It did not work out, as is the case with so many lovers, and the author simply held that up.

Pitbull86Pitbull86over 2 years ago

You're not the only one. There's a reason this chapter has a far worse rating than the previous one. Throughly disappointed this didn't end with Nate. And it was so sudden too after the good ending from the previous chapter. I honestly wish this epilogue wasn't written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Maybe I’m the only one, but this epilogue was an unwelcomed disappointment. Oliver and Nate didn’t end up together with a HEA? The reason for their break-up was unclear and glossed over. Nate didn’t seem to have trouble communicating his feelings to Oliver so this break-up was inconsistent with the rest of the story. And Oliver also lost touch with Kat and had no idea of her life or that she married Jake. It was simply sad. While life can be that way, I prefer to think of these two happy together at the end of Chapter 5, without the realities of this epilogue. You’re the author and it’s your call, but as one reader I was unpleasantly surprised by this finale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So upset he didn’t end up with Nate

gayswallowergayswallowerover 2 years ago

So sexy, and so beautiful to both men. I remember my first boyfriend, I loved him. He has since moved on. But I will remember him.

dnsontndnsontnover 2 years ago

Original reader here! I remembered your name, dear Author, but didn't remember the dumpster, the story, their story. (If you're reading this comment without reading the story from Ch. 01 the dumpster reference might read wrong) it had been so long since I read about Nate and Oliver, Oliver and Nate. Their level of maturity, life experience, well, I hear the same in your voice dear Author. A thrill to read your words, to visit your imagination, in November of 2021 after enjoying both years ago. Welcome back. Stay awhile ...

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