Navy Wives-Erica


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Her and Tre had began making out on the couch. It started with him rubbing her leg. Then they began to kiss, lightly at first. God, how good his lips had felt on hers! When Tre moved his hand up to her breast, the kissing became more intense, and his other hand held the back of her head into him. Soon their tongues were intertwined as they deeply French kissed.

Tre was the first to pull away. He took off his work-out jersey, revealing his smooth, muscular chest. Erica smiled and murmured approvingly as she brushed her hand over his bare chest. She then glanced down to see something visibly growing in his shorts, almost peeking out from the left leg of his shorts. His shorts were loose fitting, so, with her lust mounting, both in her thoughts, and in the damp and tingling feeling between her legs, she pushed the fabric of his shorts up his leg. She stopped breathing as she exposed his male member to her view.

She didn't know what to expect, but her first thought was how wondrously black it was, and gloriously huge. As she gazed upon it she felt Tre's lips on her neck as he began lightly kissing her there. When he began nibbling on her earlobe, she closed her eyes and her body shuddered. She looked down again and ran her fingertips along his cock, as if she were reading Braille. Then she encircled her fingers and encased his cock in the palm of her hand.

The contrast of color between her pale, milky white, dainty hand with his big and black cock couldn't have been more different, and, she thought, quite erotic.

Then everything stopped. Her gaze suddenly focused to her wedding band on her finger, which was still wrapped around Tre's cock. It was an expensive ring that Robert had taken a loan out to buy for her. She remembered how he told her that no cost was too much when it came to her. She began to feel guilty. Strangely, she then thought about her parents and how they would react if they knew what she was up to at this exact moment. They were so disapproving of black people. When she was a young girl growing up, she fondly remembered one of her favorite TV shows, 'Family Matters', and how funny the character 'Erkel' was. But her parents would always make disparaging remarks concerning black people and make her change the channel. She could never understand, then or now, why her parents had such a problem with black people.

But she did have a clue of what they might do if they found out. Her and Robert had a dream wedding ceremony, the kind she had always wanted, and her father had footed the expenses. She had two older sisters, and one younger than her. The oldest, Trisha, had married a black man and started a family. They lived near San Francisco, but her parents never gave their blessing to her marriage and have since broken off all contact with her. And her younger sister, Laura, who attends UC Berkeley, is quite close with Erica, and they talk often on the phone. Laura recently told her that she has been dating a black man from her school for the past six months now. She doesn't want her parents to find out, and that explains why she had made excuses not to visit them during the holiday season.

She was brought out of her reverie when she felt Will's hand make it's way up between her legs. She pushed his hand away and sat up. She looked apologetically at Will.

"I'm sorry Tre."

He exhaled, shook his head, and smiled.

"It's ok Erica, I understand."

"It's just that I am married, and I should probably be going now."

"Well, I don't want to ruin our friendship..."

"Oh, no, not at all", Erica quickly interrupted, "I mean, I do like you. Just that, well, I don't know..."

"You don't have to explain. You have to go, I know. Tell you what, why don't you call me later, when you feel like talking. No pressure, ok? Just take your time."

She smiled, relieved that he was understanding. "Ok, thanks Tre."

"Anytime baby." He leaned forward and gave her a slow and affectionate goodbye kiss. She kissed him back. He walked her to the door and watched her get in her car before he closed the door.


Robert was cooking dinner when he heard Erica come in the front door.

"Hi honey!", he called out.

"Hi baby," she said as she walking into the kitchen. They embraced and kissed. "Dinner smells good. I'm starving. How much longer till it's done?"

"About twenty minutes."

"Ok. I'm gonna go upstairs and take a quick shower."

"Go ahead babe. I'll set the table and have a plate ready for you when you come down."

"You're the best hubby." She turned to go upstairs, and Robert gave her a pat on the butt.

Later, while they were eating at the table, Robert watched his wife. He could see she wasn't her usual self. Although Robert wasn't the jealous kind, and always gave Erica the benefit of the doubt, he wasn't stupid. It had been almost two months since she mentioned this guy Trevor. He didn't know much about him, not because she kept secrets from him, in fact she had always been quite in the open with him. Rather, it was because he didn't pry into her privacy. He loved her, and that meant he had confidence and trust in her, and he was prepared to allow her to be friends with whoever she chose, male or female.

"So, how was your workout with Trevor?"

She looked up, as if she was brought out of deep thoughts.

"It was good. Nothing different, really. Treadmill, bike, and weight lifting."

"You know, this weekend the weather is gonna be outstanding. I was thinking about firing up the pit, throwing some meat on, and knocking back a few cold ones. Why don't you invite Trevor over?"

Erica thought about it, and decided it would be a great idea to have her husband meet Tre. She was a little apprehensive, but didn't see any harm in it.

Later that night, Tre was surprised when he got a call from Erica. He half expected that he had scared her off, at worst, and at best thought she would stay away for a time. But he was even more surprised when she invited him over to her place on Saturday to meet her husband and have dinner with them. When he accepted the invitation, she could barely contain her excitement. She told him that she would be over around 6pm to pick him up. When she hung the phone up she smiled and bit her lower lip as she thought about how she would like events to unfold on Saturday, then she jumped off the bed and went downstairs to tell her husband that Tre would come.


On Saturday afternoon, Robert was on the back patio preparing for tonight, getting the meat and grill ready. Erica was upstairs, also preparing for tonight. Robert had barely seen her all afternoon, and he wondered what she could possibly be doing. When she did finally come out, his mouth nearly dropped open. She was gorgeous. She had her blonde hair down, and had curled the ends of her hair in luxurious curly locks. She was dressed revealingly in a white, flowery, short, sun dress with tiny shoulder straps. Obviously, no bra was required, and her cleavage was voluminous. When Robert looked really closely, he thought he could see her pale pink nipples and areola through the white fabric of her dress.

"How do I look?" Erica said as she spun around, cause the hem of the dress to fan out, giving her a brief, fleeting glance of her panties.

"I'm speechless to your beauty, honey, but this is just a cookout, you know." He grinned. He knew now that she had a thing for Tre, and she was dressed up to impress him. He felt a stirring in his groin, knowing how beautiful she was and how she was trying to impress another man. This was Robert's fantasy and weakness, to have another man lust after his wife, while his wife does what she does to provoke that lust. He couldn't wait to see how tonight progressed.

"Well, I know Robert, but it is just such a nice day, and we are having company after all." She went inside to put on her sandals and grabbed her purse and sunglasses, then walked back out to the patio. "I'm off to go pick up Tre. Do me a favor darling, and have some Margaritas mixed up and ready for us when we get back." She kissed him good-bye and was off.

On the drive to Tre's place, Erica was nervous. She now had some idea that her husband might be open to the idea of her flirting with another man, but she was still walking on eggshells here without clear, concrete proof. It was still a fantasy of his, but she didn't know how much, if at all, he wanted his fantasy as a reality. Then there was the fact that she wasn't necessarily going about this to fulfill his fantasy, but to fulfill her own longings. It just so happened that Robert's fantasy played into her means to an end. On top of it all she had never mentioned anything to him about Tre being black. She didn't know how he would react to it when she introduced Tre to him.

So she was going about this all on unspoken assumptions. It could very well back-fire on her. But she had to try, at least. All of her strategic planning could result in what she hoped to be a positive goal. She felt her panties dampen. She couldn't wait to see Tre. When she pulled up in front of his townhome, he was waiting for her on his stoop. He, too, was dressed up nicely, and, she thought, was very handsome. She was all smiles as he got in the car.

"Hey", Erica said sweetly.

"Hey, girl. You look unbelievably beautiful," Tre said emphatically, as he let his eyes wander over her body.

Erica's smile grew. "Thanks!"

They made small talk on the drive to her house. For Tre's part, he felt he should play cautiously after what happened on Thursday. He didn't want to come on to her to heavy again, so he would just let her make any moves that she felt comfortable with.

They finally pulled into the driveway. Erica led Tre to the front door. Tre was in the process of saying how nice her house was, when suddenly, Erica, spun around on her tippy-toes, and mashed her lips into his in a forceful kiss. Tre was caught off guard, but quickly regaining his senses, he returned the kiss. She broke it off from him.

"Wow," said Tre.

She giggled. "Before we go in to meet my husband, I just wanted you to know that I like you, and I hope we all have a good time tonight."

Before Tre could say anything, Erica took him by the hand and led him into the house, and out to the patio to where Robert was.

"Robert, dear, we are here! Tre, meet my husband, Robert. Honey, this is Tre, as you know, my friend and personal trainer, as well as the gentleman who keeps me company on my way home from work."

They shook hands, and Erica watched her husband closely for any indication of disapproval. Unfortunately, Robert, was an expert at having a poker face, and betrayed none of what he was thinking as he shook hands with Tre.

"Nice to meet you Tre and welcome to our house. I believe I owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping my wife safe on her way home on the trains, and also for helping my wife maintain her firm body at the gym." He placed his arm around Erica's shoulder and brought her close to him. "If you can see what I am seeing, I think you can see that my wife has one helluva body, doesn't she?"

"Umm..well, yes, your wife is very beautiful. You must be very proud of her," Tre said uncertainly.

"Rob, stop it, you are making me blush!" Erica said.

Robert threw his head back and laughed heartily. "I never thought I would hear the wife of a sailor say that!"

Erica looked at Tre and smiled then rolled her eyes. "Tre, are you thirsty? Honey, did you make those 'Ritas?

"Yes sweetheart, I'll get them for you, and how bout a beer for you, Tre?"

"That sounds great, thank you."

The three of them settled down comfortably with their drinks and talked while Robert grilled. Erica thought the two of them were getting along quite well, and they found they had much in common. She was happy to see them laughing and at ease with each other. She watched both of them interact.

Beyond skin color they really looked similar, she thought. Both stood nearly a foot taller than her, and were quite big framed, although Tre's weight was more muscular than her husband. Her eyes wondered down to their midsection. Her husband had been the first and only man she had ever been with. She considered herself lucky, as she had always considered him well endowed at 7 ½". He was also a quite attentive and passionate lover and she had never wanted more out of their sex life, with the exception of perhaps conceiving a child, which was impossible since Robert would never be able to get her pregnant. They tried many times, until they saw a doctor about it and discovered the reason why.

She looked at Tre. She knew now that he was much more well-endowed than her husband. She wondered what sort of lover he was. She felt that tingle between her legs again.

Soon they sat down at the table to enjoy their dinner. By this time the guys had knocked back a few cold ones and Erica was on her third margarita. As they ate, Robert asked Tre about his schooling and career goals.

"Erica was wanting to enroll into college, aren't you honey?" Robert said.

"Ya, just never have had the time."

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong Robert, but isn't Erica eligible to take advantage of school costs from you being in the military?" Tre asked.

"That's right, Tre."

"Erica, why don't you enroll into my college? You still have time to register for the summer semester, and I can help you with the process, not to mention familiarization of the campus and your studies."

"That sounds like a good idea, dear. You should probably take him up on his offer."

Well, sure, I think I would like to go to school. Especially if I had a friend to help me along." Erica smiled demurely to herself as she brought her glass to her lips. Was it in her mind, or was her husband facilitating the process of getting her closer to Tre. Everything Robert has been doing and saying up to this point has seemed to indicate it. Her plans were going along exceptionally well, especially since her husband was helping her, if unwittingly.

"Great! Well, if it is ok, we can go down to the college on Monday." Tre said to Erica.

"Sure." Erica was feeling the alcohol, and her mind wasn't anywhere on school.

After dinner they retired back out to the patio. It was a nice night as they lounged in their patio chairs and enjoyed their drinks. Soon, the night was over, and Tre asked if Erica could take him home.

"Well, ok, if you must go," Erica said in mock disappointment.

Will and Robert parted amicably, with Robert insisting that they should do this again.

When Erica pulled up in front of Tre's house they looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks for coming over. So what did you think of my husband?"

"I think he is a great guy. He seems like he is a great husband to you, so that is good. You deserve to be treated like that."

She nodded, but continued to look at him with smiling eyes.

"You know, ah, would you like to come in for a little bit?"

Erica laughed. "For what?"


"I was hoping you would ask. I would love to." She turned off the car and got out. He put his arm around her waist as they walked up the steps to his door.


Fifteen minutes later, Erica was in Tre's living room. He was seated on the couch, while Erica was kneeling on the floor in front of him. Her head bobbed up and down as she slowly sucked on his cock. She would go down until she felt like she would gag, then lift up until her lips brushed over his tip, then back down again. She picked up speed with every turn. She reached her hand to take his balls. Gently she rubbed and tugged on them. They were huge to Erica's delight, probably golf ball sized.

She brought his cock out of her mouth, and began softly kissing it as she looked up at him. She could see that she was pleasuring him well. Good, she thought. She began pumping him as she moved down to suckle on his balls. He began to moan, and she pumped his cock faster as she sucked harder on his scrotum.

She wanted to bring him close, but not too far, and when she judged that he was at that point, she took him back in her mouth and began sucking him hard and fast, making loud slurping sounds. Within moments she felt him tense in her mouth and he grunted. Seconds later she felt the first forceful spurt of his hot, thick and rich cream hit the back of her throat. She felt his member jerk with each successive spurt, and she counted about 5 or 6 spurts of cream into her mouth. She was still sucking on him, but her mouth was full and she felt some run out of her mouth and down the length of his cock.

She raised up and swallowed but some ran down to her chin. She looked down at his cock and saw more cum spurting out and running down his cock. She quickly shot down and licked up all the cum until his cock was clean.

She reached over to the sidetable and got some tissue to wipe her face clean. He exhaled and smiled. "Oh, Erica, that was awesome!"

"Yes it was", she said as she reached out and rubbed his now softening cock, "but as much as I liked it, and want more, I best be going, before my husband gets worried."

She stood up to go, and Tre stood up and pulled up his pants.

"Can I call you tomorrow?", Tre asked.

"I would like that."

He leaned down and they kissed slowly and deeply before she left.


She climbed naked into bed next to her husband and gave him a kiss.

"I had a great night tonight, dear. What did you think of Tre?"

"I liked him, he seems like a great kid. You failed to tell me he was black. But, I could tell he really likes you as well. Perhaps we should have him over more often. Would you like that?"

Erica paused for a moment, trying to decipher what her husband was saying. "Yes, I would like that, a lot. Thank you, baby."

Soon, Robert was softly snoring next to her, but Erica laid awake, thinking.

Did her husband just give her the green light to have sex with Tre?

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ValleyVixinValleyVixinover 3 years ago
love the build up

Falling is more exciting then where you land. You are doing an excellent job of ensnaring us all in her journey.

Fabio1972Fabio1972over 5 years ago
Riveting and charming story.....

I just desire to congratulate with the author for this story, which is truly well written and also loved the unfolding events!!!

Loved all the psychological characterization of all the personages, Erica, Robert and Trevor.

Absolutely liked how Trevor scores and seduces Erica!

Loved some disruptive details the author added to characterize the personages....for example Erica racist parents disapproval and misjudgment of black people which collide with Fate events that are her older sister marriage with a black guy, her elder sister black man dating, and most of all Robert disability to get his wife pregnant!

All these details alligned with Erica conquest and seduction operated by Trevor makes this wonderful story a literary milestone against Racism and Black Race Discrimination!!!


Amiable69Amiable69about 6 years ago

You have a great way with words.

Danno_61455Danno_61455over 8 years ago

You have put together a very classy cheating wife story. Good work on presenting and describing these characters. The build up was excellent. I enjoyed her sucking Tre off on their first serious sexual encounter. Her husband seems overly casual about the philandering, but I look forward to knowing more about him in later chapters.

kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 9 years ago

Wow! Brilliant opener to this story. I've now got to investigate the rest of it. It was recommended to me by a contributor on '' as a good example of a cuckold tale. He wasn't wrong!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I hope that there is more comming. This was not a complete story. It was more like a never ending soap opera. Who is the character nmed Will? Did you read this over before you submitted it? Otherwise it a nice piece of work. Your writing is good. The

pace is great. I'm looking forward to more. I refrained from voting because I'd rather vote on a completed work.

younghungblackyounghungblackabout 14 years ago
Nice story...very exciting.

First story of yours that I've read and I enjoyed it immensely. That it had two of my favorite elements, the older white wife/younger black man pairing, and a great blowjob probably had a lot to do with that. Great story, thanks for writing it.


AnaisNinFanAnaisNinFanabout 14 years ago
Very Well Written

I really liked this. If you follow up, it might be interesting to hear more of Robert's thoughts in Part 2. I think leaving his thoughts somewhat mysterious worked for Part 1, so the reader is uncertain how far he wants things to go. Not knowing helps the suspense build. But I think you have to let us know in Part 2!

EclecticNativeEclecticNativeabout 14 years ago
Good job

This was a well written interracial story definitely surprised me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Erica's life is getting better

This was really a enjoyable story and not only well written but well thought out. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
well it's all about attitude

open marriages are based on good communication and trust. can't really see it in this one. so....

cheryl_4funcheryl_4funabout 14 years ago
hot hot

so real it had me really turned , to find a really nice hunk like Tre would be awesum , i would have been on my knees also

kathy2b46kathy2b46about 14 years ago

one of the better ones on here lately , well done and very true sounding

and yes we all know she will see him more and more now

Darkeagle_UKDarkeagle_UKabout 14 years ago
Thank you!

This is a very well written story. The way the relationship between Erica and Tre develops slowly makes it extremely believable and natural. I very much enjoyed it. Thank you for submitting it here and I look forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Category is interracial

I agree with a previous comment that the readers knew beforehand that this story is about interracial sex and knowing that Robert is white that Erica will have sex with a nother man who is not her husband. The author does a good job with the story regardless of the direction the readers wish the sory would take

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