Nerdcam Pt. 05


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The Rick Roll was interrupted when the video hard cut to a different scene. A young Matthew Lillard, in a long coat, round-rimmed shades, and a New York ball cap, standing amidst a crowd which was, in turn, being corralled by police officers, began shouting and pumping a fist in the air.

"Hack the planet! Hack the planet!"

Jack paused the video while Anna was busy laughing.

"Okay, you got me. That was like... Rick-roll-ception. Can't believe you went to the trouble of editing that just to mess with me." she observed eventually.

"When I thought of it, I couldn't resist. Probably have to give that particular joke a rest for a while now, though." Jack allowed.

"Mm, probably." Anna agreed. "Got anything else to show me, or was that it?"

"Well," Jack tapped away at the screen, "I seemed to remember you like horror."

"I do."

"So, with guilty pleasure movies like Hackers in mind, I put a few less than mainstream horror flicks on here. Stuff that's a little more obscure, weird, or silly."

"Okay. Whatcha got?"

"Let's see... Graveyard Shift and Night Flier are both based on King short stories. Killer Klowns from Outer Space fits both weird and silly. Ever seen Motel Hell?"

"Is that the one with..."

The two chatted for a time about various horror movies and television shows, and which ones qualified as obscure or cult. They eventually decided on watching a few episodes of the old Tales from the Crypt television show that Jack had downloaded from some streaming site. They took a bathroom break intermission after the first episode, and about the time the second was wrapping up, the power came back on.

"Oh, now I can show you the other thing."

"That's what he said." Anna commented, deadpan.

"Maybe later." Jack replied gamely. "Are you familiar with Shudder?"

"Is that a movie?"

"Nope. Here, I've logged into my account. Have a look." He handed her the tablet. "It's a streaming site kinda like Netflix or something, but it's specifically for horror."


Anna took the tablet, turned her back to Jack, and lifted her legs onto the couch. With a little hop-scoot she deposited herself in his lap. Leaning back against the arm of the couch, she began perusing the website.

"Getting comfy?" Jack asked, settling his right hand on her thigh and lifting his left to trace his fingertips back through her hair.

"Mm. Pretty cool. They've got some old stuff I haven't seen."

Jack tipped his head to admire her face as the colored light from the tablet played over it. Continuing to thread the fingers of his left hand through her hair, he slowly slid his right hand up along the inside of her thigh. When his fingers brushed her cotton panties, he dragged his fingertips lightly back down her thigh, then started again.

It took him a moment to notice that Anna had closed her eyes.

"Mmm. Keep doing that." she murmured, letting her head tip back.

"With your hair or-"


"Sure." Jack obliged.

Cracking the lid of one eye, Anna set the tablet aside on the coffee table before stretching and settling. She was soon a picture of sublime relaxation, gone completely limp save for the occasional appreciative purr.

Not wanting to ruin anything, but being only human, Jack eventually tested the waters. As his hand came up between Anna's legs, instead of bringing it back down, he turned it to cup the cotton covered curves there. He began to drag his fingertips forward and back, this time over the soft fabric stretched snugly over Anna's balls.

Anna drew in a long deep breath, arching her back, before settling again. She issued another purr -- one of a slightly different pitch and timbre this time.

"I know this wasn't supposed to be a, uh-" he began, tracing a shape that was gradually growing beneath the fabric while he spoke.

"Yeah, well, mmph... You'd stop... If I said I wasn't in the mood."


"Okay then. Mm, don't stop."

"Okay then." Jack smiled.

Anna shifted, not quite squirming, as Jack stroked her through her underwear.

"Did you wanna go back to the, uh... Mm, to the bed?" she asked.

"Actually, I thought maybe I would treat you this time."

"Oh. Not complaining, but..."

"Well, after that breakfast in bed the other day," Jack explained, "I know this isn't like trading favors, where it's expected, but... What was it you said? Something like 'if I'm going to be hanging around here, surprise blowjobs are just something you're gonna have to deal with.'"

"Mmm, yeah, I 'member something like that." her breathing had changed noticeably with her arousal. "Meant me blowing, mmp, you... But this is..."

She trailed off with a needful moan, rolling her hips to grind against his hand.

"Since we're on the subject," Jack observed, "Have you thought up any other adventurous positions you want to try out?"

Anna expressed her feelings about how unfair it was to ask her to think at a time like this with a pout and a plaintive note in her next little moan. She managed a verbal reply when Jack paused his movements to pull the front of her panties down and apply himself more directly.

"Not really. This... Sometimes just this is good."

Jack nodded faintly. He began stroking her again, drawing her foreskin down and then back up over her swollen head. Slow and steady.

Shortly Anna clutched at her shirt and sat up just enough to pull it off. She dropped it carelessly over the side of the couch and lay back. Looking to Jack, she was pleased to find he needed no invitation. As she lay back, he bent to press his mouth her breast. She ruffled his hair, then kept her hand at the back of his head, moaning anew as he sucked and nibbled.

Somehow his refusal to speed up or change pace, while not getting her off, was building an almost painful anticipation. Pushing her closer to the edge, but by such small increments. The buildup was amazing. Appreciating the sweet torture, she tried to restrain herself, but her hips and various muscles twitched and trembled of their own accord, as if intent on moving against Jack's rhythm to hurry things along.

Finally, when she was sure she would be overwhelmed any moment, she spoke up.

"Oh fuck, mm, Jack," she firmly pulled his head up to face her, "Please, faster." With that, she pulled him into a rough, breathless kiss.

With his free arm around her back to help support her, Jack changed the pattern of his movements completely. Three or four rapid strokes, then a pause. And again. Pulling her cock out at a slight angle from her body, and still with the odd, rapid stroking.

Anna shook, her moans like heavy vibrations forced into their kiss before she broke the kiss to cry out. Her cries grew louder as she jerked in his hand, hot cum rocketing forth and spattering between her breasts and down her tummy. He continued working her shaft for a time, while she pressed her face in and bit down to one side of his neck, muffling her slowly subsiding cries.

When it seemed she was more or less through, Jack slowed trailed his hand down to give her thigh a gentle squeeze.

Anna shifted to press her face against his neck, catching her breath.

Jack idly moved his fingertips up along her length, earning a strong throb, before finding the stray droplets and runnels of still hot cum. He gently flattened his hand to her seed-sticky tummy, wiped up much of the mess in his palm, and moved his hand back down.

"Huh." Anna flinched and arched her body unintentionally when he peeled her foreskin back and gave her breath-takingly sensitive knob a polish with his jizz-lubed palm.

"Mmph. Don't, don't. Oh God. Too sensitive." She spoke in short bursts, still catching her breath and coming down. "Good, but... Well... You know how it feels."

"Yeah. Sorry love. Hard to resist." he whispered.

"Mm. Don't think I've ever... Cum that hard -- you know, just from jerking off." she observed.

"Wise men say, 'new hand make handjob like new again.'"

"Thanks, Confucius." Anna replied. "Does that mean you'll use your other hand next time?"

"Actually," Jack lifted, grunted, and scooted out from under her, "I was thinking, if that's how you react to my hand, what kind of reaction would I get with a good cocksleeve?"

"Ooh, I probably wouldn't mind testing that. You know, for science." Anna agreed. "If we got one of the bigger ones, we could both- Hey, were you not listening? I'm still really-"

Jack had scooted down the couch, then leaned down between her legs.

"Relax, I'm just working on my timing." He remarked.

Ever so gently lifting her softening length, he brought his face down and touched her tip to his nose.

"Boop?" he ventured.

Anna lifted her head to look down past her breasts to where his face was framed by her thighs. There was a long moment before she reacted, snorting and shaking her head.

"You are a weird guy, Jack," she laughed, "But... In a good way, I think."

When, after a few moments, he still hadn't moved, she looked down again to find him still holding her, his face quite close, his eyes cast downward and crossed. It took just a second for her to read his mind.

"Don't you do it." she commanded, managing a stern tone despite her smile.

Jack looked up, eyebrows raised innocently.

"Yes ma'am." He settled for turning his head to plant a sucking kiss on the inside of her thigh before sitting up.

He patted her knee and rose from the couch.

"I'll go wet a cloth for cleanup." He said, though he made no move to do so.

"Mm." Anna acknowledged. Shortly she looked up. "Today?"

Jack smiled.

"I was just thinking..." he brought his hands up with thumbs and forefingers extended to mimic the framing of a camera, "You'd make a hell of a center-fold, cummy tummy notwithstanding."

"Pfft, cummy tummy? Weirdo. I mean, thanks, but also, some of it's running off and becoming cushion cum, so... About that cleanup?"

"Oh, right."

A few minutes later, when Anna had finished cleaning up, Jack retrieved her t-shirt-cum-pajama top. He shook it out and handed it over.

"Well," Anna commented while pulling the shirt on, "I know what I'll be looking for now, and I might not just be window shopping."

Jack scratched his jaw, staring off into space. He smiled faintly.

"Hypothetically, if I happened to order some lube in the near future..." he made it sound like he were thinking out loud.

"Couldn't hurt, hypothetically." Anna said, sounding thoughtful. "I have a feeling we'll finish off the rest of mine before long."


"I'd be really disappointed if I dressed up for Halloween and didn't get laid." Anna explained, scooting over closer and nudging him. "I'll bring the special party favors if you take care of the food and drink."

"Sounds good."


They passed a little time chatting about nothing much before Anna decided that as long as the power was on, and they had nothing much better to do, she could give Jack a little intro to her favorite MMORPG.

Realm of Battlecraft was a cross between the more combat oriented games and those that focused on building and crafting systems. Jack, for his part, ended up liking the two facets equally well. For someone with his creativity and penchant for in-game explosives, the crafting system offered a lot of potential for fun. Anna favored the crafting and building, but appreciated the added excitement of combat, happily proclaiming it 'Like minecraft, but more violent.'

A couple of hours later the rain had stopped and the clouds begun to clear, but the sun had gone down. Jack had managed to blow himself up for the second time while playing with an idea for a booby trap, much to Anna's amusement.

"Oof." Jack winced. "Maybe I should stick to pit traps and just throwing explosives."

"Well, to be fair, that is a fighter-y type character. A higher Dex score might help." replied Anna.

"Ah." Jack nodded, then pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. "Food, or are you fasting tonight?"

Anna gave him a look.

"Definitely food. I wanna transfer a few things over to another character while we're on here, then I'll come help."

She joined him in the kitchen a few minutes later. The Italian bread was out on the counter, along with a couple of cans of something. He had put the flashlight away in his bag.

"What's this?" she asked.

Jack leaned back from where he had been looking through the contents of the refrigerator.

"I thought soup and-"

"Soup? I'm injured, not sick. Oooh, no. You're a victim of your own competence now, Jack."


Anna sidled over, put a hand on his shoulder and looked up at him from under her brow. She put on a droning office supervisor voice.

"This is about standards, Jack. I need you to do better. Can you do better for me, Jack?"

Jack appeared to be caught between a grin and a grimace.

"Uh, yeah. If you promise never to use that voice in bed."

Sharing a laugh, they set about deciding on and preparing something else. Which turned out to be a slightly modified chicken caprese with a tossed green salad and more homemade crustini. While they worked on the meal, Jack explained that caprese was pretty much a salad itself, but since it didn't really have greens in it, and they were putting chicken breasts in, it wasn't weird to have the other salad with it.

"I think your random, weird knowledge might be more useful than mine." Anna observed.

They talked little while they ate. Anna did compliment him on the chicken caprese, noting that it was yet another 'first' for her. When they had finished eating, Anna sipped her beer -- having assured Jack she'd just have the one when he raised the subject of her recent meds -- and watched Jack watching her.

"Always thinking, hm?" she said eventually.

Jack shrugged.

"What's going on in there right now?"

"I was thinking you'll probably go back to work tomorrow."

She nodded.

"Was that all?"

"No. I was thinking... Probably you'll live up to your name if I say you should wear the brace."

"My name?" Anna asked, confused.

"Your last name -- Durand. I looked it up. From the old French Durant. Means 'enduring,' but the French used it as a nickname for stubborn people."

"Uh huh." Anna arched an eyebrow. "And you said..."

"Well... Maybe I'm wrong, but... I'm guessing you'll want to try to go without wearing the brace for your ankle. But if something happens so soon after, when it's not healed up, you could re-injure it and maybe even end up worse off than the first time."

Anna tapped a nail against her bottle and narrowed her eyes.

"And I'm stubborn?"

Jack opened his mouth, then closed it. Then smiled.

"Are you?"

"Maybe." she said slowly.

Jack had the presence of mind to remain silent.

"I'm not usually this... accident prone." Anna insisted. "In fact, I've had more accidents since I met you..." she trailed off with a half smile.

Jack rolled his eyes, then stopped and slowly nodded.

"Okay. Say I'm a jinx. I'll take the blame," he tactfully refrained from mentioning that he had had nothing to do with her slip in the shower, "if you'll wear the boot of doom for... At least a couple more days."

"So... You're worried about me, huh?"

"I'd hate to see you hurt. You know, more. Dunno if I should be testing the limits of my arguing powers as boyfriend pro tem, but..."

"Well, if it's actually for my own good or whatever, I guess I can't get too mad." Anna allowed, only slightly begrudgingly.

"Huh. I kind of expected you to be a little more stubborn than this."

"Shut up Nerd." Anna said, beginning to smile.

Jack rose and collected their dishes, turning to place them in the sink.

"Yes dear."

"Shut up Jack." Anna said more quietly.

While he washed the dishes, she sank in her seat. Lifting her feet to prop them on the seat of the chair opposite, she grumbled in annoyance when she accidentally bumped the table with the boot of doom. Slouching even lower, she sipped her beer, mind wandering. Her eyes wandered as well, eventually lighting on Jack's duffel bag.

While he was still wiping silverware and returning it to the drawer, Anna scooted back from the table and padded over to snoop. She couldn't imagine finding anything of great interest, but it was something to do. Should be fine, as long as she didn't find duct tape or zip ties or anything. And he had already let her visit his apartment unattended.

Nonetheless, she was vaguely disappointed when the contents were exactly as mundane as she might have expected. His shaving kit, a change of clothes, a paperback novel, the flashlight and the batteries he had mentioned, a small sketch pad and a couple of pencils, and...

"Hmm." she murmured to herself, removing a last pair of items from the bag.

"Glad I didn't put my little black book in there." Jack commented from where he leaned back against the edge of the sink, having finished with the dishes.

Anna turned to regard him, items still in hand.

"You have a little black book?"

"Of course not."

Anna gave him a bland look.

"Okay, what about these?" she asked.

Jack peered at the items when she held them up.

"Oh. I picked them up last time I got groceries. That is a bar of my favorite brand of dark chocolate. Thought I'd offer to share, if you're interested."

"Ooh," Anna examined the wrapper with fresh interest, "score."

Then she turned her attention to the other item and gave it a little shake.

"And this?"

"That... is a disguised recording device. Be careful -- it's set to self destruct if you try to open it."

Anna glowered.

"Alright, smartass."

"I'm pretty confident you know what Pocky is." Jack suggested.

"Yeah, I just meant... Is this a weeb thing, or are you just weirdly into tiny bread sticks dipped in chocolate?" she asked.

"Those one's are matcha flavored, which is actually pretty good," Jack pointed out, "but no, actually I had this idea... I don't know if you've read enough manga or watched enough anime to know about the whole trope where one character has the Pocky in their mouth and then another character comes over and they do the Lady and the Tramp thing."

Anna stared for a few long moments.

"I have been on the internet, so yeah... I am aware of it..."

"When I saw them at the store, I thought 'might be a fun, cute thing to stick in my comic somewhere.' And then I thought, 'I wonder if I could talk Anna into modeling for a few pics -- for reference purposes.'"

"I'm flattered, and yet..." Anna began, her tone flat.

"And yet?"

"Mm... Well, I'm definitely not wearing any less than this, so you can get those ideas out of your head. But maybe..."

In the end, she agreed to pose, with and without Pocky, while Jack took pictures on his phone. In exchange, he broke out his sketchbook and pencils and sketched one of the pics. While he erased here, and added detail there, Anna found her own phone and took several candid pictures of the artist at work. When he was finished, he signed the work with a little heart and the word 'Nerd.' He carefully tore the sheet from the pad and offered it up.

Like the drawing in the get well card, it was a bit more realistic than his usual comic art. He had chosen a picture where she was looking at the camera and cracking a smile, the Pocky stick jutting out from between her lips at an angle, like a cigarette. There was a pale outline, almost like a warm glow, between her and the graphite he had smudged around with a finger in place of any background.

"Thanks, Nerd. Two in one day. Should I feel special?"

"You are special." Jack asserted with a faint smile.

"Aw." she looked up, then narrowed her eyes. "Wait, the way you said that... what kind of special? That was intentional, wasn't it?"

Jack stepped over close and rested his hands on her hips.

"Maybe. The nice thing is, apparently even if I forget to be clever, you'll do it for me."