Never Enough


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"Same old, same old. Defense hawks want theirs. The hard right wants to cut everything. The hard left wants to spend everything, and the middle want their slice of the pie for whatever pet projects they have. No one agrees on anything, and if Congress were an expressway, it would look like LA on a bad day."

"You know what they say, Dana, the opposite of pro is con, so the opposite of progress is congress."

She laughed and a cute little snort came out.

"Oh, my God! I can't believe I snorted on the radio," she groaned.

"For my next trick, I'll make milk shoot out of your nose. How are politicians like diapers? They both need to be changed regularly for the same reason."

She shook her head.

"Okay, that one was bad. Let's hit the phones. Line one is Doug from Springfield. What's going on in Doug's world today?"

"Hi, Boyd. I love your show. Sorry about your wife."

"Yeah, me too."

"Boyd, what can we do to fix our broken system. Something's gotta change in that swamp you call Washington."

"Term limits, and before and after audits of their assets, Doug. Maybe then, when the politicians don't go to DC to line their pockets some real work will get done."

Dana asked, "Do you think that'll happen, Boyd?"

"Nope. No politician on either side of the aisle will vote for it. Oh, some will say they support it, but they know it'll never happen because it'll never come up for a vote."

She agreed and said, "It's guys like David Bridges that think they can get away with doing whatever they want. They think they're invincible."

I winced when she mentioned him but didn't stop her.

She continued, "They crave power and wealth. They crave the attention they get from their yes men and women falling all over themselves to be the first to agree with them and tell them how brilliant they are. They run on platforms taking moral high ground then have affairs. It's disgusting."

"Tell us how you really feel," I chuckled.

"Sorry if I hit too close to home," she softened.

"It is what it is. My wife is a cheating whore, what can I do except lose money to her and the lawyers?"

A quick smile flashed across her face, and she pushed it back.

"Anyway, line six is Annie from Long Island. What's on your mind, Annie?"

"Oh, Boyd, I love it when Miss Collins is on your show. You kids have such a sweet chemistry."

I laughed, "I'm like a pinch of salt, Annie. I go good with everything."

Dana rolled her eyes and couldn't hide her smile that time.

"Got a question, Annie, my dear?"

"Yes, it's an easy one, but it's for Miss Collins. Young lady, do you want to be a mother?"

Dana got the proverbial "WTF" look on her face and threw her arms into the air.

"Great question, Annie. Politics and my wife are boring. What's the answer, Dana? Oh, and Annie, you can't see it, but her face is bright red right now."

"I love kids," Dana answered avoiding the question like the politicians she covered.

Annie chirped, "You'd better, because Boyd has that adorable little boy to think about."

"Okay," I interrupted, ending the call. "We love you, Annie. Thanks for the call. Looks like it's time to pay some bills, we'll be right back."

"Oh, my God!" Dana shrieked.

"Gonna be a fun day," I moaned.

Rose gave us her double thumbs up as if it was great radio. It probably was, but I didn't feel all that great.

Three hours later, I said, "...and we'll see you all tomorrow. Don't go changin'."

The on-air sign turned off and I dropped my headphones on the desk. Dana neatly set hers on the hook across from her.

"Well, that was something," she said. "I didn't expect to get grilled by little old ladies today, that's for sure."

"Hey, those little old ladies love me. I'm big with the septuagenarian book club demographic."

She giggled, "I'm sure they're your bread and butter."

"Watch it now. They read newspapers too. Start looking a little closer at your comments and letters."

"Do I want to be a mother? What the hell kind of question was that?"

I laughed as I put my notepads into my bag.

"It's a valid question, and don't think I didn't notice you didn't answer it."

I gave her the ol' side eye glance, and she frowned.

"I can't see myself as a mother. I love kids, I really do. It's just with this job, I don't see how I could find the time."

Suddenly, she looked sad and said, "Jesus, I'm sorry. I'm getting all,"

"Don't worry about it," I said cutting her off. "I will say, kids aren't so bad though. I'm gonna pick mine up from daycare right now and play trucks."

"How can you be so cool, Boyd? Your marriage is falling apart, and you're acting like it's just another Tuesday."

"What do you want me to do? I can't crawl into a fetal position and cry. I have a kid, a job. I have to have my shit together so everything around me stays in one piece. I'm keeping a stiff upper lip and carrying on, Dana. What else can I do?"

"I don't know. I guess, I expected more emotion."

I laughed.

"Emotions are for pussies."

I didn't really believe that, and she saw through it. She touched my cheek and frowned.

"Excuse me, Dana. I've got to get to daycare. Thanks for coming on the show again."

"Anytime. If you need anything, call me. I mean it. Anything at all."

She smiled, and I walked away.


Life went on, and a month later I sat in my lawyer's office waiting for Alicia to speak.

"Boyd, I'm sorry. It was a mistake and..."

"Alicia, I don't want to hear it. If you think the reason we're getting a divorce is because you fucked that asshole within a few days of meeting him, you're sadly mistaken."

"Easy," my lawyer admonished as I'd got a bit heated.

"Look. Yes, your fucking, I mean, having sex with him is a deal breaker on its own, but you forget that you fell right back into your bad habits from the first time I filed for divorce. You were late, you were lying, and basically, you put your job in front of our marriage and our child. That's not acceptable to me, and you knew that. That's why you didn't talk to me about taking the job."

"Boyd, it was just supposed to be jury consulting."

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it. Except it wasn't, was it? No, I didn't think so. You caught the bug again. It's like heroin for you. Honestly, with how quickly you fell onto his cock, I'm absolutely certain you cheated on me before as well. Just sign the papers. I'm being more than fair."

"I want primary custody," she said as tears fell down her cheeks.

I laughed, and my attorney said, "Miss Taylor, it's a non-starter for us. There is no course here where my client gives up primary custody, and with your work schedule, we feel very strongly that a judge will agree it's in Michael's best interest and welfare."

"Damn it, Alicia. My investigator says you've worked fourteen-hour days all week, and you haven't asked to see Mikey since you moved out weeks ago. Who are you crappin'?"

"I love him," she whispered.

"I know you do. You just love your job more. You can see him whenever you want. I'm not going to be an asshole about it."

"I do love you, Boyd. I really do."

"Yeah? Could have fooled me, babe."

I walked out of the office and later found out she had signed the papers. My marriage was over.


Six months later, Alicia had Mikey for the weekend, and I found myself walking into the cigar lounge.

"'Sup, Nick?" I asked as I walked up to the counter.

"How are you, Boyd. That box of Montecristo number 2's came in for you. I put it in your locker."

"Thanks. Is it busy today?"

"No, just a few of the regulars and a hot chick that's been here a few times She just bought a membership."

"Cool, see ya around."

I entered my code and walked into the VIP lounge. The smell of cedar and stale cigar smoke was heavenly.

I nodded to the guys I'd seen before, but didn't see any hot women, so I made my way over to my locker to get my Cuban goodies.

"Hi, Boyd. It's been a while."

I smiled and took out a second cigar.

"Hello, Dana. Want to try a Cuban today?"

I closed my locker and handed her the contraband.

"Thanks," she said. "I've been kinda stalking you."

"You're doing a pretty shitty job of it," I said as we walked over to a couple of chairs. "I'm not a hard man to find, and you have my phone numbers."

She frowned as she cut the end off her cigar. "I'm kind of nervous about it." She took an expensive lighter out of her purse and torched the foot of six inches of aged tobacco goodness.

I laughed and blew on the orange ring around the foot of my cigar.

"What are you nervous about, exactly?"

"I wanted to ask you out to dinner."

"Oh, come on," I laughed. "The woman who'd wear short skirts, cross her legs, and dangle her heels to tease me was nervous to ask me to have dinner with her? You're full of shit."

She shook her head, "This is really good. Thank you."

I nodded.

"Boyd, I've never dated much. I haven't had the time. Teasing you was easy. I've never had a problem using sexuality to get what I wanted out of men, and some women."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't know she was into women.

"Stop it, perv. I'm not into women."

Okay, she can read minds. Duly noted.

"Look, I'm sticking my neck out here, and don't want to get a ration of shit for it."


She blew out the white smoke and asked, "What?"

"Yes, I'll have dinner with you."

"You will?" she stupidly asked.

"Seriously? Do you think you're ugly or something?" I asked.

"No, I don't know. Like I said, I'm not used to dating much."

"Okay, let's finish these and go across the street to that little Italian place."


After dinner, we were enjoying a glass of wine on my couch, when I asked, "So, you have time to date me now, or am I some kind of one-night stand for you?"

She laughed, "No, you didn't hear I'm not with The Times anymore?"

"No, I guess I missed that."

"I'm on TV now. You know the show, you've been on it. There's several of us ladies on a couch with a guy or two."

"Oh, sure. I love that show, it's like eye candy for us leg men."

She laughed, "I guess it can be, although I wore pant suits twice last week."

"I'd have changed the channel."

We laughed together, then she asked, "You like my legs, huh?"

"Oh, don't start that 'who me' bullshit again. You know damn well I love your legs."

"What about my feet?" she asked as she turned and plopped her feet onto my lap.

I shrugged and set my wine on the table.

"You're wearing jeans and socks today. Not exactly your sexiest outfit."

I rubbed her foot which made her moan.

"I didn't expect to see you today. I should have gone home and changed for you."

"No need for that. Your jeans highlighted your butt perfectly."

"What about my face? Aren't I pretty?"

"No. You're what we call a butter face."

"Butter face?" she shrieked.

"Yeah, you know. Everything looks great, but her face."

She tried to pull her feet off of me, but I held on.

"Don't get mad; I'm just playing. You're a stunning woman."

"Well, that's a little better."

She sipped her wine and asked, "Would you hold it against me if I asked you to take me to your bed?"

"No, baby. I won't hold it against you, I'll put it inside of you."

She rolled her eyes and chastised, "You're killing the mood, mister comedian."

"Well, I'm going to have to fix that then. Come on."

I led her to my bedroom, where she excused herself to use the bathroom. I took the opportunity to check my drawer for condoms, then I got undressed.

Only the table lamp lit the room when I slid onto my bed. My soldier stood at full attention in anticipation of finally having the beautiful journalist joining me.

When the bathroom door opened, she didn't enter the room, but stuck her naked leg out and slid her foot up the door jamb, giving me a nice show.

"Fuck," I moaned, and my cock throbbed, desperate for her.

She swung around the door as if on a pole and gracefully walked into the room, nude as the day she was born.

Her handful of breasts stood proudly, with her hard nipples sitting on pink areolae just larger than a half-dollar coin. Her field of freckles beckoned to me as if I were a sailor staring at the night sky. Her trim crimson bush pointed the way down in a neat landing strip of short curls, and just a hint of her wet lips teased me.

"Do you approve?" she asked.

"Hell yes. Come here, honey."

She had barely made it into the bed before our lips met and our tongues danced. She tasted like wine, and I sought to lick it all off of her as we made out.

My hand roamed down and squeezed her tight ass before sliding a finger down her curls and between her waiting lips.

"Boyd," she moaned into my mouth as my middle finger slid inside of her tight tunnel.

I strummed her clit with my thumb and drove her to a quick first cum. It didn't shatter the earth, but she seemed to enjoy it so much, she kissed her way down my body and took my angry hardness into her mouth.

"Fuck, that's good," I moaned as she took me farther than Alicia ever tried.

"Mm, hm," she moaned sending a shock to my toes from the vibrations.

I let her fellate me for a few minutes, then gently pulled her head off me and smiled, "Time for the main course, sweetie."

She smiled, slid up and kissed me before straddling my hips. She slid her wet gash along my cock for a few moments before lining me up to her entrance.

"You have a really nice dick, Boyd. Let me drive until I get used to you, okay?"

"Of course. Use me, baby."

She rolled her eyes and sank down slowly, taking me inch by inch into her tightness.

"Oh, yeah," she whispered as I stretched her willing walls. "So fucking good."

When her butt hit my thighs, she let out a deep breath and threw her head back. Her damp hair stuck to her forehead and she looked as beautiful as I'd ever seen her.

Our pelvis' ground together, and her clit rubbed me with every circular motion she made driving an intense pleasure into her. I squeezed her ass with both hands and tickled her rear entry which triggered her first orgasm while we were joined together.

"Boyd, whew, that was nice. You're never sticking this log back there though."

I chuckled and pushed my hips up to meet her as she rocked back and forth, driving her evermore mad with pleasure.

It didn't take much longer of her rocking back and forth, teasing me by bringing her nipples against my lips and pulling them away, before I released into her.

"Fuck," I moaned.

"Fuck is right," she agreed as she fell to my side and snuggled her sweaty face into my chest. "I could get used to that."

I kissed her forehead and asked, "Would you like to?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, would you like to get used to it. I'm taking applications for a girlfriend, and you'd be the only applicant so far."

She rubbed my chest and said, "I'd like that very much. I have more free time now. Thinking longer term, I'm ready to be a mom."

"Good," I answered. "We'll see you do as a stepmom first though okay?"

I laughed and she slapped my chest.

"I don't cheat," she whispered.

"Me either," I said and kissed her head again.

With Dana, I think I found a woman that would care about her family first than her job. Time would tell, but half the fun is finding out. I mean, if we knew what the future held, life would be boring as hell.

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blackknight314blackknight314about 8 hours ago

Loving wives... not really me. I liked the story, except for the whore. Good job, thanks for sharing your work.

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I liked it a lot, but the lack of a denouement dropped it from five stars to four. Just a little more would have been perfect.



EastCoaster1EastCoaster11 day ago

Second read... still loved it, 5 stars worth !

Enjoying your work, reading it all, along with that of some others.

It's good to find some folks whose work you can count on enjoying almost every time.

You're one of those for me.

Thanks for writing these stories.

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Ok. Good to take a break away from special ops marines and goons for hire, etc. This one is more believable. Did I miss history on Alicia? It seems as if she had always been ambitious and in love with her job. That can be okay, it can work for some. But a more independent man and no desire for children is needed. I feel she cheated because she couldn’t get the support she needed from him. I’m not excusing the cheating, just the reason I see. Alicia needs to stay single. If she keeps winning high profile cases her clients won’t care about her past.

OvercriticalOvercritical4 days ago

I kinda liked both Dana and Boyd and although they live in a world I don't know anything about I still was able to root for them and wish them luck. 4*

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

Nitpic - we all know that two more paragraphs and you would be bitching that the story was too long so the 'rushed' ending was pure bullshit. Thanks Bh-76 for a good tale (third time through).

somewhere east of Omaha

NitpicNitpic11 days ago

Decent story,though I thought the ending was a bit rushed, would have liked to see how Dana got on with him and Mickey.Did Alicia and the other affairs ruin Bridges and what happened to Alicia.

SeaChangerSeaChanger13 days ago

Very nice but crying for a summary.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd219 days ago

It would have been a better story if we heard how the wife ended up after being publicly outed as a slut and such a poor wife and mother. Also, he was way too nice to her in the divorce. Maybe because It didn't come across like he felt much angst or pain for not only her reverting to her lies and old behaviour, but also to her cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

Why average

He in motel what about son?

No mention!!!

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

You write well. You avoid most of LW cliches, But you have a problem finishing your stories. Trying writing an epilogue.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr5428 days ago

Great story and well written. I agree with nixrox that should be a sequel and show what happened with the MC, Dana and the ex wife. Maybe show Dana pregnant and Mikey calling Dana mommy.

nixroxnixroxabout 1 month ago

5 stars - second read and I really like the snappy verbal exchanges between this couple.

The only things this story needed was a bit of ex-wife 'rub it in her face' KARMA. Something along the lines of Alicia being dumped by the politician, plus her son no longer wanting to spend any time with mommy and Dana with a huge pregnant belly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Comments are great, the proof is yet to come. Thanks for the tale!

somewhere east of 0maha

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Good story. Just more reasons to dislike lawyers.

ttt59ttt59about 1 month ago

You know what you call a dozen lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!

Wife was a cheating skank slut and a whore at the same time. Terrible wife, worse mom, too bad in the real world, cunts like this still get the kids and cash. Agree with Anon that in the long run, she will end up alone and depressed with nothing to be happy about. Memories of letting some idiot fuck her to get ahead certainly won't keep her warm at night. Well, she made the bed, now she'll get to sleep in it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The kind of story you want to know how exwifey makes out.

deependerdeependerabout 2 months ago

Gee, in all the other LW stories lawyers that commingle bodily fluids with a client get disbarred. She must be quite something.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Not a fan of Dana’s personality. Too pushy. Didn’t deserve to live happily ever after

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

She put her husband, now ex, on the far back burner. She's gonna learn that relegating him and compartmentalize him and her child was a lifetime mistake.

Because her job is eventually gonna bore her. But she won't have super dad at home to cook clean and love her.

And she's too selfish to bother dating again. She has easy 1 night stands with her career. In 5 to 10 years nobody will even want her as a wife. Then she has maybe 5 to 10 more years before people don't even want her as a one night stand.

Then she's gonna crave her ex husband more than anything else. Same obsessive passion. But he'll be with Danna, and their 1 to 3 kids by then. Lonely life.

SignedBTWSignedBTW2 months ago

In The Real World

AND if lawyers really had ethics, Alicia would be disbarred for having sex with her client. But then as I said if lawyers had ethics... Good story, none the less cause it's fiction, even if the ethics issues are true. *****'s Signed: BTW

AmbivalenceAmbivalence2 months ago

"My investigator says you've worked fourteen-hour days all week, and you haven't asked to see Mikey since you moved out weeks ago. Who are you crappin'?"

"I love him," she whispered.

- Couldn't prove it by me. Wanted the job more than she wanted her marriage, more than she wanted her child to have a happy home life, more than she wanted to be faithful.

Can't imagine what she's doing for a job. It's reasonable to assume she at the very *least* had her law license suspended (if not revoked). And I really can't imagine that her *staying* on that guy's legal team would be good for *either* of their careers.


If that's so, what law firm would *hire* her?

"Hey, she's a pretty good lawyer but she probably *will* have sex with your clients so be sure they're single or that their spouse won't mind."

"OTOH, maybe she'll fuck the partners too so, eh, might go for it."

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

It was a good story, but it needed an epilogue. I mean, I suppose Alicia was toast - having sex with a client is grounds for attorney discipline, potentially even disbarment and definitely would not do wonders for her reputation, especially when attached to the public scandal. And on top of that, Boyd and Dana are pretty cute together. I think us readers would have loved to see a more definitive happy ending for them.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress663 months ago

How in the hell would him taking her back be a happy ending? I mean sure it could be if she wasn’t such a terrible mother

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It made me sad. I really wanted them to make it, to work it out, and then you had to go and have her cheat on top of everything else. You could still have worked in reconciliation, but BTB is more popular, and you should also have said what happened to her after. I need happy endings, and this wasn't.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd23 months ago

It would have been great to hear/read about the fallout for the ex-wife and her career. Now that the world knows what a slut she is.

Thanks for this story. Good read.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Where the hell do you get cedar matches? I can only find pine matches.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I have always had a warm spot in my heart for this story. Great characters with snappy conversations and interaction while managing to keep it real with the job situation. The only part I found to be bothersome “and it’s mainly because I worked in radio for years” is the fact that nobody who does a show based on daily topics can manage to not have someone go through the newspaper and tv talk shows/news programs to stay current on what they would discuss that day or at least that’s how it works in a major market like New York or Chicago.

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