All Comments on 'New Kingdom: European Court Ch. 08'

by MicKay

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

GREAT chapter!!! I hate it I must stop reading it when I reached the end of the chapter! Oh my.. Now I can't wait to read the next chapter. I laughed really loud when I read that Gabriel kissed her full on mouth. He caught me off guard. Lol. I'm also happy Emma met her mother again and I surprised that she seemed to remember her. Great chapter really. I hope you can update the next chapter as soon as possible. I'm dying to read it!



Gemini_KnightGemini_Knightalmost 14 years ago
Did someone say MOVIE

I feel like I'm reading a script for a summer blockbuster (even if it is only chapter a time), with the these new and interesting plot twists. Great chapter and I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter and to find out what happens next.

P.S. if you do go shopping this around to Hollywood be sure and let us know when to expect it in theaters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Bar the skipping and POV timing issues - I love your stories so much!

IT has so many twists and turns that I never know what is going to happen next and I feel every second of the anticipation humming through my veins.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
it just keeps getting better n better

aFor some reason i keep falling off the wagon with this story. But i love it I feel like im always playing catch up because i have to keep going back a couple of chapters to see if ive read them. This chap had me in tears. Someone said 'I laughed really loud when I read that Gabriel kissed her full on mouth. ' But for me it was when Anthony says we dont have a company in germany

TheGryphonsOnFIRETheGryphonsOnFIREalmost 14 years ago
Bouncy PoV BAD!

Next time atleast put some sort of brake bar in between to let us know. Here's the one I Use alot: ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ (This is centered on the page).

Otherwise this was a real good chapter of a grate storyline.

willieonewillieonealmost 14 years ago
Fantastic Chapter!

I love this chapter and lol when Gabe leaped the desk to kiss Em, although Ant wasn't to happy about it.

Can't wait for the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I have read all chapters from both series. have absolutely loved them all. can't wait to see what happens with emma and antony and now tec a gloria. write faster FASTER FASTER:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
more please!

please you have to write faster, i love it!!! i love this story!!! hope the next chapter comes out soon!!!

canndcanndalmost 14 years ago

Awesome !!! 5 stars. I really am happy to get so much cleared up and I love the story of her birth! And it was really sweet the way Gloria reacted to her. great stuff. bring us more soon soon soon!

MizTMizTalmost 14 years ago

What a surprise! I thought that Emma's ability to disappear would somehow relate back to a Vamp, but I never guessed the Vamp would be Anthony. And her mother is now a vamp, who may become her sister in law. Ok you got me, I'm so eager for the next chapter to see what happens next.

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 14 years ago

This was a great chapter and really well written.

I cannot wait till the next chapter to come out. please make it before christmas if you can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Just wow

A pleasure to read, as usual. I'm sitting on pins and needles just waiting for the next installment. Let the plot thicken, but don't leave us simmering for too much longer.

coffinbaitcoffinbaitover 13 years ago
happy new year and write faster please!

omg you have to continue this story I fell in love with all the chapters and characters especially Emma and Anthony!

pagemasterpagemasterover 13 years ago

I just got done reading "New Kingdom" (all parts!) in a single sitting. My butt's gone numb, but if there were more chapters, I'd continue to sit here, ignoring my growling stomach, and read on.

This is brilliantly written! You work has definitely benefited from having an editor. (Props to Worlhistorybuff for that!) I'm going to have to go back and mark the stars for each chapter now, but they're all getting 5's and you're now on my favorite's list.

Great story! I'm completely hooked!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

im a little dizzy from all the bouncing around, and i was getting really impatient waiting for a straight answer

vampire91vampire91over 13 years ago

I love how your plot isn't redudant - characters change and grow and there are new unexpected twists!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I am in love with this story

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