Nicole & Mary Teach Each Other

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Mary learns horse riding and teaches Nicole to ride her.
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Needing an Adventure

I've been working very hard on a contract proposal at work, and we just submitted it. It will be a week or so until we hear if we've made the shortlist, so I can use a break.

Reading my newspaper on Wednesday evening with an after-dinner wine, I see an article in the travel section about horse riding and it seems lovely. At the end, there's a list of places offering horse riding lessons.

I search them and find one by and for women only - Riding To Heaven. I bring up their website and gape at the amazing mountain scenery. The staff are all women and only adult women are allowed as customers. That's attractive, as I don't need to be around Y chromosomes and testosterone.

They have a two-day weekend package, staying in a nice-looking cabin. It's expensive, but what the heck, I'm worth it. I'm lucky I can book the last available space this weekend. I receive an email with details and a map link. I put a calendar entry in my phone with the location. I see it takes almost two hours at this time, but Friday evening will be in peak hour, so I will arrange to take the afternoon off and leave early to get there for dinner.

At work the next day I'm excited and I start to relax from the grind of the proposal. I daydream of the weekend, thinking of little else. Fortunately, there's not a lot of work to do, so I decide to take all of Friday off.

On Thursday night, I read the suggested clothing list for riding:

Pants: Sturdy, slim-fitting but not too tight

Boots: Sturdy, with a thick heel, so your foot doesn't slip through the stirrup; they don't have to be cowboy boots

Top: To suit the weather - the temperature can vary, so bring a variety, but long sleeves protect from the sun at the higher altitude

Hat: Wide-brimmed to keep off the sun, with a chin strap or string to keep it from falling off

Gloves: Thin, snug-fitting gloves to avoid blisters from the reins

Panties: Briefs for riding - thongs are for evening only, or you'll regret it

Jacket: One light jacket and one medium jacket

I rummage around my closets to see what I already have and then make a shopping list for the morning and search for shops that have what I need.

On Friday morning, I shop, return home and pack. I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself. This will be a new adventure for me. I've only ridden a horse a few times but I'm quite fit, so I figure I'm up for it.

Dinner is at 7:00 tonight, so I plan my arrival for 6:00 to let me settle into my cabin first. I allow 2-1/2 hours, just in case, so I leave at 3:30. I connect my phone to my car's audio system, start the map app, and then start my favorite tune playlist.

The traffic is better than I expected, and after I get out of the city, my phone tells me I should arrive at 5:37. I set the cruise control for just under the speed limit and relax, listening to my music.


I turn off the main highway and take back roads until I see the sign for Riding To Heaven. I turn into the gravel driveway and drive through a conifer grove until I break into a meadow and I see the ranch with mountains behind it. I gasp at the beauty.

I pull to the entrance, park and step in. I check in and find I will be sharing a cabin with another woman. I haven't done that since college, but it should be all right.

I am shown to my cabin, the farthest one from the office building. I am there first, so I test both double beds and choose the one away from the door. I unpack and look around. The bathroom is basic but adequate. There seems to be plenty of hot water, so it's civilized.

I wash my face and hands and sit on a sofa, reading the welcome pack. The door opens, and my roommate is shown in. She's a gorgeous young woman, maybe twenty, with a cute short hairstyle, just hinting at a chic butch look. We smile broadly at each other.

"Hi, I'm Mary," I offer.

"Celine. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you. What brings you here?"

"My mom gave me the weekend as a high-school graduation present."

"Awesome! She must love you."

"Yeah, she's pretty great."

"I'm pampering myself after some hard work."

We chat for a while longer as she unpacks, then we head to dinner.


At dinner, Arlene introduces herself as the owner. "Welcome to Riding To Heaven, ladies. My staff and I hope you find your weekend exhilarating. The weather will be perfect for you - dry and warm but not too hot during the day, although nights get cool quickly up here, so have your jackets handy in the evening.

"We'll have an orientation meeting at 8:30 in the morning, so get up early and have breakfast before that. Enjoy your dinner."

There are six guests. There will be two more arriving in the morning, they tell us. I count eight staff, and I'm impressed at the 1:1 ratio.

We are introduced to the staff, and my eye is drawn to one in particular. Nicole has a beautiful oval face, a firm and fit body, long blond hair just covering her full boobs and a smile that penetrates my soul. I gaze at her and try to get her attention. I catch her eye a couple of times, and she smiles at me but then looks away. Damn, what do I have to do?

Two other guests join Celine and me at our table. We have a hearty dinner and enjoy pleasant conversation with them. I keep looking around at Nicole, vainly hoping to talk with her this evening, but she stays at the staff table.


Celine and I walk back to our cabin, talking about how hot the staff women are. "Nicole makes me wet, Celine."

"Yeah, she's nice. I have my eye on Monica." We smile at each other, recognizing we both like women.

We enter the cabin and close the door quickly to keep the cold air out. I find the heater and turn it on. We get into our nighties, eyeing each other's naked bodies momentarily. I feel a nervous tension, as I wonder if she will make a move, or if she will accept a move from me.

She sits on her bed and smiles at me. "It's still cold in here, Mary. We would be warmer if you lie next to me." She slips under the covers.

"Yes, we would," I reply with a smile as I join her, pulling the covers over us to keep us warm, as the heater has just barely had time to work.

She wraps her arms around me and I feel her ample boobs press onto my little ones. We are gazing at each other, smiling. She pulls my head down and kisses me softly. I moan a little and kiss her back, now knowing she wants me as much as I want her.

I feel her hand run over my back and down my nightie, reaching the hem and pulling it up, exposing my bottom. Her fingers caress it lightly, making me moan again and I kiss her deeper. My tongue dives into her mouth and seeks hers.

I half roll over on her, sliding a leg over her legs and pressing my pussy onto her thigh. We kiss passionately. As she caresses my bottom, I moan and press my pussy down, rubbing it up and down, leaking my juice onto her leg.

She pushes me up and deftly grabs the hem of my nightie and whips it off. She lifts her hips and pulls her nightie up to her boobs, raises up and takes it off, so we are both naked. She then pulls me on top of her, our boobs touching and my legs falling between hers.

"Oh, Celine," I whisper, "you are so hot."

"So, are you, Mary."

My nipples get hard against her full boobs. My pussy presses down onto her mound, making us both groan.

"Fuck me, Mary."

"Mmm, yes I will, Celine." I grind my pussy onto hers. I feel my clit harden and the pressure on it sends massive sparks into my body. My pussy drips onto hers.

She pushes her pussy up as an anvil to my hammer. My nipples are rock hard and their rubbing on her boobs adds to my excitement. I hear her moan as I go wild, humping madly.

"Ahh, yes, Mary. Fuck me hard. Make me cum, I'm almost there."

Her words make me frantic, wanting to make her cum, with my orgasm not far behind. Our soggy pussies slide easily up and down, our lips rubbing each other's clits. "Ohh, yes, Celine, I'm going to cum too."

We thrash and scream in unison as our orgasms hit. Moans fill the room as I hump against her. For a minute we grind, gradually slowing down. Finally, I collapse on her, panting with my heart pounding. I feel her heart beating madly through my little boob.

She holds me close for another minute, and then I slide off of her and nestle at her side. My head rests on her boob as I gently cup her other boob. In the silence, I hear receding steps crunching on the gravel footpath. I giggle softly, realizing someone has been outside, listening to us.

"Oh, Mary, that was amazing. I'm so glad we're roommates."

"Me too, Celine."

"But I still have to admit I want to seduce Monica. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. I want Nicole."

"Good luck. She's so pretty, but I didn't get lesbian vibes from her."

"Well, you never know. Anyway, everyone has a first time. I've turned a few our way, so don't count me out."

"Well you certainly pleased me, so I think you have a chance."

"I hope so. If not, I know someone else sexy here."

We grin. I get out of bed and put on my nightie, pee and climb into my own bed. I set my phone to wake me at 7:00.

"Good night, Celine."

"Good night, Mary."

I fall asleep and dream of Nicole riding a horse up to me and smiling.


My phone sings me awake. I'm alone. I don't hear Celine, so she must have left already. I have a quick shower and dress as they have suggested for the riding lessons. I walk to the main building and hear people buzzing. The smell of breakfast stirs up my appetite.

I walk into the buffet area and look around for Celine. I see she has already collared Monica and it seems they have already hit it off. I decide to leave them to it and I load up a plate with bacon, eggs and hash browns. I set it down at an empty table and then get a mug of coffee.

Nicole breezes in with a big beaming smile and I gasp. She's wearing Jodhpur riding pants, brown leather boots and a white shirt under a low-cut tan sweater. My eyes gaze at her beautiful face for a long moment before admiring her amazing figure. She has full, shapely boobs, a trim waist and long muscular legs.

I catch her eye when she's at the buffet table and I melt as she turns her smile to me. I can feel myself blushing brightly and I release the breath I was holding with a gasp. I nod my head as an invitation to join me, but the woman next to her starts talking to Nicole and she turns away.

I look down at my half-eaten breakfast and continue eating, sad that I've lost eye contact with her. "Silly Mary, you're acting like a young schoolgirl with her first crush," I think. She sits at a nearby table, side-on to me, talking with two others. I am staring alternately at the side of her lovely face and the profile of her boob, almost panting with desire for her.


While finishing breakfast, I hear an airplane landing outside. I didn't realize they had an airstrip. We are ushered into a meeting room. A few minutes later, two tall, sophisticated-looking women stride in, dressed more for a nightclub than for riding. They must have flown in instead of staying here last night. The princesses survey the room with an imperious air.

We sit classroom-style in chairs, facing a screen. Joyce, who seems to be the senior instructor, gives us a short lecture on the layout of the corral, a map of the area and pictures of the possible riding trails. She outlines the procedures. We'll have four rides today.

First, we'll ride in the corral to let us feel comfortable with our horses. They'll give us tips on how to ride properly.

Then we'll have a short ride on the flat near the property, returning to the corral to make any adjustments if required.

The third ride will be a bit longer, about an hour, in groups of four - two instructors and two guests. It will take in some gentle slopes, after which we'll return to the corral again and take a break.

On the final ride of the day, we'll be alone with one instructor. We'll be given a pack lunch and drinks. We can go anywhere the instructor feels we are capable of.

Joyce announces that we'll now have a clothing inspection. "Stand near the far wall and we'll come over and check you out." I hope Nicole will be my inspector, but it's Joyce who eyes me up and down.

"You look okay, Mary. Those boots look a little fancy but they have a good heel."

"Yeah, Joyce, they're dress boots but they're old and scuffed and I've had them in the back of the closet for years. I read your advice about heels and thought they'd work."

"Good idea. Too often, women buy new boots and their feet are killing them at the end of the weekend because they haven't broken them in. Do you have a jacket?"

"Yes, one light and one medium as you suggested."

"Good girl, Mary. Okay, you should be set."

After we're all inspected, we're given twenty minutes to return to our cabins to get hats, gloves, jackets, etc.

Corral Lesson

We assemble outside one of the two corrals. We are divided into two groups. I work my way close to Nicole, and I notice Celine is edging toward Monica, who is next to Nicole. We smile as we are selected to be in their group.

We go into corral 2 and stay near the gate. The horses are tethered at the far side. Liz is the lead instructor for our group, and she bellows out instructions. "Ladies, we'll be bringing a horse we think will be suitable for your size. An instructor will demonstrate the gear."

I desperately hope my instructor will be Nicole, but Monica brings a horse to me. I notice that Nicole takes one to Celine, so maybe I can finagle a switch later.

"Hi, Monica, this is my horse?"

"Yes, Mary. I think Cathy will suit you. You look fit, so I think you can handle her. She can be spirited. Do you think you can learn to control her?"

"I'll certainly try."

"Well, we'll just ride around the corral to start, and that will give us an idea. We can switch if we have to." She leads Cathy to a pile of gear and ties her off to the rail. "Come to her head, look into her eyes and stroke her face gently. Let her know you like her."

I gaze at the beautiful horse and caress her face. She seems to appreciate it.

"Now watch as I get her kitted up. Tomorrow, we'll have you try it, if you're game."

She tosses on a saddle blanket and positions it squarely. Next, she lifts on the saddle and tells me how to fix the straps as she goes. I try hard to note what she does.

The bridle goes on over Cathy's head next. "Most of the straps are adjusted because it's hers and they fit fine. Just this one here needs tightening. As with the other straps, tighten firmly but not too tight. Here, feel under the straps to get an idea." I feel and see what she means.

"All right, time to climb aboard. Always mount from the horse's left side. Put your left foot in the stirrup, then swing up and over. Sit comfortably in the saddle, then place your right foot next to, but not in, the other stirrup. Ready?"

"I guess. Here goes." I launch myself up and I'm sitting on the saddle. "Wow, I feel I'm so high off the ground. Of course. I just didn't know how it would feel."

"Are you all right?"

"Oh, yeah, fine."

"Okay, take your left foot out of the stirrup and let your legs hang loose. I'll adjust the stirrups for you. The bar should be at the mid-point of your foot below the ankle. That looks about right as it is. Let me check the other side. Yep, put your feet in now. Does that feel comfortable?"

I slide my feet in and say, "Yes, I guess that's right."

"We'll just ride in the corral first and check everything out before we go into the field. We'll keep Cathy tethered until we are all ready to ride. I'll check out some of the others."


I watch the others get ready as I pat Cathy on the neck, letting her know I appreciate her service. She turns her head gently and eyes me.

Liz then barks, "All right ladies, listen up. Here's horse riding 101. To get the horse moving, nudge with your heels, but do not kick hard. Keep the reins loose except when directing them. Pull the reins gently toward you on the side you want to turn to, keeping the opposite side slack.

"So to turn right, pull that rein gently towards you with your right hand; to the left do the same but on the opposite side. To slow or stop the horse, pull both reins towards you. These horses have all taken dozens or even hundreds of riders, so they know what to do with gentle directions - there is never a need to pull hard."

I see us all nod in understanding.

Liz continues, "You should take some of your weight with your legs. Don't just sit hard on the saddle, or you won't have as much control, and your butt will be sore at the end of the day.

"Relax. Horses quickly determine if you are tense, and they may take advantage of it. Make your movements controlling but relaxed. You always need to be paying attention.

"Okay, we'll untie you and you can ride slowly around the corral with your instructor close to you. Then they'll move away when you are comfortable."

Nicole comes over and says, "I'll untie you, Mary. Here, take the reins as I hold Cathy."

I gasp at seeing her and blurt like a silly young girl, "Thanks, Nicole, I'm so happy to see you this morning."

She smiles at me and says, "Okay, start slowly."

I nudge Cathy and she starts pacing slowly, seemingly knowing the routine. That reassures me as I move around, turning this way and that, stopping her then starting her again. Her easy confidence flows through to me, and I relax, feeling comfortable.

Nicole has been following me, and she says, "That's real good, Mary, you're a natural. Cathy likes you."

"Aw, well I like Cathy. Thanks for saying that."

"It's just the truth. I think you're ready for the open ride. Why don't you take Cathy to a rail and wait for the others?"

"Sure, Nicole." I beam at her, partly because I feel good about doing well and partly because she's so gorgeous and exciting.

Venturing Out

They open the gates to the flat field, and we all guide our horses out. The eight of us from corral 2 are led away from the other group. Cathy picks up her pace to a fast trot, and I remember Monica warning me about her spirit. I instinctively push my legs down to feel more in control. Being new to this, I'm a little apprehensive but I'm also feeling a little thrill. I let her go for a while before gently pulling both reins. Cathy slows.

Nicole pulls up next to me and says, "That was perfect, Mary. Have you ridden before?"

"A few times, as a teenager."

"It looks like you were born for it. To have her speed up again, just loosen the reins and gently nudge her with your feet. She won't need much encouragement - she loves to gallop."

"Oh, I'm not ready for that yet."

"Maybe in a few minutes. Keep riding around, speeding up, slowing down, turning, stopping. Get a feel for her. You two seem well suited."

"Thanks, Nicole."

Nicole watches me do various moves before saying, "You've got the basics, Mary. Keep practicing while I go help Monica with someone who isn't doing as well."

"Okay," I reply with a huge grin.

I see Nicole join Monica to instruct a nervous-looking guest, one of the two princesses that flew in this morning. I chuckle. "Not so superior now, are you?"

I feel quite comfortable, and I wander around a short distance from the group, trying various things for several minutes, gradually feeling more confident with a faster pace. Cathy accelerates, almost galloping. I go with it for a few seconds before I decide I need her to slow down, so I ease the reins back and she instantly complies.