All Comments on 'Night-time Disturbance'

by stevetruestories

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Short Chapter

Five stars all the way! Fantastic "first time" story, however the third chapter ended too soon. Really, the night was still young and I'm pretty sure Melanie wanted the night to last longer too!!!

thebug37thebug37about 9 years ago

Enjoyed the story and hope you grace the site with more.

Will6969doWill6969doalmost 10 years ago

Very well writen

TomorrowTodayTomorrowTodayalmost 10 years ago

Bravo, Steve. I'm fast becoming a fan of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Yea, Yea, We Can See That Stupid "I am 18" Declaration

You Pillock!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Clapping Christian Places Are Creepy

Should stay well away, unless you're sure that you can get laid!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Amongst many other errors ...

... why do you keep using the word "queue" when you obviously mean "cue"?

Sorry but you need to get a Proof Reader and/or an Editor!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Yes indeed

Very good. Has the feeling of reality without letting details get in the way. Not sure about the second fuck in the same condom, but like I said . . .

NellaBarely2NellaBarely2about 12 years ago
You wrote the Handbook ...

Spectacular! Riveting! Worth saving for a lonely night with Rosy Palms.

You just wrote the handbook every eager male should read to gain a beginners foundation to satisfy his mates hunger for attention. Confident, but not too much ego. Enthusiastic, but not too anxious. Prepared, but not openly advertising your need before comforting your partner. Interesting! That applies if its a female ... or a male partner - hetero or homo. (just thinking out loud). This is HOT, but not so hard core I wouldn't share it with an inquiring, mature teen approaching adulthood. You have the Power and the Ability to lure many readers into your fan club, or one of those social networks. LOL

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