Nigkala Tales Pt. 01: On the Set

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I'm a pro on and off the set.
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Part 1 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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Part 01: Nigkala, on the set

I'm a pro on and off the set

Thanks to my editors: meRicky and kenjisato. Also, to LanguageTool. Combined, they put me right. Any problems left all belong to me.

= = = = = = = = = =

The enemy I faced was six and a half feet of muscle, bone, and attitude. I called him 'dog-face'. Dog-face took another swing at me with his sword, and I deflected it off with my own.

When he said, "Nigkala, I'm going to kill you..."

I just laughed back at him. "Bitch!" Considering dog-face's head was only tall enough to match my upper breasts, I just laughed.

"Dog-face, you didn't bring enough friends." I then faked an overhead swing, and while he was looking up, I swept his legs with one of my own. Down he went. I quickly aimed and stabbed down. Suddenly, he was spouting blood from his chest. His cry of pain didn't last long, and then he was dead. Stepping back, I surveyed the battle. Sergeant Shul was finishing up his opponent, and I had a choice of four to take on.

They were clearly in fear of me.

I rushed the nearest, grabbed him with my free hand, and then whirled him around and tossed him into the other three. All four went down in a heap. I rushed to them, and said, "Praise be to Inanna, who gives me victory! Surrender or die!"

All four dropped their weapons and raised their hands. Shul's opponent stepped back and did the same. We all paused a moment, until....

We all heard the director yell, "Cut!"

We relaxed, and I helped dog-face stand up.

"Nice death scene, George."


Everyone took a quick break to drink a little water, before we set up the next scene. George went behind the camera as his character was not needed. The rest returned, took their places, and when the director called action, my partner, Tom, took some rope out of my pack and started to tie everyone's hands together, and into a chain. I watched him closely for two reasons.

One, my character would have been watching for betrayal from the prisoners. Two, I wanted to be sure Tom used the correct knots. A few days ago, another actor had used an incorrect knot, and it fell apart while shooting. We had to redo that scene.

We had several shoots at different angles to show a walk of hours with the prisoners. The final shoot of the day was heading into the city triumphantly and being welcomed by the rest of the city guard. The director called it a wrap for the day, so we went back to our trailers to get into regular clothes before heading to dinner in the town that doubled as the ancient Sumerian city of Kish. The city wall of Kish was actually only a fake wall about a hundred feet across, leading to a row of fake-fronted buildings for three blocks; the rest of the city would be added later in production. These buildings were actually our disguised trailers just outside the town proper.

I went into my trailer with Sam from wardrobe, and took off my armor, an authentic recreation, and my underclothes. As I did that, Sam picked up each piece and brushed it off, to ready it for the next day's shooting. I entered the shower. He didn't stare at me the whole time, and actually spent some attention on the armor. By the time I had washed my hair, he had finished tending my armor. As I dried my hair and body, I told Sam to hang it up and fetch my blue miniskirt and the lighter blue top.

Walking over to my makeup table, I picked up the lotion and handed it to him, asking him to do me. He applied lotion all over my skin to keep it supple and smooth, taking extra time on my breasts, and even playing a bit with each of my four nipples. Furthermore, he saved my vagina for last. By that time I was quite aroused, so when he applied lotion there, I was dripping. When he then stuck two fingers up my vagina, and worked them in and out a few times, that was enough to give me an orgasm. By the time I recovered, he had wiped it down and applied a bit more lotion.

Sam asked what I wanted to do for the evening. I asked if there was a nice restaurant with outdoor seating. He indicated he knew such a place.

"Make reservations and pass the word."

I then put my miniskirt on, and adjusted it so that it barely covered my vagina. I then put my top on and went to the table to put on lipstick and makeup. Standing at seven feet three inches, everyone notices me; however, I still like to be girly at times and to wear pretty makeup. After a few minutes of focusing on my face, I looked lower in the mirror and clearly saw all four nipples through the thin material of the shirt. I loved the excuse of the hot climate to wear such a thin shirt. I could also see that my nipples had retreated from their two-inch apex at orgasm to their normal half inch height. Finishing off the outfit with some jewelry, I had Sam drive us to the restaurant.

The young man who seated me had difficulty walking, but I expect that was because he was staring at my nipples through my shirt. Over the next few minutes, several of the cast and crew joined us. We talked a bit, and after dinner, we rearranged ourselves to better relax, and decided to have a light dessert and more wine. A few minutes later, the man on my left put his hand on my leg. He slowly moved it up, and I could tell everyone watched him do it. I tried to ignore it, but my nipples gave away that I was turned on.

When he touched my lips, my nipples practically snapped to attention. At two inches, they strained my shirt. I still pretended nothing was going on. The woman on my right, aroused, decided to act. She reached over and unbuttoned my shirt all the way, then pulled open wide the right side of the shirt, exposing both my upper and lower right breasts. She then leaned over and started licking the lower one, as it was closer to her height. When she started to nibble, my breathing got ragged; I then raised my hand and started playing with the upper one she had exposed.

This went on for ten minutes, and I could tell everyone seated outside with us, watched; as well as a few passersby. That's when someone called out to me, telling me to use my tongue. I debated whether to or not, but as the chant of 'tongue', 'tongue' caught on, I decided why not. I stuck my tongue out, and then bent it down to follow my skin. As it extended, it slithered down and down, finally going under my shirt. I then used the end to grab the edge of the shirt, and lifted it off the left side, leaving me fully exposed to the world. I then released the shirt and slithered back to my nipple, where I proceeded to wrap the tongue once around my upper left breast, leaving the tip to lick and tease the nipple. Less than a minute later, I came.

We stayed for another hour or so, with various people sitting next to me. I must have come two dozen times. As people finally got up to leave, so did I. I pulled my tongue back in and so looked reasonably normal, but didn't bother to button up my shirt. I paid my bill, and walked out. I noticed the young man who had seated us was waiting across the street, no longer in uniform. He stared at my breasts. I signaled him to come over. He did.

"Do you like what you see?"

His mouth moved, but nothing came out.

"Would you like to walk me home?"

He took a moment before nodding yes.

So I reached down and clasped his hand. I did this in self-defense. "Tom," I called, "I'll be walking back tonight." While he walked, not once did his eyes leave my breasts. He stumbled a few times. I spoke a little, talking about the fine meal I had just enjoyed. When we reached my disguised trailer, I invited him in.

As he was still holding my hand, he did, but more because he didn't realize where he was. I sat him on my bed, and took off my clothes. Placing them on the laundry pile, I went to my bed and asked if he would like to spend the night with me?

All he got out was, "Me?"

I nodded. I then started to help him undress. Pretty soon, he got the idea, and his clothes practically exploded off him, he did it so fast.

I then lifted him up to look me in the eye, and I said, "This will be only for the night, but while you are here, I expect you to give your all." Still holding him, I went and lay down on the bed. I lined up our crotches, and his mouth was almost on an upper nipple. I then reached out for his hands, and placed them on my lower breasts and said, "Play with my lower nipples and suck my upper ones."

As he did that, I reached down and grabbed his erection. That was enough stimulation, and he came, spilling his seed all over me.

"I'm sorry!" he cried out.

I just used my other hand to place a finger on his lips. "You are young, you will recover quickly."

In fact, he was already stiffening up as I said that.

"Attend to my nipples!" I commanded. He did, and as I expected, he got completely erect. Finally, I was able to place him into me, when I started to lift his hips up and down, and he got the message. Soon he was pounding away at me, and I was making all sorts of noises. When I came the first time, I screamed. No one heard us, as I had the foresight to require a soundproof trailer with a large bed; with my rep, they made very sure it was soundproof.

Being no slouch myself, I was using my tricks to get him to come and scream as well. He came in me three times (not counting the premature one). While he needed longer recharging after each, we managed. I must have come a dozen times as we had sex. Finally, I could tell he was exhausted, so I looked him in the eye and commanded him 'sleep'. He instantly did, still clutching my lower breasts and almost sucking an upper one. A few moments later, I fell asleep also, with my arms holding him on top of me.

The next morning, I woke to someone shaking my shoulder. As I woke, I could tell my guest had morning wood, as his erection was inside me. Opening my eyes, I saw the usual pair: Sonja, the gopher, and Nichole from makeup. Neither one looked surprised. So I shook my guest's shoulder, and stuck out my tongue and slipped a little into his mouth. That was enough to wake him up. At first, he didn't realize we had company, so he started some hip action, and I used my skills to make him come quickly. As I came with him, we both enjoyed it, and I saw both women licking their lips.

"It is time to leave." I then turned his head and he saw them. I slowly pushed him off me. "Don't worry. They enjoy this, and won't tell anyone who was in my bed."

Sonja had collected his clothes, and said, "Get dressed, Nigkala needs to get ready." She then helped him get dressed. Just after they left, I heard a car, so I know he was being given a lift back into town.

"Shower time!" Nichole commanded. As I set the water, she stripped and then got in with me. She had told me that I shouldn't have so much sex, as it just makes a mess and requires extra time to prepare me. I never heeded her complaints; as it was clear she was lesbian, and she loved cleaning me up in the shower. After we both came, she pronounced me clean. We got out and dried, and then for the next hour, she prepped my hair and face.

Sam had entered halfway through my makeup session, and just stared at my nude body. He even pulled out his dick when makeup wasn't looking and stroked it a few times for me. He put it away without release, as he knew we didn't have time to play. Just as makeup was finishing, he got up and pulled out my armor. Sam and Nichole helped me get in the armor, but without any further sex play, as now was movie time, not play time. Sonja was waiting outside to drive us back to our director, so we could start the day. I wasn't worried about my trailer, as I knew housekeeping would change the sheets and do the laundry, and do it without disrupting the shooting schedule.

This went on for two weeks, and fun as it was, it was time to go to the studio lot for the city scenes, as well as all the interior scenes. We did a lot of scenes with the other guards, and some with prisoners and some with nobles. We did just what you would expect in a Nigkala Tale film. [It was the third one, actually.] For the final week of filming, all the extras were sent away, as well as half the cast and some crew. This was the time when we filmed all the sex scenes. Generally, we shot each scene for two audiences. One for the general adult public, and one for a more explicit demonstration of the action, you know, the X-rated version sold in the adult stores.

During the third day, problems appeared; it was also the first time Tom, Sergeant Shul, was to have sex with me. As I could see he was sincerely trying, I did what I could to accommodate him. It was late morning, and I saw the frustration written on the director's face. When he called a five-minute break, I reached out to my partner's chin and turned his head to me. I looked him in the eye, and said, "You can trust me. Please tell me what is preventing you from completing the scene."

He whispered to me, "I am gay." He looked surprised, immediately saying, "-- Don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my career."

"Don't worry. I will allow you to make that announcement when you think the time is right. But in the meantime, will you trust me? I think I can get you through this."

He nodded.

I said, "Okay, take a quick break."

I also took a break, but quickly meandered over to the director where I said, "We had a problem."

He looked at me. "Oh? And that is?"

"You have seen the lack of chemistry between us. He just told me why, and it is not a five-minute fix. If you call lunch early, I think I can use the time to get him sufficiently comfortable with me to make the scene work."

He thought about it for a few moments, and then pulled up his walkie-talkie. He pushed the button and said, "Call lunch, one hour, now."

A few moments later, the PA spoke up, and gave the announcement.

I went over to Tom, and told him to bring lunch with him, and we ate on the way to my trailer. There, I closed and locked the door. Looking him in the eye, I told him I had an idea, "Close your eyes, and imagine the guy you really want to fuck. Tell me about him, his name, who he is, why he appeals to you, everything. And I don't mean your lover; you react differently to love and lust. I want you to describe your fantasy lust encounter."

As he spoke, I looked up whom this Johnny 'Stud' Buchannan was, and what he was known for.

When he finished, I said, "Open your eyes." I showed him the picture and asked, "Is this the guy?"

He nodded.

I then started a video of him working out during an interview.

"Your fantasy is a weightlifter, he routinely lifts three hundred pound weights. Tell me, in that battle we fought near the start of the shoot, how heavy do you think George was?"


"More. He was carrying his equipment. And I casually tossed him into the extras." I then threw open my robe, revealing my naked form. "Look at my stomach; not above or below, but at my core. Place your hand on it -- soft, no?"

"Very soft."

Just as he said that, I clenched my muscles. Suddenly, you could see a clear six-pack.

"Wow, that's hard."

"Press. Try to push it in." He tried and failed. "I am solid as a rock." I relaxed, and let the robe drop. Raising an arm, I said, "Feel my arm." Moments after he grabbed it, I clenched. "Care to arm-wrestle me?"

He shook his head no.

"As a woman, it does not pay to show off a lot of muscle, but I do have it -- a lot of it."

"You are right, but how does that help?"

"Simple. Instead of caressing my breast, caress my arm; I will clench it, so you can feel the muscle. Instead of placing your hand between my legs, place it on my stomach; I will clench, and you will feel a six-pack. Add to that, closing your eyes and imagining Johnny Buchannan with you, and I think you will have no trouble getting aroused. Another change, rather than placing your erection in my vagina, stick it in my ass. I'll be lubed up, and with you behind me, it will seem to you that you are entering another man. Lastly, I will whisper to you in a low, husky voice, and I'll try to even sound like him."

"You know, that might just work. But still, are you really sure?"

I looked him in the eye and said, "You can do it. You will pretend my body is his, and as you come up behind me and as you feel up my muscles, you will be aroused." I then reached over to the table and got out a tube of lube and handed it to him. Turning around and bending over, I said, "Would you do the honors?"

As he did, I saw twitches in his dick. "Come closer and put your hands on my stomach." As he did, I clenched. "Rub it, and also my arms." Wherever he touched, I clenched, so he could feel muscle. I also shifted my voice down and huskily said, "You are doing great. Close your eyes and imagine I am 'Johnny Buchannan'. Feel his six-pack, his mighty arms." As I spoke, he was clearly aroused. I continued to give 'manly' pillow talk, and guided him to my back door. I didn't give him a chance to reconsider, and quickly clenched my ass to squeeze his erection. "Push it in harder, you have to penetrate my muscles." That got a nice reaction.

We bounced back and forth into each other for a few minutes, and then suddenly he came. I came moments later. Spent, he pulled out, but I held his arms to my stomach, so he could feel the six-pack a while longer. I savored the moment just a bit longer, and then we broke. I then handed him a washcloth while I took another, and we washed ourselves. We then put our robes on, and finished the last of our lunch before we returned to the set in time.

As we walked over, I said, "You did it. Now do it again for the camera."

I walked over to the director, and he smiled.

I said, "What?"

"You fucked him, somehow. How did you get him to do it?"

"Well, I'm not the one he has a crush on. I told him to pretend I was that person. I then talked him through it. You will need to make some changes, though."


"Yeah. He'll take me from behind. Also, try not to have the camera so much on his hands, and instead on our groins and faces. You'll get a better take that way."

"Hmmm. Is he gay?"

"That is for him to say, not me. However, I can make him come, so be sure to get it on camera. We may not get many takes from him. If you need his hands, just pull from the failed takes; he gave me plenty of action then."

"Okay. Go get ready." He then walked over and huddled with several people.

I walked over to Tom and said, "The director is going for it. Bring your A-Game."

Just as we were about to start, I looked him in the eye and said, "You can do it."

"Action!"... "Cut!"

I looked, and I saw the director was sort of smiling. "Okay, let's do it again, and I want more energy in your fucking."

I looked at Tom and said, "You did it. Now do it again, even better!"

We actually did the scene five more times, but the last four were for the X-rated version, and had close-ups of our genitals. By then, everyone was exhausted, especially as we ran over time due to a wasted morning. Tom was very surprised that he came each time.

Finally, the filming was done. The film went into production, where all the effects were added. I went about attending sci-fi conventions, book signings, and everything else the studio could do to promote the second film. Yeah, it was due in just a few months, but of course, they also mentioned number three was in production. The way these films had taken off, I am sure I'll be making number four and then promoting number three while four is in production. Growing up and becoming your childhood hero, not only was great fun for me, but it also generated a resurgence in the books, with a ready supply of fodder for more movies.

As to how this happened, well, that is another story...

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FluffMeatsStoryFluffMeatsStoryalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Yep, two inches. I know it is excessive, but in-story, there is a reason.

Read the origin story (chapter 2) for the explanation. It is Sci-Fi, after all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Two inch nipples? I see stuff like this on here a lot, and I just don't understand it.

Is it just that some writers have no sense of measurement or female anatomy? Or are there really guys out there who love the idea of giant, floppy tubes of flesh for nipples?

FluffMeatsStoryFluffMeatsStoryover 2 years agoAuthor

@Sorchak: She's completely human.

Just uploaded part 02 with her origin story.

SorchakSorchakover 2 years ago

This was okay for a start, but I couldn't give more than 3 stars, as there were too many unknowns. We could say we know the basics for Nigkala, things like she's seven foot three, has four breasts with nipples that get two inches long when erect, female and an actress. But she's obviously not human; or at least, not human as we know it. So is she an extraterrestrial, or an other-dimensional being (like an orc/ork), a GELF (genetically engineered life form) or what? Are they even on Earth as we know it now, or is it an alternate? Or is it a different world altogether? Others will say details like that don't matter, but they help me, personally, paint a better picture in my head of the world you've built and populated with your characters. If you're already working on chapter 2, you might want to give some thought to filling in a few of these details.

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