Nigkala Tales Pt. 13: Degree of Separation


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I was sufficiently tired; I didn't want to get up to have sex in the men's room. So instead, I used a little of Inanna's power to cause someone to do me here. It worked better than I expected, as three men did me on that bar stool. I thanked each, told everyone I had to leave, and then paid my bill. I tipped the bartender well. I was halfway home before I realized I had never buttoned up my shirt. I was in bed after a long shower, contemplating my day, when I suddenly realized that when I left An's cloud, I didn't use some power to warm the air and make it dense. I decided to check into it tomorrow, and instead held Filipe close as I drifted off to sleep.

My plans were interrupted when my agent woke me with a call. I now had an appointment with a producer for 'Space Kitty III'. My life got so busy that I wasn't able to check on the hang glider recording until the next weekend. Analyzing the data, I learned that I teleported just over six hundred miles. I also confirmed that the air pressure on the return trip should have made me lose consciousness in under a minute. It was also below freezing. Yet my skimpy outfit felt comfortable. I did not notice the cold or the thinness of the air. The most shocking thing was finding out my express trip downstairs went nearly two hundred miles an hour, yet the wind speed on the craft never went above fifty.

I decided not to fly this weekend, but instead meditate on the talisman to learn. I returned to my room, undressed, applied sunscreen, and went out to the balcony. There I got into a meditative pose and summoned the talisman. Using a little of his power, I lifted it with wind to hover in front of my chest. I closed my eyes and began to meditate. I learned many things, including the fact that An's priests had an air blessing. This blessing protected them from foul air, sandstorms, and such. I realized it was this that had protected me after I passed An's test. I also learned that his more powerful priests could affect local weather to a degree. Looking into An's additions, I thought I could affect a very large area and to a greater degree. If I am right, the size limit is my teleport limit, I thus I could affect a six hundred-mile radius area.

I was brought out of my meditation by Filipe shouting my name. I opened my eyes and looked down at him. I wondered why he was by the pool. Then I realized I was over it hovering about fifteen feet up. The talisman was sparking, as were my nipples. For a moment, I panicked until I realized I was not falling. Calming down, I thought about it, and came to the conclusion I was somehow tapping An's power to do this. So I willed myself to go to Filipe. When next to him, I unfolded from my lotus position and dropped my feet to the ground. I then thought, and sent the talisman back to my bedroom, where I usually kept it.

"Hello, I hope I didn't scare you."

"I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did I. While quite intriguing, I don't think I will ever publicly use it. Too many questions, don't you think?"

"Yeah. But what's happening with your tits?"

In that short span of time, I had forgotten about them. I willed them back to passivity and watched them stop sparking, then relax from being at full mast. "I think that is a secondary effect of using his power. This is the fourth time it happened." I touched my nipples, and they felt normal, not sore. "It seems when I use a lot of his power, they light up."

"Isn't that painful?"

"After the first time, I couldn't touch them, and wearing clothes was painful. Now, they feel normal."

"What were you doing up there?"

"I don't know why I was over the pool, because I started meditating on the balcony outside our room. An said to meditate on the talisman to learn about being a priest, so I did. I will need a lot more time to fully understand it all, but I can give you some highlights." We spoke for over an hour, and I demonstrated some of my new skills. I didn't tell him everything, in part because I didn't know, and in part it felt intensely personal. I knew I would tell him everything he wanted to know, as I had what Inanna gave me, but I wasn't ready yet.

It took longer than I expected, as the new sequel was consuming a lot of my time. Since I commissioned the first script, and wrote the second, I became the space cat-girl expert. Everyone wanted my input. When I grumbled about it near the producer, he overheard, and offered me the title of Associate Producer. He also let slip the pay would be in addition to my acting role. With my new title, everyone congratulated me. What I hadn't expected was that my opinions started carrying more weight.

Eventually, things settled out. The script called for the ship's engine to malfunction, causing our ship to have a controlled crash into the Sierra Madre Mountains, near Mexico City. While finding random supporting actors with mountain climbing experience is easy enough, they could not replace me. This meant that I had to learn mountain climbing. So, for several weeks, I spent my days learning to climb, and the evenings I spent with Associate Producer minutia. Filipe made a few trips to spend the night with me. He brought some special treats from our cook each time.

The site selected for the 'crash' was at the top of a three hundred foot climb. However, at the back side, was an access road. So while we had to climb it at least once, for most of the scenes we could be driven to the site. The actual climb was scheduled to be last, just in case. We did film us going up ten feet or so to imply making the whole climb. To repair our ship, we needed to visit high-tech places like science labs. The special-effects guys love their work and went all out for this part. Captain Galore got permission to access these places by having lots of sex.

When it came time for the climb, I and two of my spaceship crew made the climb to the ship. Drones filmed us from above and below. When I could, I kept my legs parted, so the camera could get upskirts of me. I also used my air control to make the air very calm, so it wouldn't be a hindrance to our climb. When our headsets finally called 'cut' after we finished the climb, the two ladies lay down, clearly tired. I went over to the refreshment table and got sports drinks for all three of us. I kept them company until they got back up.

While post-production put in their part, including retractable claws for our climb, Filipe chose to join me, watching from off-screen. When the shooting was over, my involvement had essentially ended. Filipe and I spent the next two weeks being tourists. I chose to see what I could do to affect the weather. Not wanting to hurt anyone, I strove to change the timing, and path of storms. It seemed I could go farther than six hundred miles.

In the middle of the first week, there was a powerful storm to the south. The land it was over was essentially unpopulated. I used my teleport to head into the area. First, I tried to see if I could affect the lightning. It was hard, as their power is huge, and I had to use great will to change their path. Next, I tried to lessen the rain. I could feel a buildup of pressure in the clouds, but the rainfall slowed, and over me, it even stopped. Not wanting trouble, I allowed it to release. Fifteen minutes later, it had settled down. It was time to make it rain hard. I caused it to come down in a torrential rainfall. I could feel the clouds emptying, so I released my control. The rain eased up.

Waiting for the storm to pass a few miles and allow a fresh area near me, I worked on creating a tornado. It took a bit of effort, but my knowledge of weather allowed me to efficiently change the winds to cause them to spin. I released it, and it continued, so five minutes later, I worked to undo the tornado. It was far harder, as the tornado actually strengthened the blowing winds. I had to starve it of energy before it heeded my command. When it finally stopped spinning, I continued to keep the air calm. Eventually, I released it, but kept a watch for another fifteen minutes to see that it didn't restart.

I returned after midnight to hide my sudden arrival. On the last day we expected to stay, word came that a nasty tropical storm heading our way was upgraded to a hurricane. I told Filipe to go, but that I wanted to stay and see if I could blunt its effect. He made me promise to stay inside when the shelter orders came. The hurricane built up over the gulf, and built up to a Category 4 the day before landfall. At dusk, I locked and blocked my hotel door. I then stripped and began to concentrate on the storm through the glass doors of the balcony. I left them closed in case I got too distracted. Previously, I had learned that glass, even thick glass like these doors, did not impair my senses.

The system was over four hundred miles away, and over a thousand wide. I could not feel it in its entirety, but the main portion was within my range. Forecasters sent planes through it to learn how it worked, but I could sense it directly. They would get detailed, accurate data where they went, while I got a more general feel. In all, I think I got the better read, since I could see it in real time and in total. I could sense the currents that fed the system. Setting my will against the storm, I pushed hard to change those currents. I found they were very strong, so I pushed harder. Feeling the slightest change, I was encouraged, so I pushed my will even more, and over a greater area. Suddenly, my nipples started sparking.

I considered the millions of lives in danger, and used my desire to help them, to push my will even more. The sparks became near continuous. I also felt the currents change, and spread the influx of energy to a much wider area. I could feel the effort I needed was tremendous, and I knew I could not keep it up. So I allowed my will to relax to the previous level. One of the key tenants of exercise is that endurance is best achieved when you don't go all out. By cutting back, I was actually extending my effect. After an hour, I felt I could not maintain any more effort, so I released my control. I started a bath, and settled in to let my mind rest. I set an alarm for an hour.

My alarm woke me. I dried myself off with a towel, and again took my place looking upon the storm. This time, I summoned my talisman before starting. Placing it on my lap, I began as before, ratcheting up my control. When my nipples started sparking, the talisman responded by rising on its own, and it too began to glow and spark. I noticed the sparking was more intense, and my effect seemed a bit greater. I pushed that extra amount, but used the extra power to bring it into land quicker. Since the largest influx of energy comes from the water, being over land should reduce its power. I was able to maintain this extra level for nearly five minutes before I cut back. I felt it had moved significantly towards land with my effort. At the lesser level, I was able to hold for nearly an hour and a half before I had to quit.

Time for another bath. After a few minutes, I summoned Inanna's symbol. I used a tiny amount of her power to begin its healing of my mental and physical stress. I forgot to set the alarm, but I noticed the cold water after forty-five minutes. I got out refreshed. I dried off, and resumed again. This time, Inanna's symbol was resting between my breasts, and An's in my lap. When I went to max level, my nipples were sparking near continuously, but I noticed Inanna's symbol was pulsing in time to my heartbeat. It was nearly dark, so I tried to push the storm even more over land as I starved it. I thought I would only last at this level a few minutes, but I was able to last nearly an hour. Relaxing to the lesser level, I was uncertain how long I could last. I surprised myself when I had to quit three hours later.

Before I headed for the bath again, I turned on the news to learn about the storm. It didn't take long to find out what was happening. The hurricane's power was down to a Category 3, and looked like it would go to a Category 2 overnight. There was speculation at the speed of the storm, but all were glad it was losing power. I was in the bath, after setting the alarm, when I realized Inanna's talisman was still pulsing. I chose to ignore that for now. I let sleep claim me, and woke to the alarm. The pulsing was gone, and I felt refreshed.

This time, when I powered up, I felt Inanna's symbol focus on me even as An's talisman focused on the hurricane. Both began to glow, and the sparks were even stronger and continuous. Again, I lasted about an hour before cutting back for another three hours. I turned on the news again, and learned it was now down to a Category 1. I decided I had done enough, so I unblocked the door then headed for bed to sleep. After fifteen minutes, I got out of bed and closed all the blinds to make It as dark as I could. A minute later, I noticed a glow coming from my chest area. I knew I was still wearing Inanna's symbol, so I sent it and An's talisman back. The glow didn't go away. I felt my chest and the symbol was definitely gone, so I looked.

My nipples were still at full mast, and were glowing. Carefully I touched one and felt nothing unusual. I decided to ask for advice. "Queen Inanna, something strange is happening with my body. I need some advice."

"Let us -- You've done it again. Your body is overloaded with power, yet it appears you are trying to sleep. What happened?"

I explained what I had done. "Impressive. While I do not understand the true power of a hurricane, I do know it dwarfs ordinary storms. I do not know why the power makes your nipples spark, but I do know others who have sustained their power as you did have had similar glowing. When power is strongly used, it tends to show its use in some manner. Apparently yours is sparking nipples. Usually the glow goes down within the hour, but the level of power in your body makes me think it will be hours before they stop glowing. Until then, any use of power will likely extend that time. Your body needs rest, and the excess power will dissipate with time."

"That is part of the problem. I cannot sleep despite being up all night."

"Is that the only thing you need?"

"Yes. Sleep will restore me."

"Then sleep." I felt her will calm my mind, and I fell instantly asleep.

It was dark when I woke. I wanted to see the storm. Opening the blinds, I saw we were in the middle of a thunderstorm. My sense of the storm was that while still significant, it was no longer a hurricane, so I opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony. I wasn't worried about lightning, as I had seen the lightning rods on the hotel earlier. The rain felt wonderful on my naked body. Suddenly, I sensed a lightning strike forming overhead, and I also felt a response within me. Not sure of what this meant, I was about to go back inside, when the lightning struck me. Somehow it had avoided the hotel's protection and entered me. My nipples instantly popped out to full mast, and glowed. Yet it seemed as though that is all it did. I went in and closed the door.

Despite being quite clean, I decided to start a bath. When I reached for the faucet, there was a huge spark from my hand into the metal nearly a foot away. It stung, and I quickly pulled my hand back to examine it. Nothing. Then I noticed my nipples were not glowing, either. I reached out again, and only got a tiny shock, as though I shuffled my feet on a carpet to zap someone. I filled the tub and chose to relax. An hour later, I realized I was very hungry. I got out and phoned in an order for room service, but for two hot dinners, and two cold ones. I unlocked the door and went back to the tub.

Dinner was announced by a knocking. I called out "Enter," and then got out of the tub. Entering the room, I saw two waiters staring at me. "I'm famished. Please finish setting the table."

"Y... Y... You're naked."

"Four. You got four."

"Yes boys and I am hungry. Please get at least one set out, so I can begin eating." I dried off and let the towel drop.

Eventually a place was set, so I sat and began to eat. I was nearly finished with the first hot dinner when I realized they were done and waiting for a tip. "Gentlemen, as you see, I don't have anything on me for a tip at the moment, but if you don't mind waiting, I'll be glad to have sex with both of you." This got their attention. "In the meantime, why not stand on either side of me and play with my breasts. It won't bother me, and it will pass the time." They quickly positioned themselves on either side. As expected, in less than a minute, one was also playing with my vagina. I continued to eat, even as I had three orgasms while eating four meals. "Come with me."

I led them to the bed, and I lay in the center with my head at the foot. "Strip. You, the tall one, climb the bed and stick your dick in me. And you, next to him, I want to deepthroat you. You can trade off after you each have come." Soon they were pounding away at me, and I was doing all I could to pleasure them. In time, I had them swap. When they came a second time, I sent them to get dressed and clean up the dinner. I saw them to the door and headed back to bed. I instantly fell asleep.

"You continue to impress me."

I know I am dreaming, yet I am in the cloud throne room. I bow, and say, "Lord An, if you mean diminishing the great storm, I was curious, and successful results would be a better outcome for millions."

"That was beyond impressive. I refer to the lesser storm. Other priests have created such storms, never have they stopped one. And the speed with which you did it. Only the most experienced ones were able to be that quick, yet you did it on your first try. Do you have any idea how you managed it?"

"Yes, my Lord. In this age, we understand how weather works in detail. We cannot yet manipulate it, but we understand what must be done to do so. When I learned you granted me this power, I studied this knowledge. For the tornado I created, I applied this knowledge, aiming it with the senses you grant me to see the air. To stop it, I applied the same knowledge, but to opposite effect."

"Did you use this on the greater storm also?"

"Yes. The scale was far larger, and the effort was rather extreme. I needed some of Inanna's healing to maintain the level of effort as long as I did."

"So why did you not finish the job and end it?"

"In the old times, unexplained weather just meant the gods were involved, or that weather was beyond mortal understanding. In this age, with our understanding, unexplained weather is a cause for concern and study. Our age also records much, including the weather. As it is, some questions have already come. Had I stopped the storm, there would be far more questions, and the interest in getting the answers would be far stronger. While my hand in this is unlikely to be known, the more people who are looking, the more likely something will be found. I do not want that kind of attention."

"Interesting. Inanna has mentioned your dislike of attention for divine things, yet she is clearly fond of you. I shall keep an eye on you." With that, the dream ended.

The next day, I felt refreshed, so I made plans to go home. The flight would leave the next day, so I enjoyed the amenities of the hotel. While there was a lot of damage around, the city recovered quickly, and by the evening all the major roadways were open and power was restored to almost everyone. The hotel, having its own backup power, did not suffer a significant loss of power, and continued serving its customers in style.

While the airport had its own chaos, my height aided me, both in seeing where to go, and in people's instinctual reaction to give space to those much larger than you. I arrived early, and was at the gate with time to kill. Some fans recognized me, so I started autographing things, and letting others pose with me for selfies. The plane was ascending when I overheard a mother and son in front of me talking about the shapes they saw in the clouds. That gave me an idea.