Nigkala Tales Pt. 13: Degree of Separation


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By the time the three-hour flight was over, I had managed to make some recognizable objects. I made sure they didn't last, but the kid saw a castle, a truck, a horse, a fire hydrant, and a few more things. I made sure to take a few pictures.

Filipe met me and drove me home. The next day, going through my mail, I saw I had received a telegram a few days ago. Most unusual in this modern era. I opened it and learned that John Maxwell's older brother Jack has been reported killed climbing Mount Everest. He asked me to attend a wake in England later today. I am one of only a few close friends he has.

"Filipe, I think I must leave almost immediately for England."

"So soon?"

"Yes, a dear friend's older brother has died, and he is the last of the family. He needs what friendship he can get."

"I'd better call the travel agency then."

"Don't. There is not enough time. I'm going to have to use divine methods to get there. I'm going to pack now. Can you grab five thousand from the safe? If there is any English currency there, get some of that. I don't want to leave an electronic trail."

"Okay. You can tell me about it later."

First thing I did was pick out a set of clothes for the wake, and two sets for after. I then packed them in waterproof bags, and placed them inside another waterproof bag inside a knapsack. I changed into a set of tourist clothes, including all weather shoes. I didn't bother buttoning up the shirt and left it wide open. Filipe met me in our bedroom, so I put the cash in my purse, and the knapsack on my back. Walking out to the balcony, I kissed Filipe goodbye.

I looked at my phone to get a good direction to aim, and then I set it to airplane mode and placed it in my purse. Summoning An's talisman, I then concentrated on having the air carry me. Filipe eyes popped as my nipples started to spark, and I started to levitate. I said, "Goodbye," and blew him another kiss. Then I used the teleportation power. This trip called for a great distance, so I concentrated real hard to go as far as I could. I aimed for two miles up and as far to the east as I could go. Filipe later told me my body suddenly glowed, and lightning sprung from my nipples just as I disappeared.

I found myself high in the air, over the Great Plains somewhere. I rested a few moments to gather my wits and note what was about. I saw some airplanes about, including some above me. I made my next stop four miles up and east-north-east to my limit. Looking about, all the planes I saw were below me. After a brief rest, I went east-north-east again. Below me was ocean, to the west I saw land a fair distance away. I changed my direction to east until I hit land again. It took several teleports, or zaps as I thought of them, but I finally found myself over land. But where was I? I made a short teleport up to fifteen miles, so that I could look down and see if I recognized anything.

I did. I was over Spain. I aimed along the northern coast to as far as I could see and teleported. This time I could see England. I made London my next stop. While I could not see it, I could feel the air about it as being more polluted and warmer. I arrived only a mile above London. I looked for a tall building with a helipad, preferably a hospital. I figured that would be the easiest way to get down to the street without notice. Finding one, I teleported down. Dismissing the power, I buttoned up and looked about. There was a witness. I looked him in the eye and said, "Forget seeing me arrive. Believe I was here relaxing before you got here. Show me the stairs." I didn't want to use the elevator the patients used.

I followed him to a doorway, and thanked him while looking him in the eyes, saying, "No need to come with me. I am authorized."

"Yes mum." He turned away and went back to where he had been.

I went down the stairs, which left me on the seventh floor by the executive suites. I found a different elevator to the ground floor, and left the building. While a number of people looked at me, I was projecting an air of authority that I was supposed to be where I was.

I walked, and entered the first store I came to. I asked directions to the nearest bank. There was one, three blocks down. I exchanged a thousand dollars for pounds, and left. At the next store, I asked directions to where I could buy a phone. I lucked out, as they sold them. I bought one. I then headed for a café, got a meal, and entered in John's number. I also looked up where he was located. Putting this in the phone's GPS. I was ready. I finished the meal and left a tip. I then walked until I could duck into an alley. There I unbuttoned my shirt and zap, I teleported a mile up. Using the new phone, I determined where I needed to go. Three zaps later, and I was above the town where John was. This time I decide to land outside of town. The rain helped me to land close without being seen.

Once on land, I used my weather control to make a break in the rain around the town. It took only five minutes to get to the outskirts, and I was able to get a cab to the nearest hotel. The rain had nearly stopped when it dropped me off. I booked a room for a few days, and took a shower. Not easy with a bathroom designed for six-foot-tall people. As I dried off, I sent a text. "Hello John, Becky Sue on a local phone. I'm staying at The Tap House. Would you like me to meet you somewhere, or arrive early?"

While dressing, I got a text back. "Meet me at The Golden Stout across from the event. I'm there now eating lunch." A few minutes later, I had the place call another cab for me. I decided to keep the rain away until after the wake. Ten minutes later, I was entering The Golden Stout.

It was clear this was a local bar, and the crowd was not too friendly. Someone asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to see a friend."

"You have no friends here, Yankee."

"I do. Let me call him." I switched to Sumerian, and in a loud voice that carried, I said, "Student of history, the ancient warrior has arrived. Come forth."

There was stunned silence. That I would raise my voice was part of it, my confidence another part, but the foreign language threw them. Into that silence came back, also in Sumerian, "Writer of tablets, let us drink together." I headed to the bar, where John called out in English, "Over here, Becky Sue."

"John, I am so sorry for you. You must tell me all about him, the good and the bad. But before that, you mentioned lunch? Why not order me something." He signaled the bartender and ordered. The beer came immediately, the sandwiches a few minutes later. Holding up my mug, I said, "To friends." John joined in the toast.

"I noticed you are conservatively dressed. What's up?"

"We are here for Jack, not for ourselves. The occasion demands respect, so I will not be as you might have expected, but prim and proper. Rituals like this are important, and I do not wish to spoil this by my usual displays. Later, however, is another matter."

"I... I don't think I ever expected this. You are full of surprises. How was your flight? Any bad weather?"

"I did not come the usual way, but I had no real difficulty. I can tell you more in private, but now is not the time or place. What of you? Any new archaeological discoveries you want to tell me of?"

We chatted for a while, until someone came up to him to say it was time. I called the bartender over and paid both our tabs, to John's surprise. "John, don't worry. I'm on an expense account." I winked to indicate it was a lie, and he understood.

"Thank you. Please join me." I followed them across the street. As John knew me mostly through archaeology, and many here were also involved in it, I was able to hold my own in conversation.

I kept an eye out for people who seemed under stress. I arranged to bump into them and strike up a conversation. As I talked, I projected a subtle aura of authority, and when they seemed ready, I would say something like, 'Tell me what troubles you. It is okay to feel bad. Cry if you must, but let out your tension.' I changed it to suit the person, but several confessed their pain to me. I gave them motherly hugs, and reassured them. I also advised them to speak with others about it so that sharing could help heal. By the time it was over, eight had confessed to me, and I could tell they were already on the road to healing.

When it was time for all to go, I went to John and asked, "What is next?"

"I have to stay awhile, for paperwork, and such. Then I have some things to do. How about I meet you at The Tap Room for dinner?"

"Okay. Until then, be well." I left, and walked about town to see what it had to offer. I bought a raincoat and hat. In another store, I bought a tourist book about the town. I decided to read it while I waited for John. Back at The Tap Room, I made a reservation for dinner, but indicated I did not know when my friend would arrive. They gave me static until I let slip John was the friend I was waiting for. That soothed things over. I then began to read the book.

I was over halfway through when John tapped me on the shoulder. "Hello."

"Hi. What are you reading?" I showed him. "If you want to learn about the real town, don't trust that book. That is more about what the town wants others to think."

"I had suspected, but it does give me a sense of the place. If you want to be my guide, I would be happy to accept. However, dinner awaits us. Shall we?" I held my hand out to indicate the dining area. After dinner, we retired to my room.

"I see you have a raincoat. You must have checked the weather here."

"I didn't, but I know the climate make one advisable. Here we have privacy. You can ask me what I would not answer earlier, and you can also unburden your heart. I am here for you; you need me, even if not for sex." I winked as I said that, which caused him to chuckle.

"I don't know what you did back there, but one lady is an anthropologist. She studies tribal interactions for a living. She 'noticed' you professionally. She said you were clearly a stranger, yet clearly respected in archaeology. I was the only one who actually knew you. But her comments were about the mothering quality you showed. Specifically, a clan mother or wise woman. While she did not hear any of your quiet conversations, they clearly had a strong calming effect. She wants to meet you." He gave a quick smile at the last. "When did this happen?"

"You know I am a priestess of Inanna. While she is not particularly a mother figure, she is an expert at reading people's desire for sex. I can tap into that at need, but for tonight, I was looking for stress. But there is another factor that was at play. Let me show you." I went over and took An's talisman from my backpack. "You have seen Inanna's holy symbol. It is a divine talisman attuned to me. This is another talisman, but of An. It is also attuned to me. Our relationship is not as easy and comfortable as Inanna's. Through it, I can access an aura of authority. I used it at the bar, and later at the wake. Add in a dash of worldly experience for the wise woman, and that is what happened."

"That's... very interesting. There are so many questions."

"I planned to stay a few days, any more and I will have wardrobe difficulties. I packed quite light." We continued to talk for several hours. Leaving, he said he would pick me up in the morning to introduce me to his colleagues.

In the morning, we met in the lobby, and he drove me to his college. He spent most of the day taking me around. Several knew of my recent work reassembling the tablets, and John liked informing them that I was now a Doctor of Archaeology. Word quickly spread, and I met nearly the entire department, including Sally the anthropologist. The day ended with me eating dinner at his place.

We finished the meal, and retired to the living room to relax with a drink. I said, "You have waited long enough. I can see you are hiding your pain. Talk to me, I am here to help if I can. I can listen, at least."

John was shocked at first, but then sighed. "You are very observant. And annoying. No one else has seen the pain I have been hiding. Most try to comfort me, and it does help, but at night, alone with my thoughts, I feel it even more."

"What makes it so troubling?"

"My family has lived in this town for centuries. The closest relative I have left is from a branch of the family that split off generations ago. My brother and I came to accept that years ago, but it still is a sour truth to accept. But another, more personal sour truth, is that I cannot bury him in the family plot. He knew his climb would take him outside of rescue. But disaster hit, and there was no way they could return any of the five who died. They could only bring back a few items, but they missed the family ring. While the ring is important, it is not as important as bringing him back."

"Do you know where he rests? Perhaps another party might retrieve him, or the ring."

"While I have enough money to live comfortably, the kind of money needed for such an expedition is far beyond my means. As to asking a favor, I have no pull in the exploration crowd."

"I might be able to help there. As an actor, I just did some mountain climbing near Mexico City. I became friends with those who taught me. That gives me an in to the community, so I can ask. While I might be able to finance such an expedition, I think it might be easier to sponsor a side quest to another expedition, as someone is going up all the time."

"You would do that for me?"

"You know secrets about me and have not told others. Instead, you have respected me, and used my knowledge to advance your field. You have also thrown interesting work my way. In short, you have been my friend. So, yes, I would do that. I don't know how, but I have connections all over the world, and in many fields. That happens when you make a living as an actress. It might take years, but I will try."

He was quiet for a bit, and then came over to hug me. "Thank you." I hugged him back, and soon his tears came. I held him until they subsided.

He sat back down. "I'm sorry a got carried away like that." It was clear he was embarrassed.

"I am not. You have shared your story, and it has clearly reduced your pain. While my path to the priesthood was unusual, and I don't preach much, I do believe in helping others. And the more I use my 'gifts', the more I feel I need to act priestly, even if I don't acknowledge it openly."

"Well, if you start taking confessions, people might catch on."

"Not from that. Consider how many confessions a shrink hears, or are given to the local bartender."

"Oh. Yeah. You're right." We fell silent for a few minutes.

I sensed that he was at peace, and I wanted to let him rest, so I gave him a whammy to sleep. I then took him to his room and placed him into his bed. I sent a text to his phone telling him to call me in the morning. I quietly left, and walked back to my room.

The next day, John picked me up. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on you and not bringing you back here. I don't know what came over me."

"I do. Relief. By sharing with me, you were able to begin processing your worries. Tell me, did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby."

"What about before last night?"

"Not so well. I tossed and turned a lot, often waking up."

"Then my walk back was well worth it, and I see no reason for you to be sorry. So, what's on the schedule today?"

"I think I will show you my family history. You made me realize why I hurt, and family is a big part of it. So I want to show you my family. With the good weather, let's start at the family plot."

"Can we walk, or is it too far?"

"You're right. Walking is a good idea. It will clear my head, and the activity will also be good for me."

"On the way, you can give me a running monologue about what we pass. I'm sure you know something interesting about everything in town."

"Oh yeah, I know all the local gossip."

"Then let us begin." I followed him outside, and we started walking. We kept the conversation light, swapping stories, including when I manhandled an annoying paparazzo with one hand. That got him chuckling. Finally, we entered the cemetery and found the section for his family. It was clear he was moved, but had trouble speaking. "John, take all the time you need. I am ready to listen when you are ready to talk." I then squeezed his shoulder and stood by his side quietly.

We stood there nearly an hour before he began. He started with a sigh. "You are right. I need to let it out." With that beginning, he began a tale of the generations. With it, I began to see how he viewed family, and his need for traditions. Last night, he mentioned retrieving the Jack's body as being somewhat important. Today, I saw that it was quite important. Telling this story became a catharsis for him. He spoke for nearly four hours. Afterwards, he seemed to shrink, as though drained. I went over and gathered him in my arms. After a bit, I could feel him sobbing silently.

When he finally pulled himself together, he drew away from my embrace and quietly said, "Thanks."

"Your family is rooted here. It is in your blood. That explains your pain. Come, it is time to leave. Let us be silent, to let the quiet settle into your blood." I then waved him to follow me. I led him back to town, and to The Golden Stout.

When we entered in, someone called out, "Yankee, you're not welcome here."

John was about to say something, but I touched his shoulder to stay him. Summoning a bit of An's authority, I said, "I am here for my friend. You will respect that. Now go sit and be quiet." Several people were quite surprised when he sat, including John. I led us to an open table in the back. When the waitress came over, I ordered drinks and food before John could say a thing. To John, I said, "Let the quiet settle, and let the nourishment restore your body."

We barely spoke, and then only about the food or drinks. We were there two hours, when he finally said, "Thank you. I needed that. And not just the food."

"I think I have done what I can for you here, so it is time for me to leave."

"So soon?"

"Yes, I took some shortcuts to get here, and I don't think certain types would appreciate it. I will be having an early dinner, and leave soon after."

"I do have a question, though." I raised my eyebrows and waited. "How did you make that guy sit and say nothing?"

"You required some quiet time, so I used some of An's gift to be someone with authority over him. He'll recover soon after we leave, so don't worry. The others, without their leader, were cowed. It also helps I am as big as I am and as confident as I am. They saw me as an alpha female, and one who dominates alpha males. So they submitted quietly."

"Nice power." We then got up and left the bar.

At the door, I hugged him. "Goodbye, my friend. I shall do what I can for you." I turned around and went to The Tap Room to prepare for leaving.

I chose to leave town by jogging with my backpack a few miles first. I figured I could get lost in the wilderness that way, so I could leave England without being seen. My first zap was directly up four miles. I got my bearings and returned along the same path I came. I arrived home mid-morning, and I landed on my balcony. A few minutes later, I was soaking in my tub, enjoying one large enough for me. I began to think about ways to retrieve John's brother. I knew I would get it done.

But that is another story...

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