Nigkala Tales Pt. 19: Automatic Clothing


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We did about fifty of these before we went on to the area selection. I felt this needed more examples, so we did a lot more examples. We broke for lunch while it thought about stuff.

After lunch, we tried it out, and found it seemed fairly decent. We moved onto more complex ideas. One of the ideas I wanted was for a full facemask and a helmet. That took a lot of work by Tex, as he had to add an alternate set of parameters to allow the nanites to go above the neck. Eventually we got it to work reliably, without obstructing my breathing. Getting elf ears or alien antennae was a lot easier. Eventually, we managed to generate several popular cosplay characters, and also were able to transition easily between them. We even did a few random characters on the fly to see how well the routine was working. Since I used reference images for all of these, we also included copies of them so that a later analysis could get even better at reading my thoughts.

To help the calculation process, I tried to connect with the neural nets. The ones in the combs were too small to have significant interaction. The one in the box, however, I was able to tap into. I tried to assist its evaluation by indicating what I saw as more significant and less significant about its readings. Because it was using recordings of my brainwaves, I was even able to 'read' them a little, so I could 'advise' the computation. We got a lot farther than Tex thought we would in the few days he was here.

Two days before shooting, I was told we would try the nanotech for my outfits. Tex again came, but with his wife. They chose to stay in town, so they would not be as exposed to my sexuality, or perhaps it was the nudity. Tex got to watch the shoot, and was dismayed at how much setup was needed compared to the time on film. I assured him it was fairly normal. With the sex scenes, he found himself very aroused. I told him that means I was doing a good job. I suggested he see his wife before dinner. Some of the scenes needed adjustment to allow the power supply to transmit sufficient power to the unit, but usually there was enough time between takes to fully recharge.

When the director realized how much I could control the clothing, he pushed me to do little things that made the clothes seem even more magical. I worked with Tex to incorporate shiny metallic pieces into the outfit. The nanites needed to know how to show or hide a shiny bit of metal on command. We worked several evenings, but we got it to work. Getting it to then work with jewels was simple. These effects made the clothes even more magical. Tex and I also worked on an animated image that moved about the clothes. When the director saw it, he loved it, and frequently had one of the five different images slowly move on the outfit. As one was a cat, I asked Tex if we could have the nanites become a 3D cat. More work, and we got it to work, as long as the cat was attached. This meant I could have the image of the cat become three-dimensional and sit on my lap.

We decided it was time to show the director. "John, Tex and I have something interesting to show you."

"Oh? What magic is it this time?"

"Watch the cat image as I sit." I grabbed a chair and sat. When it came to my stomach, I gave the command, and suddenly, it filled out into a cat sitting in my lap, purring. I was actually the one purring, but I don't think he realized. Also, the cat was calico, just like the image. And when he reached out to it, I stopped purring, and the 'cat' turned its head to him. He pulled his hand back, and the cat went back to purring.

"Tex, she plays a witch, but this magic has to be from you. How the hell did you manage this?"

"The 'cat' is still attached, and it would be too much work to make one that can detach. Perhaps in the future. As to the creature, it is just another animation, but in three dimensions. Its reaction is also triggered by Becky Sue's commands. For scripted movement, like this film, you can predefine all you need. Making it autonomous would need a lot more computing power, and is far outside what this unit can do."

"You also use a fox image. Can you do that?"

"I don't know if there are sufficient nanites to cover her and make a live-looking fox. The bird or mouse, however, could happen. But using them in the film would need their own special effects, or live stand-in. A cat familiar can be expected to hang about the witch, but if you want, we can use a live stand-in, and update the animated cat to match."

The next day, we learned the script was changed to have my 'cat' make several appearances. Tex and I worked to get the cat to follow the script, with me cuing it. One of the more creepy scenes he added, was to have a bird arise from my shoulder as I am having sex, and the bird watches a bit before silently going back into the shoulder.

We didn't need any more tweaks for the rest of the shoot. Tex went back home with the unit. I did another two days of commercials for them, and about five months later, came the promo tour. They even included some cosplay conventions.

The first cosplay convention, I learned they had cut a deal with the film people, as they used some carefully-edited scenes that showed the outfit doing magical things. Then I came out in the outfit at the beginning of the clip, and before their very eyes, my outfit did what they just saw in the clip. They had their talking head (marketing person) tell a little about the system, and what it could do. We quickly realized he was losing the audience, so I tapped him on the shoulder and asked for the mike.

"Let me explain it by example. You there, you look like Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. Check this out." This character was on my list I had preloaded, as it was popular these days. I gave the mental command, and two seconds later, I wore the uniform of a colonial warrior, complete with weapon belt and blaster. "Adama might think I am Starbuck."

There were a number of 'oohs' and 'ahs'. I quickly moved on. "Here's a number I think some will recognize." I gave the command for Obsidian's outfit. "This was an easy one, I know well." The audience loved it. "How about this one?" I gave another outfit change, and I was Iron Woman, complete with red and gold facemask. The audience quickly recognized it. "As you can see, you can do just about any outfit you want. Pulling it off, however, will require your acting skills." I went back to my witch, Elvira's outfit. "While this nanotech might be out of your price range, you can see the potential it has in movies. The future is now, and we can film it. Ultraviolet's heroine had color changing outfits and hair. We can do more." I then activated the moving image of the bird, and after it made two circuits, it went to my shoulder and became three-dimensional. It then apparently cawed. Tex had added a speaker to the belt, so the unit could make sounds. After looking about a few more seconds, it went back into the outfit as a picture that circled once, then disappeared.

"You have seen some of what it can do. Imagine what you will see in films now. If enough of you write the film production companies saying you want them to use it, they will. Then you will see great new movies. Likewise, the writers can imagine even more tricks to make this technology even more powerful in the movies. Thank you." I then handed the mike back.

My little presentation made the national papers. The PR guy's talk was barely acknowledged. Poor guy, but he was man enough to cut his losses, and go with what works. Future demonstrations had him still doing the talking, but he was describing what I did with the outfit, and along the lines I had initially done. This also affected the other conventions where technology was king rather than characters. They wanted to see the tech in operation, and usually selected popular characters I either played, or other characters currently popular with this crowd. Again, the PR guy had to change stuff a bit, but he got to talk more about the nuts and bolts of the technology, as this crowd understood it better.

This publicity tour finished just before the premiere, so I asked if I could use it there. They decided why not. I spoke with Tex to set up a surprise. I told everyone I would be there at five sharp. I got there at four, and activated the perfect camouflage surprise. I was standing in the corner of the wall just off the red carpet, and the outfit looked like the wall. It went straight up eight feet, and then curved in for seven more feet. If you weren't looking for it, you didn't notice it, and no one was looking. The camouflage also extended on the ground to where I would stand, and provided a lumpy surface to discourage others from standing there.

Fifteen minutes before, the paparazzi began arriving. Ten minutes before, other cast members started to arrive. One minute to go, and I was the last one expected to show, and there was no sign of me. When it was time, I activated the smoke pellet I had in my hand, and before the smoke cleared, the outfit changed to my Elvira outfit and I stepped forth from the smoke. At least two paparazzi got it all. The power unit was nearby, to the side, disguised as a full trash can. A few months later, I shared an award with Red Horizons for technology in film, as well as an award for costuming. Seems I still had the golden touch.

After the premiere, when Tex picked up the unit, he asked, "What are you planning to do next?"

"Actually, I have an idea I want to explore with Red Horizons."

"What might that be?"

"Remember my previous movie where I played Obsidian?"


"Creating those extra arms and controlling them led me to start a company that makes prosthetic limbs. Right now, it is one of many such companies, and does not have much beside my celebrity endorsement. Your nanotech has a control system that drives its actions. Imagine if that control system was applied to the prosthetics? They could have smoother control, finer detail, and more. The quality of life would be improved significantly for those using them."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"It could also be used for remote operation in a laboratory or even from orbit."

"Oh! That will interest them."

"And lastly, it would let my character have an even more realistic second pair of arms."

"Aha! The true reason emerges."

"I admit it started the ball rolling, but it is not sufficient reason to develop it. The other uses, however, do provide that reason. And having robotic arms on a remote platform would allow your Mars trip more freedom to do what is needed safely."

"I can pass word up the chain."

"Can you get me the contact info for Mr. Madison, the project's accountant? I want to submit a formal business to business request to develop and license the technology."

"I can get you that. As I recall, he was a fan of Obsidian."

"You recall correctly. That's why I want to go through him for my contact."

"I'll send you the info once I get back to the office."

We spoke for a few more minutes, and then he left. I then went to my prosthetic company and spoke to them about my idea. They felt the idea was great, but they didn't have the finances to make it happen, as research is expensive. I told them I would be investing a significant amount of cash to make it happen. Also, Red Horizons would share the cost as they could use it, as well. After explaining the remote control aspect, they agreed it would help. So after a few hours, we came up with a proposal that we sent to legal to process. A week later, the letter was sent, along with a personal letter from me to Mr. Madison.

It took nearly a month, but the reply was encouraging. By that time, I had been generating cash by creating gems and precious metals and converting them to cash all over the world. I then sent that cash through different accounts, eventually into one. I got involved in several face-to-face meetings, and we eventually came to an agreement. Two weeks later, I was reunited with the team that developed the interface. I was also able to get the same apartment, much to my delight.

"Gentlemen, as part of our agreement, I have brought a pair of arms, and the control schematics. Our goal is to combine this unit with your mental interface and have the user control the arms. Red Horizons wants remote operation. My company wants superior prosthetic control. I want to be able to control a second pair of arms for when I play the character Obsidian. My desire can only happen if we get the first two, and if we get the first two, my desire should be quite easy. So let us get to work."

The team lead said, "Ms. Tate, welcome back. Be assured, we have been informed, and support your goals. I, myself, have a cousin that uses a prosthetic arm. He lost it in an accident, and ever since, he has complained about his replacement arm being so limited. When we get this working, I intend on upgrading his prosthetic."

"Bet he still complains."

"No bet. I know him too well. But he will be much happier, I think."

"I also have a list of our patients that have indicated a willingness to help prototype. When we get to that stage, we can contact them with specifics."

Over the next few days, the specifications, and schematics, and so on were entered into their systems. Their engineers analyzed everything, and came up with the requirements needed to satisfy the goal. The interface team worked with me to begin the mental training of the interface, since I was already quite familiar with it, and it with me. In two weeks, the engineering team had adapted the pair of arms I brought to be controlled by their system. Getting the gross movement took only a week, but getting the fine movements, took nearly two months before they started to come.

My own goal was to be able to sign my name remotely. This required more than just fine control. It also needed feedback, and coordination of a number of processes. As I already had a system for sensing a real arm, we revised it to provide feedback. At four months, I had started the process of signing up volunteers with varying levels of need. We started developing a feedback system that did not depend on having an arm. Our initial method was to use an existing arm or leg. But we also began work using an alternate location. At the six-month mark, I was able to sign my name legibly. At this point, we claimed the lab arms ready. But we still needed volunteers to develop the unit as a replacement, as opposed to a duplicate.

The neural net also learned how to apply just enough pressure so that it could safely shake hands, or pick up a flower without damaging it. Realizing that this unit would also be cloned many times for others, I was careful to develop a written signature different from my own. This way, I would not have to worry about others signing things in my name and having it be accepted.

The first volunteers were the least impaired, as we wanted to work our way up to full replacement. As time went by, we pulled in volunteers with greater and greater impairments. I continued to work with the team to refine the control, and I also started to work on Obsidian's arm control. By the time a year had passed, we had achieved our goals, including mine for Obsidian. I turned over my part to the company sales division, and they made some commercials with the initial volunteers.

I spoke to the team lead, and said, "Have you spoken to your cousin about this?"

"No. Company policy prohibits it until it is promoted."

"Well, without your help, this would have taken a lot longer, so call me when you are set to buy the upgrade. I'll smooth the way, so he gets it quick."

"Thank you. I'm sure there will be a large demand."

"I expect so, but I'll ensure that most of the initial units are sold by need and not simply by who was first. Even so, existing patients will get preference for the units, not allocated by need."

"Getting governmental approval will be a chore."

"I know, and I'm already on that. The volunteer data is already being compiled for submission, and this is more a control update than a mechanical update, so that side of things will be quick. I figure three to six months before it gets provisional approval. And when we have the required years' worth of data, I figure no more than two months to get full approval."

"You are an optimist."

"Perhaps, but I have some experience with red tape. And the need is there."

We talked for nearly a half hour before I finally left. I packed up my apartment, and shipped a lot of stuff home, but I booked a bed and breakfast near DC, as I was going to work on the Veterans Administration and the Food and Drug Administration. At the VA, I promoted our upcoming product, and worked to get them to approve its use on their people once the FDA approved it. Meanwhile, at the FDA, I did all I could to get them all the information they needed, and to ensure that they worked expeditiously. The VA approval came in two months, and the FDA approval another two months later.

While some noted I was often seen with some VA administrators, I stayed away from the FDA scientists evaluating things. I did not want any question to arise from that. Most of the attention, however, was on how many veterans I was seen with. While we were discreet, word soon passed that I was ensuring the disabled had a good time, and thus they became supporters of the idea.

Finally, I returned home, where I soon reprised one of my roles, but for an animated film. I caught up with Filipe and my family, telling them all about my adventures. When I told Filipe I wanted to explore the nearby desert for a few weeks, he asked why. I told him that my research suggested Death Valley might be a good location for restoring the talisman.

But that is another story...

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