Nigkala Tales Pt. 27: Perchance to Dream


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I chose to take a bath, then I dressed casually and went to a bar to get something to eat and maybe get invited to have sex. Apparently, word had spread that something special had happened on my quest, and that I was someone special. While many said hi, no one stuck around. I went back alone, but decided to examine the amber I had received.

The first thing I encountered was a presence. I felt it examine me before it backed off and allowed me access to the knowledge it held. It seemed to be a mage's journal, but with a divine twist. Like the other talismans, it showed the owner's life, and he was a mage, rather than a priest. It showed him learning simple spells, and using the language of magic. I paid a lot of attention to learn this.

The next day, I spent time examining the talisman while I waited for the ceremony for Rick. It was a ceremony of parting, not death. Still, it was calming. I gave a short eulogy to tell of the man. Afterwards, I went to the temple we first came to. Wandering inside, I found a room that was under construction. An unfinished wall separated the room from a garden, and there was a window without glass waiting to be placed in the wall. Opposite to that was a block of stone that might become a table or altar someday.

Further examination discovered several jars of colored sand. The same set of colors I use for sand painting. I immediately thought of doing a sand painting of Aja. But I didn't want to repeat the one I made earlier. So I thought a bit, and decided to illustrate a tale of her teaching. It then occurred to me that my new talisman belonged to one she taught. I set out the jars, and then focused on the image and my new talisman. Then I began.

While I did not have the rock sense to help, I did have my desert power. I started on the outside as usual, and soon got into my groove. My thoughts seemed to fade, and the only thing that existed was the sand. In time, it was finished. I put the jars back where I found them, and only then realized I had an audience.

I nodded to the young lady, and wandered away. Noting it was near lunchtime, I went out to get something to eat. Afterwards, I returned to my room and meditated on what had happened. In retrospect, the colored sand was too unlikely. Suddenly, I felt a presence.

Looking around, I saw nothing. "Who is it?"

I heard a chuckle, then, "Who do you think?" I recognized Aja's voice. "You have indeed done well here in the dreamworld. You came here already knowing much of the language of magic. Very resourceful of you. You have also shown respect for my followers, and shown them kindness, even as you knocked them out at the bar." Another chuckle. "You have also shown ingenuity in passing your tests. I have seen you are both powerful and wise. You have earned your reward."

"You put the sand there?"

"Yes. And you used it well. I will use it to teach others. Sand is a form of glass, and I will make it solid, and it will go in the window you saw."

"What now?"

"The committee will decide. You shall return to your reality soon enough."

With that, I felt her presence leave.

In the middle of the next day, the old man came to me. He handed me a token, and said, "Obsidian, the committee has decided. We had many ideas, but then we learned of what you made in the temple. Several of us looked at it, but the surprise came later when the rest went. Your sand picture is now in the window as colored glass, as though it were accepted as an offering. That room will be a teaching room, and now it shows one of her tales of teaching.

"It is clear you are to be a storyteller. We knew then what your path should be. You are to return to the town that sent you here, and learn from their elder. This token is to show you have completed your quest here."

I spent the rest of the day contemplating my return. Somehow, I knew the text I copied was important, but it wasn't apparent. When I woke the next day, I realized I had an epiphany in my dreams. I was in the dreamworld, a place of dreams, and I could reshape it. And a new perspective meant I could change myself also while here.

When I left the city, I stopped only a few hundred feet away. I used my magic to create a zigguraut two hundred feet tall, with steps circling it all the way up. I climbed it, and sat down on the flat top. I summoned the predator, and asked it to infuse me, and to also guide me into a new form. I sent the image of the thunderbird of legend, and at the same time, I imagined becoming one.

Suddenly, I felt my body changing. My four arms became two, then feathered, then wings. My body also changed, becoming lighter, and in the form of a very large bird. I also felt my eyes change to that of a bird of prey. Just as suddenly as it began, it ended. I was now a thunderbird. So I flexed my wings, and leaning on the predator's guidance, I launched into the sky. Circling once and willed the ziggurat to dissipate. The building disappeared.

I then flew over to the desert between the city and the mountains. Using its thermals, I gained height. As long as I could, I circled in the thermal. I got almost as high as the mountain. I left the thermal as it failed, and soared towards the mountain. I used my hang-gliding experience to find updrafts on the mountainside. It was early in the afternoon, when I crossed the mountains.

On the other side, I headed directly for the town, and traded some height for speed, and quickly crossed the forest, gliding the whole way. It was nearing dusk when I arrived, so I did a quick overflight to spot the garden with Aja's statue. When I saw it, I headed there. I was seen, and several guards came. I landed on a bench, and remained still, focusing on resuming my Shokan form. I heard exclamations of surprise as it happened.

By this time Fatima had arrived. "Obsidian, you surprise us again."

I showed her my newest token, and said, "They have sent me back here to learn from your elder. But for now, I am tired and hungry, and would eat, then sleep."

"Come with me then." She dismissed the guard, and led me to the home of an old lady. She introduced me. "Obsidian, this is our elder, my mother, Scheherazade. She is the one you will learn from. Excuse me a moment."

Leaving us, she returned with a plate of food. "Come eat, and tell us of your journey."

As I ate slowly, I told them the bare bones, explaining I was too tired to go into more details. When I finished, she showed me to a large bedroom that was obviously in use. "This is my room. Your previous host said you slept on the floor with only a pillow and blankets. I have room here, and would be honored if you chose to sleep here." I accepted, and she handed me one of her pillows. She then left, and returned with bedding. Soon, I was sleeping.

In the morning, I woke slowly, to the sounds of another waking. I opened my eyes and saw Fatima dressing. Eventually, I, too, got up and dressed, leaving my armor and weapons here in a corner. I joined them for breakfast, and we had small talk. Afterwards, the three of us went out back into a walled garden, with a pair of benches, and a circular pit of sand between them.

Scheherazade sat, and indicated for us to sit opposite. "So, you are to learn from me. I am best known for telling tales. What of you? What do you seek to learn?"

"I, too, am a teller of tales, but not a simple recitation. Rather, a group of us dress up in costumes, and act out the tale, as a performance. I sought to learn the ancient language and magic."

"You are a thespian, then. I can see why I was chosen. But first, tell me your tale. Not as a dry recounting, but as you would to entertain."

"I would show you as well tell you. This sand between us, it looks like you use that staff beside you to draw. Would you be offended if I used the sand?"

"No." She offered me the staff.

"I will not need it. Observe." I used my desert power to reshape the sand to show the forest and town. "Here is where we arrived." I then caused a small vibration to appear within the forest.

As I continued my tale, I made changes in the sand to illustrate it. Sometimes with maps, sometimes with images. It was clear both were amazed at my ability, but soon they got used to it and became immersed in the tale. Scheherazade seemed a little less immersed, and I soon found out why. I finished my tale after about an hour and a half.

Scheherazade spoke. "You clearly are a trained storyteller. But I see aspects that can be improved. I will tell you a number of tales, and I want you to listen in two ways. One is the simple way of the child, to be entertained. The other is the crafter of tales, who uses many techniques to ensure the tale is not only entertaining, but also remembered. Fatima, what did you observe of her skill?"

Fatima paused a minute or so, obviously thinking. "She knows how to illustrate her tale. But she changed the image too quickly, and too often. That works against remembering the tale. And also..." She continued to analyze my tale, clearly an expert.

When she finished, Scheherazade said, "I also teach my daughter. One day, she will take my place. But for now, it is time for lunch." We broke for a meal. Afterwards, she told us she would continue after dinner. Until then, we need not stay.

Fatima said she had to speak to others, but she would be back by dinner. I chose to wander around, and let the sights inspire me. Eventually, I passed through the market, and paused at a jewelry stall. Inspired, I inquired as to how I might get some supplies to make some jewelry. That's when I learned my status as a seeker meant I need not pay for small amounts, as the council would pay for that.

I asked for enough supplies to make a pair of bracelets. When asked about tools, I said I think I know where I can use some. I left, promising to come back and show what I had made. Elsewhere in the market, I picked up some colored sand, and a small folding table.

After dinner, the three of us sat in a room with a lot of pillows and cushions. There, Scheherazade had Fatima tell a tale. She then asked me to pick it apart as my own tale had been. I did my best, but when I finished she added a number of things I had missed. Then she had us both listen to one of her stories, and see how she avoided or overcame those problems.

So began my learning. I told a tale in the morning, and they would critique it, and in the evening Fatima told a tale, and we critiqued it, and finally, she told a tale to show us how to overcome our missteps. During the day, I worked on the jewelry. Fatima showed me a place in their home where I could work. I used my magic to make tools, and sand for heating my soldering iron. For the pattern, I used the colored sand to create a map of the world, but with the Arabian Peninsula at the center.

With her name, and the tales she told, I believed she was the same as the Scheherazade of the 'One Thousand and One Nights'. How she came to be here, I had no idea. But I thought a gift of matching bracelets displaying the world would be a nice gift. Five days later, I finished. I went back to the market, and found the jeweler. I returned the unused supplies, and showed him the bracelets. He remarked on their artistry, and quality. I thanked him, then made my way to return the table as well.

That evening, when the training finished, I presented them with the bracelets. I said, "You both are teaching me so much, and I wanted to thank you both. I thought these maps of the world would remind you both of how far your stories can go. Scheherazade, at first, I wondered, but now I am sure of it. My people know of a tale spinner with your name who entertained a sultan for years by her tales. I think you are she, for your tales sound familiar. I am curious how you came here to the dreamworld."

"Yes, I am she. Few here know of it. Like many, I came here first by a ritual. Like you, I had my own curiosity and quests. I did not fare as well as you on my first quest, but over the years, I visited a few times. When I neared death, I visited one last time. At the end of that visit, when I touched the statue of my goddess, I was offered the chance to return and stay. I could close my affairs, and say goodbye, and then go to sleep, and wake here as a young woman.

"Another took me in as her daughter, even as I took in Fatima. I have been here long enough that I have become old. But time is different here in the dreamworld. Much seems to happen, yet little changes. Stories are very important here, as they help us enjoy the years. Yet in the world you will return to, only moments will have passed. If you come back, it will seem as though only days have passed here while years have passed for you."

"My people have learned that a dream might last seconds, but seem to be hours. We have also learned that they can teach us."

"Remember that when you return. Enough for tonight. Tomorrow, you will tell your tale of the quest before others. I want to see how much you have learned." She then dismissed us.

As we went to bed, I asked Fatima about her relationship with Scheherazade. She told me she was born over a century later, but was fascinated by her tales. She, too, made a number of visits here, before she was given the offer. When she was captured by slavers, she took the offer and so escaped them. Since then, she has been honing her skill under her master, Scheherazade.

In the morning, they both helped me adjust my tale a little here and there. We went out to dinner at a place with a stage. During dinner, musicians played. When we finished dinner, Scheherazade signaled, and I was brought backstage. The musicians saw us, and closed their set at the end of the current piece. They took a break, and I was presented.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a tale for you. Observe and be entertained." I used my magic to create a fog-like screen behind me. I began my tale, and as the action changed, the fog changed to accentuate my story. I kept it simple to not distract, yet it was constantly changing in subtle ways as I talked. I concluded in about half an hour. I dismissed my screen, and said, "Thank you for the opportunity to tell my tale."

I was surprised when they gave me a standing ovation, including Fatima and Scheherazade. I left the stage and returned to our table. The musicians returned.

Scheherazade said, "I had wondered how, or if, you would illustrate your story. Well done."

"I have been practicing, ever since I realized a single color of sand was a poor excuse for a set."

"It worked well, and you worked it well. In fact, tomorrow, you shall return home."

Fatima chimed in, "Yes, I shall miss you. Your very presence has inspired both of us. You are warrior, mage, priest, and storyteller. You casually use your power to help, yet are humble. Something quite rare, even in stories. When next you pass this way, don't be surprised if you hear tales that include you."

Scheherazade finished with, "Yes, once you have been here, the dreamworld follows you. While we don't see what happens, your life feeds into what happens here. We always want visitors to have exciting and interesting lives, yet we know that living such a life can be difficult."

"That I know, for such has been my life ever since a goddess took an interest in me." I smiled at my memories. We chatted for a while, then went back to their home and our beds.

In the morning, Scheherazade said goodbye. Fatima brought me to the garden with Aja's statue. "All you need to do is touch the statue and will yourself awake in the real world."

We said our goodbyes, and I reached out to the statue. Next thing I knew, Rick and his son were hovering over me.

I said, "Rick, I am glad you made it out of the dreamworld okay."

"As am I. It was scary for a few moments, but then peace settled, and I woke. My son said I screamed just before waking. I wouldn't be surprised as I screamed at the end in the dream. You, however, look serene, as though you came back by choice."

"I did, at that. Have you heard of Scheherazade and the tales of 'One Thousand and One Nights'?" He nodded. "I met her as part of my next quest. She was there in the dreamworld, and taught me a bit about storytelling."

"I remember you telling me you are an actress. Think it will help you there?"

"I think so. Changing the wording won't be easy, but the delivery is under my control far more." Turning to the son, I asked, "So, how long have we been asleep?"

"Only a few minutes."

"I think I spent over a month in the dream. Well, in that case, as it is already evening, why not call it a day?"

"Agreed. Goodnight, son. Goodnight, Becky Sue."

"Goodnight, dad." The son and I left, and went to sleep in his place.

In the morning, as I was packing up, I noticed the amber Aja had given me in the dream now seemed to be real. I showed it to Rick, and he said to treasure it.

I headed back to Mogadishu by yet another route, and used the blessed sand several times. Once there, I settled into my apartment, and created a number of gems. Seeking out the markets, I converted them to cash that I banked, or more directly sold to a bank. I only did this a few days, but amassed quite a lot in that short time. While I did not get full value, I converted quite a bit. I put a large chunk into a local bank, and I presented the account to the university as a grant for archaeology. The rest went into an international bank account that I later consolidated with my other gem accounts.

In addition, I gave the vehicle to the department for their use. I shipped some stuff, and gave away other stuff, then took a flight home. I had a few layovers, and I took the opportunity to read about my 'vacation'. It seems I made a rather large splash. I was in two consecutive issues of Playboy; my costumes created a fashion trend of historical attire. My Cleopatra outfit sparked a big controversy over its accuracy. My adventure with the pirates made world news, as did my finding the lost city.

That last had also sparked a race to fund an expedition, with several famous institutions vying for the rights. My contribution to the department would allow them to have a greater say, I thought.

When I got home, Filipe showed me the magazines with the contracted articles, as well as a number of others. He also had newspaper clippings about me. The next few days. Filipe stayed home. We had lots of sex, and I told him some of my tales.

As expected, I was in demand for several movies. The one that got my attention the most, was a remake of the epic Cleopatra with Burton and Taylor. My lark in Egypt appeared to have paid big dividends. And my other outfits earned me the role of costume designer. They were going to film on location, with a huge cast of extras. They also wanted to use the original languages, with dubbing or subtitles for the other audiences. Additionally, they wanted it historically accurate. When I asked why they didn't have any scenes from before she was a queen, they responded that I was too old to play the younger woman. I suggested having Angel Sasser play the young Cleopatra, as she looked a fair amount like me. That prompted a script change, as she was brought on.

To help with the accuracy, I asked for Inanna's help. I asked her to show me what they looked like back then, both Egyptians and Romans. I used my illusion skill to create images of the people she showed me. Then I took pictures and photoshopped them to make them look like I had made them on the computer. I also taught Angel so speak ancient Egyptian, so she could speak her part realistically. While doing that, I was making a number of outfits for her and myself. When I learned who would play the male leads, I asked them to visit, so I could take their measurements. Meanwhile, with my images, the costume department made costumes for all but Angel and me. While I made the main outfits for the male leads, the department made the duplicates, as they would be wearing the same thing through most of the film.