No Longer Alone


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I saw the look on Mel's face change to her battle face and when she was in fight mode you either stood by her or got out of the way.

James stood there yelling and his Barbie flew into a fit. She called Joanna a little liar and demanded that she be punished. I could see Mel was about to lose it so I stepped in to stop my best friend from going to jail.

"Look. She doesn't understand what lying is yet. She repeats a lot of what she hears because she is a little girl."

"No Mojo, I'm big girl now."

"Sorry Sweets, she's a big girl now and I dare you to put your hands on her. I dare you. I've been known to whoop a bitch and will gladly do it right now. Sorry, JoJo baby, will you go to your room to play for a little while? Mommy and I will be up soon to play too."

She smiled and skipped to her room and again all was right in her little world.

"I hate gold digging bitches like you. That little girl told me what you said and I believe her so you can kiss my ass and get the fuck out of my sight. I got a bat in the car waiting on you bitch. Try something."

She looked as scared as she should have been in that moment but turned and looked at me and said the most cliché thing in the world. "This isn't over; I'm going to get you for this."

James sat quiet the entire time until her final words.

"This is over and if you try to hurt my family in anyway I will make you pay. Get the fuck out here before I call the police to say you are trespassing."

She scurried out of the house and I heard her car pealing out of the drive way. It was then I heard the itsy bitsy spider being yelled. Who knew such a little child could create such noise?

I still had a night to get ready for and I felt the nerves coming back full force. I kept thinking "what if he doesn't find me attractive." I'm not a size 2, but then again he knew that. I was a little extra curvy but I didn't look bad. I went home to shower and then relax in the steaming hot bath tub. Using my favorite rose scented oils I lay there feeling the craziness of the day drift away.

Seven p.m. was rapidly approaching and I needed to get dressed to be ready for Braden. Every time I saw him he took my breath away. Thinking about him made my heart skip a beat. I know Mel would say I was falling for him but it had only been a month, it was impossible to fall for someone that quickly. Wasn't it?

I pushed those thoughts from my mind and started to get dressed. I wore a rose one sleeved mini dress. I matched it with white gold jewelry and black peep toe pumps. I curled my relaxed hair, put it half up and half down and swapped purses, then I was ready to go.

At 6:55 the doorbell rang. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and all the oxygen left my body. He was incredibly sexy in black slacks and a green shirt. I stared at him, mouth gaping open, thinking about blowing off dinner and dragging him into my bed. I squeaked out a hello and suddenly his lips were on mine. I could feel the heat spreading throughout my body and the dampness in my panties. All too soon the kiss was ended and I was being pulled out of the door.

Dinner was fantastic. Nothing too fancy, but it was very good. I took him to a restaurant owned by one of my friends. It's hard to get a reservation because they are always so busy. I'm not apart of the whose who crowd, but this is the place they try to get into on a Saturday night I excused myself after eating because, dammit I had braces and needed to make sure I was still presentable. I checked myself and decided that I passed and started walking back to the table. When our table was in sight I saw a blond woman sitting in my chair and that bitch was trailing her finger across Braden's chest. She leaned in to kiss him and I saw red. I was like a bull in a china shop. Somebody was going to get broken, but I wasn't sure who just yet.

I stormed to the table ready to throw down when I saw Braden push her away. His face scrunched up into a frown and I had no idea what he said, but I knew the woman at the table was pissed. She stood up, pushing over the chair as I walked over to stand next to Braden. He was mine even if he didn't know it yet, and his pushing her away sealed that for me.

His eyes grew wide as he saw me approach him and I went right for the napkin to wipe his lips where that nasty bitch kissed him. I turned to look at the woman and it turned out to be Katie, James' now ex fiancé. As shocked as I was I was even more pissed off. I wanted to choke this bitch and I would have if Braden hadn't snaked his arm around my waist.

"I thought we had a conversation earlier today. Do you need assistance with something else?"

"I don't need anything from you. I just saw him hear sitting alone and thought he might like some company."

I wanted to wipe the smile off her face but I held back.

"You know you shouldn't leave such an attractive man alone. You could lose him to someone more attractive than you. I'm not sure why he wants you anyway when he could have me."

With a smile I said, "I find that funny because his arm is wrapped around me so I don't beat the shit out of you. Don't get it twisted, I really want to hurt you, but because he doesn't want me to I won't. This man thinks I'm very attractive and if he didn't he wouldn't have pushed you away. Yeah I saw that. If you are done we are leaving now."

Braden got up and as we turned to leave I signaled the hostess who had Katie removed from the restaurant. She would officially be blackballed and what's even better was she didn't know I had the power to do that.

On the way home from the restaurant I thought about the words of my great grand mother. I wanted him to be mine, I wanted to claim him and let the world know he was mine, but did he feel the same? I had no idea if his heart was the mate to mine, but I wanted to find out.

We got back to my house and I invited him in claiming I had something to show him. I quickly let my hair down and ii fell in between my shoulder blades. I quickly changed into the purple baby doll nightie and heels and walked into the living room where Braden was passed out on the couch. I kicked off my shoes and gently shook him to wake him up. His eyes barely opened and I helped him to my bedroom.

I undressed him down to his boxer briefs and took in every inch of his body. His body was hard muscle, but there was a softness to him that made him comfortable to lean into. I turned off all of the lights and made sure we were locked in and climbed into bed beside him. His arm reached out and wrapped around me pulling me close to him and with a sigh he fell back asleep.

I was having that dream again. The one where I woke up and Braden was in between my legs licking my pussy, panties pushed to the side and his tongue stroking my clit. I just lay back and enjoyed the dream. I usually woke up before I came so I decided to just ride this out as long as I could.

My pussy was flowing and I felt suction and I looked down to see him latched on to my clit while his fingers stroked into me moving upward reaching for something, but I wasn't sure what. Suddenly I felt something different, it was kind of odd at first and then it happened again and my body jumped off the bed. I was feeling new sensations that I'd never felt sleeping or awake.

My body tensed all over I grabbed the sheets and pulled as my body strained with pleasure. My foot started to shake and that had never happened before. I looked down to see Braden's dark eyes staring back at me as he pulled back and bit me on the inner thigh while the most powerful orgasm I've ever had crashed over me. It was so intense I lay there and began to cry, unable to move. I realized this time wasn't a dream.

Braden came up and swiped my tears away. Leaning down to kiss me I could taste myself on his lips. He'd turned on the lamp in my room and I could see him clearly. It was still dark outside.

"I woke up in an unfamiliar bed so I turned on the light to find you here wearing this. I'm sorry, but I could not resist. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you in the shop and it's getting harder and harder to hold myself back. You better be sure this is what you want."

I looked up into his dark eyes and with out blinking or turning my head, I reached for him. I wanted him in my bed, in my life, I just wanted him.

"I want you too. I want you to touch me, and kiss me. I want to feel your hands on my body. I want you to be mine."

I wanted to wear his mark and show others who I belonged too. I couldn't figure out where those thoughts were coming from, but the words kept repeating in my head, "One day you will meet the mate of your heart."

In that moment everything made perfect sense. I was in love and the thought of that filled my heart with both fear and joy.

I felt him nuzzling against my neck and decided to push the heavy thoughts for another time. This was the first time I would feel his strong body against mine and I couldn't wait. I was so wet from his earlier attentions that I wanted to skip anything else and feel him deep inside of me.

Watching him undress was the greatest gift I'd ever received. He wasn't complete muscle, but he was big and strong. I could feel the heat of his body burning into mine. The thought of him pushing into my body overwhelmed me.

Crawling back onto the bed, he looked as if he were going to devour me and I began to shake in anticipation. I waited as patiently as I could for him to touch me and he didn't disappoint.

He traced the outline of my tattoos making me shiver even more and because kissing me on the forehead, nose, and then finally my lips. Every time he kissed me I felt like he was burning himself into my soul. I'd never experienced this before and it was all so new to me my heart thumping wildly in my chest, the excitement of what was coming but a nervousness too.

He kissed me and my body started to tremble. Holding me tighter I felt him probing against my wet entrance. I was beyond ready to feel him inside of me. Lifting my hips just a little was enough for him to slip inside of me.

I opened for him and felt a fire burning inside of me. He continued to surge inside until I felt his pubic hair against me. We lay like that until I couldn't take it anymore; I needed to feel him moving within me. I started to lift my hips up and down and he looked like he was barely holding on.

He growled at me and grabbed my hands in his and held them above my head. His fingers laced in mine and he leaned in to kiss me and started to move his body against mine. He surged in and out in short powerful thrusts and then changed to long slow thrusts; each one more intense than the last.

His body moved against mine causing a friction against my clit and I felt the tremors start deep in my body. It really did freak me out because I'd never felt something so intense before. I'd felt great, but never this great. I felt him twist his hips and my mind stopped functioning.

We spent the day in bed exploring each other only getting up to eat and use the bathroom. In the end we had to take separate showers because we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. After seeing him naked I wanted to keep touching him and finding more spots that turned him on.

Braden was the most amazing man I'd ever been with in every way. It all just seemed too good to be true. I think I was more nervous now that we fully committed to on another. This was a new place for me. A full blown committed relationship with someone I could see spending the rest of my life with. All I could think now was, Monique don't fuck this up.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. I introduced Braden to my friends and my little JoJo. She loved him. Every time she saw him her grin would turn into a full blown smile and she would say, "Airpane airpane." He would life her up and spin her in the air. One day I started to imagine him doing the same with our children and it really freaked me out when I realized what I was thinking. There was no way he was thinking the same thing. I was really rushing things a bit.

We lay in bed at his beautiful lake front home and he turned my face up towards his and looking into his eyes I couldn't stop the words. "I love you."

Before I could say or do anything else he kissed me and looked into my eyes as he said, "I love you too." I was glad I said it; I really did love him and for some reason forever started to seep into my thoughts.

It was now March and a very cute little girl was turning four. Mel, Joanna, and I dressed up in our princess gear and went to McDonalds. She was so excited in her little pink tiara and too big princess heels. She went up to the man and ordered her food. Soon she was off and I went after her as Mel paid for our food.

She ran to a man and gave him a huge hug and started saying airpane. I looked to see Braden with a beautiful woman with stunning gray eyes. She looked to be of mixed heritage like coffee with a lot of creamer. Her hair was a light brown and that mixed with her eyes was a bit startling. She was absolutely beautiful. I looked down and noticed a little boy whose hair was as dark as Braden's and his eyes the same grey as the woman.

I stood there shocked, not really sure what to say. I grabbed JoJo and started to turn away when he grabbed me and gave me the kiss of a lifetime. I wanted to kick him and run. Never talk to him again. He was sitting here having food with the prettiest woman I'd ever seen in my life. My heart was breaking as I stood there. I couldn't believe he would do this to me.

Why did I start to doubt? Why didn't I trust him? Did she know about me? So many questions rolled through my mind and I realized I couldn't just run. If this was the worse then I was ready to kick its ass.

"Hey sweets, I want you to meet my twin sister Ayden."

I knew he had a twin, but I almost expected them to look more a like. I knew she got a boys name because they thought his mom was having twin boys so she picked boy names, but I hadn't known that this bombshell was his sister. I looked down at the little boy offering some of his fries to Joanna, which she took happily.

I looked back and forth between the two and she smiled at me.

"I know we don't look the same, but believe me he is my brother. So you must be Monique. My brother was just telling me about you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ayden. I've heard so much about you. Mel, this is Braden's sister Ayden."

"Hello, I'm not sure if Monique mentioned her birthday party in a few weeks, I hope you will be able to attend. Children are welcome because we will have a room for them set up so they can go nuts. I do hope you can make it."

Mel and Ayden took over the conversation from there. I just sat in the seat looking at Braden and wondering how I got to be so lucky. Holding hands we sat quietly blocking the world out.

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tlevanssrtlevanssrabout 3 years ago

Part 1 is good but you need to finish the story.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 6 years ago
So far ok

To me the story line and who is who gets a bit mixed up at times.

Crazy2WheelerCrazy2Wheelerover 6 years ago
Part #2 or more could make this excellent in all areas.

Well written with some reality noted and fantasy for the ideal life, superb.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Are you going to finish?

This needs at least another chapter to finish. What happens next?

PrincessLeeLeePrincessLeeLeeabout 10 years ago
Fight fight

Ooh I wanted the lady and the tramp to fight... Great story... Made me laugh...

DnaebugsDnaebugsover 11 years ago

This was such a cute story. See you can always find a gem when your not looking. Keep up the wonderful work.

pmpktypmpktyover 12 years agoAuthor
Thanks so much

I'm really appreciating all of your comments. I'm working on the next part now and I thought to check and see how this one was doing. I have to say it really put a smile on my face. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Team Braden

I beg of you, please don't make a long-winded love triangle and end it with James!!! Kthankxbye X

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Have to agree--- was expecting more of the budding romance with James as well. Really can't wait to read more! :)

addictedto4inchesaddictedto4inchesover 12 years ago

I love your story let me say that first, but for some reason I want to see mojo with James. I can't explain it just seems like a great fit... Weird, anyway its your story and it was a great read. I'm waiting for all of it before I vote on any of it.

oldboneshakeroldboneshakerover 12 years ago
Wonderful Story 2................

I can only echo the previous comments. More of the same please, and maybe the patter of tiny feet too...............

IrfonIrfonover 12 years ago
Wonderful story........

Highly enjoyable - thank you for writing it - more please ?

kelleigh0127kelleigh0127over 12 years ago
Great start

I really am enjoying the telling of this budding romance. I'll be looking for Chapter 2 and I hope it's soon. Your on a great track...

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