No Monkey Business: Week 02


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"Oh yes," she breathed. "You can do it, cum in me, quickly."

I had every intention of doing just that, right up until grandma's voice drifted out of the kitchen window. "Are you out there, dear?" she called.

Mom had the good grace to look alarmed this time. "Abort, abort!" she hissed, pushing me off and getting her robe back in order. She then gave me a sloppy kiss on the mouth before dashing to the back door and heading indoors. "Yeah mom," I heard her say as she went in. "I thought I saw a... wolf."

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, far too worried that grandma would rush outside to see this majestic wild animal and only see her grandson's wild penis. I got dressed as fast as I could in my state of panic, struggling the most to cram my cock into the jeans mom had brought out. I noticed she hadn't brought me any underwear so my cock rubbed unhappily against the denim. But at least it was covered.

Finally decent I sneaked away from the house then went for a long walk around the block.


When I returned to the house a while later grandma's car was still there. I cursed inwardly. I loved my grandparents dearly and enjoyed spending time with them. But right now I really wanted to spend time with mom. Preferably naked.

I rang the doorbell as I didn't have any keys on me, and mom opened the door a few seconds later, now conservatively dressed in her old jumper and jeans combination. "Hey," she said cheerily, "look who's here!"

She turned to the side to reveal grandma sat on the couch, grinning at me over the back of it. I wondered why mom was making such a big deal of it when I already knew grandma was here. But then I remembered that grandma didn't know that I knew she was there. Theory of mind, man, what a pain in the ass.

"Grandma! What a surprise!" I said, earning an eye roll from mom.

I may have overdone it slightly as grandma chuckled as she came over to give me a hug, pointing out that her car was literally outside. I flushed at that but grandma was too happy to see me to pay it any mind.

"Your grandma has some exciting news," said mom with a forced smile once the pleasantries were out of the way and we were all sat down.

I looked at the two women enquiringly before grandma spoke up. "Well you know me and your grandpa are going to miss you terribly once you head to college." I nodded a little nervously. Mom was going to miss me terribly too, and her solution had been to get as much of my cum inside her as humanly possible in order to produce offspring 2.0. I really hoped that grandma and grandpa weren't having the same idea. "So we thought it'd be a nice treat for all of us if we stayed with you for your last few days at home, then helped drive you to college!"

"Oh!" I said without a whole lot of conviction. "You don't have to do that," I added with significantly more conviction. "Mom was going to drive me on Saturday."

Grandma just waved her hands dismissively. "Nonsense, nonsense. Well anyway, that was the plan. But..." I perked up. Buts were good in this situation. "But your grandpa isn't feeling well so he's had to stay at home. He sends his love though!"

"Oh, is he okay?" I asked, my affection for my grandpa briefly silencing my desires to be alone with mom.

"Oh yes," replied grandma, "it's nothing serious. But it does mean you just get little old me!" She pinched my cheek, a move straight from the grandma playbook. She then excused herself to go to the bathroom upstairs, citing the coffee she'd drunk while driving here.

Once she left the room I raised my eyebrows at mom. I was of course grossly disappointed that we'd have to stop our sessions, but I wasn't even sure if mom would want me to speak about it out loud while grandma was in the house. It would no doubt be safer if we just went back to being a normal mom and son for the rest of the week, and mom was no doubt about to say just that. Mom smiled sweetly at me until she heard the bathroom door upstairs click shut. Then she all but threw herself onto me, straddling me on the couch and pushing herself down onto me so hard that I thought my cock was going to be bruised.

"You didn't finish," she murmured before locking her lips to mine and kissing me nearly as hard as she was grinding down against me.

I'd like to say that I smoothly took control. That I flipped mom onto her back and whipped off both our jeans in one fluid movement. That I brought her to multiple orgasms there on the couch before satisfying my own desires, and all before grandma could return to the living room.

What I actually did was sit there, eyes wide open in terror and hands variously trying to get mom off me or digging into the couch. My efforts were in vain as mom only wriggled against me more as I struggled, right up to the point where she slid off sideways to sit beside me again. I sat there breathing heavily, my cock trying to burrow out of my jeans. Mom merely glanced at the clock as she said "What do you fancy for lunch?"

I stared at her incredulously, until a second later when grandma re-entered the room. "Did someone say lunch?" she asked, as mom smiled and winked at me.


That was pretty much the pattern for the rest of the day.

I did my best to enjoy grandma's company, and for the most part succeeded. It was whenever grandma's company was absent that things got tricky. When she went upstairs after lunch to check her phone for messages from grandpa, mom pushed me against the kitchen sink and rubbed her whole body against me, reminding me that I still owed her my cum.

If grandma popped to the toilet then mom immediately straddled me wherever we were and grinded against me until I felt fit to burst.

When grandma went into the kitchen in the afternoon to make us all a cup of tea mom shoved her hand roughly into my jeans and grabbed my cock. She gave it a few strokes before kissing my ear and whispering "You're putting this in me tonight." I thought I was going to cum there on the couch, but somehow held off and had even stopped shaking when grandma came through with the tea a minute later.

Suffice to say that by the time bedtime rolled around at the end of the day I was a wreck. My boner had been up and down more times than I could count and I was both ready to do whatever mom wanted to get me off and also terrified at the prospect of doing anything sexual with grandma in the house.

Mom had no such fears and when grandma proposed that it was time for bed mom launched her plan into action. "I figure you can have my bed, mom, since it's the most comfortable" she said graciously to grandma, then pointed at herself. "I'll take Steven's bed, and Steven can sleep down here on the couch, can't you?"

"Absolutely," I said, pretty sure that mom wouldn't be staying in my bed and neither of us would be sleeping.

"Excellent," said mom. "It's a plan."

I felt hope and arousal blossom in me. Then grandma came at that hope with some shears.

"Oh don't be silly," she put in. "Your bed's big enough to share and then we can have a chat about a few things." Grandma clearly mistook mom's aghast look for horror at the idea of sharing her bed with her mom. "I don't bite," said grandma, rolling her eyes. "And then Steven can sleep in his own bed before going to college. He deserves that much."

Mom clearly wanted to argue further but grandma ignored her and gave me a hug. "Goodnight, Steven," she said, then looped her arm through mom's and escorted her upstairs. As they went I could hear grandma asking mom about her work.

I stood there in the living room for a minute longer, not sure what to do with myself. Unfortunately there wasn't much I could do, so I turned off all the lights and headed upstairs to bed.


I hadn't slept very well on Sunday night after mom's middle of the night visit left me too horny to sleep. That Tuesday night put the earlier one to shame.

I laid there in my dark bedroom for hours. My cock was too sensitive to cover so I had neither my boxers on nor the duvet over me. Despite that it rarely flagged from its full erection, and when it did I would find myself stroking it while thinking of mom.

On the subject of mom I was sure that she, like life, would, uh, find a way. Every little creak of the house sounded to my ears like mom walking to my room, and when she didn't appear I despaired every time. Occasionally I did doze for a short while. Then my dreams would conjure mom and I would awake with a start, certain she was there with me.

Part of me hoped my body would betray me and I would have a wet dream, at least then I'd have release. But the one time I wanted one they declined the offer, and I dragged myself out of bed at eight the next morning with my balls even fuller than they'd been the night before.


When I lurched into the kitchen mom and grandma were both already there. Grandma was happily talking about her neighbors while an exhausted looking mom sat at the kitchen table eating some toast.

"Good morning, dear," said Grandma and shovelled a full fried breakfast onto a plate for me. Sudden celibacy aside, there were perks to her being here after all.

"Thanks grandma," I said, grabbing some coffee from the machine and then joining mom at the table.

"Morning," mom said, smiling at me and looking more human as she did so.

"Morning," I said back, feeling a bit more at peace in her company. Sure I still wanted to fuck her there on the kitchen table, but failing that it felt nice to see her again after the night I'd had.

"Did you not sleep well either?" asked grandma as she came and sat with us.

"Not great," I replied. "You didn't sleep well, grandma?"

"Oh no I slept fine," she responded. "I'm a light sleeper and your grandpa is a heavy snorer so I've gotten used to making do without much sleep." She then inclined her head at my mom. "Your mother here seemed to have trouble. Needed the toilet a lot during the night, I gather."

"Mom..." moaned my mom, going pink.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. These things happen as we get older. Still, what was it last night, five times you woke me up trying to sneak off to the bathroom?"

Mom nodded and looked guiltily at me. "Yeah, sorry, mom. Like I said, I can sleep downstairs tonight."

Grandma was still having none of it. "Oh don't be silly, it's fine. Maybe just don't drink quite as much before bed tonight though, eh?"

I was pleased to hear that mom had been trying to visit last night, but less pleased that her sneak stat was too low to get past grandma.

Still, the knowledge made it easier to get through the morning as grandma never seemed to leave the two of us alone.


The rest of the morning passed without incident. By the time lunch was finished mom and I were both feeling more like fully functioning members of society again. Grandma was clearly pleased that we could hold our own in conversation. But as a side effect we were both ready to jump each others bones at the first opportunity. I was still a little hesitant about fooling around with grandma in the house. Mom, on the other hand, scarcely seemed to care if grandma was in the same room.

Once we'd finished tidying up the lunch-related mess from the the kitchen, grandma announced that she was going to call my grandpa and headed upstairs to use her phone. The second she was up the stairs mom grabbed me by the front of the t-shirt. I stumbled out of my chair and followed as she dragged me from the kitchen into the laundry room. I knew where this was going, and was simply too horny to protest.

Once in the laundry room and out of view of the kitchen mom pinned me against the wall and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed her back as she grabbed my hands and put them over her tits, squeezing them roughly and moaning into my mouth. I kneaded her tits through her jumper for the few seconds it took her to drop her hands to my jeans and yank open the buttons. Then her tits and the rest of her dropped from view as she crouched down in front of me, pulling my jeans down to my knees in the process, then took my already hard cock into her mouth. Her head bobbed back and forth a few times, bringing my overly teased cock close to the edge, before she stood up again.

"Inside me, now," she whispered, lifting up the front of the skirt she was wearing today to reveal a total lack of underwear. She tugged my saliva coated cock towards her opening and tried to jam it inside, but she was stood too close to me and only succeeded in rubbing the head over her pussy lips.

Visibly frustrated she stepped away and led me by the cock over to the washing machine. Turning her back on me she reached down with her free hand to lift the back of her skirt up. She then leant over the washing machine, letting her skirt pool upon her lower back as she pulled my cock into her. We both groaned, albeit quietly, as I pushed my hips forward and sank into her.

"Don't just stand there," she whispered, when I still hadn't moved two seconds later. I drew my hips back and then slammed them forward in response, and immediately regretted it as mom's knees clanged noisily against the washing machine.

I froze, suddenly aware that mom's bedroom was directly above us, and grandma was in there right now. My ears strained as I tried to figure out whether grandma was still talking on the phone.

Mom, it transpired, was tired of my shit. Taking the initiative she started thrusting back against me, the gentle clapping of her ass against me with each thrust sounding like cannon fire, and her murmured words of bliss sounding like yells. Luckily this was not going to a long session as I was already feeling on the edge of release, and mom's murmurs were growing ever more colorful - a sign her own orgasm was imminent.

Not imminent enough, though.

"Steven? Are you there, dear?"

Panic flooded me as I heard grandma yelling from what sounded like the stairs. I pulled back and tried to yank up my jeans in one swift movement, but mom was having none of it and reached back trying to find my cock. "Give it back," she hissed as her fingertips brushed against me. She moved back, trying to impale herself on my erection. A brief tussle ensued as I tried to extricate myself.

"Steven!" came another yell, this one sounding even closer. In my imagination I could all too easily believe that grandma was striding across the kitchen. Any second now she would come through the doorway and see her daughter wantonly trying to grab her grandson's dick. The mental image was strong enough to deflate my erection a little and give me the strength I needed to tear away from mom.

"Here, grandma!" I yelled back, provoking a moan from mom who finally seemed to realize that we weren't going to be finishing just yet. I succeeded in cramming my dick back into my underwear and did up my pants. Decent once more I stepped into the kitchen, expecting my grandma to be right there. She wasn't, but she was stood on one of the lower steps of the staircase and could see into the kitchen. Her phone was in one hand. She murmured something into it when she saw me then waved at me to come over.

I walked awkwardly across the kitchen and to the bottom of the steps, trying to look like a guy who definitely hadn't been balls deep in his mom a minute earlier. Hopefully grandma's raised eyebrow was just her wondering why her grandson was moseying towards her like a buffoon and not because she suspected anything. Once I was at the bottom of the steps she handed me her phone.

"Your grandpa would like a word with you," she said.

That was almost literally what I got, too. My grandpa was a man of few words and after we'd exchanged a few standard pleasantries the line fell silent. "Well," I said, having done this dance before. "It was good to hear from you, grandpa."

"You too, kid," he responded, the relief to get off the phone almost palpable in his voice. I handed the phone back to grandma, hoping that she would take it upstairs again for a nice, long chat with her husband so that I could have a nice, short fuck with her daughter. It was not to be.

"You take care of yourself, you hear?" she commanded into the phone. I gather my grandpa did hear, as a few moments later grandma said "Alright, I'll call you again tomorrow. Bye now."

Having hung up she smiled at me. "Have you seen your mom around?" she asked. I frowned as if giving this not inconsiderable thought. Our house was too small to get away with lieing. But I was more than a little nervous that if I directed grandma into the laundry room then she might walk in there and find mom still bent over the washing machine with her ass exposed. The situation was confounded by the fact that grandma had seen me come from the laundry room, so I could hardly act surprised when mom came from there too. I was just about to come up with some nebulous statement when mom appeared from the living room.

I did a double take, wondering how on Earth mom had gotten from the laundry room to the living room without us seeing her. The only route was through the kitchen and right past where grandma and I were stood. Teleportation. It had to be.

"You called?" said mom as I came to terms with the fact that she had superpowers. Maybe they were genetic and I'd inherited them too. Teleportation wasn't a bad one as far as these things went. Invisibility might be better. Or telepathy. My pent-up arousal evaluated every possible superpower in terms of its utility for screwing my mom. Teleportation would deal with my imminent distance from home. If the teleportation worked over long distances then I could just teleport home whenever the need arose, fuck my mom, then teleport back to college. Invisibility meanwhile offered a whole range of delicious options. Fucking mom where ever she was and whoever else was present was particularly tempting. As for telepathy-

"Earth to Steven, you there?"

I shook my head clear and looked sheepishly from grandma to mom. Grandma looked concerned that I'd seemed to have entered some kind of stupor, while mom only looked amused.

"Sorry, yeah, I was thinking about... something."

Mom raised an eyebrow that told me she knew exactly what I was thinking about.

"I was just saying that I planned to head to the mall now," said my grandma, still looking at me with grandma flavored concern.

"Oh. Okay," I said, not sure if she was asking for my permission or something.

"That's a great idea, mom," said my mom. "There's a new tea shop just opened. I'm sure you could spend an hour or two just looking around there."

My grandma did love her tea, though 'an hour or two' sounded like overkill. I looked at my mom, intending to point out that the new tea shop wasn't that big. Her expression halted the words in my throat. A playful smile was on her face, but there was an undeniable hunger there too. Her breathing was coming faster than could really be explained by standing around talking about tea. As she caught my eye she slowly licked her lips. I felt my cock respond and glanced at my grandma, worried that she would see mom's gesture and interpret its meaning: that mom couldn't wait for my grandma to leave the house so she could finally be alone with my cock.

"Y-yeah," I said, finally catching on. "That music shop had been refurbished too since grandpa was here last year. Maybe they'll have something for him."

Mom winked at me, glad that I'd finally made a useful contribution.

"That all sounds lovely," said grandma. All three of us beamed, though for two different reasons. "Care to come along?" she asked my mom.

Mom did an admirable job of looking like she was giving it some thought, before shaking her head. "Sorry, mom, I have a few work things to get done."

I was pretty sure the closest thing to a spreadsheet in mom's afternoon was going to be her spreading her legs on my bedsheets. I wisely kept this witticism to myself.
