No Monkey Business: Week 02


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"Don't- Can't- Oh, god" she cried, actually sounding close to tears. I wasn't sure if she was on her third orgasm or her fourth, or whether she'd just been having one long one since the machine had started doing its thing.

"You okay, mom?" I managed to shakily get out.

"S'making me cum," she responded, equally shakily, before her voice was lost in another bout of moans. When her voice returned I could hear the smile in it. "Could do this... all day."

I grinned and gently kissed mom where her neck met her shoulder. And then the washing machine decided to prove mom wrong.

I'm no washing machine mechanic, despite my childhood dreams, so forgive my terminology. But let's say that the washing machine had been spinning along in first gear. It was more than enough for anyone sat atop the machine who had their son's cock deep inside them to get a multiply orgasmic buzz, but it wasn't exactly bucking bronco levels of buzz. And then the machine shifted up from first gear to eleventh. In the process it probably broke the clutch, and my mom lost her mind.

"Steven? What's?" were the last words she said that I can be sure of for the minute that followed. The machine's low rumble started to elevate in pitch, turning into a high whine. And as the rumble changed so did the vibrations, going from a thousand tiny blowjobs on my cock to a thousand full sized blowjobs compressed into a few seconds. My orgasm had been slowly ambling towards its inevitable conclusion, but out of the blue it strapped a rocket to its back and lit the fuse. I shuddered uncontrollably and made a series of grunts as my cock throbbed almost painfully inside mom and the cum started to flow.

I got off lightly. Mom got off very, very heavily. As the new and improved vibrations slammed into her she started whimpering into my shoulder and trying to rock her hips. With my weight pinning her down that didn't achieve much but it didn't seem to matter. An incoherent babble of half formed swear words, my name, various religious figures, and the word 'cum' flowed from her mouth as she was struck by a series of overlapping orgasms, each hitting her harder than the previous.

As she shook below me I just held on for the ride. My cock, despite having just cum, felt engorged beyond any healthy level inside mom and the feelings welling up were indistinguishable from cumming at this point. I would've pulled out since the balance of pleasure and pain was definitely tipping in the pain direction, but I felt bad doing that with mom thrashing around in orgasm under me. I gritted my teeth and decided to hold on for a few more seconds. Just as I made that decision mom took a shaky breath and stilled.

I waited a beat to make sure she was done, and during that beat she whimpered "Steven?"

"I'm here mom," I said in what I hoped was a soothing voice.

"I don't wanna, oh god, I think I'm gonna." I could guess what she meant and tried to pull back and get us both of this rodeo before she came again.

"Mom, your legs," I said as my escape plan was foiled by mom tightening her limbs around me. She either didn't hear me or didn't care as she started furiously rocking her hips against me, even as she cried out her reluctance to cum again. My cock felt like it was going to burst inside her, whether in a good way or a terrible way was hard to tell. But I realized I didn't care and started hammering my hips back against mom as much as I could with her legs holding on so tightly.

Whether she noticed and appreciated it I don't know, but I do know that a few moments later she cried out "Shit!" in a pained voice and started writhing around under me even more.

"Fuck!" she yelled even louder and began clawing at my back so hard that she probably would've drawn blood if I hadn't still had a t-shirt on.

And then came the calm before the orgasmic storm. It lasted about a second.

Mom screamed. Not a dainty "Ooh!" scream, a full on "Oh god I'm going to die" scream. Her whole body tensed up beneath me and she gripped me so tightly that I would've heard ribs creak if she hadn't just screamed in my ear. Her pussy joined in, squeezing my already sore cock to the point of brief agony. She shuddered once, twice, thrice, and then sobbed. I took that as my cue and pulled back. Mom didn't let go of me but she did push off from the washing machine so we both managed to stagger a step away from it before my legs gave up and I sank to the floor. We ended up laying a few feet from the washing machine with mom on top of me, my cock still buried inside her. We both just lay there gasping for breath for a few minutes as the washing machine whirled beside us. Finally mom broke the silence to say "Hold me," and so I wrapped my arms around her torso, feeling occasional tremors course through her body.

It was another twenty minutes before mom disentangled from me and pushed herself up onto her knees. She lifted the front of her skirt then slowly raised her hips. I looked down to see my purple and angry but mercifully flaccid cock slip out of her pussy, along with what looked like a new personal best amount of cum. Looking at mom I could see her eyes were slightly moist, but she also had a dreamy smile on her face. "You okay?" I asked, hoping she wasn't so scarred by the experience that we'd be ending my sperm donations early.

"Mmm," she moaned happily, nodding. "So very okay." She pointed to my cock and to the washing machine. "I can't believe I've had that and that in the house all this time and never put them together."

I gave a little shrug. "Well you didn't need to get pregnant in a hurry until now," I pointed out, then gestured at the pool of cum that had leaked from her. "Though that might not be an issue any more based on that quantity."

"Yeah," mom said, looking at the washing machine, which slowed its revolutions back down as if on cue. She then turned to me. "We should keep trying though, to be on the safe side."

"You're the boss," I said, which earned me an earnest nod from mom.

"I sure am. Come on then, employee." She stood and helped me to my feet, then we both hobbled back into the kitchen looking like we'd been riding camels all day.

Somehow it was only seven o'clock, yet despite that we were both exhausted and absolutely not in the mood to finish making bolognese. The onions instead found a new home atop some hastily cooked burgers and we collapsed on the couch to cuddle and watch television until it was late enough that we could go to bed without losing our cool cards.


Early to bed did not, on this occasion, mean early to rise. It was nine o'clock before I woke up, and even then it wasn't unprovoked.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!"

I opened my eyes to be greeted by the sight of mom beaming down at me. Through the fog of drowsiness I ran my eyes up and down her, seeing that she was wearing the short white robe that she'd tried on briefly on Sunday night. "Wuzzah?" I asked. I always ask the big questions first thing in the morning.

Mom's smile widened as I blatantly checked her out, and then she got down to business. "I realized we need to do some more laundry," she said, managing to keep a straight face. This woke me up better than any caffeine shot would, as I recognised her code for 'I realized we can fuck without breaking the rules if you stick your dick in me when the washing machine's on.' She went on, "I've got plenty of light things. Do you have any light colors that need washing?"

Without waiting for my answer she grabbed my duvet and tossed it aside, revealing the tent currently set up in my dark blue boxers. "I've got plenty of dark things, do you have any dark colors that need washing?" she asked, retconning real life before my very eyes. "Oh look at that," she added, taking her words to heart as she gazed at the bulge in my underwear. Before I could respond she reached down and grabbed my boxers by the waistband, then yanked them down my legs with the flair of a magician. For a moment she just stood there, my boxers in hand, gazing hungrily down at my cock. It seemed like a very real possibility that she'd just straddle me there on my bed and forget all about the laundry plan. But the washing machine had clearly left a lasting impression on mom and she finally tore her gaze away from my erection and grabbed my hand. "Come on, you can help."

I hopped out of bed and let mom lead me by the hand out of my room, down the stairs, through the kitchen, and into the laundry room. It was quite liberating walking through the house naked and my erection barely wavered during the journey. Once we arrived at our final destination mom let go of my hand in order to toss my boxers and a few other dark items from the nearby hamper into the machine, close the door, and fiddle with the dials. With that done she turned back to me and patted the top of the machine. "Why don't you sit here so we can chat?" she asked, which was a weird way of pronouncing 'fuck' I thought.

"Sure mom," I said and perched myself on the machine. Mom scooted me back until my thighs were fully on top of the machine, with my calves hanging down in front of it. I was about to ask mom what she wanted to talk about when that became doubly irrelevant. Mom definitely wouldn't have been able to respond as without any ceremony whatsoever she bent forward at the waist and engulfed my cock with her mouth. And I became unable to speak properly because, well, she bent forward at the waist and engulfed my cock with her mouth.

My question turned into a strangled grunt and I reflexively reached out to put my hand on the back of mom's head as it bobbed up and down my length. This was evidently approved of by mom as she hummed a happy sounding moan around my cock, only adding to the glorious sensations she was creating down there.

One of mom's hands was digging into my thigh to help her balance. Based on what I could see and what I could hear over the washing machine and mom's moans, her other hand was busy between her legs, and not being gentle about it. That realization excited me even more and I started pushing down on mom's head each time her head lowered over my cock. I wasn't being rough, just encouraging. Either way mom let out a louder groan and twitched. I was worried I'd hurt her somehow, a worry seemingly confirmed when she pushed herself upright using my thigh.

Instead of a reprimand mom just smiled coyly and glanced down, before quietly saying "I like it when you do that." The pink glow in her cheeks grew even pinker as she spoke, though I couldn't say whether that was from embarrassment or from her fingers still visibly at work in her pussy. However much she liked it, clearly it wasn't enough as rather than resuming her blowjob, mom finally took her hand out from her gown and wrapped both arms around my neck. Using me for support she clambered onto the washing machine, ending up kneeling either side of me with her pussy hovering over my glistening cock.

Once she was aboard the good ship washing machine mom reached down and started stroking my cock. "I put the machine on a different setting," she explained, apparently going for the world's worst dirty talk. "It should start spinning sooner and be a bit less, ah, vigorous."

I was relieved to hear that. Last night's session had been quite the experience but I wasn't sure if I'd been able to enjoy it. It had been just a bit too stimulating.

Before I could ask just how much sooner the machine would start spinning, mom gave my cock one last stroke then lowered herself down, guiding my cock straight into her pussy. I gasped and grabbed mom's exposed thighs on either side of me. Mom on the other hand was totally silent, just giving her hips a few lazy thrusts up and down until she could lower herself completely onto my lap and take the whole cock. Only then did she let out a shaky breath and lower her head onto my shoulder.

I swallowed hard, having to fight the urge to start thrusting up into mom. She didn't make it any easier as she sporadically laid little feather light kisses on the side of my neck. Having to do something, I ran my hands up her thighs and into her robe, curving them around her body until I had a good grasp on an ass cheek in each hand.

"I thought it would have started by now," mom mused, though neither of us were really complaining about the position we were in. After a drawn out moment I spent squeezing mom's ass, she broke the silence again. "So, seen any good films recently?"

I turned my head to look at her, my raised eyebrow showing what I thought about small talk during these important proceedings. But then I remembered something and perked up. "No, but Evil Dead 2 is on TV tomorrow night. Wanna watch it?"

"Oh yeah!" said mom. It was one of our favourite films and we owned a copy of it, but somehow we always made a point of watching it together when it was on the television. "Oh... yeah..." she said a moment later, but this time she wasn't thinking about Ash fighting off the undead: the washing machine had started its cycle.

It was definitely a gentler cycle than last night's, I could hear that as well as feel it. But we'd swapped positions since last night and I was realizing that being the one sat on the machine with mom pressing me into it made the vibrations welling up from the machine far more intense. I uttered something along the lines of "Oh fuck" and grasped mom's ass tighter in my hands.

"Oh, baby. You feel so good," whispered mom. She tightened her grip on me and kissed up and down my shoulder. She wasn't the only one feeling good, and in only a few minutes I felt my balls start to swirl with an impending orgasm. It was going to be a quick session I could tell, but hopefully the machine made mom cum as quickly as it did last night.

I slid one of my hands off mom's ass as the grand climax approached, then moved it around her body inside the robe, then up her front, towards her breast. Her dressing robe wasn't exactly designed for an extra arm inside it, and the knot holding the front together loosened as my hand roved upwards. My hand grasped mom's tit at the same moment as the knot loosened to some critical point, and the front of mom's robe fell open. I gazed down, a clear path visible from mom's neck down to her pussy. The sides of her tits jiggled in and out of view in the opening as she writhed about, and I suddenly wanted nothing more than to finally see mom naked before I came. That gave me about ten seconds based on the feeling in my cock.

As if on cue mom moaned "You're going to make me cum," into my ear, shaving several vital seconds off my countdown. I leant back and extricated my hands from the inside of mom's robe, then reached for the knot. Mom sat up straight, as if realizing what I was about to do. "Steven," she moaned.

"Mom," I moaned back, finally getting the knot undone. I moved my hands up to part mom's robe.

And then the doorbell rang.

We both jumped which probably would have set off both our orgasms if the doorbell hadn't shocked them into being staved off for a few seconds. I stared at mom, shaking my head as a cheeky smile spread over her face.

"No, mom," I said.

"I should probably get that," she said, putting a finger on the side of her mouth as if deep in contemplation.

"You really, really shouldn't." But it was too late, before I could stop her she lifted herself off me and dropped back onto the ground, leaving me sat on the vibrating washing machine with a visibly throbbing cock.

"We'll finish when I get back," she said to my cock as she retied her robe. She turned to go then span back and dropped her mouth over the head of my cock. I gasped and pushed her head further down, eliciting a low moan from mom and almost eliciting an orgasm from myself. She popped back up again before that happened though and wiped her chin. "Back in a sec," she said, and trotted out of the door.

I waited on the machine for a second then hopped off. The vibrations felt nice but when mom returned I planned to rip off her robe, throw her onto the machine and fill her with my cum. Or maybe I'd bend her over the machine instead and take her from behind. At this point I could willingly forgo the whole washing machine aspect of our encounter and meet her in the kitchen on her way back before fucking her on the floor. I was close enough that I could do so without breaking any rules.

My mental rehearsals were interrupted as I made out a voice, just audible over the washing machine. I assumed it was mom, telling me to meet her in the kitchen half way and fuck her on the floor. As I moved closer to the door into the kitchen I realized that it was mom talking, but what she was saying didn't make much sense.

"...just about to have a shower, didn't see the point of wearing anything else." I heard her say, before adding "You should've called and told me you were coming."

My hormone flooded brain couldn't figure out why mom was saying these things when she should have been saying things like "Fuck me right now."

"I called you yesterday several times, but your phone went straight to voicemail," said a second voice, and my eyes went wide. "I thought I'd just turn up. I don't need an appointment to see my own grandson do I?"

"Of course not, mom," said mom. I barely heard this last part as I was frantically looking around the laundry room for some clothes to put on. Or failing that, for an emergency escape tunnel. "But... he's not here right now," continued mom, louder than necessary. "He went out earlier to see a friend."

I took the hint. Mom wanted me to flee the house. That did seem preferable to explaining to my grandma why I was wandering around naked with a hardon covered in suspicious wetness, but did not deal with the problem that I was naked. I rummaged through the hamper containing some dirty clothes, but they were all mom's apart from a single sock of mine.

There was only one exit open to me so I took it, slowly opening the back door and glad that the washing machine's hum covered the quiet squeak of the hinges. Once outside I clicked the door shut and sneaked over to the corner of the house where a path led to the front and from there to the road. I stayed against the back wall of the house, not wanting any pedestrians on the street to look my way and see me stood there in the buff. Our neighbors' high hedges at least shielded me from their views.

I had been stood there for about a minute trying to come up with a plan to get some clothes on when I heard the back door open. I panicked, certain that my grandma was about to burst out and catch me. Instead it was mom with a bundle of my clothes and some shoes in her arms.

She was still wearing just her robe and an amused smile as she took in my naked form. Once she was by my side she said in a low voice "Your grandma's here."

"I know," I hissed.

"We didn't finish."

"I kn- we didn't what?" I asked dumbly then stared down as mom dropped my clothes on the floor and grabbed my cock. I couldn't believe she wanted to do this now. And I really couldn't believe my traitorous cock, which had mostly softened during my naked wait in the cold, but now lurched back to an erection with just a few strokes from mom.

"We can be quick," she said and dropped to her knees before taking my cock in her mouth. I wanted to dispute her statement but I'd been so close to cumming before and her mouth felt so good that I realized she was right: I would be quick.

Just to be sure I let mom go to town on my cock for half a minute or so until my orgasm felt imminent again. I then reached down and pulled her up by her armpits. Not wasting any time I pushed her against the side of the house and stepped up to her. She gasped out a "Yes" and reached for my cock again even as she lifted one of her legs. With a moment's work she managed to guide my cock into her pussy, earning a matching gasped "Yes" from me. I then started hammering my hips into her, both of us staring into each others eyes with an intensity only matched by the feelings coming up from below.
