No Patience for High Standards Pt. 01


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"You know what I mean," Rachel replied, eyes scrunching slightly as her friend shifted her weight oddly, as if struck by something right in her belly. But she didn't linger on this for too long, more focused on the point she was trying to make. "Until my divorce, we were in the same boat. Married, with one kid, a son. I know Marco is a couple years younger than Jason, but it's close enough. What would you do?"

It was true that they shared these similarities. Carmella was still married to her high school sweetheart, Bobby, and things were still going fine. Sure, things had slowed down, mostly on his end. He'd gained some weight, lost some stamina, lost a lot of hair, and generally let the weight of the world wear him down. But compared to what became of Rachel's husband, her complaints about Bobby paled in comparison.

Their sons were similar. Jason had been good in school, and an accomplished high school athlete, and her son Marco followed a similar path. Intelligent, hardworking, a disciplined athlete, and on top of that, he was friendly, confident, and possessed a youthful vigor that always impressed Carmella. Marco had followed the athletic side of things further than Jason had, and he'd gotten a football scholarship to one of the big nearby schools. Over the last few years, he'd really filled out, becoming a head taller than his mother, shedding that teenage gawkiness and becoming a man. A young man, sure, but his handsome face, his broad chest, his shredded belly, his strong impressive arms, the muscles... those damn muscles... Carmella suddenly felt flustered. Shaking her head clear, she returned to the topic at hand. The point she was trying to make was that Marco was all man now. But unlike Jason, he was very well-behaved, a dutiful, respectful young man, treating his mother and all women with respect. He had an active social life, and he'd had a few girlfriends over the last few years. He'd been a perfect gentleman to every girl he'd been with. Carmella couldn't imagine her own son approaching her in the same manner Jason had approached his own mother, his handsome face brimming with confidence, his soulful eyes and perfectly styled dark hair filling his mother with disarming affection for him as he came up to her and said:

"Mom... I think me and you should fuck!"

The idea of her own son saying such a thing to her... the mere thought of it made Carmella's breath catch in her chest. It made her blood rush and caused her heart rate to increase. Her mind went a million different directions at once, and for a moment, she could empathize with what Rachel was going through. She wanted to respond to Rachel's question, but she was too caught up in her imagination. And Rachel was losing patience.

"Well...?" Rachel inquired, trying to get an honest answer from her friend. Too distracted with the images in her mind to think of a good answer, she replied with the first thought that came to mind.

"I think you should do it..." Carmella said, distractedly.

"What?" Rachel replied sharply, understandably taken aback. Realizing what she said, Carmella attempted to clarify.

"No, I mean..." Carmella began, clearing her head. "You need to do it! Like... you need to get laid!"

"I'm trying!" Rachel replied. "But as soon as I become single, all the good men disappear."

"I mean, like..." Carmella stammered, still getting her mind in order. Regathering herself fully, she continued. "You might just have to lower your standards. You might have to let the guy who complains about anime on Youtube into your vagina just once, just so you can blow off some stress." The disgust on Rachel's face was obvious.

"I may be desperate, but I'm never lowering my standards," Rachel stated firmly. For a moment, Carmella was impressed by this statement, proud that her friend respected herself enough to never settle for less than she deserved.

"Well... maybe you need to get a good toy," Carmella suggested.

"I have good toys, and they don't get the job done," Rachel replied. "They kept me sane for a while, but they don't work anymore. I think the only thing that'll get the job done is the real thing. My pussy knows that, and it won't settle for anything less."

Carmella gave her friend a long look, not knowing what else to say that hadn't been said. And then, with near perfect timing, the sliding glass door to the back slid open, and Jason called out into the house.

"Meat's ready!" Jason hollered. "Come and get it!"

Carmella gave her friend a knowing look, and Rachel's eyes almost rolled into the back of her skull she was so unamused. Sensing a good moment to leave, Carmella took her cue.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Carmella said. "Good luck." Rachel nodded her head at this statement as her friend sauntered out the front door. With no point avoiding the inevitable, Rachel headed to the back, grabbing her steak and serving herself up just as she liked it. Trying not to acknowledge her son as she sat down at the backyard table and began cutting into the steak, she didn't want to give Jason even the slightest credit for any good thing he did to help her out. He'd been so much of a thorn in Rachel's hot ass that he didn't deserve it. But as she took her first bite of the steak Jason cooked up for her, she was faced down with the issue she'd been forced to confront so many times over these last few years. She wanted to discredit her son. She didn't want to encourage his already overflowing confidence by giving him kudos. But his cooking, like so many other things he did... it was undeniable.

"Oh my God!" she groaned out despite herself. The cooking, the spices, the sauce... it was just perfect.

"Good, right?" Jason said knowingly, looking back at her with a raised eyebrow. She gave him a death glare, but she couldn't deny it.

"Yeah... it's... really fucking good," she admitted through clenched teeth. He smiled at this admission, knowing how much his mother hated to say it. But Rachel couldn't deny it.

It hit the spot.


That was the thing Rachel found most frustrating about her son. He was good at everything. It was infuriating! This whole thing would be so much easier if he wasn't so infallible all the time.

If he wasn't always right.

Having a son who lived such a charmed existence that nothing ever went wrong for him made it extremely difficult for her to assert her parental authority over him. If every little thing he did paid off for him, if every whim on his part led to success, how could she possibly dissuade him from something he had his mind set on?

How could she convince him to stop in his attempts to fuck her when he was so convinced she would love it?

It was the one thing he was clearly and totally wrong about...

Rachel pined for the days where her daily life wasn't so consumed with such complicated, exhausting issues. The funny thing was, up to her divorce from his father, they had a fantastic relationship. He was a kind, well-behaved young man... a perfect son. He was bright, did well in school, rarely got in any major fights or disagreements with his parents, and was incredibly easy to get along with. Rachel and Jason had formed a wonderful relationship. This was best exemplified during the whole divorce. As his father fell down the rabbit hole of cults and conspiracy theories, Jason took her side without hesitation, often matching gazes with his mother, silently communicating that what his father and saying and doing was crazy. Through the divorce, Jason had her back, supporting her in any way he could. Jason certainly wasn't following his father down the path he'd chosen, never once wavering in that desire, letting his father go out and devote himself to whatever bullshit he was into, as long as it was far away from them.

In the months afterward, things settled into a new normal. They still had the house, a pretty sizable two-story house with a nice pool in the back. Both Rachel and Jim made pretty good money, combining to allow their family to live a good life. But with him out of the picture, money got a little tighter. Not they were ever gonna end up in poverty, but downgrading a bit from their comfortable existence into a slightly more affordable option seemed inevitable. There was a distinct possibility Jason would have to leave the only house he'd ever known.

That's when he stepped up, and the dynamic between him and his mother changed forever.

Jason's father Jim had worked in programming all his life, working at some pretty high-end tech companies. So, Jason grew up around computers, and his father's talents rubbed off on him. Jason was a whiz with tech stuff from a young age, picking up a good base for programming skills that had only expanded over the years. Even as he grew up, picked up many new hobbies, and gained the distractions that teenage boys get, the one thing that he never left behind was computers. As he grew and matured, earning an active social life and joining in some school sports, he always found the time to noodle on his laptop, or his big rig desktop, or his tablet, doing stuff well beyond Rachel's understanding.

He didn't look the part of a typical computer nerd. In modern times, with tech so pervasive, the world had evolved well past such lazy stereotypes in terms of the type of people who devote themselves to tech. And Rachel fully understood that. But still... Jason REALLY didn't look the part. He'd been a bit gawky in his younger teen years, but him growing up, combined with him jumping onto some school sports, allowed him to really fill out and get fit. In school, he did both track and soccer. He didn't have that type of aggro, macho competitiveness that was needed for sports like football or wrestling. And in soccer, he didn't have the same intensity as some of his teammates, enjoying playing the game more than devoting himself solely to the concept of winning and defeating their rivals. That was why he eventually dropped soccer by his senior year, but it's also why he loved track.

What led him into doing sports was the opportunity to get fit, and he really threw himself into that aspect of sports, dropping any of that youthful fat and replacing it with some pretty impressive musculature. Strong legs, a fit, flat, muscular belly, remarkable arms, and a taut broad back. What he liked more than playing sports was working out and physical self-improvement. In track, his motivation wasn't to win, but to improve. To do better and better each time, to optimize his results and eliminate any mistakes. He was seeking peak performance, and any victories that came with it were secondary.

So, as he grew up, he had the body of a jock. At heart, he was still the good, friendly, charming young man he'd always been, maintaining his quiet, languid, easygoing attitude throughout. He hadn't succumbed to the macho competitiveness of a typical young athlete, continuing to be somewhat shy and good-hearted throughout. And in his mind, he was still the incredibly intelligent young man who did great in school and was uncommonly good with computers.

That last point proved to be the key.

He was always on his computer in one form or another. Rachel wanted to complain, but there were habits with far more potential for trouble, so she let it go. His grades were still great, he did his chores, so... Rachel gave him leeway. Sometimes, she'd hear him awake to all hours of the night on the computer, at work on God knows what, but as long as it didn't affect his responsibilities, his mom didn't raise a fuss.

The big moment came around this time. He came to her and off-handedly mentioned that one of the big, BIG tech companies had reached out to him about a program he'd put together. It was an app, but not like a game, something more practical than that. But an aspect of it wowed some people in tech, and they wanted to meet. Rachel understandably asked to come along, and it was only when she was in the building of one of the biggest tech companies in the world, meeting with some of the higher-ups, did she realize the gravity of this meeting. They wanted to buy this program off of him, and they were willing to spend a hefty amount to do so. Rachel chose to be present due to the experience she had in negotiations, not wanting Jason to be taken advantage of by these experienced businesspeople. But she shouldn't have worried, as Jason was ready, stepping up and proposing a deal where he still maintained a piece of ownership over this highly valued program while also getting himself a job with this company. The people there where clearly impressed by his moxie, accepting his offer. And just like that, Rachel's teenage son had a job at one of the biggest tech companies in the world, a job that he could do from home, working on code and programs for them while also poking around vulnerabilities with their existing framework, and he had a sudden windfall of cash in his bank account.

This was the point where Jason changed.

Suddenly financially comfortable, he took the opportunity to look the part. He evolved his whole image, opting to present himself less boyishly, filling his closet with much better, far more stylish clothing, items more flattering to his frame that also communicated his influx of wealth. He also took more care with his body, his hair, everything, getting a bit more vainglorious without going overboard. To Rachel, who knew him so well, she could see him deliberately trying to change his image from the quiet, kind athlete to the 'cool guy.' Rachel thought it was amusing, but to the people his own age it seemed effective.

Girls suddenly seemed to notice Jason. It had taken a few years into high school to accomplish this, but it finally happened. While he was well-liked before, he wasn't the most social, popular guy in the world. He had a decent-sized friend group, for sure, but he wasn't in the cool clique. Now, with his whole image changed, and with rumors of his very recent windfall, Jason started to get girls looking at him with new eyes. And with this level of attention from the opposite sex, the inevitable happened.

Jason started getting pussy.

At first, Rachel was happy for him. He was a good, well-composed young man. He had friends, but he never really had girlfriends. So, when he started dating a girl, someone who seemed smart and sweet, she was happy for him. Even when Rachel could hear them fooling around from across the house, hearing his little girlfriends' sighs of pleasure, Rachel was somewhat proud of him for maturing and reaching the next level of social popularity.

But it got old, fast.

Upon having sex for the first time, he slowly became obsessed with it. He tried his best to hold it together and maintain his best behavior, dating his first girlfriend for about four or five months and staying nothing but loyal, but a whole new world had been opened to him, and he wanted to explore it. He moved on to a different girl... then another... being with them for shorter and shorter amounts of time, reaching a point over the course of a few years where it was as if he was bringing a new girl home every time. Plenty of them returned for seconds and thirds and more, but rarely would he bring home the same girl twice in a row.

It was sex, more than anything, that really changed him. Having success in this realm, on top of all the others, had him brimming with self-confidence, and that changed his behavior in other ways. He started being less stealthy about the sex he was having, the action getting louder and louder at all hours of the day, all over the house. Rachel couldn't count how many times she'd walked into her home, only to see Jason and some half-dressed hussy in the living room poorly disguising the fact that they'd been fooling around. Or how many times she'd woken up in the middle of the night only to hear some random girl's lusty moans coming from Jason's room. He was so confident with these girls that he'd be all over them, even in his mother's presence, behind handsy with them unashamedly.

Any pride she may have felt for her son's popularity dissipated after seeing the endless march of hook-ups he had all falling for the same tricks. Seeing these airheads going along with Jason's obvious flirting and maneuverings... Rachel thought less of them for succumbing to such shameless efforts. The type of stuff that only works on young women who don't know any better. Teenager shit, like him running his hand through his nice head of hair in a not-so-subtle way. Calling these young women 'girl'... like 'my girl', or 'hey girl', putting on his so-called sexy voice as he did so. Or making some heavy-handed comment that was clearly about sex, and thinking no one knew what he was talking about. But these airheads just giggled and blushed. These girls needed to have a little pride in themselves. They should be acting with confidence and agency, not getting gooey eyed for Jason and eagerly letting him do whatever he wanted with him. Nothing they could be getting could possibly make their lack of self-respect worth it.

Without having direct knowledge of such things, Rachel surmised that Jason was exploring his desires, sowing his oats and taking advantage of the fact that these horny young women were willing and eager to let him do whatever he wanted to them. The echoes of sex coming from his bedroom at night got louder and louder, taking on an aggressive tone at times. Rachel could hear loud, firm, fleshy slaps, followed by loud moans of girly pleasure, and she could see in her mind's eye these airhead trollops allowing her son to spank their asses. One morning, Jason and one of his nameless hook-ups were chatting in the kitchen as he made breakfast, speaking as if they didn't know Rachel was around the corner, and the young woman stated that her jaw hurt, with Jason replying that it was probably because she spent most of the night biting down on a ball gag. Rachel shook her head in disgust before making her presence known. And if there was any question if he was joking or not, Rachel found a ball gag on Jason's side table next to his bed with that little slut's teeth marks on it.


That wasn't the only item Rachel found that gave her an unwanted glimpse into her son's sex life. She was still a mom, and she did mom things around the house, like handling the cleaning and laundry, so she'd have to grab things from his room. That was how she stumbled on the ball gag. It was also how she found silky ropes tied to his bedposts. Knowing Jason enough to know he would never enjoy being tied down, it was clear to her that he'd convinced one of his girls to let him tie her down to the bed and let him have his way with her. And judging from the moans from the night before, that girl had a very good time. Sometimes, Rachel found discarded pieces of clothing in different rooms of the house, letting Rachel know that he wasn't keeping sex solely to the bedroom. Rachel felt uncomfortable with any hard surface in the house, fearful that sex had occurred there as soon as the professional woman left the house. The kitchen, the bathroom, the office, damn near everywhere. Rachel had yet to find any hint that he'd done anything in Rachel's bed, but not having found any evidence left her almost more paranoid about it.

It wasn't just contained to the house either. One time, Rachel arrived home just in time to see her son and some girl come in from the pool, looking slightly sheepish, a towel on her waist and her bikini top slightly askew. Suspicious, Rachel scanned the poolside, only to find wet handprints on the concrete in such a manner that made Rachel believe that Jason and that girl had fucked by the pool. And if there was any doubt of this, Rachel found the girl's skimpy bikini bottoms lost under a deck chair. Rachel angrily returned them to the young woman, her cheeks turning bright red. But Jason... he just seemed amused by the whole thing, not embarrassed at all.