All Comments on 'No Safe Word'

by CBM514

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mel_pomenemel_pomeneabout 11 years ago
A nice, competent ...

... and well-presented story. Some might disagree about the relative terms for and position of slaves and submissives but in this kind of life-style we all advocate choices and protocols; yours seem to work extremely well.

Thank you - four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Goddess my ass

A self centered, egotistical bitch. She's torturing him. Plain and simple. Ask yourself a simple question. Were her actions to become known to her family and friends do you think they would be proud of her or disgusted? At the very least she belongs in jail. At the very best, she belongs in the ground, 6 feet under. A disgusting story with no redeeming features.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Just once....

I'd like to see the man gather his pride and self respect, stand up and simply kick the shit out of these bitches that think it's okay to abuse and humiliate someone. And I mean mop the floor with them, sending them to the hospital. See how they like being on the "receiving" end of things. Crappy story.

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