No Towel for Me, Thank You!

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Husband is a dud in bed but has a solution!
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Two months ago Dan invited his twin brother Stan to live rent-free in the beautifully furnished apartment above their detached garage. In exchange for this Stan, who is a lifelong bachelor, is expected to.. well.. sexually satisfy his wife Cathy.

Cathy actually knew Stan before meeting Dan, but at that point in her life she had decided to only date men who might someday make a good husband. She chose Dan because she believed he'd be the better father and a more reliable life-partner. Stan was funny, captivating and very sexy but he was always chasing and usually catching every woman in town, including the married ones. So despite being very attracted to Stan, Cathy stayed clear of him - he was not good partner material.

Many years have since passed and after raising two great kids Cathy is still very beautiful, healthy...and married to Dan. After putting others first for so long, she's decided it's time to prioritize her own happiness. And near the top of her new priorities is to enjoy sex more. The biggest challenge with this, however, is that although Dan is a wonderful father and a dependable husband, he is a complete dud in bed. His dick-game is terrible and he doesn't seem intent on improving it. They've tried sex therapy several times but Dan quickly looses interest and finds reasons not to go. Cathy is not asking for a lot; she doesn't expect sex to always be amazing she just expects it to not always suck, which it seems it always will with Dan. She put up with unsatisfying sex while raising kids - but won't anymore...Life is simply too short. She's beginning to think her only hope for a thoroughly satisfying fuck is to have affairs.

Dan senses her unhappiness and sees their relationship headed for trouble. To keep his wonderful wife from straying, he has decided to do something that most husbands would find unthinkable. He has asked his far sexier twin brother to satisfy Cathy's need for greater excitement in bed. Cathy alone would decide which brother would would be her sex partner on any given day. In exchange, Stan could live for free in the recently completed apartment over their garage - a place that is much nicer than he could otherwise afford. As Dan expected Stan agreed to the offer without so much as asking a single question or raising a single concern about the ethics of the arrangement making it clear that he still carries a torch for Cathy. What is surprising, however, is that Cathy also quickly agreed to this highly taboo arrangement. Apparently she has long been harboring sexual feelings for Stan though has never mentioned it.

Cathy's only ask was that the twins avoid being seen in the same room and that she calls both of them Dan believing this self-deception will somehow minimize the feeling she is cheating on her husband and the weirdness of having sex with twin brothers. All three are mostly comfortable with the arrangement. The only minor problem is that Stan, who still resents Dan for being chosen by Cathy, loves to endlessly taunt Dan about his inability to sexually satisfy her. Dan finds this annoying of course, but reacts with little more than a head shake and an eye roll - he thinks taking Stan's abuse is a small price to pay to save his marriage. Cathy, however, finds the teasing to be thoroughly entertaining, although some of the taunts are so devious that she has dubbed Stan "Evil Dan" or "eDan" for short. eDan accepted the moniker on the condition his brother goes by the nickname bDan - short for Boring Dan. So there you have it.. Cathy, her husband bDan, and her pleasure servant eDan all living an unconventional life that works for all concerned.

Today's Hook-up Between Cathy and eDan

Yesterday Cathy told eDan that his services would be expected today, making it his third time this week - and it's only Thursday. As always, eDan eagerly agreed, but this time has asked her to help teach bDan a lesson when he walks in on them - which he will ensure happens. At first she declined but agreed after eDan explained that it might also help give bDan some insight into what Cathy needs to be sexually satisfied...So she agreed.

The plan is for Cathy to memorize verbatim a script comprised of shocking and insulting things to say to bDan.

Tomorrow is here and they are ready to get started - they are already partially undressed. eDan is in his boxers and Cathy is wearing a bra and her leopard print yoga pants.

Are you ready Cathy? Have you learned the script?

I have! (laughing) Boy, this is awfully dirty, like totally XXX-rated and mean! I don't mind saying it, but I'll probably be blushing. And how are you so sure of what he's going to say?

He's my twin! I know exactly how he thinks, so I know exactly what he's going to say. Trust me..

And I'm supposed to have this entire conversation with bDan while you're kneeling behind me with your face in my ass (laughing)?

Yes, exactly... And try to act like there's nothing unusual about it.

Weird, but kinda cute...Ok. I'm game.

To set the scene Cathy, pull that sexy blue bra down on one side so one breast is hanging out, then pull your yoga pants down below your butt.. Then, with your feet on the floor, bend over his side of the bed. I'll kneel behind you to eat your ass - which I can't wait to do, by the way - then I'll knock his stack of computer magazines off his nightstand onto the floor. He's in the den below us watching tennis, so he'll hear the bang. When he comes up to investigate - which I know he will - he will see what's going on and will definitely make a snide remark. ...That's when the racy back and forth between you starts...So channel your inner-actor Cathy and give it your best!

Eager to get started Cathy pulls down one side of her bra, bends over the bed, and lowers her yoga pants halfway down her thighs. She then wiggles her ass to signal her readiness to torment bDan....and her eagerness to feel eDan's face between her cheeks.

Everything is set, eDan buries his face then pushes the magazine stack.


Moment's later, just as predicted, bDan clomps up the stairs then walks in on his lovely wife and eDan - looking shocked and dismayed at what he sees going on.

Oh for god's sakes!!..You two are at it again?! You both need to find a hobby! And I thought I had the next turn with you, Cathy!

Well maybe this is our hobby, bDan!..And it would be your turn but you lost it as punishment for interrupting us last time, remember?..Just like you're losing your next turn for interrupting us now!

No.. I don't remember that! I don't recall you saying anything about a penalty. Do you remember that eDan?

eDan responds but his words are too muffled to be understood.

Can't you see that eDan can't talk right now, his mouth is full! (with a grin)

Oh jeez, yes..I can see that. Oh my god! He's like totally obsessed with EYP, isn't he? Well, I think he takes it too far, if you ask me.

For god's sake, bDan.. You still have to use initials - you can't just say "eating your pussy"? You really are such a dork, my dear (smiling). Besides, he's clearly eating my asshole sweetheart, if he was eating my pussy his head would be much lower...Maybe if you watched a little porn once in a while you'd recognize that. And it feels incredible - I love it! I know it seems yucky to you, but he absolutely loves doing it and seems unable to get enough of it. (Looks back at eDan while giggling) "Hey you, I didn't say you can do THAT!!" (looks back to bDan). Silly eDan keeps trying to push his whole tongue in my ass rather than just kiss, lick it and tease the rim. I haven't let him stick it in yet, but I will one day soon. I bet it feels lovely.

Ewwww! That is sooo yucky! I did not have to know that! That sounds totally gross! I'm so glad you don't ask me to do that for you because I won't! (he turns in a huff to leave the room, then turns back). Please do me a favor, before you start having intercourse put a towel down! I really don't want eDans stuff all over my side of the sheets.

It's called cum, my dear, not stuff. And please just say "fucking", intercourse sounds sooo creepy. My goodness sweety, maybe if you weren't such a prude and used big-boy words once in awhile, I'd offer to smother your face too! Besides, you don't have to worry about any of eDan's stuff getting on the sheets (pretends to giggle), that won't happen - I promise!

Why?..because you won't let him finish - out of respect for me? I really appreciate you doing that for me!

Oh, god no! He absolutely must cum! When he doesn't cum I'm very cross with him! Cum is half the fun of sex my love! And I've been making him drink extra water all day hoping it helps him give me more of it! In a little while we'll see if it actually worked. Stick around to see, if you're curious.

NO! I won't! I have no interest in seeing that. Ok, so why no towel?

Well, just for you... I'll insist that he cums in my mouth.

WHAT!!!!? How in the hell is that just for me!!

So we don't make a mess my darling!

That's ridiculous! Besides, I thought you hated having that yucky stuff in your mouth!! In all the years we've been together you haven't once done that with me!

Oh, um... well... I do hate it (clearly lying). So after he finishes, I'll just let it spill out of my mouth and onto my breasts. Then I'll rub the cum into into my skin until it's all absorbed. So you see? I do it as a favor to you - so there isn't a mess.

Huh? That makes zero sense Cathy!!! If you hated it you would just have him finish on your boobies and skip the whole "in your mouth" step!

bDan, I'm warning you! If you call them boobies one more time I will murder you in your sleep!! You're a grown-ass man - you're not 10! And honestly skipping the "in the mouth" step never even occurred to me (again, clearly lying but smiling innocently). But yes, I suppose that might work. Maybe we'll do that next time... On second thought, nah.. I like my way much much better.

Oh c'mon! You're not fooling me - you didn't need me to suggest that!..Why don't you just admit that you like it when he, you know, releases that disgusting stuff into your mouth!?

Well, when you put it that way it It does sound kinda gross, doesn't it?

Well it does to me, but apparently not to you! So how many times has he done this?

Not very many...maybe about 40 times since you first invited him to live with us two months ago.

What!!!? 40 times in 60 days!? Then you must like it! C'mon Cathy! Be honest!!

Well, bDan, it's not the only way he finishes...Sometimes he finishes in my pussy, or even myyyyy (words trailing off)

Cathy pauses, then closes her eyes... bDan thinks it's because she's reflecting on her outrageous behavior and maybe even contemplating an apology but then notices her breathing has deepened, her nipples have become very erect and she is shivering lightly.

Oh jeez Cathy,... I can't believe you're having an orgasm as we're talking!! Sooo disrespectful!

Shhhh!!! bDan, be quiet for a moment...I'm focusing.

Cathy continues to breathe deeply and moan; this continues for 20 seconds or so. bDan looks exasperated - he puts his hands on his hips, shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Finally, just before he complains again, Cathy gathers her thoughts and returns to the discussion...but first she turns to eDan

Ooohhhh....that was awesome eDan - see if you can give me another one of those.

Again, eDan says something but his words are too muffled to make out.

Cathy! Pay attention please, I'm talking to you!

Sorry bDan, but it's hard to focus when my ass is being worshiped by eDan...Are you sure you can handle the truth if I share it with you? Once you hear it you can't un-hear it. (grinning)

Of course - tell me the truth!

OK, the truth is..... I absolutely positively love the feeling of eDan's warm goopy cum gushing into my mouth. And yes, It is definitely yucky... but eDan makes it yummy by making me very very horny. That's why I don't do it with you sweetheart - you don't even try to make me horny! The same goes for eDan eating my asshole - which he is doing so wonderfully right now - the idea seems really gross to him until he sees me in my Yoga pants, and tight top - which makes him really horny. Then, he can't resist doing it! Get it?

Well, I'm just glad you finally admitted it! And don't think I haven't noticed that you're wearing yoga pants a lot more often these days!

I guess it's because eDan rewards me so wonderfully when I do. In fact, I'm ordering another pair tonight. If I choose something really sexy and get overnight delivery, maybe eDan will pleasure my ass again tomorrow. And who know's, maybe I'll finally let him stick his tongue in me my ass...And once I get used to his tongue being inside my ass, won't be long before I'm asking him to stick his perfect cock inside it.

Blech!! That is all sooo disgusting! I've heard enough already. I'll leave you two perverts to get on with it.

Perverts?!! Wowww!!!! (pretending to be outraged) How dare you sex shame us - I should send a tweet out about you and have you canceled!..We're just two consenting adults harmlessly enjoying our bodies while we still can! You make it seem dirty. You're being really mean bDan!

Canceled? I'm not even sure what that means. Anyway, carry on with what you're doing, you weirdos.. but I'd appreciate it if you keep it down! I'm trying to watch tennis.

Then you'll definitely want to turn the volume up, honey...Or just pretend all the loud grunting and moaning is coming from the tennis players and NOT from your sweet innocent wife Cathy getting her very tight pussy fucked on your side of the bed!

Not funny!..And when do I get my turn with you, Cathy?..Seems like eDan has you all to himself these days.

Don't be so selfish bDan! You had me all to yourself for many many years - and never once caring about my satisfaction. Now it's time to share me with someone who does care about it. I'll tell you what.. if you're a good husband and complete your list of chores on the kitchen counter, I'll let you jerk off on my feet before I get in the shower tomorrow morning. Wouldn't that be nice of me?

Oooh, that sounds fun! Yes, please let me do that - that would be great!..May I touch your breasts while I do it or at least see them?

Ewww!! How inappropriate!! Of course not! Wow, talk about being a pervert and a weirdo!

Huh, what? ...Me a weirdo? Wait....Why? That hardly seems outlandish compared to what you two are doing now!

Well I would find it embarrassing and awkward if you touched or even looked at them while doing that (she does the jerking off motion with her left hand). These are my lovely, sacred breasts bDan; they are not your toys.

So why is one of them hanging out of your bra now??

Because eDan played with while I was sucking on his gorgeous cock.

Oh, yes.. well of course HE gets to play with them! Sheesh...

Well, there's a very good explanation for that...

Yes, I'm listening (eyes rolling, expecting to be annoyed by what's said next).

When he plays with them, his dick gets super big and rock hard, which makes it soooo yummy to suck!! So he simply MUST play with them, or I'd be angry with him! So, you will have to be satisfied with touching only my feet. Actually, just one foot - I don't want to catch a cold.

Fine!!! Seems totally unfair, but I promise I won't touch or even look your boobies...Sorry, I mean breasts.

Thank you bDan! And please don't forget to put a towel down! I don't want any of your yucky stuff on the sheets. As for eDan's yucky stuff? Well....I definitely won't need a towel for that! (licking her lips then smiling - as per the script). And if you don't want to see me do it, you'd better get going.

Yes, dear...I guess I'll get started on those chores (as he audibly sighs).

bDan leaves the room - sulking and mumbling something about eDan being a big jerk. Meanwhile, eDan resurfaces from orally ravishing Cathy's backside. She turns to him..

You're a lot of fun in bed eDan but you definitely are evil for making me say those upsetting things to bDan. He's a decent man you know! He just has a lousy dick-game. And shouldn't you show him a little gratitude for letting you fuck me?

No way! He's always rubbing it in my face that you chose him over me, I'll never stop torturing him for that. He's a grown man, he can take it. In fact, I'm pretty sure bDan absolutely loves watching you with me - otherwise, he wouldn't keep showing up when we're going at it. Hopefully he's learning a thing or two about pleasing you.

I sure hope so! And if he ever does learn how to properly fuck me we'll both be rid of you (they both laugh). Until then, don't you even think of moving out! So where were we? Oh, yes.. according to your script it's time for you "to fuck my tight little pussy on bDan's side of the bed." So get to it!!..And No Towel thank you, since you're so good at making yucky seem yummy (she says while licking her lips)!

They both laugh as they quickly remove the rest of their clothes...They hear the TV volume in the den go up.

The end...

My first effort at erotica.. Please let me know your thoughts about it. Thanks :)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Just another femdom menhater irrealistic fantasy. No men in this story, only monkeys and sheeps.

LMWM321LMWM321about 2 months agoAuthor


I'm not big on humiliation stories either to be honest. Understand, he's not be teased about anything he can't control - eg., small dick, appearance, etc.. They're twins - so they look identical.

He's being taunted over his disinterest in pleasing her, being uptight, not being more adventurous. And should he give more effort and be more like eDan, he will once again have her all to himself. Anyway, that's what I was trying to get across. :)

Anyway, much appreciation for reading and commenting :)

mcitylinemcitylineabout 2 months ago

I am sorry but the humiliation is not sexy.

LMWM321LMWM3217 months agoAuthor

@ DH.

Sorry, the "boobs" comment should have been directed Anonymous. Thanks for letting me know that I can submit an edited version. And thx for reading

LMWM321LMWM3217 months agoAuthor

Thanks DH! Glad you enjoyed it. My wife will be thrilled to hear that thoughts of her boobs brought you to climax :) and Yes, perhaps more to follow.


dick_hardendick_harden7 months ago

You can submit a corrected version and they will replace this version. Instructions are on this website.

LMWM321LMWM3218 months agoAuthor

Thx.. ..And sorry everyone for the absent quotation marks for all the quotes. They strangely disappeared when I imported the text and I failed to notice before submitting for publication. Is there a way to edit a story once it's been published? I'm betting not.

Still, it should be pretty easy to follow the dialogue.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

OMG PLEASE GO FURTHER ANDMAYBE END WITH A DOUBLE PENETRATION. I’m about to pop my rocks all over your wonderful tits,

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