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"Oh, Honey, I do. I really do. But sometimes adults have problems and they... they can't be together, even though they want to."

"You're weird. If I like someone, I'll play with them and if I don't, I won't. If you like him, you should play with him."

Geena smiled through her tears and said, "You know, Emma, you are a very smart young lady. How about pizza tonight?"

The next weeks were misery for her but she knew she had to keep things private, even if it meant losing the best man she had ever met. Fortunately, Emma didn't question her about their relationship again and seemed to accept her mother and the teacher were no longer 'friends.'


It was a sunny Wednesday when a package was delivered while she was studying for one of her classes. The UPS driver handed her the package with a smile and wished her a 'good day' before turning to his rig. With shaking hands, she turned the package over and saw Larry's name on the sender label. Wondering what it could be, she went to the desk, pulled out scissors and carefully opened the package. It was a brand-new book featuring some Asian themed art, an intriguing title and Larry's name on the cover. She flipped it over, looked at his picture and read the bio. Larry had been published! She was so excited for him! Her fingers trembled as she opened the cover. On the main title page there was a handwritten note over his signature.

Dearest Geena, I promised you the first copy of my first novel. It was officially published three days ago and is being sent to bookstores. It's also available on line. Pay attention to the character Himari who shows up near the end of the book. I based her personality entirely on you. I hope you enjoy it. With fondest regards and love, your Larry.

With tears stinging in her eyes, she opened the book to the first page. After reading the first few paragraphs, she knew the book would be a hit. She read until it was time to pick up Emma from school, putting the book down at the very last second. Larry wasn't on driveway duty, much to her relief, and she hurried Emma home, set her up with her own book and ploughed back into reading Larry's book. When Emma asked for dinner, Geena ordered takeout. Once Emma was asleep, Geena kept reading until the wee hours of the night. She did recognize herself in the character Himari, smiling as she read the passages about the main character falling in love with her. It was two a.m. when she finished the book but she was too excited to sleep.

The next morning was a struggle but she was able to get Emma to school. Back home she collapsed for a long morning nap, waking around noon. In the bathroom she looked at an exhausted, frazzle-haired woman in the mirror. After showering and brushing her hair, she went back to the mirror and started to talk to herself.

"You're an idiot, Geena. He's a good guy. He obviously loves you. He remembered his promise and said right there in the book 'fondest regards and love.' Love! Have you ever had reason to doubt him? No, you stupid fool. He's been open with you. He adores Emma. She misses him. So why did you throw him away? Huh? Why?

"I'll tell you why: you're a stupid, dumb broad. That's why.

"Why don't you tell him? Tell him you're rich. It's no big fuckin' deal. He's not Matt. He won't try to take your money. And he won't blab it all over, you know he won't. And now he'll probably be rich, too. That book's gonna sell, you know it will.

"So, you stupid cow, what're you gonna do about it?"

She stared at herself in the mirror for several minutes with her mind racing, before she relaxed and began to smile.

Maria answered her phone on the first ring. "Geena, Dear, how are you doing?"

"I'm better. Really, I am. And I'm going to fix things up with Larry."

"You are? Goodie for you. That's so exciting. Can I help in anyway? Help with Emma?"

"Yes, would you please? I need a few hours this evening."

"You know," laughed Maria, "Tomorrow night might be better and I can keep her 'til Saturday."

"No, I'm worried he might have a date with someone or whatever."

"Larry's not like that. I bet he's lonely and I bet he misses you. So, tonight or tomorrow?"

"How about both? I'll see him for a few hours and if things work out, I'll definitely need you tomorrow," she giggled.

"Consider it done. Good luck."


With her heart pounding double-time in her chest, Geena walked up to Larry's door. She could see the light from a TV cast on the curtains. No unusual noise or talking could be heard so she reached up and rapped on his door. Steps were heard coming to the door.

"Oh, Hi, Geena. What's up?"

"I read your book and..." she sniffled.


"I love it. You're a fabulous writer. No wonder they published it so fast," she smiled at him, tears pooling in her eyes.

"Thank you."

"And you know, the best part was on the title page."


"Yeah. It was. And Larry, in order to earn your love, I have a confession; something to get off my chest." She paused, looking at him while ignoring any apprehension which tried to creep into her mind.

"You see, even though my wants and needs are simple and modest, I'm rich. Unbelievably rich. Stinking rich, even."

"I figured you had some money, but the question still out there is..."

"Lottery. I won a ton of money with the only lotto ticket I've ever bought."

"So, all legal? On the up and up?"

"Yes. I didn't want to tell anyone and get hounded by remote relatives, scammers and everyone else back home. I had to leave my previous situation, the guy I was living with and I've actually changed my last name. I've gone pretty much into hiding so we can live a quiet, normal life."

"You're telling me this now because?"

"Because I love you and I know, well,....I hope you love me. You're right; we can't have secrets and this secret was huge. Up until now my lawyer, accountant and investment guy were the only ones who knew. Now you're only the fourth person to know."

"Would you like to come in?" he asked with a smile on his lips and his arms held open. She fell into them sobbing with happiness and relief. Once her tears eased, he led her to the sofa.

"Have a seat. So, you want to keep things quiet? I can promise you I'll never breathe a word about this to anyone."

"I know you won't and it's so embarrassing that I felt I couldn't trust you. Please forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive, though I am glad you finally felt comfortable enough to tell me."

"Thank you. You're so sweet to put up with me and my craziness."

"Forget about it. Hey, I was given a bottle of champagne by my brother when I told him I was going to write. He told me to open it when I had my first novel published. I can't think of a better time to celebrate the book and us than right now."

After she toasted congrats on his book and he toasted to her, they sipped the champagne. It was too tart, almost bitter and Geena tried to hide her dislike. He chuckled as he watched her and said, "This stuff's pretty bad, isn't it?"

She sheepishly nodded yes, put down her glass and slid over to him. "A kiss would taste better than any drink. Can I have one of those?"

His answer was to tip his head towards her and let his lips slowly meet hers. She was right: the kisses were much sweeter than any champagne.


Maria's offer to babysit Emma that Friday night was gladly accepted by both Geena and Larry. Geena offered him a glass of wine when he arrived and served a simple but tasty meal. They raced through the clean up before she grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the bedroom. Their lovemaking was tender yet intense, soft yet powerful and touching yet lusty. With one of her climaxes, she felt such a powerful surge of bonding energy that she clung to him, crying tears of joy. She had never felt so close to another human with the exception of when she first held the newborn Emma in her arms.

Emma was beyond happy to have Larry back in their lives and the three of them continued to grow closer and closer. When he asked for Geena's hand in marriage, he made sure to ask Emma's permission as well. It was on a quiet evening after Emma had gone to bed that Larry brought up the issue of money to Geena.

"Honey, could we talk about what our financial situation will be after we get married?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?" she asked nervously.

"I love you and I want you. But I don't want your money. I hope you get that."

"Yeah, I get it. What brings this up?"

"I've been thinking. I'm doing pretty well with my writing. As you know, the publisher gave me a huge advance for a second book and if it sells anything like my first one, I'll have a nice income for quite some while."


"I think we should have a prenuptial agreement."


"It's to protect you and your money."

"Do you think it's necessary? I mean, I trust you."

"That's great, I'm glad you do. But if we put it in writing, there'd be no question what we have is a relationship based on love, not money. And you'd know for sure that your money is totally safe."

Geena remained unconvinced but agreed to call Mr. Jones and run it by him. When she did, he reminded her the corporation owned the money, she didn't, though she was in control of how the earnings were spent. He did suggest a simple statement which both would sign acknowledging that fact would be a reasonable thing to have. He also recommended they come up with an understanding of how the household expenses would be divided. They agreed to simply split those expenses down the middle.

Their wedding was held at a small chapel in town with a few guests including coworkers, his brother, Maria and Sofia. Emma, of course, stood with them at the altar. They soon bought a larger house in the same neighborhood and within two years filled an extra bedroom with two wonderful twin boys.

Larry continued to write and soon began a third novel while agreeing to substitute teach on a limited basis. Geena was able to pursue both her volunteer work and college classes since Larry worked from his home office and could more easily help care for the kids.

She continued to earn more than enough money from the investments to share all household expenses with Larry. The excess monies were donated regularly, primarily to charities which helped people on the edge of disaster, as she had once been. And she never forgot the food bank in Brownstone. To this day they receive five thousand dollars every month from an anonymous donor to their continued astonishment and joy.

Trionyx -- March 2022

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sg1010sg10104 months ago

Thank You ! Your story mimics life. People keeping secrets, especially when asked, point blank, can / should be considered lying. Definitely a lesson in committed relationships with a focus on open communications.

chasbo38chasbo386 months ago

Nice idea but a bit long for the amount of action.

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

wtf who are these morons who won't let a woman pay their dinner?!? lol

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

We all are hiding skeletons deep down in a rotten cage ….. deep anchored in our soul and those never seen sunlight again, true or? ….. but trust is something very special and may having the knowledge how your best part is living so well off, might be ok ….. she could have just laid it like an unknown relative left her a apanage a monthly payment ….. but yeah pressing the truth out of the citronella may kills the trust or ? Trust and truth and betrayal are so closely tied together so honesty is the only way

Lucky geena, just two dollar and hitting the jackpot, fabulous tale 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A nice sweet story with a predictable ending.

All the drama about trying to hide/explain her no visible means of support I think is utter nonsense.

I understand that women, mothers particularly, need some of that knowledge so that they have future security. Most men aren't worried about that. I seriously know of no man who would break up a romance coz his girlfriend had lots of money. Maybe its a cultural thing.

All she had to do from the start of the problem was to take him down to see George and have him sign an NDC.

Or even get him to ring George at his lawyers office to confirm that she was all legit. A storm in a tea cup over nothing.

It was still a well written story, with a good beginning, an entertaining middle bit, and most importantly a reasonable planned ending. There were no noticeable spelling or grammatical mistakes, so that alone puts this little charmer in the top 10% of stories on this site.

Well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Larry was an egotistical idiot, convinced he understood everything about the world and relationships. She should have run for the hills.

My cousin (my closest friend growing up) MARRIED her dream guy, convinced that he earned his money "flipping" houses long before it was a thing. I thought the world of him, no pretensions in him at all. We used to go bowling together often, she asked my opinion and I said he was the salt of the earth.

I was one of his groomsmen. A few weeks after the wedding she called me freaking out.

Turns out, flipping houses was his HOBBY, he loved working with his hands, and didn't make much money on the houses. In fact, he'd DONATED two of them to social services to become group homes.

He inherited his late parents' millions, which was why he was free to indulge his hobby. She'd never pressed him for any explanations, and because of that she found her own prince

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Its a tough premise, but not one that should be difficult to write about. There are plenty of people with money who want to keep their wealth private, so a lottery winner is no different than an obscure heiress. Any person who thinks you have to "prove" you trust them is not a person to be trusted. Larry was supposedly an intelligent worldly person, so he should know that trust has to be earned. For him to assume that a person with money might be a criminal is very shallow and small minded, even bigoted: a person with money should be looked upon with suspicion, why? It appears you have a bias against wealth. Its very nice everything ended up so cozy and wholesome in the end. But if YOU ever win the lottery I hope you get A Lot better advice than what appears in this story. Thanks for the effort.

AardieAardieover 1 year ago

She could have asked him to sign an NDA, but that might have been a deal breaker, too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I felt really good after reading this story. It has that “love conquers all” theme. Thanks

Five stars!

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66about 2 years ago

I am slowly working my way through the Money Honey stories, and just finished yours. A beautiful, 5 star story. Thank you! You have gained a nre follower.

Thank you Randi for running the event, and including a wide diversity of authors. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. 👏🖖

tangledweedtangledweedabout 2 years ago

A surprisingly realistic scenario built around an unlikely bit of luck. Going from a just barely getting by, with the associated compromises made for survival, to having the discipline not to blow the windfall, gives a great insight to Geena's character. Having a fortune fall into your lap can scramble the brains of the smartest people, regardless of their initial wealth, so her calculated approach was fascinating.


I think a person in her situation could have allayed concerns with a simple story of having come into some money (via inheritance or other means), without divulging the total amount, but that wouldn't have helped the main conflict in the story; her distrust of men (well warranted in her case). I can't speak for anyone else, but having my partner have more money than me would probably be a relief from the stress of being the main provider for the family. That's just my personal opinion, whether my ego could handle it is something I never have had to face. I wouldn't end a relationship over the question of how they became wealthy, but would probably want to know more before marrying or moving in together.


Where I live, large lottery winners are obligated by lottery rules to have their identity revealed to claim their prizes, so in Canada this kind of stealth maneuvering would have been tougher, but possibly not impossible to pull off. Changing names immediately and moving a great distance might work if you didn't have a significant social media presence that leaves traceable clues.


I have read a couple of stories from this author and find them honest and well thought out, with believable characters. Nice job and full marks.

DenaliFXDenaliFXabout 2 years ago

Lovely story - your range is impressive

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice romance.

Lottery winners do have problems with people trying to get their money. They do have to be careful. Also I can understand any-one becoming involved with a person with more money than it seems they could reasonably have, being concerned, one needs to know what one is getting into. So the issue of how they can learn to trust each other is real, and handled well here. And yes, even in 2022. there are men who don"t like a woman being wealthier than them, even though that should be an old-fashioned attitude by now. So I thought this was a realistic story and a nice gentle romance. Five stars.

Frank66Frank66about 2 years ago

I liked the story, but can't understand the fixation on her money. It was nobody's business but hers. And to pry into it is in extremely poor taste. Her previous boyfriend dumps her because she offered to treat him to dinner?? Shallow.

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