No Way Honey __ Anne

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Sad little tale.
2.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/08/2017
Created 09/15/2008
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Hi again ___ Another in this little series, so sorry no real sex.

A sad little story this one, and I don't normally like them myself. But this one was inside and had to come out.

Hope you like it.

Thanks for all the comments on the others by the way. Without them writing wouldn't be the same.


Oh God what a mess I've made of my life.

Just a week ago everything was just so perfect, and then I went and ruined it all.

I had the most wonderful husband, and a wonderful life.

Now, at twenty-six I have neither, and life looks so bleak.

No I didn't go to bed with another man and lose him if that's what you're thinking. It was worse than that ____ much worse.


Dave was sitting down to dinner just over one week ago when I asked him that damn question. I shouldn't have asked him of course, but I felt cornered, and had to do something.

"Dave," I started hesitantly. "Would you mind too much if another man saw my breasts?"

He looked up, a puzzled look on his face, but at least the hint of a smile around his mouth.

"They have Anne," he answered slowly. "Hundreds of them have. The last two years on the beach on holiday you've been topless, and with a body like yours lots of guys would have looked."

"I didn't mean like that Dave," I replied carefully, trying to find the right words. "I mean .... Well I mean like in private. Taking my top off to show him my bare breasts."

"Is this some kind of joke Anne?" He demanded, all hints of his smile disappearing.

I wished it was, I really did, but life isn't always straightforward as much as you might wish it to be.

"It's Joe I'm talking about Dave." I told him, and his face clouded over.

He had sympathy with Joe's position, but simply couldn't understand how I felt about him. How I just needed to help him in the terrible state he was in. We'd been at school together and he'd never seemed too well, but during the last few years he'd got worse, much worse, and unless he got a double organ transplant soon then he wouldn't survive. The trouble was finding one that was compatible, and so far they just hadn't been able to. Poor Joe was house bound, and could hardly leave his bed, so I spent a lot of time round at his place trying to cheer him up.

Dave thought I spent far too much time round there, but put up with it, as he knew I had been friendly with Joe for so long.

"So bloody Joe not only monopolizes my wife, but wants her to flash her tits off him as well does he," Dave asked in a calm voice that hardly hid his annoyance.

"Be fair please Dave," I pleaded with him, trying not to cry. "Poor Joe has never had a girl friend and very likely never will. He's never seen a girl's bare breasts, not in real life."

I looked up at Dave and saw that he wasn't happy, not happy at all. But at least he wasn't shouting and screaming at me as I had worried he might.

Time to make my confession.

"I did it Dave," I whispered to him, unable to keep something like that secret from him. "This afternoon when his Mum went out shopping, I took my top off and let him look at my breasts. He didn't touch them ___ just looked."

Dave looked sad ___ just so sad.

I didn't know what else to say to him, and had no idea what he'd say next.

"How long did he look?" He asked at last.

"Does it matter how long Dave?" I replied, wanting to stand up and run to him, cuddle him to show him how much I loved him.

He shook his head sadly and sighed.

"I don't know what to say Anne. I really don't. I can sort of understand why you did it, and I can imagine how much it must have bucked up Joe. But I'm not very happy about it ___ Not very happy at all."

It wasn't the right moment to tell him the rest of what was bothering me. Not something I'd done, but something I'd promised. I wished I hadn't but I had.

At least he'd more or less accepted what I'd done, showing my breasts off to Joe, but what I'd promised was far more serious, and I simply couldn't bring myself to do it without getting Dave's consent.

At twenty-six, poor Joe was still a virgin. Never really even had a proper girl friend in his life, and little chance of ever getting one as his life slipped slowly away. He desperately didn't want to die a virgin and had begged me to do it with him just once. He didn't even really have the strength to get on top of me, and I'd have to be very careful when I got on top of him.

If I did it that is!

Oh God how had I got myself into this awful situation?

The atmosphere in our room was a little difficult for the rest of the evening. Dave didn't say much, and I could tell he was brooding about what I'd done. I spent the evening wondering how on earth I would broach the subject and when.

Dave went up to bed a few moments before me, and by the time I got there he was already in between the sheets. I started to undress, and as I unclasped my bra and dropped it, Dave laughed.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"That Joe was a very lucky chap," Dave remarked. "That's the best pair of boobs I've ever seen, so I suppose I can't stay angry too long just because you flashed them."

I shook my breasts at him and Dave's smile just got wider and wider. Eventually he grabbed me and dragged me onto the bed, his hands then his mouth seeking out my breasts.

We made love as well as we had ever done before, both of us having orgasms several times before we fell asleep exhausted.

My last thoughts as I drifted off were that he would understand why I had promised poor Joe. I was pretty sure of that now, and resolved to bring up the subject in the morning.


Dave was in a good mood at breakfast, and I waited for the right moment to bring the subject up.

I guess I waited too long, and by the time I got the courage to start, Dave was almost ready to leave for work.

"You don't mind too much about Joe and my boobs then?" I asked nervously.

He laughed, which encouraged me to continue. I plunged straight in and told him what I had promised Joe, that I would have sex with him just once before he was too weak to take part.

I misjudged Dave. I got it completely wrong.

He stood there and looked at me, his face showing the anger and disbelief at what I had just told him.

"No way honey ___No bloody way!" he told me, his voice rising as his temper rose.

"But Dave," I complained. "It's just the once, and it's Joe's only chance."

"Then pay some bloody hooker to do it then," he shouted at me loudly.

"No Dave we couldn't do that, it would just be so heartless." I shot back, my own voice showing that I was upset with his attitude.

"Heartless ___ fucking heartless," he screamed at me, really losing his rag. "Go ahead and fuck him if you must, and tear my heart out at the same time."

"Dave, you're being stupid," I screamed back at him losing all control. "I wouldn't stop loving you. It's only bloody sex after all, and we both had plenty of that before we met one another."

"Oh great," Dave said hatefully." That's fine isn't it. Just remind me again of all the men you fucked before you met me. And now you want to add to the list and want me to agree ___ well I don't, and never will!"

"Oh Dave," I whined at him. "Please don't be like this. Please understand. It's just once that's all. It needn't come between us."

"No," he shouted as loud as he could. " I don't understand, and never will."

"Bastard," I shouted back, adding without thinking. "Then I'll do it whether you like it or not."

"Then don't be surprised if I'm not here when you come back," he screamed at me, and with that he picked up his briefcase and stormed out of the house.

I stood there for a few moments shaking with anger. I suppose I was so upset at poor Joe's problems that I wasn't seeing things straight.

I rushed to the front door to grab Dave and apologize to him. To tell him how silly I was being, and how I just hadn't thought of his side.

I was too late.

As I stood at the door, I heard his Mercedes roar, as he slammed it into gear and shot out of our drive, the wheels throwing up gravel as he accelerated away. A tear ran down my cheek as I heard the tyres squeal as he took the first corner, and disappeared from my view.

"Sorry my love," I whispered as I stood there wondering quite what I had done.

Rushing back indoors, I grabbed my mobile phone and rang him, but all I got was the answer phone.

"Sorry Dave," I cried into it. "I won't do it I promise. Please ring me my love."


I had no work that day, but made my way unhappily down to the shops to get something special for dinner. It was late morning when I found myself at Joe's front door, not looking forward to telling him that I was going to break my promise.

It had been one of the worst days of my life, but it was about to change completely and become one of the best. When I rang the doorbell, Joe's mother answered, and I could see from her face that something special had happened. She was beaming and excited, as she cuddled me and told me the great news.

A donor had been found, and the ambulance was on its way to pick up Joe, and take him to the hospital. There was no time to lose, and all thoughts of my earlier problems evaporated as I laughed and joked with Joe and his Mum.

I realized that there would now be no need for me to keep my promise, and I decided to ring Dave.

I'd forgotten my mobile and borrowed their phone, but again had to leave a message for Dave, not forgetting to tell him how much I loved him.

Then I'm afraid I forgot all about Dave, as the excitement of getting Joe ready and following them to the hospital took over all my attention.

St. Matilda's was a big teaching hospital not too far away, and before long we were there, standing aside as the professionals took over. There was little we could do really, but I kept Joe's Mum Company till late in the afternoon.

"You'd better be getting home to your husband dear," she told me at last, so making sure she would be OK, I made my way out of the hospital wondering what reception I would get at home.

I'd make it up to Dave that night, a special dinner and give him a night to remember. I felt so elated at Joe's good fortune just when it seemed too late, that I found myself looking forward to telling Dave, and telling him how sorry I was, for not seeing his side.

I knew, just knew, that everything was going to be fine. Joe would get better, and him and Dave would become good friends. I giggled aloud as I wondered if they would ever discuss how nice my breasts were, over a beer one day.


"Oh ___ Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked in some surprise as I entered my house and discovered Dave's mother there. We got on well, but I hadn't expected her that evening even though she didn't live far away.

"Anne, Oh Anne," she cried out. "Where have you been? We've been trying to contact you all day."

"What's up?" I demanded, as she looked so terrible.

"It's Dave," she told me, unable to hold back her tears. "He's had an accident Anne ____ I'm so sorry, but he's dead."

My life stopped. I couldn't move or talk as I listened to his mother explaining what had happened.

"It was early this morning," she told me. "On his way to work, just down the road. He missed a bend and crashed into a tree. The police say he must have been doing over a hundred miles an hour, and would have died instantly. At least he wouldn't have suffered."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. The grief I felt had hardly started to take root.

"Why would he have been speeding like that Anne?" his mother asked. "Was he late for work? Why would he have been driving so crazy like that?"

All I could manage was a shake of my head, as I recalled how he had left the house that morning furious at me and what I had told him.

I knew why he had driven like that, and I'd have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life.

The two of us fell into one another's arms, both crying pitifully at our loss.

"There's one other thing Anne," she said at last. "It might help a little."

I nodded for her to continue.

"They found his organ donor's card on him when they got his body out of the wreck," she went on. " They took his body to St. Matilda's hospital this morning, and right now there's some lucky chap being operated on. At least some good might come out of this mess."

'Tear my heart out' he'd said to me. 'Tear my heart out'

Oh my God, he'd never know that I hadn't gone through with it.

How could I ever face Joe again, knowing why he was still alive, when Dave no longer was?

How could I live with myself?


Well, there you are.

No idea what happened to Anne and Joe.

Maybe they got together, maybe not.

Maybe she became a nun and Joe didn't make it.

Who knows?

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Not very good.....

NallusNallus3 months ago

Fucking good story, man!

Not a fan of "sad", but this one came through as real.

Tough situation, she realized her oversight too late.

She'll never be free of that burden, the lessening of that could only happen when she fully acknowledges how and where she let herself into tragedy.

She can also make certain that she will never not-consider all aspects of a situation again.

SexecutionerSexecutioner4 months ago

One of your worst...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hopefully he was on the way to kick joes ass

ibuguseribuguser5 months ago

Wow, what a story.

5* indeed.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is fucking terrific!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


Just_WordsJust_Words8 months ago

Read it again and it's still good. I laugh when someone says it isn't finished. Of course its finished.

skruff101skruff1018 months ago

I think her husband was heartless…oh come on I’m not the only one.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Forget her with Joe. Who cares. She would never have anything to do with Joe again. She lost her husband. And she killed him with her stupid obsession to help Joe. She will feel unbelievable guilt. Joe probably only lives a fee years anyways. She will have nothing but sorrow in heart for the rest of her days. She even remarks how she doesn't need to be with Joe now. Since he is getting a heart. Her fog of temporary insanity lifted. But she lost her love. Would be amazed she doesn't kill herself or do it slowly over years with booze and drugs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great writiing and his death was a great twist because hurt people have crashed and died, fatal accidents happens everyday. Unfortunately Anne is a cheating wife and Dave dying only gave her a good reason to be with Joe, she NEVED loved Dave.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Liked the story but didn’t finish, like many of your stories. Pls don’t write again unless you decide to finish it in some way! Left a bunch of exciting possibilities. Shame to rate this only 2 stars because of the incompletion. However, you couldn’t think of another ending than either death or sickness? Bob

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

Guilt will do that to you!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

F*ck U!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I fucking hate chickenshite writers who use character death like this. It's fucking lazy and unimaginative and only shows they didn't have the chops to write a proper ending.

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