Nordberry Nosh


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This stuff was good!

We went back downstairs and I turned off the music and we surveyed our good work.

Jo and Kim were standing near me and my Dad, and I asked him what all this stuff cost, worried that I might be on the hook for some of it.

He laughed and said, "Son, sometimes in life, when your wife asks you to do something and says it's important, it pays to do overkill and happily. The payment isn't immediate, it's ... not just love, it's 'marriage functionality'."

I looked at the girls and they were smiling in a way that appreciated the statement.

He chuckled, looking at the girls, "Besides! I get a random subject to talk about with my clients, unrelated to work, they can identify with - Loud kids!?!? Stereo problems?!? Sound Blankets!!!'" He threw 2 thumbs-up and made a crazy face, and we all laughed.

My father could sell anything, and the way he put us all at ease about this was beautiful.

He went back upstairs and we cleaned up the tools back to the tool room (faster with multiple hands) and then went back to watching the anime.

Mom came downstairs a while later and asked us to pause the show.

She was holding towels and washcloths, and said, "Girls, these are your towels for now or in the morning whatever, I know Kevin does the wash, but I don't think he uses fabric softener, so if you want real towels, here are some."

They accepted them, and the implication was that they'd be there all night, and Kim's gradual connection to this fact took her a moment.

Mom continued, "Now. Jo. I just stopped over at your house."

Jo gulped, but mom barely paused.

"I wished your mother a happy birthday, but it turns out I remembered it wrong, that was your mom, Kim. Anyway, I'd brought over a bottle of wine as a bday gift, so we split it. Your mom and I used to see each other at mass every week but now we're going to different service times so we miss them. Anyway, she and I got to talking, and I mentioned that there was a hypothetical problem we were having."

Jo was nervous, and she said, "Yes?"

Mom was full into tongue-in-cheek storytelling mode, eyes flashing and almost-wink expressions going right on. She said, "I told her, I said, hypothetically, I may know a certain 20-year-old man, mature and until very recently inconsolable about a romantic breakup last year, and this man recently had been cheered up by the presence of two ladies named J and K, also age 20 - I guessed and I was right - and this cheering-up was beautiful, but J and K didn't want to get in trouble for staying out all night and watching movies until all hours, what with people thinking odd things."

Jo's and Kim's mouths were open with incredulous but happy disbelief, Jo's face being seriously worried at the same time.

Mom continued, patting the air in a relax-now expression, "Relax, relax. Beth [Jo's Mom] had already had a glass of wine, I think. She said, 'Well, then, I think in this hypothetical, two things definitely need to happen. First, that J's mother needs to call K's mother and make sure things work smoothly, and second, that this boy's mother needs to get a prize for being ballsy enough to come over J's house."

My mom had started laughing, so hard she had tears, joy in her eyes, "So, THEN, she asks me what time she should bring pancakes over in the morning?"

Jo's mouth was just wide open, stunned. Mine couldn't have been much different.

Kim's expression was still worried, but Mom looked right at her and said, "Kim, dear. Don't worry. If Beth has some problem with Kelly [Kim's mom], I'm sure Kelly will call me and we can figure it out. You're old enough. At some other college you'd be in dorms and doing whatever with no worries or questions from us."

Tina came down just about this time, walking into this conversation, saw some startled faces, and turned around to not get in the middle, but Mom called her down. "Tina, come say your peace, what's up?"

"Uh... I just wanted to say it was really nice, Jo, to see you tonight, I ... yeah, I just wanted to say... sorry that I ..."

Jo's smiling answer was, "Called me four eyes that time?"

Tina laughed and confusedly said, "Uh... no? Did I ever do that?"

"Yeah. I was in like 2nd grade, I think? I was really confused. Mom and I figured out it was I was wearing sunglasses and you were mad 'cuz you wanted some."

They laughed at each other, and I wondered how I walked into this situation.

They kept talking, and it turned out Tina had said something to Jo because Jo had gone out on a date with a guy that Tina liked, but Jo didn't pick up on the fact that it was supposed to be an insult, so that meant that Tina was like zero for two on the insults, and they hugged it out and Tina went back upstairs.

Kim and Jo and I went back to watching the anime, but the next SAO episode was lake-house, and it was sad and romantic and beautiful, and we turned it off and got ready for bed.

The bathroom counter had two new toothbrushes in packaging and a big bottle of mouthwash. Mom was being thorough.

We met in the bedroom, the girls wearing my T-shirts but, as I noted, those shirts never looked better.

Jo grabbed another T-shirt from my drawer, draped it over my (turned-on) desk lamp, and turned it into a nicely subdued reddish-hued night light.

I shut the door and got into bed, tired as I was, and was quickly flanked on both sides as the girls snuggled into me.

My level of nervousness over this was tangible, and I think Jo and Kim were, too. I said (with the overdone seriousness of an old guy, because I was copying what Dad said sometimes), "So, you're probably wondering why I've called this meeting today..."

They laughed, and we settled in. Jo relaxed into me, and then sat up and pulled her t-shirt off, and Kim, maybe not to be out-done, did the same, and then they set about pulling their panties off, too. I decided to save time and did the same myself.

It wasn't lost on me that both of them folded their shirts before setting them to the side of the bed, though that let me see their bare butts as they leaned over so I decided I liked the tradition.

Kim pushed the blanket farther down and started sucking on my rod, already half-staff, unbidden, like that was the most logical thing to do at all.

I gave a long, happy sigh, and settled back.

Jo, looking down, moved up and we started kissing, softly and sensuously, and then moved up my body to let me suck on her breasts, tilting her body back and forth to make me change which one I was sucking on. I'd pull her breast into a cone shape to get more into my mouth, but be gentle and wide with the tongue like she told me.

The mouth feel? The tongue feel? All while getting a blowjob from Kim? Wow!

Maybe five minutes of that and I was getting closer. I said so, and Jo turned around and told Kim quickly to make sure, cover the head, jack it, swallow it down mostly, but save some for her, too, please please?

My bursting cum made me buck my hips up and writhe, and not worrying about making any noise at all, I grunted really loudly, enjoying the fact that I could be not-quiet with abandon.

Kim sucked on me hard and did her own grunting, but then Jo moved down and I got the special treat of watching them kiss each other, passing the cum between them.

I was spouting nonsense, full of the joy of just having come. I said things, odd things, things that just occurred to me. I said, more or less, "Oh, yeah, Oh, fucking Kiss each other, kiss the cum, yes, love each other, that's so great! Love it, share the love, amazing, feel the love..."

I was going on and on, I think, but then again, I'd just cum and was surrounded by utterly gorgeous female flesh - what wasn't to love?

Kim had let go, then.

Jo, seeing a chance to 'clean up', went down and took over where Jo had left off, my less-hard cock still up enough to some sucking on.

Since I'd just come, I was really sensitive, and my inhibition filter was off, so I started spouting more nonsense, perhaps channeling stuff I'd heard in porn, saying, 'yeah, you worship that, you love my cock, you'll do anything for my cock, yeah, love my cum, baby, fills you with power, life, verve... vitality... get going... yeah,' and then something else later about 'always share, obey the cum, yeah, baby!'

I opened my eyes enough to see Kim watching Jo's job on me, her smile pure joy and caring and I just loved that I could have her there, both together and enjoying it.

After a few minutes, Jo let me go again and we all lay down, pulled up the blanket, and enjoyed the skin-on-skin.

Moving to kiss me, Jo leaned up farther, and then Kim came up and kissed me, too.

I said, "Share...?"

They kissed each other, inches from me. Sensuous, slow, caring, exploring, loving kisses.

I settled back and my eyes might have closed, or not, but I was relaxed, for sure.

Maybe two or three minutes later, I looked up again and they were still kissing and letting their hands roam over each other, but my movement startled them to come and lie by my side.

Jo said, "Epic. Amazing." Then, oddly, she said, "I heard what you said, Kevin. I'm okay with that."

Kim said, "Me, too. Okay with that. My answer is, Yes."

Jo said, "Yes."

My relaxation mode had taken over, and I rested a few moments, despite not knowing what nonsense thing I'd said that they were agreeing to.

Above me, Jo said, "Kim. I'm a virgin. I don't want to be."

Kim's voice sounded frustrated, "Me, too! It sucks. I've been waiting for the right time, like the perfect date or whatever, it was never close before. But... now?"

Jo said, "Yes. Now."

Kim asked, "Who's first?"

Jo said, "I've been a virgin longer. I'm older than you by 3 weeks."

Kim laughed. "Fine. You win. But, if he peters out after, you have to help me in the morning to get this... solved."

They turned to me and snuggled down, dragging their boobs up over my chest as they settled down, hugging. Pressed in on each side, I was in skin-heaven, and said so, then just inhaled and relaxed.

Jo asked, "So, how long do I have to wait? After the BJ? I am SOOOOooo turned on right now."

I knew Jo had been asking Kim, but I replied, "Try me? I've been super, super horney lately."

Jo started to get up like she had to do something, but then it turned out she was just shifting to go down again on my cock, which hadn't really gone down past being quarter-up, a lot bigger than flaccid but still not maxed out.

The licking didn't take long, and as soon as she decided I was up enough, she threw a leg over mine and asked me, "Kevin? Are you ready for this?"

I said, "I'm ... a virgin, too, Jo. Kim. I'm ... I'm ready, but ... I'm worried ..."

Kim said, "Do you love us?"

I thought about the question. I didn't _just_ like them. I did, really. I felt the emotion, the depth, the connection, with both of them. I looked at Kim's face, turned up at mine, and said, "Kim. Yes. I love you."

Looking at Jo, then, I said, "Jo. I've known you almost forever, so I know this. I love you, too. Yes. I want this."

Jo had moved with her hips just right, and she was figuring out how to position my penis correctly so she could come down on it, getting it just right, and I could see her face was a mess of concentration, she said, "I love you, too, Kevin.... There. Got it. Just... don't push up, okay? Let me push down."

I realized I didn't have a condom on and asked, "Oh - are you on the pill?"

"Duh. forever. Shut up and feel me. Feel this. This is the important thing. We are here. We are... joining. Now."

Her legs pushed out and her hips went down, over me, and my cock was up and in, and pushing... pushing... And, there I was - inside!

She shrieked, loudly, as she settled down on me - More Incredibly Tight than I ever could have imagined, tighter than when my fist grabbed myself, maybe, but slippery at the same time.

I groaned loudly. Jo's shriek had been pained, the sound of someone being hurt. I was really worried, but then again, she was doing it to herself. I just kept extra still and waited, as Jo breathed hard, panting and whimpering a little, and then obviously forcing herself to take long deep breaths.

Kim asked if she was okay, and Jo panted out, "I'll be fine, just a minute... GOD this is big... WAY bigger than my hairbrush."

We didn't move for a full minute, maybe, until Jo's breathing got better again, and she said, "Right..." and started moving against me, gradually, slowly... slowly down again, and up, and down, and then a little faster...

I was really concerned about her, but Kim looked at me and asked, "You doing okay?"

I could only reply, "This is just about the best thing I've ever felt, In My Life, Ever. Aside from actually cuming, like in your mouth or whatever, but even that's a ... pulse-happy? This is like, a continuous Happy... It's like, the Purpose of Life is to Make Love More, and this is where I'm _supposed_ to beeee____...." I'd kind of breathed out those last words.

Looking up, her body was braced up over mine, her arms on my shoulders. I said, "Jo? Kiss me? Give me, that mouth, that... soul..."

(note, I don't know why i said that either. I said a lot of crazy stuff. I was having sex for the first time).

She did, bending down, pressing her breasts against my chest, her body against mine. My cock was UP and INSIDE her, and her body was HERE, and her mouth and face were on mine.

She said, "I love you, Kevin. I ... Love you."

We kissed for a few more moments, and she started to go faster, and I felt that, and my hips started moving of their own accord, too, and I slammed up and into her, my hands now at her hips and pressing down as I pushed.

I came, suddenly, grunting, crying out loudly, wantonly, a string of unintelligible sounds, and she was there, against me again, holding me tightly, gripping me with her legs and arms, her head next to mine and pressing sideways to even hold me that way.

My vision faded as I came, my cock spurting, clenching joy, and my hips did this automatic thing where they curve-thrusted just up slightly more and inside just a little bit of extra depth.

This went on for some time. I think I came a LOT.

Eventually, though, she let go of her so-tight grip and moved, and I moved; her face next to me came over and she kissed me tenderly, pulling away just enough our eyes were too-close but so-close. She said, "Thank you, Sir."

I replied, happily, "And, thank you, Ma'am."

She shifted, and pulled off with a groan, and said, "Ohmygod, I'm leaking."

Kim reached up and grabbed a tissue, then four more, from my bedside table, and handed them over, and Jo quickly reached down and held them against herself as she rolled off to the side. My bed was just a queen, not really built for three of us, but it was big enough for that.

The act of rolling off displaced some of the covers, so Kim sat up and started to re-arrange them, to get a sheet and blanket over Jo... but she stopped. She was right above my waist.

I was watching but not helping, being in a kind of post-cum relaxed-oh-yeah state, and Kim's pause got longer. She looked up at Jo and said, "Oh, My, God - Jo, you ... wouldn't believe this. Kevin's cock, it's ... It just smells ___sOOoooooo__ incredibly yummy...."

Jo kind of grunted and looked down with an interested, "Huh," and we both watched Kim get closer and closer... then take my cock in her fingers, lift it up towards her, and ... bend down and suck it in!

I was kind of surprised. I think Jo might have been, too, but it felt amazing and I made noses to that effect. Kim let go a moment and said, "JO. You have to taste this."


Kim crawled up over us, and bent down, touching Jo's lips first, then going into a full-on deep kiss. They'd done it before, but watching this, I could tell just based on sound and action that their enjoyment over the taste and the sensuality overlapped.

After they broke the kiss, I got a really naughty thought, and I called it that. I said, "Girls. I have a really, really naughty thought..."

They were still looking at each other.

"Jo has more of that cum, if you want to kiss... down farther."

Kim inhaled fast, thinking of it, and I could tell Jo was getting super nervous, too, like, what was she going to do? Would she?

In order to move back to my side, Kim had to go down and away from Jo. I said, "Kiss the boob, Kim. Let me see you, kiss her ...nipple."

Kim's eyes went down, and she was moving that direction anyway, so she just kept moving...Down. She bent, and kissed Jo's breast, just on a bare spot, not over a nipple, but then she moved to the side and kissed, slowly again. I watched this, and also watched Kim's breasts dangle and sway as she moved.

It made me want to kiss them, too.

Kim moved down, and kissed across Jo's stomach, then down farther, and inhaled. She said, "Kevin... You're right. She ... does have... more. This is... so weird..."

"Kiss it... find it. Smell to where it is... It's so... naughty, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you do this."

Kim's voice, resolute, said, "You're not making me do anything, Kevin. This cum, though, it's ... magical."

She got to be by Jo's hip, and I looked over at Jo and said, "Open your legs, Jo. Give her a chance. She wants it, let her. Just, let her."

Jo may have been as mesmerized as I was. She did, shifting her hips, and moving one up and open. Kim kissed down, and in, and I couldn't see anymore, but Jo suddenly inhaled sharply and whimpered and said, "Ohmygodyesssss...."

Kim made a satisfied yummy sound, and they did that for a few minutes.

My cock, watching this, rose again, and I might have helped it by touching it a little.

The licking took a long time, with both of them going at it with some gusto. Kim looked up from her licking and saw me stroking, then made eye contact with me and said, "May... I ... use that, now?"


She bent in and made a smacking kiss on Jo's mound, and said, "Sorry, gotta do this. Major life event, gotta do this... thing."

Moving over me, she did the same thing that Jo had done, lowering herself onto me, but pressing in, she said, "Oh, man. I can't do it. I know it's gonna hurt, I just... Can you, Kevin? On top? I want to feel you, on me?"

She moved and we switched, with me lying between her legs, positioned, and almost in, and us face to face.

Jo, by our side, said quietly, "This is soooooo beautiful! I love this soo much."

Looking back at each other, Kim and I nodded and smiled, and I pushed in, but her entrance was too tight, so I backed up the pressure, and said, "Fast, I guess?"

She nodded, nervous, gritting her teeth...

I pushed in more forcefully, and felt something give, and heard a sharp scream from Kim, loud and echoing in my ears. I was ...there, I was Innnnnnnnn! In herrrrr.....Ohhhyeah... This, as before, was Just Exactly Right, right where I should be and wanted to stay, wrapped in perfect tight embrace of my cock.

I stopped immediately and waited, just as Jo had done with me. I could see dimly that Kim's face had tears streaming. Jo's voice, beside us, coo'ed and consoled, her hands petting Kim's head.

Holding myself up took some strength, but I waited.

Some while later, maybe two minutes or so, Kim looked me in the eyes and said, "Okay, very, very slowly..."

We did, we took it slowly, and she got better and better with it, grunting in appreciation and asking for me, pulling me with arms wrapped around my waist and shoulders, urging me into her, and me, sliding UP and IN, pressed myself, steady rhythm of it making it beautiful and calming and building to an impending thing at the same time.

I probably took longer than with Jo, but I don't really know. I kind of lost time then. Time wasn't important, only the moment of being together, living in that moment, joined, cock in pussy, hard cock in wet tight pussy, SOOOO much better than in my own hand.
