Nordberry Nosh


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Really, I didn't know what I was doing. I knew it. I didn't want to do the wrong thing, though, so I kept asking her, "more of this... or this?", "harder or softer?", "faster or slower?", and she'd pant and tell me. When I pushed a finger inside (!!), I could feel the inside of her vagina, all tiny bumpy bits that instantly deformed under the slightest pressure, ridges of some kind both horizontally and vertically under the surface. The texture was fascinating, but also the fact that the smallest movements seemed to produce a reaction.

After a few minutes of this, I discovered a difference of the texture inside - very odd to think about, and it was kind of subtle but I was hyper-attentive to anything I was feeling. About one knuckle-length, 3 cm or so in, the inside surface felt slightly different in texture, but only on her front (down from my perspective).

Rubbing this seemed to have a bigger effect than other places, but if I did one thing too long she stopped reacting, so I added that motion to a few that I was doing in a cycle of this, then this, then this, etc.

(I found out later that lots of people knew about the G-spot and where it was, but I'd only barely heard of it).

She liked a rhythmic in and out with my fingers, and a syncopated flat-lick, every other lick being up over the clit-nubbin.

Once I got that down? Wow! She cooked off, just grabbing my leg and groaning deeply, wanton pleasure coursing through her with such power it put her legs into a vibrating isometric clampdown.

God bless her, she might have been trying to be quiet, but there was no way what she was up to was anywhere close to it.

Even with her legs near my ears, she was loud in her gasping screams of joy.

'Yes, Mom,' I thought, 'I should have turned on the radio. You were right.'

After she settled down and just relaxed, breathing slower and more relaxed for a while, I started kissing again, but she lifted off me and said, "No, no, I've gotta have a break...just... hold me."

We shifted and she came around, lying by my side and snuggled up against me under the covers.

"I can't believe," she said, "Your parents are okay with this. It's soooo cool, your room being down here. Perfect privacy. My mom's room is right next to mine. My sister's? Other side. Hardwood floors everywhere, someone farts and everyone knows."

My accent turned British suddenly. "I'm quite certain, you're being the perfect ladyship, m'dear, that n'ere such an utterance be found from your bedroom."

She laughed and laughed, but then just snuggled.

I got nervous. I said, "Jo. I have to be just ... as Completely Honest?"


"I didn't ask for a relationship. I don't want a relationship - I said that, right? Kim is going to come back here. She's going to want an orgasm. Guarantee it. And, I want to give it to her."

Jo's voice was resigned, "Oh, I know, and ... my god, she'll scream.... Maybe as much as I did. I hope they didn't hear me."

"Might have."

"Damn.... Huh..."

"We'll apologize if we need to."

Jo's smile crept into her voice, "Kim, though, once she tastes your cum? Oh - my - God. No joke. So amazingly good."

"Thank you."

"She'll have to cope. I get you sometimes, she gets you sometimes. As long as I get some of this every once in a while? I'm golden."

Thinking about Mads, then, and Dani, I said, "I hate to bring this up, but, I have to be absolutely fair, to my ... other tutoring clients. You knew this already."

She laughed. "Other nights, that's their problem. Tonight is mine. I know, Kev, I know." She sounded dejected, "But, you're amazing, and I'm not going to worry too much about STD's unless you're shagging everyone in town. How many other clients do you have? Can you tell me that?"

"Honestly, two. Plus a group of four at lunch. But..."

"But, no relationships. I get it. Two is fine, I guess... four more? That's... Seven for you? I couldn't handle 7 boyfriends. Or, 7 guys in general. Too needy. I think my limit would be..." she was searching... "Five. Yeah... Five others, and me. I'd at least get some of your time that way. Too many girls, I'd be low-girl on the totem pole, right?"

"You don't set my limits, we're not in ..."

"A relationship, got it."

"Still, I'll remember that, as... something that's important to you."

"Good." She leaned up on one elbow, dragging her softly boobs across my chest, delightful caressing globes. She kissed me, and in response, I reached to grasp her shoulder, ran my hand down her side, and pushed in where her breast was. Yes. Boobage.

After maybe a half-hour, I heard (vaguely) a clunk, and my Mom shout down the stairs, "Kevin! Dinner in 10 minutes! Anyone here is welcome, too, lots to eat." The door at the top of the stairs slammed, louder than it needed to.

I interpreted this slam.

Mom did these slams sometimes, and there was _meaning_ to them, I invariably was told about.

I set about totalling up the 'hidden messages' in the slam: (a) she knew what we were doing and (b) she didn't want to interfere, but ( c) she was my mom so course she wanted to interfere, and (d) she worried about me, from afar and not afar.

Jo laughed and said, "Sounds like I'm invited. I should text my mom and tell her I'll be here."

I pulled down the blanket and kissed her lips, then her cheek, then her neck, then her breast, then her nipple.

She shuddered and said, "Better limit that or I'll jump your face again."

I helped her up, "After some math, of course."

"Of course!"

Her jaunty self, bare-naked shapely beautiful bubble-concave butt in clear bouncing display, opened the bedroom door. She looked around, decided the coast was clear, and walked almost-calmly to get her bra and panties. Instead of putting them on right there, she ducked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I shrugged and got clean clothes - jeans, undershirt, polo-like shirt, belt... I almost looked respectable until I saw my hair in the kitchen-sink mirror (I lived there, it made sense to me).

Definitely a haircut was needed.

Splashing my face with water, I got my hair wet again and brushed it down, then waited by the stairs.

My phone had been beeping and I checked it. It was from a strange number, but it said, "This is Kim, B there 8 pm sleep over tell Jo".

I hadn't broached the topic of having anyone stay over with me, overnight, with my parents.

My dad wouldn't care - he was a salesman-type and his encouragement during my relationship with Gail the previous year had been along the lines of, 'Go Get 'Em!".

My mother's advice was definitely more practical. She'd start with just asking how things were going, to which I learned 'fine' was never an answer she'd accept. I learned that because she outright said it, and told me what she wanted to know.

She said the important part of dating was the CONTEXT. That is, what emotions we were feeling during the date, and even if we were feeling something but didn't know it for a while. This was a new way of thinking and it took me a while to figure out how to answer her.

I had been answering about what we did. She wanted to know how close I felt, did I trust her, what worried or confused or delighted me generally, etc.

Girls are confusing, and that includes my mother, but she did help quite a bit with the why they're confusing parts.

The second question was almost always whether I was remembering to express my emotions and be emotionally vulnerable, "Because Some Guys are Dumb," a point she harped on because she said I wasn't dumb so I should be sure not to act that way, and we'd laugh.

Generally, when I actually asked questions she gave good advice... up until the point where Gail decided she wasn't that into me and moved on.

I didn't fault Mom's advice for that.

I knew that I only made it as far with Gail as I did because of Mom's help. Gail was a lot of work for me, trying to figure out what she meant when she said odd stuff. Mom translated for me and that was useful.

Girls said lots of stuff that meant something else. 'Interesting hair' I'd learned from my sisters, meant, ugly-brush-it. In fact, 'interesting' anything, when said with concern, meant 'bad'.

A girl asking, 'What's your plan' was really her saying, 'ask me what I want to do' and beware of rejecting that.

I didn't have much experience with Jo this way. We weren't 'in a relationship' so maybe she would be more blatant - at least I hoped so. Interpreting was hard and almost dangerous.

Kim's overnight idea met up in my mind with the "I'm 20, I can do what I want" idea, branched into the "Basement Safe Zone" idea, and then ran smack dab into the "Mom might freak out" concept.

I knew Mom pretty well. If I just went ahead silently and had Jo or Kim over, without mentioning it, it would be worse, and possibly disappointment-inducing. Mom was always a lot more of a pushover if I asked permission first.

It was her house... their house, really. They wouldn't ever put me out, but mothers have a way of making life difficult.

Jo opened the bathroom door, dressed and refreshed, and I mentioned Kim's 'overnight' text, then said it'd go over a lot better if I just told my mom this was happening, so she didn't freak out later.

She said dismissively, "Sounds risky, but whatever you think. I'll call my mom and fix it up, see if she minds if I stay with Kim tonight, and Kim can do the same, maybe. We kinda did this before, but... I'll have to feel out the waters."

"You... stayed out all night, no pushback? No fallout?" I was confused. My mom was a bigger nosey-nosey than that.

"Yeah, well, it was a long time ago... Yeah, I went to this sweet-16 party at Chelsea's, before she moved, obviously... and, she had gotten a bunch of peach schnapps, so we all had big gulps on that and got suuuuuuper drunk. I had my license, so I could've driven home, but ... there was no way. I was shitfaced. Plus, I'd never risk that, like, ever. I remember Ryan Chastens. Yeah. So, Kim and I did the opposite-house-sleep thing. No guys there, just girls, but still."


"Well, Mom found out like a week later, of course, Suzy Gibbons' mom told her, blabbermouth, and we had to fess up. I told mom everything, then, and she started giving me big hugs and telling me she was proud and stuff, 'cuz I didn't try driving. I'm not fucking stupid! I never would have, but... I love my mom. She's not afraid of me having sex, I think, she wants me to be safe. I _think_ Kim's mom is the same? We'll have to work this out."

This conversation was happening at the bottom of the stairs, and just as Jo was finishing...

My mom opened the door the rest of the way. "Hey. Dinner's about ready." Her voice was no louder than ours had been. She had to have heard everything.

We started up the stairs, Jo in front, and Mom's body had disappeared, but then it reappeared right as we were near the top and we had to stop.

Mom said, "Oh, one more thing? Jo? You and Kim are of course welcome in our house, any time of day, any time of _night_, it's just fine. Stay as long as you want, leave when you want. There's plenty of space downstairs, or if you need to, the couch upstairs. And, of course, the bathroom upstairs if you don't like Kevin's housekeeping."

Mom's eyes flared at me with a teasing half-smile, over Jo's shoulder, told me enough.

Jo handled this news with poise, and we continued, up into the kitchen, where Tina and Rita were doing various setup tasks.

I saw various looks going between my sisters, and when Jo's back was turned, Mom gave them a big throat-cut then finger-lips 'silence!!' motion, followed by a pointing finger at both of them, followed by a big smile that was more to emphasize be-happy than the idea that she was happy.

Mom actually was happy, I could see from her jaunty step.

I should mention we didn't usually have meals this fancy, all sitting around a table. Normally Mom would make something (an entree and a couple of side dishes) and call everyone to the table. Then, either we'd take our filled dishes to the TV room to watch something together, or (if we weren't in the same viewing mood) back to our rooms to eat there.

So, sitting together, at places, at the table, was something done more for company or holidays than everyday.

Now, of course, Jo had been at our house before, a lot more when we were younger, sometimes then with a group, but not so much since maybe junior high. I had a few 'parties' for my birthday and invited track or cross-country friends and they were included.

Still, this felt different. I hadn't seen my mom put formality into anything in a while.

We sat down, Dad said a quick, "God Please Bless this food and these people, Amen," and we set in. I got to tell how the track meet went, getting some PR's despite it being super-early in the season, etc.

Jo was asked, too, but she'd only placed in the middle of the pack for the 3200 and 1600, but was near last in the low hurdles because Coach had her do them 'for fun'.

Coach made some of us distance folk do the 300m low's because at the start of the season, the hurdlers had form and no speed but no endurance. As distance guys, we could totally keep running at full speed for 300m no problem.

Watching us was funny, though, and I narrated with Jo how funny it was to watch distance people try to do hurdles - it looks like a cardiac graph - flat, flat, flat, stop-up-down-go, flat, flat...

Tina asked how my mushrooms were going, kind of implying they were hallucinogenic ones based on my funny face describing the hurdle process, and I laughed and said they were growing gangbusters but I wasn't ready with the scientific paper yet.

This prompted more questions, of course.

After we finished dinner, Mom whispered something to Dad, and he disappeared with the car. This was suspicious because of the way they were acting.

Jo came back downstairs with me and wanted to see the mushrooms I'd grown, so I got down some of the samples from my upper-shelf and we looked at the micrograph sections.


I know for a fact that Jo made skin contact with the mushroom fruiting bodies (surface-visible parts) during this interaction. I witnessed her pick them up.

I handled them as well, unaware of the danger they posed.

My exposure was much more brief, 5 to 10 minutes, because I noticed I'd gotten some growth media (poop) on my hands and washed them off.

Jo's exposure was slightly longer, 7 to 15 minutes, about.

Jo washed her hands at the same time I did, with soap in the downstairs kitchen sink.

We may or may not have touched our faces or hair during the times that our hands were dirty.

In the basement, there was relatively little air movement, plus it was winter, so anything airborne would be trapped down there until we breathed it or it settled out.

Back to the story:

Jo and I sat in the TV room until about 7:30 watching some anime. It turned out she liked SAO and we re-watched the first couple of episodes).

Suddenly, Kim gave a yell and bounded down the stairs, full of smiles, and gave me a big hug, then a passionate kiss that lasted at least a full minute.

Pulling away, I looked over at Jo, and she was standing near us smiling widely; I was worried she'd be jealous of Kim and I.

Kim was about to be done, but I stopped her and said, "Kim? I think... it's not polite to give ME a hug, and a kiss, and not give Jo, one of your best friends, that too..."

I was kind of joking and kind of not, and just wanted to see what would happen.

Kim looked at me with one eyebrow up. "You want me, to kiss her... like I kissed you?"

Jo was laughing and doing a fast head-shake of confusion, but I kind of did, and said, "Honestly? And, we're being super-honest? Yeah! I would, very much."

Kim nodded slowly like she was appreciating something, and said, "Jo, I suspect Kevin's porn habits include a lot of lesbian porn."

Jo agreed, jovially, "Yeah, probably wishes he had a pussy, too."

I stopped, "Hey, wait a minute... Party foul - no making fun of trans people. Not cool."

Jo gave a contrite nod, and looked at me, then at Kim. We all traded looks around and laughed, and Kim asked Jo, "Well, shall we do this?"

Jo's shrug was an assent and they moved to each other, at first touching lips, and then going in for a full-on embrace and kiss, with some giggling in there, too.


By this embrace or others, or some cross-contamination, gave Kim a highly probable prime exposure to the mushroom fruiting bodies.

We left a water glass we'd touched with our hands 'dirty' on the counter, and I'm pretty sure Kim put that in the sink.

Kim's exposure had to be less than Jo's, but might have been significant.

Back to the Story:

Kim and Jo kissed for about a full minute, and I could tell that the giggling had subsided and they'd gotten more into it as time progressed.

They broke apart and Kim came over to my kitchen area to sit down and talk.

My Dad got back, I heard the door slam, and I soon heard him and my mom start coming down the stairs, talking, and carrying things.

Big rolls of something, it looked like.

Of course, Kim and Jo volunteered to help, though it took quite a few trips since some of the pipes were 8 feet long and took two people - light but awkward.

Walking into my room, I saw Mom had made my bed and moved some stuff out of the way, and quickly was on the stepladder twisting eye hooks into the overhead floor joists. I was confused.

She said, "Don't just stand there. Here's the plan. Eye hooks for wire, support loops hold up these copper water pipes, right? Then, electrical wire in loops through the soundproofing batts, like a shower curtain. All around the room. Sucks up the sound. You'll have to move your desk and that bookcase, though."

Tina and Rita were helping carrying, too, and they pitched in as well.


I have two theories for my mother and Rita.

One or both got a light exposure to the fruiting bodies by touching something we'd touched.

Everyone was breathing the same air; it's probable there were suspended spores.

Someone did move the samples, they were on a different shelf later.

Additionally, Mom or Rita probably touched some item in the bathroom or bedroom, laundry or otherwise, with sperm or sweat on it - a possible effect trigger.

Back to the Story:

With all of us working in my room, cutting black electrical wire, pushing it through the insulation, getting the loops like drapes onto the pipes, and getting the pipes up, that took some time, but less than I would have thought. The process was simple, and there were four of us.

Above us, more hook eyes on every joist, electrical wires bridging, and insulation material unrolled into the bays between joists and stapled into place, then with soundproofing itself stapled to the ceiling, I realized the room was totally sound insulated.

It sounded just dead quiet in there.

It wasn't even 10 pm.

Mom and Rita went upstairs while Dad and Tina helped the girls and I move the furniture back, making cut-outs for the electrical sockets or plugging outlet strips in.

Dad retrieved the big fire extinguisher from the shop area of the storage room, and told me he'd get a new one. The sound-batts were fire resistant but he said, better safe than sorry.

I couldn't believe the difference in sound (and appearance, it was so much cleaner-looking.

We tested it out by closing the room door and yelling, but had to alter it slightly by hanging a new width of sound blanket to the back of the door.

Then, our shouts sounded very distant and supremely muffled.

I turned on my computer speakers in my room and cranked up some Rammstein (not that I was into that but I knew it was loud), and shut the door - pretty quiet! But, then, we all trooped upstairs to the TV room over my bedroom, and we could only hear a bare thumping.
