Nordberry Nosh


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She looked at me, did a what the hell shrug, bent over again, and planted a big open-mouth kiss right on Julie's nipple, almost over her whole areola. I saw some suction, and Tina's eyes close.

Julie handled it well, inhaling with the stimulation, but bringing her arm around and rubbing first Tina's back, and then the back of Tina's neck.

This went on for at least a full minute, which is a hell of a long time, until Tina broke it and breathed hard, smiled with a calm happy look, and looked up at Julie.

They just looked at each other, and I didn't know what was being said nonverbally, but I loved the interaction.

Julie said, "Oh... wow. Thank you."

Tina said, "Yeah... Thank you." She pulled back and stood up, and looked at me. "Kevin. I do love you. I did that for me, not you. But, I'm happy you could see. Julie, ... amazing. I'm going to go upstairs now, I think. I'm feeling kind of distracted."

Julie called after her as she walked away, "You need something, let me know."

Tina didn't say anything.

I just looked up at the boob my sister had been sucking, smiled, and pulled Julie over enough to go back to sucking it.

Some things are just really nice and Universally Good, and Julie's boobs were some of them.

The areolas were a different texture of skin than her normal skin, and kind-of inflated, like her nipples did when tweaked. The radius of curvature was different, too, like that skin couldn't inflate as much and just got bigger where it was? It's hard to describe, but it was really cool to look at, and I commented on it.

She said (between panting) that she'd always been self-conscious about it, but it'd been a huge relief when she finally googled it and found a bunch of pictures of other breasts with 'puffies'. I said, I'm not saying it's better or worse, I'm saying different is definitely cool, and this is Very Different Cool.

She smiled with a bit of pride, then shifted down and pulled down my sweatpants, freeing Mr. Happy, and started to go to town, so to speak.

Since we'd been kind of hot and heavy, it wasn't too very long before I came, spurting and happy, in her sucking mouth, though she let some leak (I watched) and it kind of ran down my leg.

I caught it before it got to the couch cushion, but didn't have anything to wipe it on so I just kind of spread it on my stomach, amused that was the best option I had. Either I could get my clean sweats dirty (a pain to wash, they took forever to dry because they were so thick), or, yeah. So no options.

Her eyes got really soft after that, like she was having just the best time ever and came to up to sit next to me.

We just relaxed for a while, though I pulled up my sweats in case someone came in, and helped her get her bra fastened again so we could pick up watching our show.

Not more than a half hour later, the doorbell rang.

Tina bounded down the stairs, but I got up, too, figuring with all the activity in the house surrounding me, it might be for me.

Outside were four faces, I didn't know, and one that I did: Mads.

The four new faces were middle-aged women, carrying food dishes.

Tina came downstairs just as I let them all in.

Mads introduced us. "Kevin, Tina, this is my mother, Jennifer Kowalski, Mrs. Sonnetsen, Ms. Krist, and Ms. Yeager, Bee's mom."

I was surprised, to say the least, and got out of the way as they carried in dishes and went outside for more, coming back with grocery bags. Soon another lady showed up, Mrs. Hannis, and Julie said, "Forking Shirtballs. It's my mom!"

They trooped in with the groceries and I decided it was a good idea to sit down, I was tired and really stressed out, and this was unexpected. I figured, I'm supposed to be sick, so best not to be jumping around.

The women got everything fetched in, and soon my mom came downstairs, walking slowly, as did Rita. They both looked haggard, much less well-rested than they had in the morning, and were confused what was happening.

Back out in our front room (guided by Mads)(who came up and gave me a perfunctory kiss), we barely fit - Mom, Rita and I sitting, and the other ladies standing there.

Mads started, made all the introductions again, and I got quickly impressed by how in-charge she was. Addressing my mother, she said, "So, when I was over here on Sunday and saw you were all laid up with bad food poisoning, I called my mom and she was the one that recommended that we get rid of all the food in the house. Your dad, Kevin, helped that, too, but we figure it was really good that we did. But, that left you without any food."

Her mom spoke up, "It wouldn't be right to leave sick people in a house with no food."

Mads cut her off and I could see there'd been a power struggle about speaking because they traded glances. "We dropped some things off at Kim's mom's house, and at Jo's, but they're mostly doing okay now, so the rest should come here. We really hope you all are on the mend."

My mom described just needing to sleep a lot, but that she was feeling better, and Rita said so, too, and thanked them for being so generous.

Mads continued, "We knew that having someone here would help a lot even as you got back on your feet, so the girls and I figured a grocery store run was in order. But... there's one more matter."

Mrs. Hannis, Julie's mom, looked at my mom and said, "I'll take this. Cathy, we spoke on the phone last night. I'm so glad to meet you in person.... So, we know that Kevin is having some... problems. Julie here has been talking, incessantly, about Kevin for a month now, on and on, yes, you have, Julie... About how your son is just so smart and helpful and caring, and ... we know. So, there's something going on, that six girls, no - seven girls, are seriously infatuated with the same person, Kevin, and we don't know what's going on, so we thought, hey, we'll come over and see. But, I don't know if there is an answer to this."

My mother half-laughed and said, "I am just as confused."

They glanced at me, but my face was one of worried concern. I was worried, somehow, they'd have some cutoff thing and the girls wouldn't see me again.

I piped in with, "Please don't ... hurt anyone? I love them, I can't... whatever I can do to help...."

Mrs. Hannis said, "Kevin, thank you, but... that's not the worry. The concern is, I think, that there will be fighting and bad blood, and these girls have been friends forever, and we're all really worried. We ... don't know what to do, either, but ..."

My mom was nodding, "Yes, I see your point. You're worried I'm going to interfere in this, and prevent something, and people are going to get hurt. Let me guess - Julie, you pleaded with your mom to not interfere, right?"

Mrs. Hannis laughed, and the other ladies did, too, and started saying "Oh, wow, did they!"

Mom said, "So, your big concern is, we all have to make sure they're allowed to do ...what they want?"

Mads said, "Exactly, Mrs. Kopaire."

"Cathy, please, Madison, you've seen me at my worst. Cathy."

"Cathy, thank you. We have a schedule. We'll handle things. If someone has a problem, we'll sort it out. If this arrangement gets too tough, any of the girls can stop coming here. But, meantime, we're... all kind of ... in cahoots. That is... if ... you agree?!?"

They laughed nervously and waited on my mom.

Mom looked at them and at me and said carefully, "Kevin is 20 now. He can do what he wants. All of your girls are welcome at my house, like I told Madison before, at Any Time, Day or Night or both, don't even knock just come in, I said. So, not a problem. My husband won't be a problem either, I've already spoken with him, and he's been okay with all of this."

Mrs. Kowalski said, "My husband is very, very religious. We go to a church that... would... have opinions about this, but... We may have to move, because I've learned some things from Madison recently that don't reflect well on the church leadership, and I'm not going to be going back there. Furthermore, I don't care who knows it."

The women talked with each other for a moment about which place it was and all that.

And, with that, the ladies all decided that it was time to go because we all looked very tired (true enough) and they left. I got hugs from everyone, and was left with just Mom, Rita, Tina, and Julie in the front room, a suddenly quiet house again.

Rita just asked, "What just happened?"

Tina said, "Kevin has a harem. Just like in his anime. Their moms just came over and asked Mom if it was okay if their girls were in Kevin's harem. This makes zero sense."

Mom's expression was incredulous, "Hell, I don't understand it, either."

They all looked at me. Julie had been pretty quiet., but she was looking, too.

The Jig Was Up.

It was time to fess up.

Well then, I thought, I'd better be clear.

I said, "About 6 weeks ago, I got sick. When I got better, I was significantly smarter, better able to remember things, and run better. I was physically stronger, and my ability to train and get results from the training, that improved dramatically. My times dropped in track, so it was measurable. I have the data from my running watch, the difference was pretty big."

They all nodded for me to go on.

"The next part is pretty embarrassing, but, I'm just going to say it. I got supercharged... in... the.. uh, horny level I was having. I'd walk around with an...erection, a lot of the day. I had to handle it, like, in the obvious way, several times a day, and that hasn't changed. Also, I seem to have a really pleasant body odor, people have noticed it. Not my fault. Not a conscious thing. Not cologne."

Tina said, "We noticed."

"There were... other changes, below the belt. I seem to have grown some, both my penis and testicles, are larger. Not to grotesque amounts, but significantly. Tina, Rita, you've seen... Julie, yeah.. Mom, well, yeah.."

Rita said, "That explains that."

"Yeah. But, that's not the only thing. I've given this some significant thought. My body odor, now, I think it has a psychological effect on the women around me - men don't seem to notice - and it makes them... love, more. Like, not erotic love, not for you, Tina, Rita, does it?"

Tina said, "I had a fantasy once, but ... no, not really. I just ... really want to hug you all the time, and protect you, somehow. Make your life better. It's odd, seriously odd."

Rita agreed.

"Rita, Mom, Tina, I know why you have been cleaning up the house, too. I've seen it in the girls I'm tutoring. As they spend time around me, they are actually getting smarter. I don't know if I'm really that good as a tutor, I think it's artificial, from the smell, doing something to their brainstem, making it easier to remember things, or concentrate... maybe."

Julie said, "I am definitely smarter. I wasn't this good last year. Ever since I started hanging with you, Kev, and not just me, the other musketeers, too."

She had to explain 'musketeers' briefly.

She continued, "So, way I figure it, if I'm getting smarter, the more time I spend around him, the smarter I get. The girls and I talked about it. We aren't sure if it's everyone, maybe not true for Mads, or Jo or Kim... Dani noticed it, though. Anyway, so, yeah, that's why."

Rita wasn't there yet. "Why the ... moms accepted this?"

"Yeah. They know, the girls told their moms. They said, hey, let me be around Kevin, he's physically making me smarter.' We all chatted, we said the same stuff. Yes, we love him, we're devoted to him and we'll literally rather run away and emigrate to Botswana with him than live with any restrictions, so don't you dare, uh... please?"

My mom laughed and asked, "Botswana?"

Julie said, "You know what I mean."

It was dawning on me. "So... this was not a concern fest at all. There's one person who could get in the way, really, Mom, and that's you, plus maybe Dad. They had to make sure that was good. Thus, the food-gifts, and the checkout conversation."

Mom's face was lighting up, as was Rita's.

Rita said, "Kev. I didn't know what the hell was happening, but... you're right. I have noticed this semester, I'm getting so much better at school. I can get my homework done in like half the time, it's fun to read my textbooks because I understand it a lot easier....!!! Yeah..."

I was looking to the side by then, wondering. "So, what if this is temporary?"

Julie laughed, "So what if it is? I'll have gotten through some hard classes with zero worries, and I'll have been blessed with the best boyfriend in the known universe. I saw what you did, Kev. You have magical powers now." She glanced at my mom and said, "Sorry, ma'am, but... in bed, he does. It's... not ... even close, it's some kind of bliss, being with... " she struggled and added, "...being 'put-together.'"

My mom threw back her head and exhaled, happy, relief huge on her face. Not looking at Julie, she stared at the ceiling and said, "Julie, Kevin's attention to ... no, evocation of, certain responses, loud responses, made that somewhat obvious."

Julie was forthright, "I have witnessed this in action. Dani asserted it is another side effect of Kevin's smell. And, if you'll forgive my bluntness, taste."

This was farther than I thought she'd go, but apparently her bravery was also increased in this situation.

My mom's 'Huh' appreciation of this comment wasn't lost on me, and Julie took it as permission to keep going.

"Ma'am, I..."


"Cathy, I desperately love your son. He... Kevin, you know this... He knows. I don't know if this effect is temporary. If it is, I'll live with it, and know I was manipulated by whatever base body-chemistry effect this is. It doesn't change my feelings. And, that effect does transition. Meaning, when I look at you, Cathy, and Rita, and Tina, I look at you with love in my heart. I'm not just being nice. I mean, Literally, when I look at your faces, or get near you, just knowing that you're related to Kevin, that Kevin loves you? I have a kind of deep-heartburn, a wanting full-heart LOVE, of, and for You."

Rita smiled back at her, as did Tina, and then, Mom. Mom said, "You're not alone. It's ... probably part of the chemical that's doing this. Still, I can see zero harm in it. I love each of you kids, and Jo and Dani and Kim and Roo and Annabelle and April, and Madison."

I asked, "Hey. Tina. Is this, do you think, sisterly love, of each other? Of one of you girls for another, given you're my sister? Or, is this... some kind of erotic love? I'm sorry, I don't want to be weird about this, I'm ... just wondering? Is this too fucked up to ask?"

(Yes, I was conscious of swearing in front of my mother. I did it sometimes, rarely, when it was worth it, and this was worth it I thought)

Tina visibly thought about it, head sideways, and said,"Mostly sisterly, I think? Julie?"

I said, "I'll help. Tina, Kiss Julie on the lips and mean it."

Tina looked at me and said, "Get bent."

Julie stood up.

Tina looked at her, and at me, and said, "I'm ... not sure."

Rita said, "Well, I am sure. I'll say, Julie, I love you, too, full-out, like a sister, mostly? But, if he tells me to kiss you, and I'm straight so I'm not ... inclined to kiss other girls? I think, if he said so, I would."

Mom chimed in and said, "Kevin, stop toying with them."

I said, "Mom. Kiss Julie."

Mom laughed and parroted Tina, "Kevin? Son? 'Get Bent!'"

We all laughed, and she probably laughed the hardest.

She turned to Julie and said in a caring tone, "Julie, darling? I'm too old to kiss you like that. You get all the motherly hugs you could ever want, though, forever and ever. I will never run out of hugs for you."

Julie walked over and held out her arms; Mom stood and gave her a very equally enthusiastic happy-warm-hug, full of shared affection.

Rita stood up. "I'm hungry. It's about dinnertime. Let's eat something."

The kitchen, as we walked in, was full of grocery bags, so we had to spend a half hour putting all of it away. Near the end of it, Dad called Mom to check in (he'd been doing that, per Mom) and was relieved he didn't have to stop by for prepared food at the deli counter on the way home.

Julie helped for most of this, but stepped away for about 20 minutes while Tina heated and plated food for the table.

I was about to call her back in when Dad got home, and she joined us.

The large question of what we were going to tell Dad, and what we weren't, was quickly solved when Mom spilled the beans and spelled out what had happened, and why it happened, and gave a really succinct summary of what I'd said, and Julie, too.

Now, my father's ability to be happy-go-lucky and a swell-guy and a salesman ran deep, but he changed his tune listening to this description.

He said, at the end, "So much is making sense now. Kids? You should know this, I think your Mom and I have been quiet, but yes, we've noticed something, too - we've been... a lot more active, shall we say. It's not just me or her, it's both of us, and we didn't know why it was happening, just that it was."

Rita said sardonically, "Not a secret from me. I'm on the other side of that wall."

Tina laughed really loud and said, "Bwah! You, too!? Yeah... Uh... kinda... not me either."

We all had a good laugh about it, but I saw the genuine look of love flash between my mom and dad and it felt really, really good.

Julie said, "I'm sorry... but I have to say, this is, like, NEVER, a conversation, at my house. Like, Not Ever Ever. My mom is such a prude most of the time. Except... I have a confession to make."

No one said anything but we looked at her encouragingly.

"Kevin, I ... you had your backpack at lunch one day, and you had your gym uniform shirt in it, and you were bringing it home to wash, I think? And I pulled it out."

I was aghast and happy at the same time, "THAT'S where that went!!"

"Yeah... I ... used it."

"On your mom?"

"Oh, no, not at first. I just.. Slept with it? Under my pillow? But... Mom found it, one day, she changes my sheets without waiting for me, she's such a busybody. She found it, and wanted to know what it was, and why I had it, and... I'd been talking about you, and I said you'd given it to me, as a reminder."


"She smelled it, and said, No Person smells this good. No one, ever. This is a trick."

I said, no, it just makes me feel soooo good when I wake up in the morning, try it."


"She did. She wouldn't give it back. She's had it for, what, like, 2 weeks now? And, she's SOOOO much more lenient now. She's like, dropping all the crap with me about how I don't clean my room, and she just came in and helped me."

"So, now..."

"Yeah. This was my mom, Hannah, Version Two-point-Oh. Laid back. Talked to me three times about sex, about how... I ... oh, bother. Nevermind."

My mom, ever the nosy one, said, "...about how you are, or aren't having it, and that she's concerned. She loves you, that's clear. No worries."

Tina, to help, said, "Ronnie, you know, Tall Ronnie? Her mom just about freaked out. I've heard huge horror stories. She would have killed to have had a normal conversation with her mom, but ... yeah, didn't happen."

Rita and Tina started talking about their friends for a while, until the doorbell rang again.

I jumped up and got it. It was Jo's mom, Mrs. Pickrell. She came in a moment, and thanked Tina for being so helpful, then saw we were clearing dishes and apologized, but I gave her a big hug and thanked her for taking care of Jo, and that I loved Jo a lot.

I think my being in the same room with Julie, who was obviously my 'love interest' at the same time as Jo, gave her a lot of confusion, but Julie mucked up the waters by saying, "Oh, Kevin has lots of girlfriends, he loves us all, and we love him back."

She nodded and left, but right at the door, she gave me a hug and said quietly, "With cologne like that, I think I understand the girls falling for you. But... forget I said that."
